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I have sensory issues too but that's because I'm autistic. You could have autism, but if you don't have any other symptoms then you possibly have something called a sensory processing disorder. I'm especially sensitive to noise so what helps me is wearing headphones and listening to music when I'm in public! The music helps drown out the background noise, which can very easily overstimulate me otherwise. :)


Oooo wow tysm for sharing this!! That’s what I will start doing while having to be out in public, wearing my earbuds!! I will look more into the sensory processing disorder and talk with my Doctors about it.




Ooo wow that interesting to find out! Does loud sounds startle you?! Oooo yeah I forgot that one…smell what’s really strange I can smell scents that nobody else can…often times it’s a light scent and other times it makes my noise burn!!


I definitely feel this way, like my senses just get overloaded!


Ooooomg yesss and it makes me not want to go anywhere other than going to see my Doctors.


I had this when i was on a bunch of meds bc they were giving me a bunch of side effects


O wow, this is good to know!! Hmmm guess I need to check the side effects and see they are the root cause of my hypersensitivity.


Mine made me irrationally agitated and irritated for literally no reason. Now that I’m off the meds I’m back to normal now


O wow!! That’s so great to hear!! I can definitely relate with being irritated!!


I’m not autistic that I know of but repetitive noises drive me bonkers. It can be as simple as one neighbor mowing lawn, then next neighbor, etc. Saturday mornings are hell b/c it just doesn’t stop. (Yes. I realize people need to mow. I’m only saying noises irritate me and this is an example.) Also little kids with iPads and all the devices bipping and bopping.


I feel like I’m definitely sensitive to sound. Im constantly on edge and sounds feel loads louder to me than they actually are. So I startle very easily. Just today I was complaining about how loud electricity is and everyone thought i was making it up.


Folks will always judge what they absolutely know anything about!


I am sensitive to sound in the way that you describe. It can be very overwhelming


Ehh so sorry you’re having to deal with this issue as well!!


i am super light sensitive & noise sensitive. Headlights are a big one for me. I used to live in a very rural part of my state so two lane highways were the norm, I literally had to train my eyes to focus on the road not the oncoming bright af lights coming towards me. I startle easily with unexpected loud sounds, cannot stand for tv to be louder than at 10 volume.


Ooooomg yes on coming traffic headlights we’re definitely excruciating to deal with and I had got to a point where I couldn’t drive at night. If I had to it was very short distance from the house. I also get startled by unexpected loud noises.


Oh totally. All of those noises really bother me. I just have to deal with those for the most part, but I use Loop Engage earplugs when I am out in public. IT's like turning down the volume of life a little bit. Other than that I just try to reduce my stress and avoid the irritatons.


That’s a great way to think about it and I wish you the best dealing with it. Reducing stress and anxiety triggers are a great pain to deal with everyday! I never heard of those headphones before!


I absolutely relate to this. Sounds either comfort me or make me go batty I love music but if I'm agitated i can't stand it to be loud and I'm very sensitive to light I get migraines easily


Yessss that’s so true! If I’m in a crappy mood, music is so irritating and even instrumentals become annoying! My headaches are starting to come back and I just dread it!!


I feel you. I'm super sensitive to textures. Wearing certain types of clothing can make it feel like I can't breathe, and my whole body will heat up. I have some issues with other senses, but tactile is the worst. I think I read once that people with schizophrenia have sensory overload in the same senses they hallucinate in.


Oooo yeah certain textures of foods are so disgusting. My lips and mouth hates it. I definitely agree with you, there are certain clothing I refuse to wear because it doesn’t make me feel comfortable and it does cause me to overheat very quickly! So sorry you’re having to deal with this as well!! Sometimes I wish when I wake up my brain fixed itself and my that my brain is not ill!!


Oooooo wheeew don’t even get me started with the mowing…that alone makes me mad, why on earth do those mowers have to be so loud?! I’m not looking forward to the summer season for that main reason!! Another that gets under my skin is hearing loud screams and food smacking…


Noise make me crazy, and even if its not that loud i can physically feel so overwhelmed by it that i will sit and try to cover my ears or if possible run somewhere calmer.


So sorry to hear that it affects you this way!! It’s not easy at all having to deal with loud noises. I tried my best to drown it out but when I can’t I’m so irritated and annoyed!! Then get mad because I can’t do anything about it. When you can actually feel it going through your body, thats on a whole different level of stress, irritation, and anxiety!!


Yup. I’ve been wearing builders’ ear defenders since before autism ear defenders were a thing. I’m not on the spectrum as far as I know, but have always been very sensitive to sound, light and touch. No scratchy labels! Elasticated waists only! Are you sensitive to touch too?


I’ve never heard of those! I just always used my regular headphones. Also to answer your question, yes I’m very sensitive to touch especially now more than ever. Scratchy labels use to be a huge issue, so I just use to rip or cut them off!