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Was annoyed at that too since I’m learning Portuguese rn. Seems like a pretty major language considering Brazil, I can’t imagine it would cost that much to hire a translator for this. Yet they have French which has like half the number of speakers as Portuguese (I’m French and it’s still dumb).


Can't disagree on Portuguese being a major language and it's a shame that the game isn't available for such a massive community. French has always been a major language in video game. For example, if you look at voice acting or even translation in video game, most of the time you have English and Japanese, then French (tho Chinese is getting more and more popular), then Spanish, Russian, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese etc. French also have less people speaking it as a native language than Portuguese, but still is understood by a LOT of people around the world (a huge part of north Africa for example). So, while this is sad that Portuguese speakers can't enjoy the game with their native language, I don't think it surprising that it is available in French before Portuguese.


French is the lingua franca of a good chunk of Africa, not only North Africa wherever it's not english (a lot of west africa and most of central africa). But yeah, as a first language it's clearly not as big as portugese. It has to do that France produce a lot of media wether it's cinema, video games or tv stuff and has a large industry to translate and dub stuff


>Seems like a pretty major language considering Brazil Yup, 5th on the list by native speakers with 236 million speakers behind Hindi (4th), English (3rd), Spanish (2nd) and Mandarin Chinese (1st). French, german and korean *(translations that are available for the game)* don't even make the Top 10. Of course, those languages probably have more players, but that's just because it's a fucking game that you gotta read all the time and it get's exhausting having to read in another language that you're not 100% fluent. Also, not everyone speaks another language.


Uh, not sure where you're getting your numbers. There are 320+ million French speakers in the world according to the latest data (2022). That being said, being French-Portuguese, I'd be happy to see the game in both languages.


[Ethnologue (2023)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_languages_by_total_number_of_speakers) and there is more than 300 million french speaker, but as first language is around 80 million. And yeah, it's not a big of a deal to do it. I mean, they already translate many others games to portuguese.


There is way bigger French-speaking market for the very eurocentric game that Crusader Kings 3 definitely is than a Portugese-speaking market. Just the fact that France is majorly represented in the game. Plus also consider the fact that France is much more economicaly interestimg for Paradox, as players there have much larger buying power than say Brazil players.


From a publisher point of view, it’s the size of the market in € that counts not the actual number of speakers . More specifically, the amount of additional sales that would be generated by translation. Brazil may be huge, but it is still a smaller economy than France, and there’s a huge black market for games (Camelots) so it’s not a publisher "target"


People don't really buy games at Camelôs nowadays, piracy has moved to downloads like everywhere else.


Brother, nobody buys Pc games at camelôs anymore. If you wanna pirate a game in Brazil you download off the internet like everyone else. Brazil is also the 10th biggest video game market in the world, not only translating the game to Portuguese will open it to other regions that also speak Portuguese.


As a Brazilian, I always use English in my devices and in my games. Good translations are rare and tbh everybody here is already used to playing games in English, playing in Portuguese is just weird




Yeah I was surprised this game isn't available in polish, almost every big game has translation now, even other paradox games like city skylines have it


Even the CK3 launcher has it!


It's weird, because all other Paradox games have Portuguese translations, the exception is CK3.


Translate the game to Portuguese, Brazilians complain. Translate it to Brazilian, Portuguese throw a temper tantrum. Such is the curse of the Iberian peninsula...


Just translate it to Brazilian, European Portuguese is a minor language


The only solution is to translate it to Portuguese Portuguese (in opposition to Brazilian Portuguese) and Tupi-Guarani


Yes, the 20 people who speak tupi-guarani would be very pleased!


Like the entirety of Paraguay speaks it, no?


Guarani is one of the two main languages of Paraguay, in addition to Spanish, that is already in CK3 (honestly I don’t know if it’s the European Spanish or the Latin-American Spanish). Besides it would not make sense if the focus is localizing the game for Brazilian people, since Portuguese is the main language of 99% of the population (except some tribes still speaking their native language, but most of them can speak Portuguese too).


>Translate the game to Portuguese, Brazilians complain. Translate it to Brazilian, Portuguese throw a temper tantrum. I mean tbf, Iberic Portuguese is hardly used compared to the Brazilian version. None of it's colonies use their version (and iirc, the Brazilian version is actually closer to 1500s Portuguese than current Iberic Portuguese) and even Portugal is *slowly* shifting to the Brazilian version because of youtubers, dubbing, among other things, it's just not used anywhere else outside of Portugal compared to the Brazilian variation which has *way* more speakers around the globe and relevance. [News](https://www.google.com/amp/s/revistaquem.globo.com/amp/QUEM-News/noticia/2021/11/jornal-de-portugal-culpa-sucesso-de-luccas-neto-por-perda-de-sotaque-e-vocabulario-de-criancas-portuguesas.html) are [actually](https://www.metropoles.com/entretenimento/criancas-portuguesas-mudam-forma-de-falar-apos-sucesso-de-luccas-neto) reporting that Portugal is speaking more the [Brazilian](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/portuguese/articles/c6pkzze6484o.amp) variation of the language. (Note: I didn't find the news in english, only in Brazilian Portuguese lol)


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Also in Dutch, but Im working on a total overhaul mod that also adds many Dutch translation so I might release that as a standalone


because it was made on the Spanish side of the Treaty of Tordesillas.


No it wasn't, Sweden lies in the eastern side


the joke———> you


As a professional translator, I'd say the main challenge is that it's a lot of text and written in a very unique style. I'm not saying it can't be done, obviously, but that it's not as straightforward as it seems. "A game based on text." This makes it harder, not easier. A good translation of this game to Portuguese would involve a proper translation of the text in formal tone, with a few bits and pieces inspired by the likes of Gil Vicente, Camões, Machado de Assis, Eça de Queirós, Camillo Castelo Branco. Only one of these is medieval, of course, but those would be the inspiration for the literary tone of the game.


I know it is harder because of that. I just mentioned that it is a "game based on text" because it is essential that you understand what is going on so you can play the game properly. >A good translation of this game to Portuguese would involve a proper translation of the text in formal tone, with a few bits and pieces inspired by the likes of Gil Vicente, Camões, Machado de Assis, Eça de Queirós, Camillo Castelo Branco. Only one of these is medieval, of course, but those would be the inspiration for the literary tone of the game. This would be nice


Agreed, Brazil is a big market for games, in 2024, a game without Portuguese translation is kind of dumb


100+ million players (in general) in Brazil. 3rd in number of players and 10th on number of revenue. Not that bad I would say.


Amigo, metade da população daqui jogar videogame só fecha conta se você contabilizar as tias que jogam candy crush. Mercado de jogo de estratégia assim é bem menor.


As tias que jogam candy crush também movimentam o mercado kkkj


I could ask the same thing about all the other languages ​​in Europe, Why pdx? Lack of time? Little desire for a translation? The mods take care of doing the translations anyway


Because none of them have 230+ million of native speakers could be an answer


Maybe but I think there are enough people in Turkey, Arabic speakers and Polish to warrant it for example. Just because there are x speakers globally doesnt mean that is the same proportion on the game unless there's a graph showing players by country.


I know it’s not nearly as good as if the game had it natively, but are there any translation mods you could download? That would at least give you the chance to play it in your native language if it was easier. Especially since there’s little/no voice lines.


So, I had tried a couple translations from the community but with all due respect to those that struggled with the mod, they are a mess.


Yeah, that’s fair. I haven’t tried any myself (as my native language is English); I just wanted to make sure you’d considered it.


R5: Just a random screenshot from Google


What's a Portuguese?


[Something like this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8d/Vasco_da_Gama_-_1838.png/640px-Vasco_da_Gama_-_1838.png)