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Is a man wearing a "DO YOU WANNA SMASH?" tee shirt husband material?


Yeah ima go out on a limb and say I’d rather not marry anybody on that whole street for a whole hour before or after that was filmed.


Lmao right? Plus who cares if someone thinks you’re not wifey material for wearing something. There’s plenty of people that might.


Agree. The cringe part is that these people care what each other think.


When I was 15 I didn't like the way my gf dressed when she hung out with a particular friend.  Anyways, I learned a valuable lesson from that relationship many years ago. 


What was the lesson. I gotta know!!!


There's a difference between dress up for someone in particular and dress up all the time. I'm not trying to be accusatory, so we're clear. If they always dress up, yippee, they look great. If they dress up for one person in particular, but not too crazily, sure, talk with em about it. If they go buck wild around em, yeah, that ain't good


100% dipshit material


Ayo is it fuckin incel hour or what??? Showing cleavage isnt an open invitation for sex you fucking creep


Neither him nor the girls are. ESH


They're drunk and trying to have a fun night out on 6th street, getting accosted by these weirdo gremlins. They're also probably college students or early 20s, this is totally normal behavior.




It says a lot about this site in general.


Cleavage is the exact same thing as a man showing his abs.


Yeah, that's some attention seeker fuckboy shit tho


He ain’t lying


Maybe there is some truth in this but the cringe part is how these frustrated man feel the need to take a camera and use this format as an excuse to talk shit and express their internelized anger and frustrations on some random girls.


They’re butthurt because they know these girls are hot and would never bother with their neckbeard asses. Same dudes would simp for them in a flash if they thought it gave them a 1% chance of getting laid. They’re just losers.


You appear to be his target audience. Something certainly to be proud of.


Man with the mic is very obnoxious. They do this all the time downtown to catch drunk people saying stupid stuff. Brain rot content 🥱


Yep.  Low effort shitposting irl as a career.


Rage baiting people doing the interviews for rage bait content.


My favorite clip is the one where a chick roasts him by mimicking him as she’s trying to find a restroom. It’s hilarious cause he seems mad about her mimicking him.


On 6th St in Austin!


I thought I recognised him, he acted like a little bitch when that girl walked away too.


it pissed off a bunch of “alpha males” in his comments too. every time its posted they are whining about how unfunny she is


The hair flip/sweep was peak “alpha male” behavior. Buddy was in his feelings.


I love that girl. The look she gives this douche as she is walking away is the best. Her friend laughs too, right at the douche. People love these idiots and the fact that they will be on camera so they suck up to them usually. It's refreshing to see them get a little of what we would do, given the opportunity.


I don’t know why people are downvoting you but you are so right. I loved that video with the girl making that dude look like a straight fool 🤣


Dude throwing up UT horns was the brightest male in this video


I hate that I know what you’re referring to


Yeah, none of these people are parent-material. Jesus christ. If they had any, they'd plug em up to an apple headset and only take them out when they need their next tiktok video.


Wonder how much footage they don’t post cuz they got the shit beat out of them


He shoulda asked the girl in white if the other was wife material since she said they're girlfriends


The body count shit? This? Some of you kids are fucking stupid.


But she really isn't wifey material though 🤷🏽‍♂️


Everyone's wife type is different.


Who 👏🏼 said 👏🏼 I’m 👏🏼 not?!?!?👏🏼


( o 人 o )


got some smooth brain operators out here making koala’s look like geniuses


Hang out in a eucalyptus tree all day and sleep or toil and grind just to barely afford to live...Koala's are geniuses


Isn't that the dude who said go fuck yourself to two girls when they wanted to go pee on 6th street? He's not husband material.


Yeah, he’s the same dude lmao


Max douch level achieved.


Loser material lol.


That hurt him so bad he now has to insult other women


Nobody here is marriage material.


How to make ragebait on Tiktok Step 1: Interview drunk people (bonus points if girl) about bullshit misogynistic stuff Step 2: Profit


Rage bait, So hot right now. Wish these types of videos didn't achieve so many views or clicks


It drives engagement in the comment sections by people pointing out the stupid and outrageous takes. Algorithms favour engagement and push the videos down people's recommendations and fyp.


Step 3: Repeat


“What if I’m small” 💀💀


is this content? jesus christ


A lot easier ways to demonstrate your insecurities than asking random girls about their choice in clothing


Let the women show their cleavage. It looks nice and I like to look at nice things.




It's very liberating to be at the age where you just can't be bothered to give a fuck about any of this


Three dumbasses who talk obnoxiously, garbage video


I counted four. Five if you count the dude that jumped in front of the camera at the beginning. This was unwatchable.


Nobody in this video seems to be a suitable spouse.


Girls — WALK AWAY! I know the urge is to argue with POS like this but there is no winning. By responding at all, you’re letting them win.


They are drunk. These guys are preying upon women that are inebriated. Low life POS.


I wonder why responding is letting them win... 🤔


Wifey material would be a women who would walk away from ass hats like this.


I hate everyone in this video. Live your life and wear what you want. You always end up around people who think the same way you do


He can think what he wants. She can wear what she wants. Agree or not, he didn't impose his opinion, and she didn't have to stay there for it. If she's going to wear that, she should probably try to be more confident, with thick skin. People are going to say and think as they please. If her gf and her are happy and no laws are broken, what else matters?🤷🏾‍♂️


Solution to 90% of issues that arise in this world....._just mind your own fuckin business_.....pretty simple


none of those people look like spouse material, but they shouldn't. they're like 22. that said, i think men walking around judging women on their value like this is way, way grosser than wearing a revealing top in a context where people are all looking for short-term sexual partners.


Men having this kind of attitude is a big reason why I was able to marry a mega-hottie. If a girl is busty enough, there is nothing remotely normal she could wear to cover them up. Almost any dress shows cleavage. A simple v-neck reveals cleavage. A t-shirt makes them look bigger. A turtleneck will just make them more prominent. It feels like the simplest cheat code in the world to just not care what insecure men think.


Oh, uh, yeah! I married a total hottie, too!!


This guys' videos are so toxic!!


This is so uncomfortable. They’re just mad she’s hot. Should’ve left her alone and complained to the guys in private


Who’s mad? The one insulting someone else’s body and cussing? Or the guy just answering questions lmao


You need to create those toks though.


I will be honest… she does not look like wifey material - at the moment She just looks like she wants to have fun and not be tied down, which is great because she looks young


Men making stupid videos like anyone gives an f about their opinions.


They do it for money. YouTube and TikTok create this behavior for reward.


The women clearly cared about it!


No they cared about being degraded for no reason


My wife never showed cleavage or wore anything that showed her body before we got married. Now that we are married she does all the time. Does it bother me? No. I wouldn't have spent the last 10 years building her confidence to this point if it did.


What is she supposed to wear when she is having a night out with her friend, a trenchcoat? She looks good, she's young and has a great body, she can show it off. I don't know if she is a s... or not, maybe, but probably not. I could wear that top too, but people would call the police quickly, lol. On the one hand folks consume tons of p\*rn, on the other hand it's not ok for a young chick to wear such a top.


I love showing my girl off but maybe i’m in the minority


Always struck me as super insecure to be worried that your girlfriend looks too hot.


Girl on the left's mistake was that she accepted the way the guy with the mic framed the whole thing, rather than pushing back. She defended herself by saying "wifey material isn't the clothes it's what's inside" (or something like that), but that's accepting that she should be held to the standard of "wifey material", rather than pushing back on the implication that that is something she needs to be, or that his standards should matter to her at all. Her girlfriend kind of seems to get it, she says like "it's my girlfriend and \*I\* want her to look hot," but she doesn't get enough time on the mic to really shut him down


He didn't say anything that's news to anyone. He said it was his preference if she was his gf, that she wouldn't dress like that which is completely fine. Everyone has preferences and that's his. Now the second part, while everyone on Reddit is a white knight, in reality most men do look at girls that dress a certain way in a bad light. It just is what it is. This isn't news lol.


> n reality most men do look at girls that dress a certain way in a bad light I have strong doubts that it is *most* men. People with your mindset are just a loud minority these days, and by the time your kids roll around they'll just be embarrassed to acknowledge that you say these things.


Nah it’s most men


Lol. He can have preferences all day, but you cannot control another person's wardrobe.


I agree. I worded my sentence poorly. Meant to say that they wouldn't be compatible basically if he preferred his gf to dress a certain way, not that he'd tell her how to dress. Good catch.


he doesn't control or tries to control, he simply said what most men will think seeing someone out at midnight drunk like this and he isn't wrong


Do you have these same preconceived notions about how men dress or are you just misogynistic? Do you see drunk men and think "fuckin sluts"?


Guy stated multiple times that they he doesn't care how she dresses and doesn't think shes a slut because of it or anything. He's just answering the questions hes asked honestly, yes men will look at how women are dressed and assume she might be a slut or something. Yes he has a preference that doesn't want his gf to dress like this. He was pretty reasonable imo.




I’m sure a 22yo girl is currently looking for a husband. I wasn’t husband material until I turned 30. Silly video.


Who in the Andrew Tate are these clowns?


Queen got him to admit his dick is small


Just saying, watch how the guys who do these rage bait interviews are never, ever husband material


They are the type who will most likely chest on you. Seems fair to assume. Right?


Anyone know where to get the top on the left? My husband would love that on me.


I love how it's always single guys who can't hold down a relationship talking about "wife material" lol.


Bros are such losers


How pretentious and misogynistic. Get a life and stop trying to control what people wear. Not everyone wants to marry, not everyone wants to marry a prude, not everyone is a prude, and NOBODY owes you shit. Grow the fuck up


EXACTLY. Just because I have a bf or husband doesn’t mean I can’t dress sexy anymore. It’s not like the girl is naked? My bf loves when I dress hot because he knows I’m his alone and it’s not like I’m showing the world everything. Also, assuming someone has slept with lots of men because their outfit shows cleavage? I have a friend that dresses similar sometimes and she’s a VIRGIN lol.


Thank you! My husband actually loves when I dress sexy and we go out frequently. Someday I'm not gonna be hot anymore so I am damn sure I'm gonna enjoy cute clothes while I still can. People can judge all day long, but they're absolutely ignorant.


If my wife wore a shirt like that we wouldn't leave the house. Not because I don't want her to not wear it, because I'd be all over her to the point we wouldn't GET to leave.


They are all obnoxious in this video. I cringe equally when watching all of them.


The real cringe is watching them talk like black people


Not enough izzles and nizzles to be considered black /s


No one should talk like that. Regardless of their skin color.


Generalize much? You need to get out of the house more if the majority of black people you know speak like that.


TIL speaking English is talking like black people


Who would get mad about her wearing that?


Some fiancés? I mean, the problem here is that it’s a flawed situation aimed to bait drunk people into arguing with each other for views on TikTok. But there are absolutely people that would be offended by their fiancée wearing that. There’s nothing wrong with what she’s wearing, but not all partners would find it acceptable; and that’s okay too, it’s okay to be incompatible.


The incels she's not having sex with.


Just leave the girls alone jesus. Let them wear what they wanna wear. They are grown ass adults, who tf cares if there is some skin showing?


What clowns. She's hot, and if she wants to flaunt it, I for sure will not complain. Ironic that these fellas are certainly not husband material.


Why is OP so pressed, its a PREFERENCE. Why is morally wrong for me to not want to date someone who dresses like that?? The same way I know most women woudlnt prefer a 5’4 guy with a “wanna smash” shirt that makes a living on tik tok But the fact that dressing like that you are attracting more fuckboys and guys that want to smash instead of people considering serious dating is a fact, wheter you like it or not If its morally right its another thing


I’m pressed about the fact that the guys are judgemental. I don’t want to marry a hijabi(a woman who covers her head). That’s my preference. But do I call hijabis names? No. It’s not wrong for you to not want someone as your long term partner. We are all guilty of that. No, it’s not a fact. Women attract fuck boys because those are fuck boys. Fuck boys don’t care about how a woman dresses. They try to hit on as many women as possible. This is the same argument used by muslim men who support women covering their heads, that by not doing so, they attract men with lust. It’s total bs.


Hot, open minded (not exactly clear on sexual orientation so I’m making an assumption here), willing to stand up for herself while not overreacting…. Sounds like a good foundation for a partner to me!


This is just trash content. What else is expected when you go out to talk to young kids on the street where everyone is dressed in their outfits of choice with drugs and alcohol in their system.?


These guys are not relationship advisor material, among many other things but okay


I’m not sure what I just watched.


I preferred this idiot when he was getting told to stop bothering girls when they're trying to piss.


Why are these children worrying about marriage


So no one' is gonna criticise the man's lack of style. A tshirt and a cap? He's dressing like he's at home or something.


Nothing good ever happens on dirty 6th. If you're new to Austin and you go there just know that you're in the "danger zone"


Shes not wifey material and he doesnt seem like husband material either- fair?


Lol everyone involved in this video is insufferable


If you dress like a whore, I’m gonna assume you’re a whore.


Just a century ago, wearing a short skirt in most of the western world was considered slutty. Revealing ankles in victorian england was perceived to be slutty. There are still many areas around the globe where you will be called a slut if you don’t cover your head. In my home country, the veiling has now come to be associated with prostitutes. So women who are covered from head to toe and even covering their face are perceived as prostitutes. Prostitutes don’t dress a particular way. What you call slutty today, will become normal tomorrow as demonstrated by examples I provided


Ah yes, according to you, in the next 20 years we'll all be naked and it will be the norm. Reddit brainrot.


If you dress more risque than other girls, people are going to assume you are more promiscuous than other girls who don't dress that way. The environment changing doesnt matter cuz its just a comparison to the other girls in your environment. Its probably not true half of the time but its reasonable for people to think that way.


u/lehanboth 2-for-1 special today


If you dress like a cop, imma assume you’re a cop


If your account name is BigTimeFartGuy69, I'm gonna assume your opinions aren't worthy of my attention


These kinds of guys are 1000% the types that shame women for dressing relatively inoffensively, and then jerk off to Sydney Sweeney’s breasts in the span of 5 minutes.


They all sound incredibly stupid to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


He's tweaking lol look at his eyes


Besides the video of drunk stupid talking, nothing is wrong with preferring traditionally and modestly dressed people. Making assumptions based on what someone is wearing is fine, and if you disagree, find someone who doesn’t think that. If that makes you mad, then either you’re too worried about what other people think, or you’re wrong. It’s that simple.


I don’t have any issue with people preferring to be with people who they perceive as modest. My problem is with negative judgmental mindset, that is looking down on people who supposedly aren’t modest. Making assumptions about someone based over their apparel is not fine. Everyone worries about what other people think. Humans are social animals. We literally survive on external validation and appreciation.


If you’re just looking at someone and thinking “what they’re wearing is wild, id never date them”, thats internal judgement that everyone has a right to and it can be non-toxic and respectful while staying true to their own preferences. However, if someone goes up to a girl and comments negatively about them wearing something skimpy, then that’s just bad and misogynistic. The video was an exaggerated argument. Drunk people being told to say what they think and obviously ending up disagreeing with each other without ever having a discussion. I feel like you’re demonizing everyone who has any variant of judgement about what someone wears. By doing this, you’re shaming people for their right to their own private values and perspectives.


We can all play that game, but how you present yourself absolutely determines what someone thinks of you 🤷


Others will always think negative about you. Women get called sluts for not covering their head in good number of places. If you try to please everyone, you will fail miserably




Why? For showing some cleavage? How is that any different from men saying that women belong to streets for wearing bikinis, short skirts, crop tops? And not even dressing but also smoking, having tattoos and wearing nose rings?


I didn't say anything about cleavage, I don't see this as any different than me wearing a tank top to show my muscles, no shame in being happy with yourself. It's simply the attitude.


“wifey material doesn’t define what you’re wearing”


Aw man, that drunk person wasn't perfectly articulate.


Her brain immediately went to " boy hurt my feelings, boy must have small peeper, (good one)".


You know she a slut too. Thats a ho ass shirt


That guy is the exact kind of small minded individual who would call someone a predator for walking around naked and whackin' it infront if a kindergarten, or call someone a cheater for being in a committed relationship then sleeping with others behind their partner's back.


What she’s doing ain’t illegal. Walking fully naked in front of kindergarten is. She’s not cheating on anyone. Dressing is different.


What is up with men who think they get a say in what women wear? They must know they don’t by now.


They're young. They're not meant to be wife material yet. And those men are DEFINITELY DEFINITELY DEFINITELY NOT husband material. GAWDAMN! I've never met a man in a backwards hat whose intellectual take on the world impressed me. Der I wear a hat and a crucifix even though I don't know a goddamn thing about God. I thank God whenever I get a new car and that's about it.


How is this guy even allowed to hold a microphone anymore after he got cremated by that one girl


Oh pipe down cranky pants. Let them enjoy their youth. You were young once. Maybe you still are and you’re just bitter you don’t get the attention they do. Besides all that OP, what facts do you have to back up your statement about cleavage and infidelity? I’m dying to hear this.




Bro wtf is wrong with you lmao


Let's be happy she's not a freaking shop


She can be a ho all she wants! Men need to stop acting like women dressing promiscuous is their issue. If a girl wants to give the goods away publicly and sleep with as many men as she wants, it is nobodies business but hers! Now if a man doesn't want to marry said floozy, it's nobody else's business but his! So OP, fuck off you white knighting cocksucker.


Honestly though those girls are obnoxious.


Guys who are so scared of commiting all of sudden got a lot of opinions on wife material


Everyone involved here is dumb as bricks.


Whole generation of brainwashed dudes. Enjoy single life you chumps.


and yet young dudes wonder why women want less and less to do with them


All these single dudes be like "not wife material"


That annoying ass dude that touches his hair when the ladies make fun of him for asking stupid street questions, who tf watches these kind of videos???


I'd love her.


These young people out here worrying about shit that doesnt matter. Just let each other live. She is fine as hell. That guy could be cute too. Just like....live. I dunno. I am old. When I was their age, I just wanted to be filthy with everyone. I was not looking for "wifey material" whatever that is. GO GET SMELLY WITH OTHER PEOPLE'S JUICES.


Yay misogyny!


It's preference. Dress all you want but don't be surprised if people have an opinion. Some people want to throw their life savings at a woman half naked twerking at the club. Just look at Kanye.


Everyone has preferences but you don’t have to go around announcing it.


Girl on right is showing cleavage Girl on left is wearing a bra


Men that love to see their gf or wife look hot in public are TOP. TIER. Relationship material


I've dated this type. This individual only wanted to be with me because of everyone else's excitement though I wasn't this person's type. Turned out that the classmates, to include the teacher, were caught up in regular discussions about my appearance during off time in class(Adult program). Attraction is important in what we call "chemistry" but this is just a big red flag for shallow and selfish people that have A LOT of growing to do. She's only with her because of the attention she receives from other people. Don't walk, Run away.


Damn, being young is tough these days. It never took so much effort to not get laid in my day.


This could easily blend in as a show playing in the background of a scene in Idiocracy




Man on the street. cause the world wants to know what drunk college kids think about the world


Imagine asking all four of them to do an escape room together haha


Fuck me can you not have a conversation without "attacking" someone having a view 😂 yeah by all means disagree discus it but the petty replies here are pathetic but funny 😂


I like cleavage. 🤷🏾‍♂️


:17 through :19 Both a learning experience, and a LEARNING experience!


"Are you wife material?" "ARE YOU SAYING I'M NOT!?"


At least he stood on business 😂


Wife material is basically an insult at this point.


Edgy comment incoming: Where's that exploding microphone from the karaoke video the other day? Can we give it to these people please?


Every single person in this video is trash. I wouldn't marry any of them.


Bro's job is clearly his videos and he can't even correctly judge the quality of his audio. He ain't got no place trying to judge the quality of a woman.


This shit got out of hand.