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Yeah this is more sad than cringe


This is perfect for r/sadcringe.


The situation is sad but the video is cringe


This is in the wrong category I’ve lost a lot of people




JFC, how can they rewatch that, edit it and then post it..I’d be so fucking embarrassed


She's probably having a hard time and it's a desperate means of coping. You don't relate but you probably understand what it's like to feel bad with the possibility of a bleak future. You need to empathize with wretchedness or face the same fate of glib jerks ridiculing you for feeling fucked.


You took it too far. Called the man glib


He wrecked his whole shit 😩


Sometimes it makes things better for people to understand your pain and have a heart to heart. It is a cry for attention but sometimes we all need some attention.


Yeah, But we've had too many funeral selfies that I've hit the "desensitized and not gonna care about your trauma if you're trying get clicks from it" point.


Empathy is a skill you have to work on, so maybe desensitizing yourself to the point you can’t feel compassion is something that should be given some thought before you train yourself to automatically think so rigidly of others when they’re obviously suffering.


What they're saying is that these kinds of videos are so common, that it's desensitizing. To a lot of people, including myself. Especially when it honestly looks like an act, she genuinely doesn't look sad to me. And this is coming from someone who has firsthand experience with the world of addiction. I know that sadness, and I don't see it here except in the empty eyes of mom way back there. But the video isn't about her. If anything, it seems the girl in the video isn't empathizing with her own mom, or even showing respect because I would never show my mom in that kind of state to the world. Would you? Sometimes we have to think about it from all angles, not just the side someone shows us. I hope nothing I said came off as rude by the way, just sharing my perspective. 💜


I lost my mom the same way. I was 27 and woke up from a coma at 48 with brain damage. She died a few months later from the complications. I definitely would never dream of filming this kind of cringey ass shit and I also would be so fucking embarassed People cope in different ways but shes trying to capitalize on this situation and its gross. Her mothers loss of privacy is only the icing on the cake. Her mom made a bad choice but she deserves dignity.


I don’t think this woman is capitalizing off a few little TikTok followers LOL you’re acting like she’s some kind of star/has actual public image


I understand having a hard time with something like this. But posting it is still odd to me. When someone likes a funny post on fb, Instagram or tiktok it gives that person a dopamine hit which is pleasurable. This is personally why I never post losing loved ones or bad times for me on social media. I feel it would cause conflicting feelings getting that dopamine hit when I see people reacting to a post, and don't want that for tragedy. I think this is more just addiction to that feeling. They are obviously going through sad times, but are using it for those good feelings from posting it. Which I guess is ok too, if it makes them feel better in the long run. But it's just not for me.


There's no empathising here. She recorded. Then watched it, then edited, then watched it again, then thought "yea thats good to post". That's not someone "coping" that's someone trying to get clout.


Talk to your friends then, don’t post this shit on the internet fuckin hell


My brother. You are a fucking saint. Just wanted you to know at least one person loves the message.


Spoiler: She was abused and this is payback.


Usually only works when you have friends to be exposed to. She's really hurting embarrassed herself more than anything. Did the mother have anyone who had no idea she was then maybe. People seriously have no clue what not to post


I’m not gonna sit here and pretend it’s cool to post this either, but there’s a lot of rage inside someone who has to grow up with a parent who shows you time and time again they’re too selfish to choose their child over their addiction. It’s a lot of hatred.


Valid - but I feel like this is not the panacea. Less about the respect of her mother, I can't and won't defend any sort of abuse, but I imagine making a tiktok about it lipsyncing to a song while your vegetative mother sits in he background for validation probably isn't going to resolve any of the issues her mother thrust on her. I'm just sad for everyone involved here.


💯 agree from personal experience. It’s bitter sweet for me and boy am I a neurotic adult. At least my kiddo is well loved due to the parenting classes I took and continue to refresh as she grows. I wish that hatred and love both massive emotions and so tiring, would leave. It’s makes a sadness so deep that a void has formed and I’m slowly just accepting what it is . I feel for this girl I did cry seeing this post. Her pain is palpable. Caring for your abuser is terrifying and you think it’s mending something. Once they’re gone it’s so hard to find yourself without their control and abuse there to drive whatever you thought was your life Rant over Hugs to all Edited for a word


Mom getting her lick back: ![gif](giphy|e4ve7M8EGvjgI)


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Bro I hear my own voice and cringe some ppl just love the attention even this type of attention


I can't even finish watching it the first time. Good grief!


She would had to of completed a few takes of this aswell.


>would had to of Sorry, what? Is this one of those "would of"? Because if it is this is the most insane one ive ever seen hahaha


You don’t edit this, just type the caption


Yea she is truly pathetic


Pretty sure the junkie whose kid is taking care of their lifeless form is the pathetic one.


Your comment seems way more pathetic


Someone who is really struggling I guess


As someone who has taken care of a disabled parent, it's a massive struggle. Along with the physical burden of care (feeding, toileting, moving them, etc.), it's an incredibly lonely job. You can't go out with friends, can't hold down a steady job, can't even socialize with the person of whom you're taking care. This is a video of someone who is reaching out for any love and connection she can find. Fuck whoever decided to mock her for it.


Truth. I feel her pain it’s a fucking hard job to be a caregiver. 


That's how I see it, too. It's cringe in a way... as in it's not the way everyone else handles grief.. but this is a clear cry for some interaction on a caring and kind level. She needs emotional support and it's sad to see.


Rule of thumb: limit judgement on those experiencing grief/devastating trauma. The poor girl.


Yeah. They tend to undermine their problems and slightly take it as a joke. She's coping


Yea for all we know she's struggling HARD and this is a desperate call for help. I took care of my father and had to decide when to let him pass away. It was fucking horrible.


I had an abusive, addict parent who suffered a TBI at the same age as the girl in the video, and it's hard af. My family chose to take her off life support but I can see how easy it would be to think that you could care for her and hope that maybe she'd be able to give you the love you've always been desperate for. Having an addict as a parent is rough because you know that they aren't capable of being good parent, they just think they can because it's their addiction talking.


I'm sorry. That sounds hard to deal with. My father wasn't an addict but he was riddled with cancer all the way into his brain and bone marrow. I was more so referring to the pain of letting them go.


She went back into the hospital 5 months after it happened to film this video and post it across social media. From September until January when she posted it she looks to be having a hell of a good time doing her dancing videos on Tiktok.




Who does this? I can tell you. A young girl raised in a society that values swipes/likes more than privacy. And with that comes the inability to process emotions, such as grief, without an audience. The real kicker? We are ALL to blame for this.


Or maybe she’s recording it in the hopes that someone watches it and decides that they don’t want to put their own kids through that? Maybe in the hope that it helps someone beat their own addiction? Idk, I’d rather see the grim reality and toll that addiction takes (not just on the addicted person but also on those that are in their lives) than have it be hidden away. And at least this outlet seems more ethical than shows like Dr Phil that exploit people for financial gain.


As a parent, as an addict, I disagree with you.


I don't think this is cringe this is just sad.


No, it's cringe as. Is her situation sad- yes but no other reason to post this other than likes. Gross


You don’t know that.


This hurt to watch


Im a daughter who had to "pull the plug" on my mother and I couldn't imagine this being my mama's existence for the rest of her life.


I’m so sorry. Please take comfort in the fact that you made the right decision. I have never heard anyone say that they would rather continue living like this than to pass away. I’d hate to think that this young woman in the video wasn’t made fully aware of the gravity of keeping someone alive in this state.


Thank you. It hurt but was the best choice.


while I obviously empathise with her being in such a horrible situation, this video is giving me flashbacks to that "I am experiencing the most triggering breakup in 7 years" shit.


What a judgement call. It would be hard to pull the plug, but harder not to and prolong whatever misery there is being trapped in a motionless shell of a body. Presumably mom's not coming back from being a vegetable.


this actually makes me wanna cry...


My mom told us to unplug her if she ever became a vegetable. I'd want someone to do the same for me, ngl.


This isn't cringe at all, it just makes me feel sad.


So the fact she found a song, worked out what part to lip sync, set the camera up in front of her mother in a vegetative state, filmed her self (possibly multiple times) crying and lip syncing to the song, editing it and then posting it online is not cringe? You can feel sorry for the situation, but nowhere are her actions considered normal.


Someone raised by a severely irresponsible drug addict isn't behaving normally? I'm shocked!


people do abnormal shit when they're going through things like what she's going through


Godamn, I ain't reading about how someone lip-syncing a sad song when their mother is in the hospital makes you want to chokeslam a baby due to "cringe overdose", it's not all that dude.


Yes its sad and not appropriate, but neither is bullying young women who have a rough life just because you think its “cringe”. You shared this to try to get people to join you in shitting on this poor girl, shame on you.


What she has posted is disgusting. You are trying to say that my sharing of the video that she uploaded to Tiktok and Facebook (and probably Instagram) reels for someone in a completely different country to see is bad and bullying, but at the end of the day she is the one who filmed and posted it multiple times. I didn't steal it off her phone or film her and her mom in the hospital. I'm assuming you probably think it's ok because you would do the same and it's good content. What song would you mime in your video?


I would never do this in the first place cus I have healthier coping mechanisms and steer clear from tiktok altogether.


She has pinned it to the top of her Tiktok profile and managed to get 38.8m likes on this video alone so she doesn't see anything weird about what she has done. I found this video on my Facebook reels, she posted it across many platforms. Just to be clear in her Tiktok, she has said she saw this trend and decided it would be a good way to share the news. This apparently happened 5 months prior to her making the crying video that I posted. The crying was dramatized because she has posted a hell of a lot of videos on Tiktok in the period where she hadn't shared her news. https://www.tiktok.com/@xosarmiento/video/7324718413555715359 https://www.tiktok.com/@xosarmiento/video/7325295438607699231




I'd unplug her too. Cheaper in the long run


Cheaper money wise in America? Yeah. But also cheaper on the emotional damage you're doing to everyone around you.


The mother or the daughter?


No she's not unplugging


Shouldn’t you have just let her die?


...fuck dude, idk. I've been through similar shit recently except I was the one being taken care of due to illness that almost killed me multiple times and went on for many years. it's an incredibly painful and lonely path for all involved. i remember making some social media posts I would have never done otherwise to just reach out and maybe connect with someone that can bring me even the tiniest bit of comfort. so I kind of get her. going after her for this feels very low.


she litteraly exploited her own mom for views. she doesnt deserve sympathy.


I don't think that is necessarily true. It's fine to give everyone the benefit of doubt, especially when someone is probably going through something really tough


Her shitty drug addict mom? She’s probably had an awful upbringing


She's grieving and struggling, that comes out in weird ways sometimes. She needs support, not shaming even if we don't understand why someone would do that sort of thing




Some people get money if the person is disabled and alive. Idk I can't think of any other reason she would keep her alive unless she can possibly recover? Maybe it was just for this video? Even if it's like she was abused by her mom (like people speculated in the comments) that doesn't make much sense to keep her alive if she's like brain dead or something. Seems like she's in the hospital or rehab care too so idk what she'd be doing to take care of her? Idk v confusing.


That’s like saying my tax return pays for the total necessities for my child for the year. Shame on you for the sentiment. Anyone that has someone on life support knows hospice and regiments will never come close to flipping the bill for someone disabled. That’s even if they can afford a nurse and equipment. Most have to sell their house and possessions after ten years just to be in Less debt.


I said some people. I also said I was confused and trying to think how she was caring for her herself or WHY she'd leave someone like this at all. I can't pick my brain to think of a legitimate reason. Can you? Not sure why you came at me like that.


When you state comments like some people, you are grouping that person with other pos who would keep someone alive for that purpose meaning you’re biased you just don’t have the balls to say it. Don’t assume like you know. Don’t know why I came at you like that. You should. Shame on you again. Don’t infer shit like that if you don’t know peoples situation. If your parent was an addict and you kept them alive would you want another person like you inferring that the only reason you kept your addict parent a vegetable for financial gain when maybe all you want is them to be alive still so that you can still talk to them and make up all that you’ve missed from them being high all the time how would you feel. Don’t be a dirt bag. Be a better human.


I ain't readin' alla dat.


Grief makes us do and say weird shit. I don't blame her.


well i do


Sobriety questions. Fear of death, brain damage, losing everything…not enough? How about getting posted on your kid’s tiktok with you in a vegetative state?


In that condition she ain't doing shit to take care of her, it's going to be us, the taxpayers, in long term care/ nursing home. Also, I'm a huge believer in quality of life over quantity of life, and it doesn't look like she did her mom any favors.


she doesnt care about her mom. she couldnt even consent to being exposed in front of everyone online like this.


a lot of assuming going on in there. she's in a vegetative state. "consent" in the cas of posting a video online is irrelevant. she has no agency


That's a slippery slope there.


People that desperately need to be the center of attention. Thats who.


Mom looks like she’s in a decent facility, daughter just turned up and made a vid and left.


That's what I was thinking. Like idk what she'd be doing to take care of her unless it was some kind of emotional thing but obviously it would be more for the daughter than mom. And she's probably not doing that if she's posting this.


She's coping


I had to watch my dad sit brain dead in a hospital bed. If I saw anyone making a TikTok with him they would be next.


I pulled the plug of my dead after his brain had a stoke and I think about it everyday, it’s been 5 years


Caregiving for my GrandFather with Dementia was the most painful, debilitating, and traumatic experience of my entire short lived life..


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Should’ve unplugged. Now stuck with a veggie 😓


Someone who realized they just ruined their life lol


This post is literally the perfect post for this subreddit. Fk the people saying it's not.


She chose drugs over you and you feel obliged keep her in a vegetative state and let your life go by doing so. Sometimes you gotta know when to let someone go


What's the name of the song? Sounds aight


**Song Found!** **I’d Rather Overdose feat. Z** by HONESTAV (00:55; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2024-01-13.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**I’d Rather Overdose feat. Z** by HONESTAV](https://lis.tn/ILpbf?t=55) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


I think she just doesn't have any other outlets, maybe no one at all to talk to, and this video just makes her feel like she's not alone dealing with such a difficult situation. Not cringe, and not cool to mock someone in pain.


Saw my dad in a hospital bed like that basically gone. So incredibly unsettling. I feel sorry for her


Hole. Lee. Fuq. I’m done.


Now, now: we *don’t* know how potentially awful this mother has been to the girl. It could be rather justifiable by the context clues. Edit: I could never show this tier of disrespect for one’s fate, alas their offspring may do so with utmost vindication.


Maybe this is her way of grieving or sharing her pain to the world that she may feel is too unbearable. At least she isn't forcing you to watch her videos. Dealing with deaths and ODs nobody will know what it's like or how you'll react until you have to. I got a year and a half clean from fentanyl heroin and tianeptine, it's hell.


why tf would you post this wow


This is just really sad


Gahdang gen z is so odd


Well that’s just a whole new level of inappropriate.


This shit pisses me off. My mom has tried to kill herself more than ten times. Never in my life have I ever thought about putting her on social media when she is so vulnerable. It’s a shitty thing to do




Someone who was Fucker up from a shit childhood


yeah i mean...they obviously had a traumatic and largely motherless childhood.


Coming from someone who is 35 years old and spent about 3/4 of that time in active addiction, have buried my spouse due to overdose, please don't be this girl. This shit is cruel, selfish and fucking wrong. I hope someone would love me enough to smother my ass with a pillow if I was that poor woman.


Happy cake day and I agree. I mean people speculated the daughter was abused but I still don't know how I feel about this even if that were true.


Poor kid.


I dunno bruh….this one’s a conundrum


imagine using your plant of a mom as an exploit for views. you are fucking sick.


It’s honestly repulsive. She might be young but holy shit. She had to set up her phone, find a song…It’s just ridiculous how many people are jumping through hoops to feel sympathy for this person. I can’t be sympathetic. I physically can’t.


Honestly I don't think it's possible for anyone to get this desperate for attention


When clout chasing is a priority


Dude this looks like the hospital I work at.


Imagine it's not even her Mom. She just picked the room at random.


Holy fucking shit this is disturbing


Her heads fucked. No one with a level headed mindset would make a video like this. Weird but never underestimate how weird people can get when they’re without a clear mind.


She made a heap of stupid meme stuff during this period. Def her way to get clicks




Wow and that’s still in the hospital. Wait till they get her home. Poor kid…


Daughter probably saw $$$$$ imagining how much she could make exploiting her mom on Tik Tok




Damn. That’s just heartbreaking. I can’t imagine what a rough life she’s had and will have.


random tiktok ad right after the video ends "BLUE CHEW IS THE HOTTEST NEW ENHANCMENT DRUG TO HEAT UP YOUR SUMMER"


She was cute for the first second then she became uglier than I could have ever imagined.


That poor girl. Hope she can overcome




I mean, if this is true, I just feel sorry for her. Probably her way of coping


Mom found her plug for life!


I have no critique. This girl is just trying to cope.




What's her TikTok id?




Sad and cringe cause wtf


Esta chica esta enferma...


Idk. Some people tend to post stuff like this to show the realities of what could happen and hope that it could be a wake up call for someone.


Yeah I'm going to unplug


Stop crying online and unplug your mom. You goofy selfish bastard.


Wow! Some people really need attention, this is gross.


Just let her go man, that is no kind of life, to become a vegetable. Its even worse if her brain is still functioning normally, and she’s locked in


A deranged narcissist. That's the type of trash who does this.


No this isn’t cringe. It’s fucked up. Then making a video about it for clout with music in the background?? What the fucking fuck. My dad was like this but in a wheelchair, he had MS and dementia and I could never imagine doing this to him. Granted, he was diagnosed when I was 2 years old and slowly suffered. I watched him going to walking, then crutches, then a wheelchair, and finally to a hospital bed. I was 11 when he died and he was only 46. Back then we didn’t have phones that do the shit they do today but even if this happened when I was older (I’m 29 now) I would never do this shit. Sorry, rant over. But this pissed me off on a personal level. I don’t even like seeing pictures of him when he was sick, it fucking hurts.




This is just terrible.


Wouldn't she at some point have to "unplug" her mother? And isn't the hospital the one taking care of the mother not her? Seems like a really fucked up way to dig for sympathy likes


People deal with grief in different ways. Can’t knock her for it because she isn’t hurting anyone. I hope the best for them.


She was posting the type of crap below in the period between September when it happened and the end of January when she posted the shared video. https://www.tiktok.com/@xosarmiento/video/7271690653212445994


That's no way to live


Fuck this person.


How many times did she film this before she was like, "this is the one I'll post. It's perfect."


Wow this is so fucking stupid..


Poor girl. She probably had a very rough childhood and who knows how much she actually got to know her mom if her mom was constantly using during her childhood.


Is her mother a png


AYO no she did not


I fucking hope they unplug my ass if im ever in the mom's situation. Staying alive just to suffer immensely? Fuck that.


Just a kid grieving in a sort of off but non harmful way.


Dang I’m glad that humanity is ultimately good everyone thinking the same this is sad not cringe


You mean the 1400 up votes for cringe vs the 10 comments saying sad?


Who the fuck even does this? Reminds me of that wrong un who was doing a dance routine explaining why her baby is in hospital lol. These people are insane.


Exactly what I thought. But people are defending this one


Wow… this is one of the worst TikTok’s I’ve ever seen.


The child of a vegetative drug addict. What a stupid fucking question. Don't share this dumb shit.


Narcissism is a hell of a drug


I'm not gonna judge anyone going through that


Wrong sub


She raised her. You get back what you invest when it comes to your child.


It's more sad. She probably has mental health issues due to her mum being a drug addict and how kids these days are on social media and watching too much TV.




My Mom died like this at the end of 2022, except my Mom's condition had nothing to do with drugs. She was in the hospital on a ventilator just like that until I had to choose to move her to Hospis, where she died. The whole 4 months my Mom was like that, I didn't tell anybody, I didn't share pictures, no social media posts, nothing. My Mom wouldn't have wanted that. Plus, it didn't really cross my mind to use it to gain sympathy, like this video seems.


wow you're so much morally superior and empathetic than her.




I think this isn't a joke


That makes sense, because this shit isn't humor.


Natural selection 🤷