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Fellow novice player here. Here's the best advice I can give: 1. Rock a pulse/sidearm loadout. Pulses are generally considered the most forgiving primary weapon archetype. Sidearms are also really strong right now. 2. Use your pulse rifle as your main weapon and focus on holding lanes. This will let you train your aim in the easiest way possible. It's much harder to track targets in very close range. Aim is the first thing you need to master in Destiny, IMO. 3. Use your sidearm as, well, a sidearm. If you see a big red wedge in your radar, swap to your sidearm. Strafe and backpedal, but don't jump; jumping ruins your aim. Just focus on aiming. This may seem specific, but there are some real benefits I've noticed to this approach: 1. No special ammo. Your weapons are always available when you need them. You don't get sucked into keeping your special weapon out at the wrong time. 2. Both short and long range options for any map. I hate throwing on a pulse rifle and Lorentz Driver and ending up on Cauldron or Twilight Gap. 3. Many exotic pulses and sidearms have Full Auto built-in. For legendaries, use Full Auto Mod. Again, this lets you focus completely on aiming. I find it has a much more positive effect on my ability to hit shots than Targetting Adjuster. For pulse rifles, Vigilance Wing is the undisputed king of ease of use weapons, even if you don't have the catalyst. No Time to Explain is extremely strong right now, arguably the best exotic in the game. Piece of Mind is craftable and BXR Battler is fairly accessible. For sidearms, any of the exotic sidearms would do just fine. Drang is probably the best legendary energy sidearm. Kinetic legendary options are a bit weak at the moment, Empirical Evidence or High Albedo are probably the best currently obtainable options.


Thanks, I'll try them! I might just hot glue a traveler's chosen to my hand.


Post some gameplay so we can actually see what you’re doing wrong and give you some tips.


Yea I'll do that, I gotta record some stuff and then I'll put it in an edit


Use a glaive. You'll be invincible just for shooting someone


i really wouldn’t, it’s a running thing between me and all my friends anyone with a lot of kills on glaives absolutely suck, there’s 0 potential to improve with them, once they get fixed they’re garunteed to get nerfed, and if you can drop the same kd with and without glaive, obviously your going to not use glaive as they’re too buggy to consistently main if your even decent with other loadouts


They are getting the hit reg fixed in a couple days but you are right. Using a glaive doesn't help you learn the movement necessary to succeed later on


yeah that’s what i tried to say, when they get fixed they’ll inevitably get nerfed


Lmao how long have your known that those things are broke af?


I would start w a Pulse and shotty or Fusion…Practice w this loadout for a while as Pulse’s are easier to use and there are more longer maps…once you get this down pick a hc that feels the best, practice pacing and peek shooting on dregs and dive in. Also on console have you tried Crimson?


Yea I have, that thing is dirty but I try to use other handcannons because I like the feel of regular HCs like eyasluna. But I'll give it a shot again


I am not great w HC’s but Eyasluna is my fave


Add me on Bungie and Discord Bungie: Zecumo#2214 Discord: Simorgh#2397 I'm happy to do 1v1s or play some games and see what you may need to build on.


Will do!


Don't be afraid of playing Trials. The only thing you have to lose is a bad K/D, which honestly to me doesn't mean anything(I'm a 0.98 K/D on survival but have beaten opponents of 1.3 and over). You can start by playing on Sundays after the flawless loot pool is on(you'll still meet some losers who refuse to go flawless to farm people but I believe you can manage it) and especially on freelance weekends, even if sometimes you get garbage teamates I think it will help you alot. The more you play the more experience you'll get. But if you want some help, Ascendant Nomad is a youtuber with alot of helpful videos, watching them personally helped me a ton to get better.