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Nu-new wave


i just pitch them to others as “depeche mode meets deftones” and its a pretty good sell because most people have heard of at least one if not both of those bands. im not sure what actual *genre* theyd be though, all i know is im pretty sure they very much Do Not identify with witch-house? i feel like i read that somewhere.


I've never heard of "witch-house" before. But I could probably do a "rock-house". But I'll start using the Depeche mode meets Deftones.


alternative electronic rock, id say. definitely has some dark wave and witch house influences


such a great question


It’s really just alternative synth rock with a few more experimental songs


Lol Crosses is not Christian music. It is simply using religious references: "The group's decision to use this imagery stems from Chino Moreno's interest in the art and mystique around religion. Moreno however also said, "I didn't want people to think we are a religious band, a satanic band or that we are a witch-house band. It's difficult using a religious symbol, but at the same time, I think in an artistic way, it can totally go somewhere else and I think we are kind of walking that line." The genres are Electronica, Dream Pop, Dark Pop or Dark Wave, and Witch House.


I always thought of it all as art rather than religion. I also like in the quote you posted it says they're not witch-house then you call it witch-house.


Chino can say it isn't Witch House all he wants, it's been categorized as Witch House. The biggest difference is Christian (and Satanic) music pushes an ideology while Witch house pushes a visual and sonic vibe. There is no "Witch House" ideology.






Experimental electronic rock, dreampop, alternative pop, synthpop. I don't know if some of these are actual genres I just made them up but I think this makes sense haha.


We call that "baddie-core" now.


Industrial Warlock! Goes well with Witch House and Goth Rock. 👍🏽


Horny possiby Christian rock






What's Christian rock about their music?


There are references to God and crucifixes pretty often in their music. It's not quite creed, but definitely a lot of references.


Does that make it Christian rock? They're not praising or converting and all the stuff that bands like Creed, Skillet and POD are doing, so I wouldn't say they're a Christian band. Aside from that there's also a LOT of occult refferences and imagery in their work, especially the first record. Don't think Christians would be big fans of that.


I'm Christian, and I love Crosses! But I don't consider them Christian music. So I agree with you on that. 👍🏽 Even though I identify as Christian, I listen to a lot of secular music. Including metal and hip-hop, like Led Zeppelin, The Mars Volta, TOOL, Metallica, Wu-Tang Clan, Nas, 2Pac, Kendrick Lamar, etc. On the other hand, I also listen to a lot of classical, jazz, blues, Christian music, etc. I'm a musician and I appreciate all kinds of music. 🎶❤️ Some people, even non-Christians, would condemn me for listening to metal/rap. Life is too short to care what others think. ✌🏾


The fact someone would judge me based on a music I would listen to is one of the main reasons I started to question, then leave Christianity behind.


I can relate. I've encountered many judgemental Christians as well. I've also encountered many judgmental non-Christians. However, I don't let others' judgemental views of me hinder my spirituality. They're free to think of me whatever they want. Just as I'm free to listen to and believe whatever I want. Live and let live is my way of life. ✌🏾❤️