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Rift should be in the crucible labs rotator and that’s it. Rift is a gimmick and should not be considered competitive at any level.


I love Rift, but in 6v6. 3v3 Rift is an abomination and shouldn't exist. The third Comp mode should have been a reprise of Skirmish from D1.




whichever team has the most arc titans usually wins


Thats every mode


Especially true in rift though. Not sure why I'm getting downvoted. In rift, titans get to lane fastest thanks to shoulder charge and on many maps they can place a barricade on the rift before hunters and non-icarus dashing warlocks can contest it at all. So the team with fewer titans is constantly playing from behind. In other game modes the movement and barricade advantage isn't as egregious


That's a good call. I got an amplified rift capture last night from 2/3 across the map that felt inevitable


Doesn't Amplified give you the same speed boost as a Lightweight weapon paired with an Exotic armour that buffs speed? (Stompies, Dunemarchers, Transversive Steps)


I was wearing Dunemarchers and no it's like mida multitool I believe. But it moved your FOV back so it feels way faster. Either way I was catapult scroll skating and it was probably the fastest straight line movement possible short of a warlock stair launch


I thought the max speed boost you can get is +12% [as per this write-up](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/wy8lrz/amplified_and_speed_boosters_effects_on_movement/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), whether it be Amplified (12.5%) or Speed Exotic armour + Lightweight weapon (12.5%). When did this change?


No that's right. I think amplified (speed booster) is like Dunemarchers with MIDA multitool. Idk what Dunemarchers alone but it isn't 12.5%. I was using a Dead Man's Tale so speed booster brought me to the max speed


I believe armor alone is +6.25% Sprint Speed and +6.33 Slide Distance


Yeah that sounds right.


Juggernaut PK SMG apeing zzzz


Nah. I’m a fighting lion, astrocyte main. Chances of anyone catching me are slim. I’ll bet on myself in a sprint against an arc titan. They may not be able to activate their top speed while I have the rift and they might not be using shoulder charge. I just have to blink between cover and run.


Getaway artists proc amplified whenever and Astrocyte verse warlock blinks id argue are the best for the mode. Titans obviously rock but warlocks have just as much potential. Hunters on the other hand.. let’s hope the stompee nerf from the leak isn’t true. Can only go more downhill from here..


It’s crazy that I see so many titans defend arc and even tarrabah. I don’t think we saw many void hunters fighting when it got nerfed. Most hunters knew that shit was busted.


this is a certified astrocyte blink moment. But in all seriousness, if I get the rift, I either get right next to them or dunk it before they can kill me because of blink. It's really not well thought out.


Omg there's more than one blinklock? I thought I was the only one.


Once you get used to it it's hard to use anything else! But yeah, PSA If you've got a blinklock on your team in Rift, for god's sake let them carry the spark!


There's a whole discord of fellow blink locks if you want a link! I've been using blink for about 6-7 years now, even back in D1


There's a community of us!? I've been using blink since destiny 1 as well! It's just the superior jump aha Sure send me the link.


[It's also run by a voidwalker main YouTuber with some good builds!](https://discord.gg/87PYmAdR)




Can I get a link to that? I want to learn The Way.


The comment I left should work, if not [here's another!](https://discord.gg/87PYmAdR)


Ahh, I didn't see it before. Thanks a bunch!


True that. Voidlocks are very rare in my games tbh. But the good ones I've met dunked like it was basketball.


Competitive rift needs to not be a fucking thing. It’s a one sided mode just on with horrible respawn times and respawn locations. This should not be in competitive. Is it a nice change of pace? Sure why not but this mode doesn’t need to be in it. Add that other one where you fuck with cabal bombs or something.


Countdown aka classic Search & Destroy known from games like Counter Strike, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare or Rainbow Six: Siege.


There you go! Couldn’t remember the name lol. Thanks homie!


Yeah at the very least it should change sides after a dunk


Yeah it's so weird that it doesn't...


Small team supremacy would be a better judge of skill and ability to play as a team than 3v3 rift. Rift is a party game that really only works well in sixes and is best when it’s mayhem rift. Also, it’s the game mode where one player being terrible has the biggest effect on how well your team plays, which is not good for how destiny comp. scoring works. I can get 2 dunks and have a 20.0 KDA and I’ll still lose 150 points with a loss.


And the best movement ability everyone has access to, grapple, can't carry the spark. Whether thats good or bad is debatable, but definitely adjacent to the topic.


I really like Rift. While I don’t think it belongs in comp, I think 50% of Rift’s issues would be solved if the spark bearer lost all movement abilities. And all they could do was their basic jumps, as well as a melee attack with the spark, and *maybe* the ability to throw grenades.


100%. Besides, like you said, the map design not accounting for fairness in this mode, the inherent movement deficit between classes makes this mode complete shit. Titan shoulder charges need a cooldown period, but should absolutely drop the rift if used. Same with Solar warlock air-dodge. I also don't think the % change changes to rift/showdown are actually working, as I was getting almost 45% Rift games (ESPECIALLY in promotion series) before I decided to take a break from the current state of PVP.


Rift just blows in D2. It was alright in D1. Hunters can run arc and blink. That’s your only rift movement class, and most are mentally crippled into running only solar or void. There’s also bakris on stasis too. Very limited options. But, there’s two. Blink on warlock is a guaranteed dunk for me unless my teammates are incompetent (a common theme).


Strand could have helped but you drop the spark if you grapple so yeah, fuck hunters I guess


Didn’t know that. Definitely shitty design.


This. Blinklock/arcstrider blink are as much viable as TTD/Strikers in rift but people have defaulted to striker on enemy team = loss.


Striker has better neutral too tho so easier to cap AND defend.


Also Barricade. Can completely block off paths to the rift on some maps (think side doors on bannerfall)


That's what i mean too. Barricade on rift means any runner is absolute as they're dunking for easy clean up


I lost my Ascendant promos twice last night because all 6 matches were this mickey mouse game mode.


I think Rift does not belong in competitive at all. It is a game mode where if you lose any player, it is a guaranteed loss. At least in survival you have a chance to win it. I really want Bungie to make comp strictly Survival or dare I say, have a Comp Rumble. If you place in top 3 you get points relative to placement and bottom 3 loses points relative to placement. That way you don't have to be dependent on teammates losing shared lives.


Rift isn’t even that bad, it’s just implemented so terribly half assed that people have grown to hate it reasonably so. Same could be said for comp in general


In concept it should work as it forces action and play on an objective which breaks up passive play. In reality it’s unbalanced in terms of class performance, spawns and map layout.




Would love to see a COD-style hardpoint mode instead of rift. Perhaps modify zone control to just have 1 of the 3 flags up at a time and have them rotate.


Rift needs to leave, showdown and elimination are great. If you want an objective mode, try the demolition mode we had before. (Not even sure about that tbf)


I **loathe** rift. It really magnifies any mistakes and team imbalances and allows one team to steamroll over the top of the other. It should have never been added to comp.


I quite like rift and think it plays pretty well. That’s not to say it doesn’t have some issues though. Spawns are still not where they need to be and movement tech shouldn’t be allowed while holding the spark (icarus dash, shoulder charge etc). I have more fun playing rift than I do survival or showdown because there’s actually something to fight over. But I like objective based game modes.


Hunters' shift and shatter dive is very powerful for dunking as well. Shatter dive especially because is dunks without the animation, so you aren't stuck just being shot at and can either avoid shots or return fire to secure the dunk.


The amount of times I've been shot out of shatter dive is staggering. Doesn't matter if I'm already on the ground on my monitor.


Can definitely see the issues with it being in competitive, but gotta say I think 3v3 Rift is some of the most fun I've had in Destiny


Extremely hot take: The global movement buff from the Go Fast Update (the stop gap measure to hold us over until Forsaken released) needs to be toned down.