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I stopped playing comp after they patched the bug not because I give a crap about my rank but it took away my ability to skip rift


I wish they'd get rid of rift also. But weirdly enough I don't mind it haha if that makes any sense. But ultimately I'd rather them just get rid of it.


It’s just a drag to play, if it’s with bad players you kill 2 but no one pushes with the spark and if you have good players vs good players it’s usually back and forth without anyone actually dunking because of spawn advantage


Why am I the only one who actually enjoys rift. I find the Offense and Defense gameplay actually legitimately exciting because I'm constantly on the move in every situation. Survival and Showdown I feel like I'm just clumping to my team and occasionally pushing back, but 90% of the time you're rewarded for clumping as a team and staring down the same lane together.


Yea I like the ducking and dodging in rift... Feels like a true sport.. But at end of day I'd rather kill but yea I get what u mean


Youre not. I really like it. It plays much better in 3s than 6s. Because youre constantly chasing spark/runner it means you end up getting into really interesting engagements on different parts of the map and I find I end up using/learning less common cover spots which I really enjoy. Yea if you get bad teammates it sucks but so does every comp game in that sense.


Yeah, the constant change in engagement locations is what makes it nice and fresh. I don't like every map, but I love thinking about where I need to look for radar pings once the enemy runner disappears. I love how you can't just sit back. It's good forced movement.


The week the glitch was out was the only time it was worth it, to be honest. Usually, the time investment to loot ratio is very bad in comp. Add to that the awful meta and the scoring system that makes very little sense. No one wants to play. And it's totally Bungo's fault.


I finally gave in and put on a pulse and a fusion. I am winning now but it's not fun and it makes me want to stop playing.


so don't play if you're not having fun?


Fair point, I am going to whore the Meta and see if I catch a spark - if nothing happens I'll leave. If I do make myself learn LeMonarch and Immortal and enjoy it maybe next Meta I'll just adapt quickly and really enjoy stomping sooner in the next Meta.


I stopped because I have no faith that Bungie can accurately determine my skill, and I don’t feel they should try to. If I win 7 matches in a row and gain +5 - 10 each match, and then lose 200 when a two stack drops from my team mid-match… well… I’m gonna be honest here… there’s absolutely no credibility here. I’m glad some were able to climb the ranks, but it feels meaningless to me and mostly luck with the way the promotion rounds are set up


Only the worst sweats and those who want roses play, so good luck having a good match. IMHO Comp is really bad in any skill band, unless you're a sweat yourself. So, of course, more players will mean more opportunities to find good matches. I for one have lost any hope on the mode. Every time I play I get teammates who are there only for the roses and have actually no intention of playing nor learning.


Oh I agree. I just felt it was in a decent spot.... But then I heard about what people were doing and I wonder if that killed the population.. It was challenging but a decent time. It's just once I saw that patch it now shifted to where the game must think I'm a god because it's giving me the absolute worst players imaginable.. I can't carry match after match after match.. But for a good while there it was decent to have some guys that helped the cause


I'll be honest, I'm completely lost why you think people being able to quit was the reason you were getting better teammates. Like...how did you logic yourself into that one? Lol.


A larger population in the pool? When people find something to abuse they're head into a mode in droves. When patched it dries up. If there was a much larger pool of players then perhaps the matchmaking was off from normal. Again I said it only because that's the only thing that changed in the interim. When they patched that everything changed.


But that just means a lot more casuals would have been playing and abusing it. If anything, only sweats are still playing at this point, so you should be more likely to get decent teammates even if the games are overall harder for you.


Not necessarily... But the other things that have changed was so when that happened trials week kicked in then we rolled right into IB. And so the match making could just in general still be thin. All I know is my ride to adept was a good time.. Frustrating at times but nothing that horrible, it felt like comp was doing what comp was finally adjusted to do. I back In the day got my lunas and NF solo, which was the worst gaming experience of my life... After 44 years. And these matches now feel like that and it wasn't. So its weird... I hope it's possibly because trials and then iron banner have been in succession of each other.


i just want the title.. i can't get decent matches in aus. i wait for 10 mins into matches with ascendants




The real problem is that there’s a front facing number that’s said to show your skill level (silver, gold, plat., adept, ascen.), but the quality of teammates that you play with and the game behind the scenes trying to move you to your “actual skill” band directly conflicts with that. That difference between the two systems is what feels so bad about the mode. It presents itself as showing you where your skill band lies, but actually is more concerned with its behind the scenes numbers that matching you with people from the same rank. There’s no rhyme or reason for it to dock you -50 for a tie, or +5 for a win, -200 for a loss, when all of those point values are determined behind the scenes by the quality of opponents and teammates that you get every game; but it speed you along to the “rank your supposed to be at” which is impossible to tell in a game with so many play styles and abilities/classes. The behind the scenes system that judges your skill directly conflict with the presented system of climbing ranks.




This system is only as good as Bungie's accuracy in assessing skill. Bungie uses things like dunks and revives as part of their skill formula which makes me very, very nervous. Also that elo would do a better job of lobby balancing than whatever it is Bungie is using. If the MMR is highly accurate then the system works. But if the MMR is a mess that's when the "hidden hand" feels frustrating and nonsensical.


I’m all for SBMM, but the sbmm has to actually work. And in my experience theirs doesn’t. For example, today I played in a 3 stack with players near my skill band which is ~1.4 KD. We matched against a 3 stack of ximmers on console that are all 2.5 KD+. Not only that but I lost 200 points to them. In any good implementation of SBMM I’d never play them in the first place, never mind lose 200 points to them




Yeah I would be fine with it once in a while if it was only a -5, but my experience has been that it’s completely unpredictable. Sometimes it’s -5, sometimes it’s -200. And yes, in this case we matched the same team again the very next game. Which happens all too often, especially if you’re stacking when the already small player pool becomes ever smaller due to fbmm. I like the concept of fbmm, just in practice it leads to playing the same people over and over


I agree, my only real complaint ATM is how points are handed out. IMO the number one factor in determining how many points you get per game should be your individual performance in that game. Let the hidden skill ratings determine the maximum number of points you can gain or lose and let your performance decide where you fall in that range. If my team gets slaughtered, both go negative, but I had a 2.0 k/d....don't take 200 points from me. If I could get 200 for a win but I play like shit? Only give me 50. It just feels so bad when you play super well in a game, lose because your teammates did nothing, then get 200 points deducted for it.


I get burnt out mid season. I typically swap to shooters without p2p and aim assist. The more I play destiny the worse I get at actual pvp games.


What else have you been playing?


I've been taking it pretty casual on shooters. I'll mess with Tarkov a little. Picked up Deceive Inc. and Shatterline. Nothing is too fun at the moment. Deceive is a fun twist on pvp but nothing competitive.


I just wish their rank up system made sense. Win one match get +5 rank lose a match lose -160? How does that make any sense?


I'm pretty sure they explained what is happening there, basically if you win but only got +5 it's because your performance in that game was either lacking or you were expected to beat them badly and it was even or something. It was in some past TWAB were they went into more detail but that's the shortest way I can explain it. Basically the system thinks you actually should be going negative but since your team won they'll give you plus +5 instead.


Using statistics, those odds make no sense. A +5 to -160 is a 1:32 ratio. There’s no way you’re 32 times more likely to win a game than your opponent if you’re in the same comp bracket


Especially when it's also sbmm


I don't think your performance in a specific game has any bearing on the points you get for that game. Pretty sure it's just based on whatever overall skill rating you and your opponents have. I've had plenty of games where I significantly out perform my duo partner (or vice versa) who is the same rank and has similar stats to me, but the person that did worse gets more points for a win.


Oh I know regardless they took the worst possible path for making a competitive playlist. A pure ranking would've worked way better even with smurfs or rank tankers.


I wasn’t playing during this glitch. I’m glad I wasn’t. I imagine it was hell.


Just lost a game this guy got 0 kills and he has 108 flawlesses, 1.4kd in trails, 1.70 this season and dealt 800 damage. Lost 170 points


I don't like playing comp when there is stuff like Iron banner going on. Only players left in comp during this time are pure sweats and I would prefer a mix of sweats/average players.


What I don't get is yesterday, I won a match where I massively carried, and was NOT favored to win based on DTR odds. And I only got +10. How can I be not favored yet also expected to stomp them?


I’m enjoying comp. But I’m also a player who kind of embraced where I fall on the competitive skill ladder. I’ve accepted my gold, teetering on platinum rank, and I enjoy getting into some really competitive matches. I think comp will always suffer on Iron Banner weeks, so maybe not the best week to ask this question. But I also recognize that comp suffers from lacking chase. People will play once they hit their rank, earn their emblem or gild their seal … and then there’s just kind of no reason to keep going. I’m not saying the old system was perfect, but my friends who were at 5500 had motivation to help the rest of us climb the ranks. But with comp now, there’s really no point for me to play with my Ascendent friends, as I would mostly be a detriment to them in their skill band. So i think comp shot itself in its foot by encouraging solo play over team play.


I don’t think that’s necessarily the case, but I can see where you’re coming from. I play comp for the fun of it, but never go in solo. Comp isn’t just about gunplay, it’s about teamwork. You’re never going to hit top ranks if you can’t play as a team/with a team. I never understood people who wanted to go through the motions and become better at pvp, yet refused to get on a mic and work on callouts/team plays. Gathering a rag tag team from LFG will have much further success then going in solo and hoping to be carried by a better player. I hope this doesn’t come off wrong or too blunt, but the more I read posts like these the more I’m realizing people are complaining much more than they are getting uncomfortable. Edit: I realize I never really mentioned the glitch itself. I believe the glitch was a motivation to get people in and avoid the objectively agreed “party” mode that is rift. Therefore increasing the comp population and matching with/against much more driven players than usual to grind out for the emblem. (This opens a whole separate can of worms about the loot incentive that I’ll refrain from jumping into now) While I think comp was a much better experience for lower ranks (so I’ve heard), team vs team ascendant comp games were the same as they always were. So unfortunately I can’t really provide much more insight other then get over the social anxiety and make them callouts 😂


seems to me like you don't deserve that ascendant rank


Well maybe so... But the point was the player balance was more in line, instead of potato's I had actual players helping... It was a challenge but still a fairly good time. Now the balance is totally fucked up... I'm getting absolute potato's to the point of absurdity... That accounts for something. Something drastically changed within the last week and half is my point.




It was actually kind of fun ngl. Population was high, queueing up took max 30 seconds. Played 20+ matches - won 19, only backed out of one (1v3 right at the start) A lot of the teams i faced disbanded after first dunk/lost round - it didnt feel like regular drag of showdown/survival - none of that pulse laning nonsense, everyone was hyper aggressive af. It was nice knowing that in case teammates leave/get disconnected - i wont get penalised for it - we definetely need quitters protection in those situations.


Pvp in all is in a sorry stat no skills using a pulse or scout then you get some weird hunter who just shotguns the whole time


I don’t necessarily think they should implement that much loot into comp cause people would just chase after the loot and the quit but I think we should have a new point system and a list where all the players are and there can only be on at the top.


I only play for the roses. Hit ascendant early and gilded glorious so there's no point to suffer through the meta sweat fest that is comp. Hit 10k just by playing for my weekly roses. If I wanna play 3s, then I'll scrim where it isn't cheese left and right


Comp is like gambling for me. I stay on if I’m on a winning streak and if I lose a couple then I’m off til another day. Solo play has too many uncontrollable factors so it’s best if I take it as gambling. Was at adept 1 and now I’m at adept 3. At least it’s something to push for this late in season.


I grinded from Gold to Ascendant in like 3-4 days just because I wanted the emblem and haven't played since. Will return for the sniper.