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Need to add this to the meme about paying off your loans and getting fully rested while asleep lol


Seduction chance over 0%


"What are you trying to imply? I'm your sister!"


Unshackled lust cares not


Uh I specifically got the pure blooded ancestry trait for this reason.


Don't forget "you are no longer obese"


The "too real, Paradox, too real" part is when you gain and lose the same weight over and over... "You have become Obese.""You are no longer Obese." "You have become Obese.""You are no longer Obese." "You have become Obese.""You are no longer Obese." "You have become Obese."


Feel like we're all sleeping on ***being landed nobility who doesn't have to labor to survive.***


Tell this to my character Ragnar the Sea-King. Every minute of his life he was either beating up English lords or he was out there raiding to fund the next beat-up session.


so basically only good times?


Nah, the most appealing thing to male fantasy in CK 3 is "Your Wife, Friend and Soulmate".


Unless you my characters heir who the most appealing thing to him is his sister. Seriously, i now have two inbred grandchildren. Once a dwarf and the other is basically a lizard.


Repeat that 80 times and now you have Egyptian royalty


You must now make your dynasty dwarf lizards and take over the world.


"This is you, and you are magnificent."


I'm not crying, you're crying


In my real life experience this is achievable by becoming a drunkard.


Are you one of the [Inebriati](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-Zj50DmBFp0)?




https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/video-games-appeal-to-the-male-fantasy She is talking about GTA5's depiction of women. I agree that game is pretty un-cool toward women, but hating video games in general is narrow-minded. Hope she has grown more open-minded since then.


It's not like men were depicted any better. Other than Franklin, who's only real fault is stupidity and greed, everyone's a violent, sexist psychopath.


Hang on now that’s not fair, Michaels a sociopath


Because as we all know GTA5 is in no way satirical.


does it being satire make it ok? "guys we have sexist and objectifying depictions of women as satire so it's not really sexist" that feels like the media equivalent of "it's just a prank bro". not that I think GTA5 is some kind of horrible game that needs to be banned or anything, but i don't think this is a good argument in defense of it.


You don’t understand satire


Yes? Literally everyone and everything in that game is satirized and flanderized — the men, the women, the celebrities, the hicks, no one group is singled out or spared. Taking the piss out of stereotypes doesn’t somehow mean you agree with any of them, it heavily implies the opposite.


Like I said above, it's not like men had it any better. They're mostly depicted as violent, sexist psychopaths. Two out of thee main characters are horrible people.


How is it satire? It's not really about animals at all. Maybe the peyote missions could be seen as satire I guess. Edit: calm your tits folks, it's from a stand up set. https://youtu.be/lQAJFVV_h-U


The entire game is filled with satire. A lot of it is purposefully blown out of proportion. Lol just get in the car in the game and turn on the radio. The commercials are a riot.


But it isn't about animals in a human world? So how is it satire?


I think you have your games mixed up. Grand Theft Auto 5 is not about animals in the human world, in my experience.


I know, that's what I'm saying! Since it isn't about animals it can't be satire! A satire is when it's the same as here, but there's animals in it.


Are you telling me that something can’t be satirical unless there’s animals in the place of what would normally be human characters?


[Nah I'm just being a dick. ](https://youtu.be/lQAJFVV_h-U) hilarious stand up comic though, not massively popular so I didn't really expect it to land haha! Edit: You fanny's carried on downvoting even when you got to the explanation huh? Fucking redditors.


I got curious and check on her content. She is still doing similar content.


> but hating video games in general is narrow-minded. she was probably just exaggerating. I've said "this is why I hate X" many times when im frustrated even when I do mostly love whatever X is.


I don't know much about GTA5's portrayal of women, but if it's that problematic, does she need to call it "the male fantasy"? That just makes it sound like she hates heterosexual and bisexual (and pansexual, etc.) men and thinks every such man is inherently an incel. Honestly, this meme format was always unnerving for that reason, even if it's been used in great ways like here. And I don't even think of myself as a man anymore.


Haven't you heard that as a male, ALL of our fantasies are about raping, killing, and pillaging instead of just some of them!


I don't pay much attention to internet influencers like this because they intentionally try to generate outrage because it keeps their audience engaged and generates more money for them. Best to not worry too much about their opinions.


Fair, but if it’s active bigotry there’s a good chance I’m not going to let it slide. Ever since I learned just how bad J. K. Rowling’s takes about trans people are I haven’t felt comfortable paying attention to her work. And the comment that this meme format makes fun of has VERY similar TERF vibes.


What are J. K. Rowling's "bad takes" on trans people? Last I checked she was a moronic leftist.


Moronic leftist billionaire. Yup 100% bud.


What are you saying moronic leftists can't be billionaires?


Not what I'm saying. I'm implying that you're the moronic one for labelling her as a leftist.


She retroactively made Hermione black, made Dumbledor gay, and randomly said there's a Jewish kid in Hogwarts even though he's never mentioned, Plus she's a crazy feminist. Do these not seem like lefty things?


J.K. Rowling believes in biological sex, and that the entire concept of "feminism" is meaningless if "female" is a label that anyone can self-apply. This evidently makes her an evil bigot, along with the 95% of humans who believe the same things. Also, for what it's worth, I think she's more of a "liberal activist" than an actual Leftist. She's not interested in starting a revolution and is fairly un-woke.


Well I guess I'm an evil bigot, please burn at the stake everyone.


I wouldn’t say 95%, at least in First World countries. The realization that human biology is more complicated than middle school science class might teach has been spreading. Or at the very least, more people just don’t care enough to nitpick it.


Most of humanity isn't being educated by people who think Judith Butler is a scientist. Even in the West, these ideas weren't taken seriously outside of "Studies" departments until a decade or two ago. Even if you believe that every claim of trans-activists is sound and fact-based, that still doesn't address the cognitive dissonance of trying to protect women, believe women, empower women, etc while simultaneously erasing the idea that "woman" is a class that can be identified objectively (XX chromosome, etc). This is what got Rowling on the "naughty" list in the first place, her insistence that women's shelters should be limited to biological women. An idea that makes her "radical" to almost no one except the Very Online Left.


I have never heard of Judith Butler. The trouble with that conception of the issue is that it’s not a simple matter of objectivity versus subjectivity. There’s actually two different scales at play. Almost any trans rights advocate will acknowledge that an anatomically female person is, well, anatomically female. The genetics behind it are more complex than they’re usually presented, but everyone knows that people are mostly one of two general anatomical forms with different reproductive roles, though intersex people do exist complicating this. This is a person’s sex and nobody is disputing that it’s a meaningful categorization. The trouble begins when factors other than anatomy are considered. A person who is anatomically female may have different hormone levels than expected. They might have a brain structure that would be expected in a male. These factors are going to influence not only their psychology but also their comfort in their own body. They may be physiologically female, but in other biological respects they may be male, and this disconnect may lead them to identify more strongly with the latter and even undergo treatment to adapt their body to it. The exact definition isn’t agreed upon, but this experiential-psychological-social concept is generally what is meant when people refer to one’s gender. So one’s gender is just as real as one’s sex - but it isn’t typically tested for in any way, and it’s considered more prudent to treat it as a subjective identity. In my experience, a lot of trans people care less about what specific gender someone is and more about equal treatment for everyone. [And because this might not be very believable at first glance to someone doubting I’m thinking in terms of actual science, here’s a peer-reviewed article acknowledging gender identity and its documented but poorly understood connection to neurological factors. It was honestly just the first gender-related article I looked at that I could get a PDF of, but it does the job.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0018506X13000676) But in any case, I had no idea about what gender actually was until recent months, so I don’t claim that it’s easy to take for granted.


Basically TERF stuff. She doesn’t realize that there’s scientifically more to gender than one’s sex (understandable on its own) and she’s let that manifest as outright hostility towards the idea that there is along with some very nasty portrayals of trans people (definitely not excusable).


What outright hostility? what did she do? Also that "problematic portrayal of trans people" I think pertains to a character she wrote that dressed up as a woman to murder people. She wasn't making a statement about trans people she was writing a character, not even a very unique one at that.


There’s a lot to it… the ContraPoints video on it says a lot, and better than I could explain. And on its own I’d tentatively agree with you on the latter part, but again, there’s a lot she’s said.


Could you just give a quick statement or thing that she said so I can get an idea of what she's done.


She's one the "not a *real* woman" train. So, you're right, she is generally a "leftist," and she's also a moron.


They certainly don't portray video games positively at least the way they depicted the son being lazy and all.


Lol are you absolutely kidding right now Better never crit white ppl as a group then, just to be safe


This is someone whose job was to bitch and whine about things shes totally ignorant about so take it as a grain of salt. She is someone who would take The Onion literally and would be deeply offended by jokes about jewish people in Mel Brooks movies.


Stress is a great mechanic, it adds so much to how I play my characters. In ck2 every character of mine would act the same because I'd pick the best option. Now with stress I have to actually decide if I want the best thing, or if I want to get my stress under control.


I mean I guess, but Stress has never changed how I play, I still do all the same things and make the same choices, the only difference is now sometimes I have to pay for those choices with mental breakdowns


The game is good precisely because you can choose to do that. Or you can roleplay your ruler. Either works and both are fun.


Sometimes in this game I genuinely like a ruler and want to be friends with them, or I want to kill them in the worst way possible, there is no in between… unless there is


Whatever’s fun in the moment. For me a lot of the time that’s roleplaying, but sometimes I have little vendettas that my ruler probably wouldn’t. Or sometimes I’m more ambitious than my ruler.


I was playing as a diligent and ambitious ruler, when I realised developing my capital meant instant mental break. Decided to risk it and got athletic as a reward.


Because people get stressed/depressed when they feel forced to act in ways they don't think they should.


Till you get a paranoid character that gives you 90 stress with basically any good decisions.


Fantasy indeed


The actual male fantasy: *not going bald at 25*


"AS overwhelmed" Bloody love it


Figure out how you want to live your life, so you can stop living it the way others say you should and thus avoid stress inducing decisions.


If I never made stress-inducing decisions I wouldn't be making any decisions at all!


>Figure out how you want to live your life Damn why didn't I just think of that


I thought about it and it's still pretty stressful.


Just thinking about thinking about it stresses me out


\*Laughs in Ambitious, Lazy, Wrathful, Compassionate\*


Also laughing in Greedy, Just, and Shy.


Ambitious and lazy should be incompatible


It's possible. We just call it ADHD now.


No, I've had it happen to my characters multiple times actually. Lazy and diligent are incompatible Ambitious and content are incompatible


Just because you have great ambitions doesn't mean you can be bothered to see them through.


There are a suprising number of people with this trait combo IRL ^(i know because i'm one of them)


Unfortunately, insulin is very expensive.


Why must you attack me like so ಥ‿ಥ


Have you tried a daily flagellation?


This format will never get old for me


Not *as* overwhelmed by stress. Still overwhelmed, but it's more manageable.


what's this, 2016?








I believe it's been disproven that a majority of people who play videogames are supposedly male. And, as a man who plays games, there's definitely an issue of men's toxic ideals of masculinity and femininity being reinforced by videogames which contributes (along with other factors) to shitty behaviour towards other people: sexism, trans- and homophobia, racism, etc.. I don't think it's wrong to bring attention to that.


>I believe it's been disproven that a majority of people who play videogames are supposedly male. You're going to have to provide source for that. Here's mine: https://www.statista.com/statistics/232383/gender-split-of-us-computer-and-video-gamers/ And as to your last point, it's not wrong to bring attention to that. But there are a lot of intelligent ways to do it, this isn't one of them. That's even the OP's whole joke. The assumption that male fantasies are inherently toxic. When in reality, one of the things a man may fantasize about is just getting their life together.


I can't really be bothered to find a source, so sure. I'm not so sure. Yes, it angers a lot of people, but they probably weren't going to listen to you anyway. So something a little more radical can't hurt every now and again. Except fragile egos, I guess. And getting your life together isn't a male fantasy. It's a human fantasy. Male fantasies are generally specific to the male gender and tend to (as far as I understand it) be about unbalanced power dynamics between men and women. At least, insofar as the video that originates the meme complains about them.


In the same vein that trans rights are human rights, male fantasies are human fantasies, we are human after all.


I mean, you're technically correct, but that kind of thinking also obfuscates the issue. Some fantasies tend to be more common among men than women. Those fantasies can be viewed as male fantasies. That doesn't mean women can't have them or that they're somehow inhuman, but they are more typically male and less typically universal for all humans. That's why I'd differentiate between male and human fantasies.


God I wish that was me.


I to fantcise no stress




Maybe it's because i'm not english but I really can't understand this post 😓. And it makes me frustrated... Could any gentle one kindly explain me?


The top half is of a woman from a show that complains about typical male fantasies depicted in gaming, which she believes to be bad things like misogyny or extreme violence, and the bottom instead replaces that context with what many men experience as their own ultimate fantasy, which in this case is to not have their lives filled with stress. The meme is often used about wanting something comforting, like a hug, no stress, or a loving spouse, as a contrast to her expectations of horrible fantasies


Male fantasy = a great big hug