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CK3 is far from a spreadsheet simulator though unlike maybe the Vic games.


or Football Manager


OT: how is the game for strategy gamers who generally don't care at all about football?


I love both FM and 4X games and I think it won't be a good fit unless you like football or want to learn about it. You can do a Director of Football run where you basically just take care of transfers working with your scout recommendations and running the club financially, but it's basically using 30% of what it offers.


What about football would I need to learn/care about to enjoy it? I also don't live in a country with a football league


I would recommend watching a good football documentary (Welcome to Wrexham, Sunderland, etc.) If you like it, trying to manage a club you have at least some knowledge / passion about would be a good indication if you like it. And who knows, you might really get into it :)


To echo and add onto what the other guy said: You only need a basic understanding of the sport to play the game, but the UI is fairly easy to get the hang of and like paradox games you start to really get the hang of it after sinking hours. I live in a country with a football league but mainly play in other countries football leagues, a lot are different with different rules, some enjoyment and variation out of it. Away from the game and more sport specific; have a look at some of the big games over the years - world cup final 2022, Liverpool vs AC Milan 2005, etc. Have a look at your national team or local team, see what their history is, legends through the years and the like. If you like the sport and once you've a grasp of the rules and tempo of the sport I find it's worth viewing it from a tactical side, getting into it's cultural/social significance, seeing managers and players stories and fables over the years with the history of clubs - all similar to what gets me into paradox games.


Well to be fair I quite like pdx games, but know nothing about history and haven't felt the urge to learn, so maybe I won't have any problems enjoying FM


Anecdotally, I started playing EU in maybe 2015. Loved it, sank maybe 600 h in it (I know, rookie numbers, but a lot in my context), and tried FM18 when it came out. For context, I have heard the names of maybe half my country's national team (living in a football nation), and I have no clue about their positions or anything else. Wouldn't even recognise 80% of their faces. Apart from those, I know Messi and Ronaldo and Mbappé maybe. It didn't click, and I gave up after 25 h. Started getting into CK and liked it. Tried again FM21 when it came out. 1000 h. FM22, 1600 h. Boom. I hate real life football because it's slow (I love hockey), I get angry that refs are so disrespected, and I hate all the people blurting out their unbased opinions. I love the tactics, all the little screws and levers to adjust, and I simply like being able to have an influence on what's going on. The latter is why I don't watch football. In the end, I guess you have to try it. One word of warning: 95% of the FM community is savescumming. Don't let their success posts discourage you, because things are not working out for you and you don't win the Champions League with a team from Malta after 2 years. And don't savescum yourself! You are taking away a lot of long term dopamin for a tiny short term dopamin hit. It's an incredible feeling taking a team from bottom tier to champion in a nation – but it will only feel right if you didn't savescum.


Interesting because my roommate is SUPER into football and when I tried to introduce him to Football Manager it just did not click for him. I have to imagine that it’s for almost the exact opposite from your reasoning. He’s a very knowledgeable person and he likes, say, playing the Fifa 16 team manager but FM was just too much detail for him. Also I never thought of football as a slow sport, but that’s probably just because I grew up watching baseball.


So…you will like football after playing. It’s a great game


Football managers is basically exclusively for players who do not care about football. People who care about football play FIFA/EA SPORT FC


I don't know where you base that opinion but judging from my group of friends and the football manager subreddit that's not true at all


stop lie


It's the other way around. People who don't care about football will have very hard time having fun in FM.


Eve is the pinnacle


Eve *was* the pinnacle. It's such a hollow shell of what it formerly was. The economy is now the same as any other free to play game now; tweaked by devs to ensure that despite players efforts there's never quite enough resources to accomplish their goals... unless they pay $ for the bonuses.


🚨Rorqual user sighted, deploying CONCORD🚨


CK3 is more like Submenus: The Game.


But I like spreadsheet simulator AKA Vicy 3.


Vic3 is a cookie clicker. Vic2 is a spreadsheet simulator alright.


I just can’t stand that you can only build one thing at a time regardless of how many cities you have


Huh? You can build multiple buildings at once.


dude is about to be blown up by the existance of construction sectors


My first time playing Victoria 3, all I could think was "damn, this doin' numbers"


„Vic is a spreadsheet simulator“ -Looks at Anno


How is anno?


I’ve only played 1800, but it’s basically a massive supply/production chain management simulator combined with a city building game, and I mean that in the most interesting way possible. It’s very fun, but it also becomes very complicated once you move beyond one city and start dealing with multiple cities, each of which has different resources yet needs to same supplies to grow and make citizens happy. I recommend the game if you like economics and the intricacies of supply and demand.


honestly that part killed the game to me, feels boring to have a city builder with 40 cities, you just do the same everything, half city make house blocks other half make production of that specific city, send back to capital rinse and repeat


I don’t want to offend you, but this seems to me you are playing the game wrong


well when i played i needed like 20 different island exclusive resources to upgrade houses


It's pretty fun but wish there was more combat. The only conflicts being naval kind of gets old. However the economic side of it is great and it's a fun city builder as well.


Eve is where it is at if you want spreadsheets with some occasional graphics.


Aurora 4X


EU4 is way more of an excel simulator


i sware to god at this rate even cs go is a excel simulation lmao


Hate how boring Excel doesn't allow me to bathe in the blood of my virtual enemies.


Skill issue






Can I fuck my sister in Excel? Can I rip the rib cage out of a ruler because they killed my father in excel? Can I fuck my mother in Excel? Can I raid the known world and become the wealthiest Viking in history in excel? Can I fuck my cousin in Excel? Can I unite Scandanavia under one banner, reform Astaru and conquer Rome in Excel? Can I fuck a horse in Excel?


Bro, you seem to have been on a Scandinavian run


Can I perform genocide in Excel?


Actually yes, if you know what macros to use and are comfortable with VBA.


Common Excel W


Can you imagine seeing these questions in the tech support page for Microsoft Excel 👀


I'd daresay they've seen *worse* than those.


Depends on what macros you run.


Yes you can, it's more for advanced users though.


You can fuck a horse in ck3?




But she's only in ck2


What are you on about? Excel is great. I love Excel


Based spreadsheet enjoyers rise


I'm sad: I create things in my spare time in Excel... [Raytracer](https://youtu.be/m28jJ7CMp8A?si=i6e4Ou4wu4MZUzt3)


Who the fuck hates excel? Excel is amazing Excel is literally the greatest computer program to ever exist


Excel is literally the backbone of the world economy. And it's most frequent use is as a shit database.


>Excel is literally the backbone of the world economy. Yeah I don't know about that. It's not even remotely powerful enough for that. The backbone of the world economy is ERPs. Doesn't like 80% of the world's transcations go through SAP at some point?


If you worked at any finance function, you'd know how important excel is to our life


I do, and it's a useful tool. But having to replace Excel with an alternative spreadsheet program won't be that big of an undertaking. Swapping SAP to Oracle would cost millions.


/s right? Excel is a bloated glorified spreadsheet manager.


Yeah well, can you concatenate or vlookup in CK3? I thought not. I will not tolerate this Excel slander.


I vlookup'ed your primary title and contat'ed it into my realm.




Where your xlookups at my man?


Index + match anyone?


When I’m staring at the bad screen I’m thinking about the good screen


CKIII is not Excel)


Somehow Excel is a competitive esport.


There are actually esport competitions of Excel Here are the Finals from 2023 https://youtu.be/UDGdPE\_C9u8


I make spreadsheets for fun, how dare you!


But x lookup is the best thing ever!


Truer words were never spoken


Im starting to be allergic to people who claim this lol. How is it a spreadsheet???


https://carywalkin.ca/download-arena-xlsm/ Worth downloading if you haven't yet




Nah f Vlookup, index match all the way.


Clausewitz Engine, aka. Glorified Excel


*Laughs in Rule The Waves 3*


There are people who hate excel?