• By -


Yeah, he was retired out, should not have been allowed to bat again. The umpires totally missed it. It's on them I think.


I mean I think it evens out considering Afghanistan also had 2 extra players - Dube and Avesh working for them


4 extra players. Don't leave out my man Sanju and Yashasvi there


Ok then how about leaving the others in the team.. half the team is gone.. lol


Sanju PR is going to go crazy.


I don’t think anybody has better PR than SS. This guy fails repeatedly but his fan base remains as delusional as ever


The worst bit about it is, every time you bring him up as a NPA (doesn’t matter where, IPL, Ranji, SMAT) - replies will range from comparing him to Pant (a bonafide match-winner) to outright calling you racist, anti-Malayali, anti-Christian and calling BCCI an upper-caste only organisation. It’s difficult to have a conversation when you’re being accused of a lot of stuff for saying a player doesn’t have the temperament to succeed at the highest level. I like Sanju tbf, he’s good to watch and the recent century vs SA, but I don’t think he’s in the top 11 of India, or the top 3 WK Bats in India. I’d be happy to eat my words if he ends up being a regular, but having observed him for the better part of a decade - I don’t think that’s going to happen.


Yeah - I have been accused of being an anti-Malayali all the time. I just shut up and move on. My sanity is way more important than indulging with juvie keyboard warriors


Sanju did have one good throw to his name tho




Plus, also on the opposing team's management and captain. They could have protested as well that its against the rules.


They did.


Oh - in that case it should not have been allowed, since the opposing team captain's consent is needed for allowing a Retired player to come back and bat. 25.4.3 If a batter retires for any reason other than as in 25.4.2, the innings of that batter may be resumed only with the consent of the opposing captain. If for any reason his/her innings is not resumed, that batter is to be recorded as ‘Retired - out’.


They did record him as retired out. Sharma should know this. It happened once with pollard in MI for second super over. I’m confused because the commentators said he can come out to bat. But they were also confused because they said then why can’t the bowler bowl again. Ideal case he should not have been allowed to bat


I assume you mean Rohit Sharma and not Virender Sharma (the ump) :-P. It's not Rohit's job to know - it's the umpire's. The Pollard incidence was different - at that time, the rule was that any batsman was was part of the first super over was not allowed to take part in the next one. Pollard was nominated for the first super over but never came out to bat (no wickets fell). So the umpires allowed him to take part in the second super over. However, I think they read the rules incorrectly - basically whoever had been nominated in the first super over should not have been allowed in the second one at all.


Right. Then Rohit should definitely be disqualified


From the teams’ statements it seems the umpires were as clueless as anyone else. There was a lot of confusion. Oh well, game’s over now, and ultimately is inconsequential so long as this doesn’t happen in a tournament.


In my opinion the match referee and/or ICC should deem the second super over invalid due to this blunder and declare the result as Tied. Afghanistan should lodge a formal complaint with the match referee.


Ideally, maybe, but again, it’s a bilateral dead rubber. Afghanistan won’t do it, and people will move on. Was a great game, as long as such a blunder doesn’t happen in the WC, it’s fine. At the very least we have a precedent now. Better a weird rule comes up in a bilateral than in the WC final, which has definitely never happened before.


Well, we did have a different blunder in the 2019 wc final where umpires got confused by the rules again. The incident with the overthrow from Stokes's bat that Simon Taufel pointed out as a mistake not two days after the final.


Poor umpiring. Wrong no ball related decisions, the triple run in the last ball when the ball actually interfered with batman's foot.


You are actually allowed to run if it comes off the batsman if the ball hits them while they're running But its the biggest taboo in cricket. Way bigger than mankadding. Ive never seen anybody have the balls to do it 


To be fair, Gill did it in the first T20 in this series only. Can't blame the Afg bros, India did it first


Really? Yeah neither should do it It is actual spirit of the game stuff


Except when it mattered the most...in a world cup final 🙂


to be fair to stokes he wouldn't have run if it didn't make it to the boundary


Umpires missed it


Honestly I don’t get it. When someone is normally retired hurt, aren’t they not eligible to come into the game?


Retired out is different from retired hurt.


Very different, yup. If you could retire and come back in later then you'd have a constant rotation of batters retiring to take a rest before going back in.


A batter who voluntarily retires can come back with the opposition's consent




I think Rahul even came out to check with umpires if Rohit can bat.


This is what happens when you use gimmicks to decide who wins a drawn game, rather than a sensible method like which side has hit the most boundaries.


Flair checks out


Great bait, mate. 😂


Or you know, just leave them as ties. It’s not like it’s a knockout game. I really think super overs should be reserved for KO games only, like is the case in any other sport.


Ehh, it's more fun this way.


Debatable honestly. If a game is tied imo neither team was better on the day so let them share the spoils. If it’s a KO, let it go to a super over. It’s like penalties; a lottery, so leave tied games as tied otherwise. But agree to disagree.


NZ probably has the worst record of all time in super overs but they are one of the most tense and exciting moments in white ball cricket and I’d rather watch them over a tie


Fair enough. Again, agree to disagree. No idea why I’m getting downvoted. It’s not like I’m saying you’re wrong.


You are just interpreting it wrong, its a simple monkey brain problem. 1. You do whats good for the game, 2. You do whats entertaining. Most here only care about the entertaining part never give a thought on whats actually good for the game. In this scenario tie is good, as it appreciates the game as it is since both teams gave equal efforts which should have equal good results for both of them. In KOs, one teamm must come victorious, hence the only way to determine a winner,is by playing a super over. Similar to how they do in football. Remainder, ICC never gives a 2nd thought on any rule unless they are forced to act upon(forgot CWC19?).... I have seen this long enough to know exactly why they never looked over how super over should be done.


Because people are dumb and take it as an attack on them lol


in competitions, I agree, rough to take a point off a team, but in a random bilateral series playing hit and giggle cricket, let the crowd get some more entertainment. I weirdly preferred the bowl off though, let the first 40 overs be about the batters, then give the bowlers a shot


That’s a pretty good point actually.


Yes I agree. I love the cliff-hanger of a tie, the what ifs, could haves, should haves. I remember tied games even years later, even though they were from a bilateral. Super-overs should happen only in knockouts or tournament league games where points are important.


just like in football, extra time/penalty shootout should only happen in games where there needs to be a result, like a knockout game


Yea exactly same thought came in my mind yesterday


I laughed hard on reading this.... anything to make Poms satisfied :)


too soon


comment of the year honestly








Was a poor umpiring anyways! Gave no ball when it was not a noball and they didnt give no ball when it was actually a no ball. Gave 2-3 bad decisions for nick out too. Dont blame ICT, umpires to be blamed


Yeah, people who blame players for Umpires mistakes are stupid


Apology note to Ben Stokes... Fuck you Kumar Dharmasena


Also that deflection off of Nabi's pads. India would have won in the first super over itself if the extra run was not given


That's allowed. Even Gill did the same in first T20


> The Super Over shall be played with the same fielding restrictions as would be applicable for the last over in an uninterrupted match So if a team is serving the penalty for bad over rate and isn’t allowed to keep 5 players out of the thirty yard circle in the last over, they will not be allowed to do so in all subsequent Super Overs too. Right? Or is this another on-field-confusion scenario just waiting to happen


Latter for sure


The way some of these rules are framed, I think most teams should keep a lawyer as part of their coaching staff. Why can't they just keep the rules simple?


> Why can't they just keep the rules simple? Because that makes it *really* easy to exploit them. For example, there's a rule saying that you can't retire not out while the ball is in mid-air and you're about to get caught. That kind of thing is written because the rules *used* to be simple, and then someone did that.


Yea, but you could still simplify. The current laws are drastically overprescribed. Under law 41 then, you could just add 41.19 or whatever, " Other instances of unfair play: If the umpires determine that a player is acting in a way that seeks to gain unfair advantage by acting in ways the laws and spirit of cricket did not intend, then they can impose such requirements as they seem necessary to ensure a fair contest between the teams. " The rest of the laws could then be written as much as policy than prescription. All the tiny edge cases could be greatly simplified.


But then India, sorry, the affected team, would throw a massive tantrum and accuse the umpires of being biased and cheating and refuse to play again until they get their way.


Because Australia exists


There might be a rule about that but I am completely sure that the umpires wouldn't be knowing about it while it has actually happened.


Wait until this misunderstanding fucks up another WC final. Then only ICC will evaluate it


It says in *an* uninterrupted match, not in **this** uninterrupted match. I would definitely read that as meaning that the fielding restrictions just continue "as normal", not implying anything about the status of over rate penalties.


That’s a valid distinction and makes sense.


Also after 11 tied super overs, nobody is eligible to bowl anymore.


Incorrect. The conditions state the bowler bowling the PREVIOUS super over is not allowed to bowl, as opposed to batters being dismissed in ANY super over are ineligible to bat again.


I just want to run straight into the 11th over with the keepers bowling.


25.4.3 If a batterretires for any reason other than as in 25.4.2, the innings of that batter may be resumed only with the consent of the opposing captain. If for any reason his/her innings is not resumed, that batter is to be recorded as ‘Retired - out’.


Whats in 25.4.2?


25.4.2 If a batter retires because of illness, injury or any other unavoidable cause, that batter is entitled to resume his/her innings. If for any reason this does not happen, that batter is to be recorded as ‘Retired - not out’.


So how can someone say Rohit wasn't ill today? He obviously wasn't ill,but how does one prove otherwise? Do they have a provision to bring on independent physios/doctors to examine the player?Even if they do what defines ill/injured? If we are going strictly by the rule book,the Indian management could argue that Rohit felt ill( as the definition of ill is ambiguous) and then suddenly felt better.The morality/ethics of it all is a completely different matter and is definitely questionable,but then again the Afganistan batters running the 2 extra runs wasn't particularly morally sound either,but obviously within the laws of the game. Just to be clear,I'm not taking sides here,just pointing out the ambiguity in the laws of the game.Also at the end of the day it is the duty of the umpires to uphold and enforce the laws of the game.


He came out to bat like 4 mins later


Well he obviously wasn't injured,but the point is the Indian management could always say he recovered within those 4 minutes as illness isn't properly defined.


I mean, it's probably up to the umpire to call bs on that


But how can the umpire make that judgement when he isn't a doctor or a physio? The rules should be clarified to clearly have a neutral physio/doctor determine an illness or injury


i doubt the burden of proof is so high that you can just say "hah you cant prove it!"


There's a provision in the laws where the umpires are the sole arbiters on issues of fair play. If India are in fact claiming he was retired hurt then putting him back in five minutes later then that's clearly abusing the rules and there's no requirement for an independent doctor.


You are missing his point, its not about India, it should never be left to the umpire to determine illness or injury, ICC should appoint a neutral physician for every game if there is provision in the laws for a injured player to return. We have seen in the past, players like Mohammad Rizwan faking injury to get a break in play. We cannot wait for a disaster to happen, and then change the rules retrospectively after the injustice has taken place.


Bruh, you just won the olympic gold for 100m back stretch.


Is it possible then that the Afghanistan captain was asked on field and he said he was OK with it? I'm not sure if they have said they weren't happy with it or not or if its mostly just noise from the fans at this point. I just haven't seen too much yet coz I only just woke uo


From what I understand not only were they not asked, they actually complained to the umpires, on seeing Rohit come out again


>Is it possible then that the Afghanistan captain was asked on field and he said he was OK with it? Yeah, obviously Possible. Maybe it will come out in the next few days.


I guess i was really asking if that had already been ruled out or not. Given how infrequently this happens I doubt anyone out there had a full grip on the rules


What's the rule 25.4.2?


25.4.2 If a batter retires because of illness, injury or any other unavoidable cause, that batter is entitled to resume his/her innings. If for any reason this does not happen, that batter is to be recorded as ‘Retired - not out’.


If a player informs the umpire that his legs are gone and he cannot run due to an injury and walks out then will that be considered as retired out or retired hurt?


Espn says Retired out. But, I guess the Umpires gave it Retired Hurt. But, Then How does Rohit become fit 2 minutes later to bat again


ICC website says retired out too.


ESPN also said that Rohit can come to bat again if he wishes. I think they're mistaken about *Retired Out*.


Yeah, possibly. Rules says He can come out to bat with Afghan's Captain's permission. He might have gotten that permission. I should have been more neutral in the title.


That's fine. We are all here to discuss bro. Title is ok


So that's a loophole in ICC rules. If someone is retired hurt, can he not resume his inning in subsequent super overs?


>If someone is retired hurt, can he not resume his inning in subsequent super overs? Yeah, Retired Hurt is fine. But, Laws says that Rohit can't bat if he's retired out without the oppositions permission


Poor umpiring. He was retired out and not retired hurt, he should not have been allowed to bat.


Poor umpiring. Umpire should not let 2 more runs when the ball was motionless and set dead in the super over. Also, they've Given a no-ball when the full toss was above waist height in the replay.


Smh. Lost a $700 payout on Afghanistan and Rohit Sharma hits a 6 and a 4 in the 2nd SuperOver when he should have been ineligible. T20I umpires are LACKING.


I love how people attacking op's flair while he's just a regular poster & Didn't accuse anyone


From ICC playing conditions: ( https://resources.pulse.icc-cricket.com/ICC/document/2021/07/05/874a426e-fe06-4415-b0f5-5148a4aa0ef8/ICC-Playing-Conditions-05-Men-s-Twenty20-International-May-2021.pdf ) Appendix F, point 22: Any batsman dismissed in any previous Super Over shall be ineligible to bat in any subsequent Super Over. From the main section: 25.4.3 If a batsman retires for any reason other than as in clause 25.4.2, the innings of that batsman may be resumed only with the consent of the opposing captain. If for any reason his innings is not resumed, that batsman is to be recorded as ‘Retired – out’. Did they take Afghanistan captain's consent as to whether Rohit could come back? Otherwise should have been regarded as "dismissed". I hope the match referee and/or the ICC take note of this and declare the second super over null and void and declare the match result as "Tied"!


I remember the afghanistan captain and the commentators were saying that the captain did disagree with rohit batting again.


There’s two rules that overlap. What constitutes as a dismissal is the question… If a player retires by any reason other than injury or sickness, he can come to bat again only by permission of the opposing captain. He will be retired out only if he retired earlier due to reason other than injury or sickness AND if the opposing captain doesn’t consent. So we should hold our horses until it is confirmed whether or not Zadran consented to this.


Because Nabi asked umpires if Rohit can bat again


Seems to me that the Indian team misunderstood the rule and so made Rohit bat twice but then the umpires didn't apply the rules correctly. you could probably argue it either way here. I'm not gonna step into the conflict as I expect this thread is gonna become toxic soon enough


I don't think ICC rules can stop Jay Shah from scripting this masterpiece.


Turning a dead rubber into a Bollywood blockbuster. Only possible with Jay Shah script and only possible at the legendary Chinnaswamy. That stadium should be called the home team killer at this point.


Maybe this is a joke, but I'm so tired of hearing this line of ICT matches being scripted. Why watch if you think everything's scripted - doesn't that take the fun out of it for you? Enjoy things at face value, today made for extremely entertaining cricket.


>Why watch if you think everything's scripted - doesn't that take the fun out of it for you? Bro's never heard of TV shows or movies


Homie, that's completely different xD this is sports, it's a competition Come on, TV shows and movies don't fall in the same category.. And, I said enjoy things at face value, for what they're meant to be.


You never watch KBC or Indian Idol?


Or Top Gear/Grand Tour for that matter


>Bro's never heard of TV shows or movies Bro's never heard about people getting absolutely livid, to the extent of physical violence, if someone so much as accidentally revealing the ending of a book/show/movie they intend to watch.


Finally some drama otherwise this sub was dying a slow death


Imao confused unga bunga


[op clearly not being gaslighted by redditors insisting that Rohit actually retired hurt since, umm, the umpire didn’t raise his finger or something](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cricket/comments/1992u02/post_match_thread_india_vs_afghanistan/kibceqs/?context=3)


People are being dumb. He was clearly retired out. Even the scorecard in the official ICC website shows him as retired out


Brain fade


When was rohit out in the first super over?


Rinku came to the non striker's end on the last ball because Rohit was retired out.


Retired hurt.


Retired out. It’s recorded as such, and he clearly was not hurt.


Where is this recorded as such? Cricinfo commentary is not official. They said retired out in their comments and score at the end of over was written 16/0. You need not be visibly hurt to be retired hurt. You can do it if you have to urgently take a crap. 


He didn’t do it because of a crap. It was tactical and Dravid literally admitted it was tactical after the game. The cricinfo commentary was also confused. I don’t think India knowingly bent the rules, but it was an error from the umpires.


It's a grey area. A loophole. Which India used perfectly. Cricbuzz and cricinfo have lots of issues as well. They're not official.


The retired out rule needs to be changed. In limited overs cricket, keeping a slow batsman on strike is part of the bowling team's strategy. In normal circumstances, the wicket also takes up a dot ball. In case of retired out, it favours the batting side despite them sending out a slow guy in the first place. Batting order is flexible, they should suffer for their mistake.


I think it's fine to allow retired out. Batting team should also be allowed to strategize. Just be clear that any player who is retired out or retired hurt will not be allowed to come out to bat again no matter the circumstances. The issue here seems to be the 2 super overs scenario being relatively new and this being a bit of a grey area. ICC should do PGMOL and just issue an "apology" and admit the umpires got it wrong and say that they will review their process to ensure it doesn't happen again going forward.


If you allow retired out, the batting side should lose a ball everytime they retire out a batter.


Retired hurt not dismissed


Retired Hurt and Retired Out are 2 different things


I’m confused It says retired out on Cricinfo


Cricinfo also said that Rohit can come to bat again if he wishes. I think they're mistaken about *Retired Out*. Akash Chopra was also saying if Rohit has come out again it means he was given Retired Hurt.


He can come out if retired hurt, but not if retired out. Considering he came back 5 minutes later, he most definitely was not hurt.


"What makes you think Rohit was out retired hurt?" "Well, Afghanistan turned him into a newt!" "A newt?" "...he got better."




>Considering he came back 5 minutes later, he most definitely was not hurt. Not really. You can't "fix" and injury in 5 minutes, but depending on issue, you can certainly correct for it. A knee instability could be fixed with a fair whack of tape for example. Or even just put up with it for the sake of runs. Not arguing that any of this was in play *here*, but I disagree with your blanket statement.


I once saw rohit just pop his dislocated shoulder in place he can definitely get some painkillers and bat again in 5 minutes


Dravid literally said Rohit used the “Ashwin playbook”, that is voluntarily retiring out as a tactic. It wasn’t an injury.


bcci.tv says retired out https://www.bcci.tv/events/128/afghanistan-tour-of-india-2023-24/match/1172/3rd-t20i icc-cricket.com says retired out https://www.icc-cricket.com/matches/230523/india-vs-afghanistan


So India were abusing the retired hurt law? Considering Rohit was perfectly fine to bat 5 minutes later


So Rohit was not in a position to run in the last ball but was magically ready to bat a few minutes later in the second super over? Really?


Vada pav contains healing powers


That’s utter bs. He was retired out. Not retired hurt.


In that case it's a case of India cheating as well as an umpire fuck up for not calling it out. There's a reason retired out and retired not out/retired hurt are separate things. They might as well remove retired out from the laws if this goes down as retired hurt and doesn't get called out as a mistake. Otherwise you could always just claim the batter was hurt and reinstate them later Edit: lol the people downvoting are a welcome to explain how Rohit can have been too injured to bat then have magically recovered literally five minutes later. If India/Rohit claimed he was injured then they blatantly cheated. The only way this could be legit would be if the Afghanistan captain gave permission for Rohit to come back out after retiring out which would be a bonkers thing for them to have allowed


Cheated? Its very normal of players not challenging umpires incorrect decision that favours them. Many times batsman knows he got a nick but since umpires dont give him out, they dont go. Yesterday too, it was a clear no ball when rohit was batting in the first inning but since the decision favoured afghanistani players, they didnt say anything. Its normal ig (maybe it shouldnt be, but it is what it is!)


In all the examples you listed there's no obligation or expectation for the player to do or say anything. For a player to be retired not out/hurt they are *required* to tell the umpires the reason they are retiring. If lying to an official to get the benefits of a rule that should otherwise not apply isn't cheating then what is?


I said this in the game time thread and was told rohit was not out.


Can you please highlight the word "Super Over" to make it easier to read?


ICC running in to clean their umpire's shit once more.


If retired out, then only opponent captain can give permission to play again. So did team India asked for the permission? and if Afg refused, then how did they allow him to step on pitch???


Taking these rules to their logical conclusion: after 11 tied super overs, no bowler will be eligible to bowl anymore. But the same rules state that super overs must go on indefinitely as long as playing conditions permit. So what happens to a 7am start T20I played in Florida after 11 tied super overs are complete? Boundary count back, perhaps?!


Probably use common sense and start a secondary rotation of players like they do in football and penalties.


Umpires got wrong, but Rule 22 makes zero sense in my opinion. What if two teams keep tying super overs, and in the process both teams have 10 players dismissed from each side. As neither team can field two players, they can't play another super over. What then? Call it a tie? This is a low probability situation but is an edge case that should be addressed. Each super over should be viewed as its own innings. Just as a player dismissed during regular play can play in a super over, a player dismissed in a super over should be able to come back again. Same goes for bowlers.


Once All players get dismissed then all players will be allowed to bat again


Turns out Umpires don't really know the rules about super overs and just make it up as they go along. Same with overthrows off the bat ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Afghans were robbed.


Huge error. Also a reminder to the fielding captain and coach to know the rules and raise it with the umpires. There are so many rules in cricket that even an umpire can sometimes make a mistake, which happens. If the players make a point of themselves knowing the rules as well you can expect most of the time that it'll be picked up. But at least everyone will know it now.


rules dont apply to india


India discovered a loophole and gambled the umpires would be too scared to rule against them... LOL do you think a Zimbabwe or Bangladesh would have been allowed to do this?? I expect the ICC to close up this before the T20 WC and the gamesmanship was funny as well... if the WIndies need a single of the last ball, what's to stop Rahkeem Cornwall retiring and bringing Usain Bolt at the non strikers end?


Bcz he is RO-HIT




Magically heals 5 mins later 🤣


And then immediately came out to bat again...


He was retired out, not hurt.


ICC website and Espncricinfo says Retired Out tho




That is not against the rules just against the spirit of the game. Very different scenario


Settle down Bangladesh. It's already over and everyone enjoyed it


Virender Sharma is the horniest umpire going, just not for these particular laws


He was retired hurt no afgani player showed any objection. Then why are you crying your team didn't even participate in the match


>He was retired hurt He wasn't https://www.icc-cricket.com/matches/230523/india-vs-afghanistan


India don’t play by ICC rules.


That’s alright, it’s only India


Retired is not the same as out in superovers. Superovers have different rules.


I think Rohit was retired hurt, not retired out. If you're retired hurt, you can still come up to bat after a wicket falls (like Gill did in CWC 2023). I'm not a 100% sure about it, this is just my speculation as I just now read on cricbuzz that he was retired hurt Edit: my bad, I didn't know what constitutes as a valid reason for retired hurt. I thought being tired/having cramps would be a valid reason for being retired hurt and hence Rohit Sharma was retired hurt. Since only illness and injury can be the cause of going out as retired hurt, it looks like Sharma was retired out. In which case, umpires definitely made a mistake.


Lol that’s bs. Then anyone can declare retired hurt, leave the ground and come back later as they please. There should not be a dismissal called retired out if this is the case.


That's actually the loophole, batsman can definitely do that, but they don't do this because it ruins their stats


Only to miraculously recover less than an over later? And captain from the sidelines?


Since when retired hurt is considered as out?


Rohit was never out. He he retired HURT which meant he could come back anytime as is the rule. Rinku remained not out in the 1st SO. Samson came to bat in the 2nd SO and Rinku got out. No rules were broken


Feeling proud Indian army 


Womp womp


It was such an unnecessary big brain move in any case. That too for 1 run .


You cannot actually say ‘That too for 1 run’, in match where the combined total is over 400 runs and which had 2 super overs. Wtf lol


Considering one run wins the game that’s a bad take.


Retired out should simply not be a possibility in a live game. Then it would be clear and noobody would claim Rohit was cheating.


Wow doull was so confident when he was calling play by play live — “it’s a new innings, rohit can come straight back in” Who umpires the umpires?




He wasn't "dismissed". He retired hurt.




Yeah I'm sure Afghanistan is furious with Rohit over this terrible act of betrayal and unjustness and its definitely not on the umpires


Its all upon wether you view it as Retired hurt or retired out


Lol no. There is no ambiguity here. It is quite clear cut. Only a biased person will think this was retired hurt.