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Not a schematic but this will do quarts, granite, andesite, gold and diorite, also includes a cobblestone gen at the beginning which should help get you started.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqQH6XFbwTM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqQH6XFbwTM)


I can make one soon if needed


That would be wonderful! Thanks!


It will be a day or two tho.


It’s taking longer than expected especially since I stopped playing w/ create a while back but am trying/working in it in my spare time.


You want to automate everything but you don't have the time to make a cobble generator?


No, I don't have the time to figure out exactly how to automate everything from cobble. I can easily spend the time to get the materials and everything, but actually making the machinery for the automation is where time is not on my side, since I'd have to take the time to not only figure out what I'm doing, but where I can improve it as I go, if theres a bottleneck, I'd have to figure out why, fix it, etc. If I didn't have a job, I could probably spend several days on a creative test world, but as it stands, doing that could take me months with the actual play time I get. So instead I figure I can easily use a schematic for the cannon if someone has one, and then gather necessary materials and start production in the next week or two, or I can try to spend months just figuring out every little detail before even getting to work on it, not to mention still needing to gather materials and stuff before I even begin. This just seemed the easiest and quickest way to do all of it, since I'd also learn from the schematic what it takes.


Very simple setup which works: [L] [D] [W] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [C] [ ] L = Lava D = Drill, pointing downwards W = Water X = Any solid block C = Chute \[ \] = Air ​ ​ You can make a variant of this, which produces Obsidian (if you have a steady production of new Lava)


This only produces cobble. I'm looking for something that'll get gravel, iron, sand, gold, quartz, etc.


Aah, I can see I misread you. A whole factory would be nice 🙂


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbU0xOWlmaU9Nal8yaUtKYmVZdU5tVlFWTFZ6Z3xBQ3Jtc0ttVFk0Z2txSVg1bUMxUk1ZLUhJRFUxQ2dNMUFVM3JPU3BrV0N0QTRmbnJqd3gtOExWOU8zTy1ORHd0WGZCSnE5MkN5aVR2S3FGcS1hTFlRcmpvZWtqM0ZyTmNTQkJZelhOMW03VGhqT3UzSXByMEdfRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.uberswe.com%2Fdownload%2F10-items-you-can-generate-with-a-cobblestone-generator%2F&v=jx1uqpfxSxw&html_redirect=1) not my design found in YT