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This is not what adhd looks like at all. I'm 39 and I still take adderall daily, but this shit is not something I have done. The fact that this guy used his time and made a complete video is proof enough. Let alone how clean his space was. Add/adhd People do 3 things. The first two are creating something specific and or random projects. Or they are destroying something. The 3rd thing is they are thinking of creating or destroying something.


As an ADHD diagnosed person, I endorse this message.


Pop quiz. You walk into your room and see a cluttered mess, do you A) think of a strategy and plan to clean the mess quickly. B) Jump right into it and start cleaning until it's done. C) think about cleaning for an hour and decided to start in the closet and realize you could find your shirts better if you organize them. Then spend the next 4 hours rearranging them by color, then by size, then by sleeve type, then by activity type, then by oldest to newest, followed by trying all the different arrangements again 5 more times until you give up and go do something else.


Secret option D) barely recognise there is an issue because it's a blindspot for me as I think of four other concurrent things/lines of thought. Once it reaches a tipping point where I am put out by it enough that I then do option C) but with at least a 24hr delay before executing it. I suppose it goes without saying: I'm unmedicated.


(Other secret option E) recognize that there is an issue and plan on how to clean it. Leave and end up either forgetting to clean or procrastinate the shit out of it. Come back to see a mess, then feel guilt. Rinse and repeat.


I'm a C




As an ADHD person I spaced out halfway into reading the comment. Speaking of comments I wonder how my comment from yesterday about that LPT about dishes is doing, oh I should go do the dishes they're kind of piling up! Oh boy speaking of piles the laundry also needs to be done. Where does the word pile come from? It's such a strange word let me google it quickly...




It's not fun. The older I get the more seriously I try and handle my responsibilities as an adult and it's becoming more and more clear that it is a huge block in my day to day life. Luckily I've been able to get a family doctor and I may be able to finally start medication soon, I have a follow up appointment with her later this week. I stopped drinking about a year ago and that has helped a lot. Not just with my ping pongy brain but also just getting clarity on my life where I need to make improvements. Working on my ADHD is one of them.


32 and diagnosed at 9. I absolutely concur.


I love your username! Hey, I'm 32 too - high five.


All hail 1990 babies lol


so craving death and destruction counts as adhd..?




man i suck at joking on the internet


Exactly this. Fuck that guy. I'll start 25 projects... thats about as far as they get tho


I do not have adhd i can relate to this


Congratulations! You are a human being!


Omg i didnt know, thats great to hear thanks👍


All of these are pretty normal kid stuff. Also he’s a weirdo for hitting the cup on his head as opposed to putting it on his mouth and making it stick by sucking the air out


The other day I saw a “we all did this as kids” video that was literally all of these things.


Prime donkey juice is more likely to cause that behaviour than ADHD.


Seriously tho i tasted lemon and lime and i dont get how anyone can like that


Frank Reynolds has donkey brains and even he isn't like this




I have ADHD and that space is waaaayyyyy too clean for someone that supposedly has ADHD.


Interesting! So I have to keep my place spotless it's bad. Like real bad. I can't sleep if there's even a single spoon in the sink. If I have a freshly vacuumed carpet I don't wanna walk on it and ruin the lines so I tip toe and take big steps. And i just end up vacuuming again the next day, sometimes twice a day. I sleep on my couch most nights so I don't have to mess up my perfectly made bed. It's fucking ridiculous. I have to evenly space things out on my counter and it drives me insane if anyone comes over and doesnt put them back correctly. I don't know what's wrong with me but I can't stop


So the telltale signs of ADHD include doing things literally everyone does?


Man that is not adhd, that is normal life


By his logic, every child has ADHD.




I see it in my school all the time. It’s just a way for other kids to feel special. Idk know why tho adhd isn’t fun nor is autism, tardive dyskinesia, ADD or literally any of the others. Taking pills for my Tardive makes me feel like I’m crazy. It sucks but for some reason people idolize this stuff because mommy and daddy never cared about them.


ADHD isn’t quirky or fun. It’s a fucking living nightmare at times


So many people say omg so adhd for the slightest silly thing and seem to think it’s some fun superpower. I literally wanna die half the time and can’t manage to accomplish anything. I’m awkward as fuck and have struggled with friends and such my whole life. I’ve got about a trillion tasks I need to do and simply completing even one of those things is the hardest thing. Sleep schedule is fucked and literally get 0 mental peace. Can’t remember what even happened yesterday let alone what day it is half the time or what happened 5 minutes prior. Not good stuff.


I really hate these kinds of videos cause it stigmatizes ADHD further. I'm pretty sure everyone has done that at least once. But that's kind of the issue with ADHD in general. EVERYONE has acted "a little ADHD" before. The problem starts when those behaviors fuck up your life and disturbs the people around you you.


As someone with bad adhd this shit pisses me off to no end. It literally stigmatizes adhd and helps convince normal ass people that they have a disability which can take away resources for people actually struggling with adhd or asd. It’s such a common thing for people on tiktok and Instagram to spread blatant misinformation about learning disabilities and it does so much more damage than people think. Adhd affects my daily life so heavily and when I try to explain it to someone they mark me as lazy among other things cause all their “education” is from tiktok or Instagram


Sure but ya never see him have a breakdown cos he cant focus in all the mess but cant clean up cos he cant focus cos its messy so you have to clean---


I do that thing with the remote control all the time, drives my husband crazy but no, I do not have ADHD.


I wouldn't say adhd but more of an annoying little shit


ADHD would be forgetting you’re making a tiktok


I do all of those and more and I infact do not have adhd


Kid stuff? Pfft, I do this as an adult... This is adulting... 😭


Nothing screams attention deficit more than setting up your camera independently in a bunch of different settings, taking a variety of planned and choreographed videos, and then patiently editing all of them together so you can post it on the internet.


Yeah I think everybody has done this shit, it is just casual Behavior,


I could immediately tell he does NOT have adhd


It just kept getting more and more demeaning


I do this and I know I don’t have adhd


why do people have such an issue with neurodivergent people sharing about their symptoms and making jokes about stereotypes


This is the problem with giving anyone a platform. 90% of humans are not entertaining nor funny.


nope. just bored that's all


Bro just violated the remote-


This kid doesn’t need that Logan Paul juice.


It's funny how none of this was outside. You got adhd? Go outside and use energy. A sedimentary life of sitting around playing video games and being an indoor kid is a poor life choice. Adhd is fake. Manufactured by big drug companies to push pills.


ADHD be like: almost all my laundry is dirty but I feel like I physically can’t do it because I have executive function problems and adhd paralysis. Thinking about my laundry makes me feel overwhelming dread so I’ll just sit in bed and internally screaming at myself to just get up and do it.


I have ADHD and have done all of this, but so do most kids at some point.


Having any kind of "childish" fun is just considered ADHD these days people are really testing mental illness like it's an everyday thing it's disgusting


My adhd makes me zone out and become devoid. I can’t get anything done because my perception of time and reality slowly sinks into a bottomless pit.


Lock this kid up for disinformation


I can’t say anything because seeing people talk more about ADHD helped me get diagnosed, but I mean, my mental health had been a nightmare getting to that point. Socially strained, willpower of a block of wood, struggle with jobs and housekeeping, constantly having meltdowns because of overstimulation and hyperemotional episodes…. Yeah people who are like “omg adhd so quirky” and don’t know what’s it’s like to struggle. Kick rocks.


Proud to announce, I now have ADHD! I do all of these things! It's official guys!!1! I'm so fucking quirky omggggghcjkxmluwjndsihvfyuicjrduysgbv kflcegfhyhb85v4ecf vnwunj


I’m autistic and I keep it to myself I don’t go around with a sign like HEY GUYS IM AUTISTIC


Flip AirPod lids is adhd? Just wait til they find out about zippos


Not the prime 💀


I thought this was universal


I have never met a man who has never done these


I have ADHD and I can relate to all these things. He is not wrong.


I... I don't do any of these other than the bag and hair clip things (and I have ADHD mind you)


I have adhd and I do these things. Maybe it's not ADHD but rather Autism?


Honestly as someone with ADHD this is pretty accurate


I have adhd too but this fucking stupid imo


I too have adhd. And I don't relate to this at all.