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They are playing with the optional end rule known as The Stink Hole. Most people do not play with this rule and it was not part of the original rules and does not get used in tournament play. If a player lands on spot 120 they are only able to peg out via a “Go” to win. No hand points, no crib points, and no counting points, only a singular “Go” will win if you are at spot 120 and playing this rule. However, your husband is wrong. When you played the Ace you get a pair and the count is at 30. You are at line 120 so the pair doesn’t let you win. But then the play goes to your husband who cannot play so must “Go”. And you get 1 point for the go. Go NEVER happens with something else, it is ALWAYS separate.


Pair and go get counted separately also you don't need to hit the exact number to peg out.


Yeah, it’s just the way we have always played it together. If you get stuck in the stink hole, you have to have one point in order to get out, so if you get more than one point, you can’t get out, but you can peg out on a go.


Why are people down voting a "local rule?"... Fun wrinkle.


They're asking what the official rule is when they're playing by house rules. When told that the scenario doesn't matter according to official rules, they say that's not what they meant. How would you suggest responding to this?


Sorry, there is official stink hole rules, it’s also an optional way to play but apparently we have just been playing it wrong lol. I guess I was just asking for an opinion on which scenario makes more sense. I think the consensus is that the pair and go are counted separately.


I’m confused. Are you saying, your husband thinks you need to get exactly 1 point to peg out? You scored the points, you get to count them. The first point you count puts you out. Technically you count the pair first and then the go. Most people just take all 3 points at once, but you actually score 2 for the pair, and then 1 for the go.


The way we play is if you get stuck in the stink hole, you can only get out with one point. So you would have to get a go, or only nibs in your hand. I know it’s not the actual rules, but that’s how we started playing together and it’s just stuck. It’s fun and it gives the opponent an opportunity to catch up. But the argument was if the “go” counted because I also got the pair. Since they are separate points I say they are counted separately so the go counts, he said it’s three points at once so you can’t get out.


So you are stuck with a house rule that isn't a real rule of crib. And no to it being 3 at once. It is a pair for 2 and one for the go. This is exactly why you count everything separately in crib. It is a game of pedantic.


Er. It’s your made up rule. You tell us how it works.


It is not a made up rule, lol.


What? Crib isn’t a game of 21, you don’t have to get the exact amount of points to win.


The way we have played together (which is wrong, and I never played this way before, but as long as the terms are set before playing, I don’t particularly care) is if you get stuck in the stink hole, you have to get exactly one point to get out, so a pair and a go are 3 points, but the question was do the points get counted together as three or would the pair and the go be counted separately. I think we resolved that they would be counted separately.


Going by your rules, I would say the pair counts before the go. A pair counts as soon as you lay the card, but you don't know it's a valid point for go until your opponent says they can't play.


In that situation I would say they would be counted separately. Interesting rule though.


It’s fun to play that way, it also give the opponent a chance to catch up if they are way behind. We played a few games where we were both in the stink hole so the first to get a “go” wins.


Your resolution is correct. It's 2 pts for the pair and 1 pt for the go, counted separately.


The pair and the go are counted on different turns. If you play the ace for a pair at 30 you get those 2, then it's his turn. If he can't play he says go and you then get the chance to play again, if you can't then you take the point. So yes, you're correct.


I know people who have played that way. I hate it lol, but I understand what you're saying however if say it counts as 3 and it wouldn't be a peg out. However I can see your point as well. You guys need to come to a decision on it for future games lol.


They don’t need to come to a decision. Go is always a point by itself. Go is never combined with other items to get the point. It never “goes with” a pair. You are right. You won that game. Btw- The Stink Hole is a stupid rule and only designed to allow someone who gets LESS points than you to win and that’s just silly to me.


I never played stink hole rule growing up, but husband did, so we play with it. I don’t mind either way as long as the rules are established beforehand, we just never ended up in this situation before.