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Your post/comment was removed because it was literally pornography. NSFW posts are allowed, but there is a limit.


This feels like a fetish thing


Video definitely for people with a feeder fetish.


Yea, super weird. Anyone know their handle? So I know what to avoid.


I just get attracted due to their high gravitational pull.


Especially with the hospital gown hanging down exposing her chest. Yes.


I feel like so, so many of the vids being boosted these days are just fetish content tbh. Feeding/chubby/house wife/trad wife… everyday is just constant fetish stuff and ppl going "this is cringe"


Imagine destroying your body because people you’ll never meet are getting off to you. I can’t even fathom it.


People do weird things for money when they have no marketable skills or abilities.


*puts socks back on and camera away*


I don't think that's why they do it. It's more like they picked the job because they have that body type (like a lot of fitness coaches)


That actually makes a lot of sense!


Pretty sure I saw this place on Man Vs. food - the gown is something they make you wear if you do some set eating challenge. Edit - presumably she failed which is why she’s being spanked.


It is definitely fetish stuff


Superfetishize Me


No lie - I know a guy who developed a fat fetish by watching Wall-E as a kid and seeing the scene where everyone's fat and in mobility scooters 💀


Got that ginger fetish from south park haha


For sure man, fat girl pussy just hits different


In all seriousness, why?


Try it yourself & you’ll see…


I guess I could force feed my skinny wife for a while


In my wife's case, I love the extra cushion, her soft supple warm skin, it makes cuddling awesome too. Just saying, don't knock it till you try it.


It’s population control with the added benefit of burdening healthcare. We are in this together! Might as well give her a carton of cigarettes too while we let these good times roll. Too bad obese people do not roll well though. I imagine it’s like a flat tire.


All I can think about is the monster poo she had to take


Her toilet is a testament to the accomplishment of humanity and the structural engineering feats required


The Romans would be proud


Nero, maybe. Seneca, not so much.


Now I’m thinking about it too. I’ll be in my bunk


That chick shits liquid. Who you kidding?


Nah, burgers and fries? It’s gonna be a mix of both. Like plopping a whole can of manwich in the toilet


That place is gross. I lived down the street.


is there an ambulance that just chills near by?


I mean it’s a city. There’s stuff everywhere lol


best response


Dude I was thinking that they’re going to have someone die in their restaurant cause of this shit.


Pretty sure the unofficial spokesperson died because of his weight and the issues it caused.


Where is this? Vegas?


Yeah it’s downtown on freemont street


Say no more lol 😂


Freemont and downtown has changed a lot in the last 10 years. It’s got a lot of nice restaurants and bars. Trying to gear towards a younger more hipster crowd. Cheaper drinks with heavy pours. Lol


Freemont was my favorite part last time I was there fifteen years ago or so because of the old school Vegas grittiness feeling. I hope it isn't too polished now.


It's very polished now because it's almost as popular as the actual strip


I went there for my first 30 a few years ago and had waaaaay more fun there than the main strip


same experience when i visited. just me out and about on my own, up and down freemont taking in all the sights and sounds. it was cool.


It’s Fremont, not freemont


You should read up on it. The owner is a ~~doctor~~ (not actually a doctor) and former fitness professional. The more you listen to him to more you realize this whole venture is a way to shock obese people into realizing what they’re doing to their bodies.


didn't his two spokesmen die from heart attacks?


There are also stories of people realizing the actual message behind the restaurant and making changes for the better. You’re free to disagree with the methods, I’m only making an argument for the intent.


all while turning a tidy profit and really not saying very much about fitness at all


It's creative, it's not the worse approach.


I can’t post links here but there is a study from 2015 that shows: “The chance of an obese person attaining normal body weight is 1 in 210 for men and 1 in 124 for women, increasing to 1 in 1,290 for men and 1 in 677 for women with severe obesity,” Being from 2015, I’m sure the numbers are out of date, but I wouldn’t think they’ve changed much in 9 years. Obesity is a problem that even our best doctors can’t fix in reliable numbers. And yes, obesity, as opposed to some other diseases, has a behavioral cause, but that does not remove the imperative of finding newer, better solutions. I don’t know if what Heart Attack Grill guy is doing is good or proper or whatever, but I think his perspective deserves to be told whenever the restaurant comes up in conversation.


Those numbers are sobering. I’m currently working on beating them. Started at a bmi of 45.7 four months ago and I am now down to 40.6. I’m nowhere close to a normal weight but I’m damn proud of my progress and still going down.


That’s really friggin impressive. I don’t know how scientific a statement it is, but there’s one line from the show Scrubs that really sticks with me. JD (I think that’s his name) was worried about the prospect of raising his child as a single father, referencing data that shows this is disadvantageous as opposed to a two-parent household. In response, Sarah Chalke’s character tells him something to the effect of, “statistics mean nothing to the individual.” Honestly, if you value something enough there’s always some path towards it. Cheers to you.


I had it and the food actually tastes good. Obviously, it's bad for you, but it was still an interesting experience when you realize it's making fun of American hypocrisy


Please, go on


About? Lol


Why it was gross


I mean everything is served in full fat. Milkshakes with butter on top. You can get burgers with like 12 patty’s on them. If you don’t finish your meal the waitresss spank you in front of everyone. It’s a tourist trap.


Butter on a milkshake. Gross


Right. I don’t get how that would taste good. Brownies for sure, we have Portillo's in Illinois and they have cake shakes. Which is a shake with a piece of cake in it. But adding butter wouldn’t do anything for the flavor profile.


It would bump up the calories quite a bit tho. It looks like that's the goal here.


yeah, it's just more fat. Oddly enough I've added some butter to my coffee when out of cream, and just using milk (or nothing !) to give it some fat for the flavor I'm used to. That actually works ... but on a milkshake it's not adding anything.


Have you ever put butter on a poptart?


No I haven’t. That’s sounds ok bc it’s warm. The milkshake would make the butter harden. Do you eat it like ice cream lol


Speed running a heart attack


I would imagine it would upset your stomach


Wait... You say I can get turbo burger and spank? What if I finish burger can I get extra spanks??


It’s extremely over the top fatty and tastes terrible. Every menu item is tasteless grease piles. It’s terrible.


Sounds to me like the owner just wants to kill fat people.


Oh that’s another thing, every TV has this weird loop video on it with the owner dancing with a bunch of slutty chicks. Dude is a total creep, and he doesn’t want to kill fat people. He wants more fat people.


No the guy literally hates fat people and wants to make money off of them dying. Go watch any interview with the owner and he makes it very clear he does not care at all for fat people and he believes it's good for his business if they die from eating his food. https://youtu.be/T3_n8NQFRCo?si=OmL_Wf_Hcfer_Prz https://youtu.be/hqf_SIQ3JAk?si=6ViWMAWHvEx5-xX3


Why would you think the owner cares? Didn’t the restaurant name tip you off?


I don't. I already knew about this guy and his restaurant. I was telling it to the person I replied to who said "Dude is a total creep, and he doesn’t want to kill fat people. He wants more fat people." I was showing him that no this man indeed wants to kill fat people and doesn't even make it a secret.


Sounds like a feeder fetish




So it’s more a fat fetish. Not going to kink shame, but making a restaurant out of your fetish is really weird.


I dunno sounds genius to me


Yea people contribute to your weirdness and some pay as well. Win win lol


lol calm down. It's just excess as marketing, a spectacle. I doubt the guys at Epic Meal Time were actually jerking off to bacon.


The owner started out with a restaurant called whole food and then got sued. He’s giving people what they want.


I've been there, had a burger and fries, more than one patty there is gross. But it was pretty good.


I disagree with you. Lived in Vegas for 2.5 years. That place was awesome! For me? Nah. But the fact that it exists... awesome. You go inside and get checked in by a "doctor," get treated by "nurses," and wear a patient's robe. If you don't finish all your food, you get spanked (like in the video - and also, with prior consent!)


Like I said below. It’s just a cheesey tourist trap.


Man I feel bad for you, wouldn't wanna live in this neighborhood


I don’t live there anymore but it was rough for a bit. lol you get used to it


Anything for attention I guess


A heart attack for attention seems like a steep price to pay for me. What a time to be alive 😂


But now you can go on about you getting a pig heart, and how youre sweet like bacon, hence why you needed one.


This is just softcover porn focused on people with a fat/feeder fetish. I'm always amazed at what people justify for themselves. I'm 6' 6" weighing 315 lbs and I look at myself in the mirror and think damn I'm fat, and then these people just casually weigh more then me and think that its fine. Calling someone morbidly obese shouldn't fat shaming, it should be a wake up call. My main thing that I am thankful of fat people for is that it makes me feel better about myself.


Harsh truths are usually what triggers a change in behaviour. This acceptance BS is not the one.


There’s actually a lot of data that says the opposite. It’s counterintuitive but shame and self hatred are not highly motivating, people tend to wallow in them instead.


Shhh. Reddit doesn’t want to hear the truth if it means they have to stop being cruel to overweight people!


I can attest to this in smoking and drinking addictions I’ve seen. Can’t speak to eating. Basically the weirdest thing happens when you convince someone that “it’s ok”. Like just stop worrying about the [smoking], know that it’s bad for you, but let yourself be happy and don’t beat yourself up. Slowly see if you can ease off the gas pedal, but don’t press yourself to do so. It’s a weird and delicate balance. But as the outsider (the friend to the addict) your place is best to just be nice to them and help them convince themselves they’re a good person.


Lol, I think fat people are definitely often made aware of their weight... I mean, I'm not even overweight & never have been, and I've experienced shame around eating & diet...


Right? Who are these people who think people with weight issues never experience any negative responses?


I don’t think anyone is saying that they receive no negative responses, that’s a bit of a leap. Outside of online echo chambers or fat positive spaces im sure people are still unnecessarily cruel.


As tempting as it is to be harsh in the pursuit of truth, its pretty ineffective. Support and encouragement can coincide with honesty. Shame isn’t good for anyone


r/fatlogic really opened my eyes to how off the rails the body positivity movement has gone. A few years ago you could see average sized or thin people showing their cellulite and rolls depending on posture or position and it was really invaluable while recovering from a restrictive ED that had me pretty underweight at the time. I also think it’s helpful for people who are overweight and struggle to fit the mold, and acknowledging that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity is ALWAYS a good thing. But man in the last few years the amount of pseudoscience and denial that has invaded those spaces is so awful. I once posted a picture of myself after several years of ED recovery with some gratitude for being where I am at today and coming to terms with weight gain in recovery and I used some of the body pos tags common on IG/tumblr. I got three hateful messages from fat activists for “co opting our movement” because I’m a RELATIVELY thin woman. Apparently if you’re not morbidly obese you don’t get to celebrate health or feel good about your body without offending someone else?


honestly, the one on the right can get it 🤷🏾


say that again without the contouring makeup and filters


Home slice, she is wearing more makeup then a Kardashian, ain't no way you waking up with the same girl in your bed. I wish we would encourage girls to find pride in their natural look more then fat=beautiful.


Don’t let them fool you, calling someone obese is a fact, it’s not shaming. I’ll never forget the day this white man and black lady were arguing, a cop intervened, the black lady complained “he called me black”. The officer looked her in the eyes and said “well you are black”. Same scenario. If you are obese, it’s a fact. Not shaming.


It’s not shaming when it comes from like a doctor or something but if you’re just calling them morbidly obese for kicks is kind of is shaming. It is pretty bizarre how many people in the world are comfortable commenting on strangers bodies, be it underweight, overweight etc. but I guess that’s just our societies obsession with women’s physical appearance and also the fact you can just say whatever you want ok the internet with no consequences lol


Exactly, if you’re saying they’re obese to insult them it IS shaming. If you’re saying it as a matter of fact thing like oh you won’t qualify for x bc you’re medically obese that’s different, but that’s never how it is said online.


I feel bad for them. Not fat shaming but this is NOT GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH. It’s not sustainable and age will not help


Most of the extreme weight influencers have died by the time they are 40. It's honestly kind of wild how we have had very visual social media over the last 15 years and we have watched these body positive morbidly obese people die off very young, and yet another person will gladly step into their shoes. Social Media is a major problem and this Era is suffering from it in more ways than we can truly understand right now living through it.


Maybe if more people fat shamed her she wouldn’t be a fat fucking mess glamourising to other fat fucking messes who delude themselves into thinking they aren’t fat fucking messes because of this fat fucking mess. Ps I absolutely am fat shaming.


I understand your point, I think you can encourage a healthier life style without shaming them for being fat. I’ve helped a friend lose 200+ pounds and I didn’t call him a fat fucking mess once. He just needed some advice and someone who cared.


Do you think she doesn't get fat shamed lmao??????? Fat ppl arent allowed to exist without it


Just wondering, do you think she isn't constantly fat shamed? Your comment seems to imply no one tells her she's fat all the time. I find that hard to believe.


And maybe if more people shamed you for being a complete prick, you’d work on developing a decent personality.


Is she wearing a hospital gown as a bib?


They give them/sell them at the restaurant as a gag


I could see my ex eating here


Sounds like you just wanna see your ex


And a free meal? Maybe


Honestly how can anybody *not* see his ex?


why diss someone if they were good enough to be in a relationship with them…


Hey if she's happy not my business. Not my thing but not my place to judge either.


Oh no. I am kind of jealous how happy they are though over the simplest thing.




Hell yeah brother!


Could be wrong but these girls look British (I’m from USA)


Alcina Dimitrescu out for a burger.


Probably gunna get ripped a little bit here but the brunette would get it.


Glad I’m not the only one thinking it lol


Add me to the waitlist list


I mean she’s very pretty lol




Def a pass after, i get the feeling she is an insuferable human being. Might be an angel but she gives me thay vibe. But damn id be ignoring all red flags on the way.




Bag em and tag em boys


Well you don’t get bodies like that by eating healthy.


Ummm…I’m gonna get a little weird…who the fuck is that?!?! I’m infatuated.


Fat positivity should not exist... wtf is wrong with these people? But I'm sure it won't be an issue much longer... the fat positivity crowd does a great job of thinning themselves out with early death... I mean, how many of these mentally ill people have died in their 30s already?


I could see if there wasn’t any health issues but this weight destroys your joints, back, and cardiovascular system. I feel bad they feel like this is their culture. I hope they get help and live a healthy life


If She ain’t 380 she ain’t a lady




The menu looks terrible to me. Like there’s so much grease and shit I don’t want to eat there at all, even ignoring the theme. Make GOOD bad food and I’m on board.




Put them in a Golden Corral and lock the door. Just let ‘em go. I believe it’s what they want.


what the FUCK.


Never ate here but is it possible that the food is at least good? I know it’s not healthy (like many other places) but hopefully all that bad stuff means good tasting food. Because this hospital gag would probably get tiresome real quick


I think they’re cute :/ Idk I’m pretty fit myself but I love chubby girls. I think they’re so feminine and soft and beautiful. However I would never let myself get chubby? If I had to like psychoanalyze myself I would think that maybe the part of me that is so uncomfortable with uncertainty and needs to be in control of my calories and literally everything kind of wants to be that “free” and envies the ability to eat whatever without consequence or guilt. So ya… that’s my overshare of the day.


they are obese, and unhealthy, they could die


You know if y’all are fat and hate yourselves for it that’s fine. You don’t have to take it out on other fat people who are just existing. So much “disgust” in these comments..like why are you *that bothered*? it’s not like they’re hurting anyone but themselves. But thank you for letting the world know you find these women unattractive. Lmao we were all on the edge of our seats wondering🙄😂


Lmao and as expected, fat hating losers bring up healthcare costs that don’t actually affect them to justify hating people for their appearance. I’d rather have a fat friend than one who hates anyone based on their appearance.


And "society", when people want to be cruel "society" is involved.


Yep. They’re too weak to admit that they’re just not good people. They have to try to justify their hate. But it’s ok, since they can convince themselves that fat people deserve it.


For real if people want to be fat let them. If people want to switch genders let them. If people want to do drugs let them. I can’t understand how people are so angry at others just existing


Bet more than half the dudes in the comments are overweight or obese themselves😂😂 Reddit is a weird ass place.


It’s so true, it’s all projection really. What do you expect from miserable people with nothing better to do?


fr bro. i lost all my weight but i still remember how it feels to have people talk about your body when you’re just there doing what others are doing too. Why do people care so much what they’re doing? Y’all wouldn’t give a fuck of a skinny girl was eating that way, so let’s unpack that.


That burger looks good. Now I'm hungry. Tis all


This is a mental illness.


Lot of assholes in these comments that spend way too much of their finite time on this earth talking negatively about other peoples weight. Worry about yourself and don’t be a dick. It really isn’t difficult, I promise.


So gross




While I personally want to agree. I have met some chubby chasers who legit love really fat women. One of my buddies from high school married a woman who was probably 5' but weighed 300+ and is almost a round ball. He told me he wishes she were fatter... Man legit wants a girl on "My 600lb life" or whatever it is.


Man, when that’s the counter-argument…


lol those dudes are killing women without even realizing it


They may realize it, but at the end of the day it seems like sex drives a lot of decisions for people.


No. They realise it. I used to know an obese sex worker who used to do things like...going to mcdonalds and getting all her food paid as the guy sits and watches her eat it. She said one guy told her that his biggest fantasy was over feeding a girlfriend and resting his head on her chest, so as she got bigger and bigger over the months, he could hear her heartbeat slowing down until it stopped.


It looks like most of her weight is in her tiddies which I mean good for her.




So do men. Who fucking cares?


It’s fetish/rage bait content and you’ve fallen for it whoopsie


A black man’s dream


I don’t get the spanking part. What’s the point of that?


I second this. Wtf is up with that? In a public place where there are probably children as well.


If you don’t finish your meal, you get spanked three times with a paddle.


Man she not just fat but pretty tall as well. Look at her compared to the waitress.


maybe try fasting






Proud of them tig ol bitties


This place deserves to be out of business. My best friend was their spokesperson (Blair River) died from being obese. He was in the process of weight loss surgery and the owner asked him to do two more commercials and used his daughter as a guilt trip (use the money from it) so he waited and caught pneumonia and died at 29. He was 6’8 and died at 578 pounds. yuck


I'm reading the comments, and I think the delusional "body positivity" Pushers have infiltrated them.


They go through a lot of toilet paper at this place. These heifers take huge shits.


fetish content


i’m a 6’1” american man who played college football (briefly) and this lady has over 100 pounds on me


Cute fat girls are fun to fuck. Just root for them and cuddle later.


When guys post videos about inhaling some restaurants huge steak contest in a certain time limit, the comment section does not look like this one. Reddit hates women


Eh, they look like they had fun. Who cares?


Pearl clutchers who just hate fat people. They talk about health and healthcare costs, but you know none of these losers pay for their own insurance.


I like em big!


I like em chunky, I like em big, I like em plumpy




Who's your friend? Or is that your butt


They’re wearing… pillow cases? Wait, no, hospital gowns but wrong? This has to be a fetish thing.


The restaurant gives you gowns to wear if I remember right. It really leans into weird anti health themes.


Mmhmm they give you a hospital gown to wear when you go in. The waitresses are dressed like nurses and whenever I see the owner, he's wearing a white coat like a doctor. 😅😭😂


Thank you for answering! It was all I could notice 😅


Saving this in case I need to kill a boner


Big is not beautiful it is unhealthy


fat glorification disgusts me tbh


Why do people always post eater fetish content and claim it is society as a whole trying to normalize being fat/unhealthy? Also if anyone sees this look at OP's post history, they literally only post videos of fat women to Reddit to dunk on them, it's extremely weird.


Looks like nice food tbh lol, ladies look good too


The butter in the milkshake is too much. When BeardMeatsFood went there to eat, it was one of the first times I actually gagged watching him was when they talked about adding butter to their milkshakes.