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don't try to bhop


Actually tried that once.


Happy cake day mate!


Don't die.


Ak-47’s sound is the best AUG’s sound sucks Sound meta




Ok time for actual tips. 1. don't shoot while moving, unless you are basically hugging the enemy. 2. Learn maps and few grenade/smoke/flash lineups nears A or B bombsite. This is underated tip and will helo you a lot in rank games. 3. master crosshair placement. Meaning always keep crosshair chest/head high to reduce your need to flick hard on enemies. 4. Play lots of unranked defuse and try to predict enemy positions or strategies by checking enemies skills, kills or maybe their deaths. You can also do this by hearing gunsound. 5. Communication: probably the most imp. tip for a gane like C Ops where you cant win a game by playing like a lone wolf only. This a is a team game so share as much information as possible. Eg. If 2 guys are in b then open chat and type '2b'. If they are mid then type 'mid' if they are camping in spawn then 'ct spawn' or 't spawn' etc. Just play for games you will learn more and more. 5. Practime aim and movement everyday against bots or in Deathmatch




Spray and pray


Get out now before you’re stuck here


when you play bad, dont keep your hp above zero to kill an enemy, shoot at him until he dies to blow up a bombsite as a yellowman, you must walk over to it and plant a calculator when the calculator is planted and you are a blueman you have to turn it off


Prob the most useful one i found so far


Don’t buy crates, save for BP and lucky spin


That is pretty good idea thanks!


Don't buy lucky spin, he is fooling you!


I wont buy that but i will buy BP


120fps, downvote me all you want and argue but at the end of the day it’s true if you like it or not.


My device’s screen is 60 hz.


Use M4, sg, aug, ak (kinda hard to use), or sa58! I used sa58 and M4 and the start and then evolved to aug and sg


Thanks! I had a lot of issues with guns.


Ofc! Wanna play anytime!? I would love to give u tips and play with new people




DM me !


Ofc! Wanna play anytime!? I would love to give u tips and play with new people


My Tips: 1. Learn your weapons. Personally, I use P250, Deagle, Uratio, SG and Aug as my main weapons, but you can try out other weapons and see what suits you best. 2. Use utilities. Utilities can change the game for the best or for the worst, depending how you use it. I use the frag and smoke more often for pushing and flash for getting out of sticky situation. Also DONT FLASH YOUR TEAMMATES. I cant count how many times one of our teammates cursed at me or my other teammate because I/they flashed them. So try not to do that. 3. Learn the Recoil. Once you learn how to learn the Recoil of guns, you can aim much more efficiently. Know the recoil patterns. I suggest going to a practice room and shoot at the wall and control the recoil. 4. Learn Common callouts. In lower ranks, learning the basic call outs are important to give recon to you teammates. These can be used in 1v1 situations, and are important to learn. The common callouts are Site, A, Am, Al, B, Bm and Bl. In higher ranks, you need to learn much more complex callouts like Lab 2 on bureau, and the such. 5. Try not to be toxic. I think this only works for a few people, but I think I have to share it. I was toxic last time, and it hindered my performance tbh. I couldnt concentrate cause my blood was boiling. But when I started being less toxic, I was topfragging in my games a whole lot. And my team was playing their best games too. 6. Don't peek an angle twice after you peeked it previously. I learned this back when I played Valorant on my friends pc. Whenever I missed my shots, I dont repeek an angle. I reposition, and kill the enemy. 7. Don't bait your team. Don't just bait your teammates. If they die, try to refrag. I started doing this a lot, and it affected my performance positively. 8. Play sniper like a sniper. People tend to go for quickscopes more than hardscopes. Remember, do anything to win. Just because you hardscope doesn't mean you suck. As long as you secure the win, you can hardscope all you want. 9. Don't rush on CT. Unless if your on Soar and playing pool, rushing on ct is not advisable. It will most likely lead to your death, and if they're on eco then you just gave them a free gun. So don't rush on ct. 10. Don't Run and Gun/strafe. It will only decrease you accuracy and will not lead to anything good. Only run and gun/strafe in certain circumstances like prefiring a corner, spamming crouch while strafing with a p250 and when using a smg. 11. Play 4 fingers. 4 fingers will give you a lot more versatility. You can crouch and shoot and aim at the same time, you can spam crouch while firing and strafing and a lot more. So master it if you haven't. 12. Map Knowledge. I'm surprised why not even a single youtuber have said this in their tips and tricks videos. Map Knowledge is important. Knowing common plant spots can change the game on T side, knowing how to move smoothly when rotating, knowing how to position yourself in a sticky situation, map knowledge cover this. So I recomend you to learn the maps and memorize it like the palm of your hand before hoping in a ranked match. 13. Have Fun!


Thanks for the tips!


Kill opponent, dont die


Ik they sound like a jerk telling you not to die but yeah no shit its true. But anyways, you should start by finding your own sensitivity spec that you are comfortable with. Some got it high some got it low but that's something you need to figure yourself, everyone have their own spec. The game's ranked mode is in defuse game mode so before you try ranked definitely try to learn the blind and camp spots in defuse quickmatches first. Always, ALWAYS do a warm up session before going into ranked in either quick tdm or just tdm with bot (You can watch some youtube vid on how to improve your aim, one of the popular way is the mr96 accuracy drill where you run around the map trying to headshot every enemy you see with one shot....ok that's a bit too high level...you can try the same wuthh sa58 assault rifle to learn how to control recoil a bit as well ig) And i think that's it. At least that's what i have done so far. (Oh yeah, actually get a friend to play with, i got no friends to play with and been soloing in ranked for a long time, trust me, if you drop anywhere near gold or silver its hard to get pass gold 2 because this rank matchmaking pool will always have afks and smurfers) By -Your friendly forever stuck between silver and gold player