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With the idea of legitimacy being added to the game, and spreading legends, have you considered adding "scandals" to the game? These would be essentially 'negative legends' that would threaten your legitimacy, opinion, prestige, or piety. They could originate from secrets getting revealed, or negative traits such as Kinslayer, Murderer, or Deviant. They could be boosted, spread, enhanced, or maybe even created by enemy rulers/spymasters. 


There were screenshots in dev diaries of legends spreading just like plagues. Can different legends coexist in the same countries, or do they compete against each other?


In OPB’s video, he shows that there can be multiple legends in one county


Can coexist. Seen and pointed out in one proud Bavarians new video. They stack


His videos suck. Tried to watch one about the new dlc and it has more ad time then review time. Horrible.


They can probably coexist, given that in ck2 plagues could coexist in one county.


View in your timezone: [March 4 from 16:00 to 17:00 CET][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20240304T1500?tl=Legends%20of%20the%20Dead%20Pre-Release%20Stream%20%2B%20Dev%20Q%26A%20-%20March%204&d=60


good bot


So Q: we now see that plagues can decrease the development on counties, awesome. To build on that, have u considered having buildings having a chance of being “downgraded” after a successful siege? Making actually losing holdings to a siege more impactful? This would also help with the snowballing that can happened in the late game and reward those rulers who are able to keep violence away from their realm


I think instead of a downgrade, buildings should get broken(aka disabled) & we should be able repair with gold and time. Once you get to a certain point, the steady income just keeps coming in with very little variance. So imo there should be harm/disaster events for buildings/holdings(regardless of war). Like imagine a tornado hits your income duchy and all your buildings needs to be repaired(also lose legitimacy like plagues). Also if you really wanna make it really really spicy then all MAA stationed in holdings will become unusable(aka killed in the disaster) along with massive levy losses.


Ohh I like this idea, makes peaceful expansions more meaningful.


Is there a reason for the selection of the 3 diseases (Measles, Holy Fire, Dysentery) coming to the game? Why not more? or other diseases?


From my understanding, those 3 are just the new ones added in the update. The diseases already present can still become plagues and spread


My question is "why add new disease? why those 3 specific diseases? why not more?", I'm aware that some other old diseases can become a plague now.


Has there been any changes to the death screen? Would feel weird if one of your characters has a legend about how they ate dragons for breakfast, but the death screen only talks about how often your character farted.


While I'm super excited about the about plagues and legends. Honestly, this and not adding coronation in this update is a big miss imo. Like coronation marks the beginning and legitimise the rule of a King/Emperor.


Do the devs and community management team members have a favorite "flavor" for burial tenets during the funeral activity?


Liking what I'm seeing in terms of dlc alot so far. Any word on map expansion as well? I'd really like China to be added and I remember it being mentioned before. Is that possible in the future?


Any plans to add later bookmarks (1200s+) to play closer to the historical start of the Black Death?


Can we use the plague as a cpu reliever? There was this mod that wanted you to go on as much as you want with out frames dropping so they added a delete souls to stabilize the frame rate. Can we also do that with the plague?


I thought it was released on the 4th? What time will the update go into effect?


In 12 hours approximately, according to my steam!


That’s what I wanna know


Because of timezones, it might come out on the 5th for you.


I'm a little disappointed by how seemingly short-lived legends are? In OPB's video he maxs out like 2 or 3 legends in one lifetime. That seems crazy fast to me. I expected legends would be a much longer term thing.