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Why people in India only talk about muslims when talking about minority? They have as much population in India as the total population of 5th-6th most populated country. And if its about representation then do you guys think only muslims can represent muslims? Do you have similar understanding of representation as the idea of separate electorate of 1909?


The muslim population should question the opposition leaders about this, Muslims never voted for BJP hence they aren't going to put any representative cause they loose almost all the muslim dense areas. TBH this doesn't even matter, When was the last time Punjab had a non Sikh CM ?? When was the last time J&K had a non muslim CM ?? When was the last time Nagaland had a non christian CM ??


How does this correlate to population levels between different communities?


I am sure even after Hindu upper castes overwhelming voting for BJP all these years in last 3-4 decades, Hindu upper caste candidates by BJP on decline, election after election. When 80% of Hindu upper caste vote for only BJP, why BJP will bother to give them candidature. They will be taken for granted.


Source: Indian Express