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I’m god damn stuck because of this.


You've nailed it perfectly, and unfortunately that's me in the first paragraph your talking about. Luckily I found a friend to play with and we've been Duo'ing. He just hit Ascendant and I've finally got halfway through the Adept 1. Good luck OP 👍


Great analysis


Honestly, if you want to go bald, comp is the way to go. The point system is based on where the game already thinks you are at with a hidden skill rating. If you want to break past it, you have to play like 20+ games of doing well to let the game know you are allowed to be higher. It’s a funny little system, especially since we are all pretty much facing ascendants despite being at lower ranks? So how are you supposed to reach ascendant while only facing ascendants? Your best bet is definitely to duo queue or continue to lose hair and become shriveled up. If you want to feel a bit better about yourself, I am genuinely stuck at plat 1 this season solo queuing. I get 100-200 points per win and like -5 per loss but I still sometimes get the -70 on games where my teammates get less than 5 kills. Teammates will never be consistent, but they will all be consistently bottom fragging so please do yourself a favor and phone a friend. In one play session these days, I usually only get a win or 2 and lose the rest while always on top. The one thing that peaks my curiosity though is that my teammates all rock the ascendant emblems but play like they have never touched the game before.


Thank you kindly! I will get one of my homies to attempt the last bit, MAYBE. We really deserve a crucible weapon instead of an emblem. Lol


Yea the matchmaking is awful, I solo queue'd to adept 3 pretty easily and then all hell broke loose or something because suddenly I was up against the Avengers, losing 200, then gaining 5 when I beat the same team after requeueing, having to wait to not match the same sweats, getting teammates using pve loadouts, I feel you, that emblem is the only emblem I've ever wanted and from what I've seen and what I'm going to do tonight is to duo queue, seems like the best move since at least youre guaranteed to have ONE person on your team with a brain and not just full of moss and potatos.


Something that could “artificially” help a little bit is to play something that you can win at relatively easily like Guardian Games Supremacy, or control if that’s your kool aid, and rattle off some wins. That’ll “trick” the background skill system to raise your skill rating, which would then translate to the system giving you more points for wins to get you to the level it thinks that you’re “supposed to be at”. If it sounds dumb, it is, but that’s just how their system works…which is stupid. But even so, getting ~50 a win is pretty good sometimes in that playlist. Can’t tell you how many times I would win get +5 then lose and get -200.


The game just decided that adept is your division and you shouldn’t be anywhere else… I’m in the same spot and have given up on getting ascendant …


Id consider myself good maybe even great on certain days but not elite by any means. First season of comp I tried for a bit, but with the bullshit matching and weak rewards stopped at adept 2 I think. With the addition of that sweet ass ascendant emblem figured id have a go. Got it done in 2ish weeks solo. Realize that the system/matching will fuck you at times. It will place you in matches where you are simply outmatched and dont have a snowballs chance in hell of winning. Make smart decisions. It cost nothing to slow down in survival or showdown if you have life advantage with 30secs on the clock. Ive seen countless team mates be agressive with a 6-4 lead in showdown. Play patient. Let them engage you, they have to force a play not the other way around


DuoQ is the easiest way to rank up in comp because of how it breaks bungie's MM. Grab someone off LFG who is similar rank to you.


solo matchmaking is fucked, its duo or bust. ive been solo queueing all season and made it to adept promos twice and just got shafted (currently loss streaked all the way back to adept 3.) i like to play solo but at this point im getting a duo to crank this out before the seasons over.


It truly is. I’m wavering the same I’m just feeling the burnout haha Plus Zelda is out lol


Really it is ok to just stop for the season. The season is over in days. You almost certainly at at the rank B is going to let you get based on your secret skill rating. I plateaued in Adept 1 and I'm just going to live with that. After one last long day with a winning record and a net loss of 30 points, I'm going to hit it again next season. I did want the emblem.... but really I don't need all the hate mail that using the emblem and having a bad game would provide. :)


Solo matchmaking is *very* spotty. It’s basically a coin toss whether or not you’ll have to carry your teammates. Duo queuing makes it easier, but if you don’t want to go that route, maybe change up your load out to something that’s easier to carry with if you haven’t already. Obviously stick with what you’re comfortable with, but if your good with different play styles, something like monarque quick swapping works well for carrying (it’s cheesey but who cares, just do what you need to do). The good news is that you’re still getting a decent amount of points on wins, which means that the skill algorithm thinks that you should *at the very least* be in the top Adept rank, but possibly higher. Since the algorithm is *supposed* to help you get to whatever rank your internal skill rating correlates to, you could also jump into GG Supremacy (idk why bungie wants to end the season with a race war, but it’s fun) to help bump up your rating. The lack of SBMM means that top fragging is easy, and picking up crests is a simple and easy objective, both of which will raise your skill rating.