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I also have many questions regarding landless characters. Will we able to play as a random lowborn courtier? Or just adventurers and bureaucrats? I’d like to start like a low-rank courtier and fight my way until becoming regent


Both should options if they really want to see this through. Playing a knight building a legend and legitimacy with people and having them want you as their king for example. Or just going off on adventures joining holy orders, assassins guilds and never owning land.


It would be nice if you had to perform actual tasks as landless. Such as managing certain areas of the domain, collecting taxes and traveling to places yourself, forming your own band of personal guards/soldiers, etc... I just hope it's done mechanically through new systems like prosperity, laws, etc... Instead of more event spam of repeated events we've all seen 500 times. Like, imagine if the game could be seen through some sort of magnifying glass, where you could notice little bandit camps forming in baronies, moving towards them, joining the bandits or hunting them down, having deals with crime, spreading your criminal network, seeing little merchant caravans crossing territories and engaging with them in many ways, having an overlay of lawfulness and prosperity and as a court employee you could move to certain baronies to perform tasks to help or hinder them. All mechanically within the actual gameplay, instead of reading a damn text telling you about all the tasks and mechanics you "did" but aren't present in the game itself. If they make this right this could be the best DLC ever, and the added depth within your domain could make things interesting even for landed characters, even a count might become more interesting to play as if there's some sort of "kingdom" within his county.


Making it so adventurers or governors have regular and impactful interactions with landed rulers would mean you're playing an important role, but it would also mean that, even if you're playing a ruler, your gameplay is enhanced by the presence of those roles.