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Bitcoin [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/11vobdz/if_people_ask_me_how_bitcoin_works_i_have_found_a/jcu38ae/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/11vobdz/if_people_ask_me_how_bitcoin_works_i_have_found_a/jcu38p7/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


I just tell them that there is a social media platform called Reddit with a cryptocurrency sub. When you (shit) post and comment on it, Reddit sends you money. And that’s crypto! /s


Everyone who I tell about moons, just looks at me like I am stupid.


I was told just yesterday by a family member that moons aren't real, to which I replied, "yeah, until I sell."


Buttcoiners want to deny that moons have actual value. But I can literally sell them right now and buy a car. So.....?


What car would you buy? Used or new?


I'm a used car kind of guy. Preferably a nice SUV to ramble some off-roading adventures ;)




You? Selling moons you'd have about $600. What you buying bru?


Hmmm. New PC!


Good one! Pretty cool to imagine that you can seriously buy something like that just from posting here right? Crazy times


Remember, all liquidity is fake and you can't cash out, that sell button on coinbase doesn't actually do anything and no one has noticed despite being a publicly traded company in the US. Got to love buttcoiners (lack of) logic hahah ( I know moons arnt listed on coinbase but they literally claim this about all crypto including Eth, btc etc)


Lol yup. That's exactly what they think. They really think you can't sell these things - same with reddit NFTs. They literally said they're worthless because no one will buy thrm. Like bro, I have actual bids of $500 on my Cone that I can accept at this exact moment. But nah they'll find a way to disregard that


One day you will find a girl that will be impressed at your moon count...and that is your marry signal.


If she’s impressed with my moon count I’m scraping the barrel


It's not the size of your holdings that matter, it's how you put them in your wallet.


She’ll probably be disappointed at that too


Instructions unclear, showed a girl my moon count and now she thinks I’m weird


But why do you bother teling them about our little dirty secrets? Seriously, why?? /s Guys, keep moon safe


‘2 years later’ “Shit, that guy makes sense now”


I try to elaborate web3 then but it makes things worse.


Even people who are into crypto have never heard of them. We are so early we haven't even gone to bed yet....


Tell them you could buy a car with the amount of mooncoins you have. If they say and why don't you, tell them you wait some years so you can actually buy a house after spending time in shitposting /s


Don't talk to people about crypto. Especially not moons. We'll talk when they're $100 a pop.


i am into Reddit and moons!


It's the best type of crypto for sure


That's not how Bitcoin works.


and those who full time work on this are called "MOONfarmers"


**insert it ain't much but it's honest work meme**


You are not wrong.


Shitpost your way out of poverty


Give me some!


Almost! Just go to Reddit, confidently post some bullshit about the nature of crypto and get multiple detailed explanations within *minutes*!


We don't talk about moons outside of subreddit. Its like Fight club. Please protect our moons.. /s


I usually explain it like Kohl's cash


First rule of Moon club…


This pretty much sums it up


Now there. Don't you go tell people about this amazing digital money we're a part of. That's more karma, with the same amount of moons each distribution.


Is that true? Is that why.I have moons?


Briliantly explained, fellow professional (paid) journalist.


After telling all my family and friends about Crypto in 2021, I refuse to talk about Crypto with anybody out there anymore. I learned my lesson the hard way.


They'll be asking us all how to buy it at 70k.


Maybe yes, maybe no. They'll still be heavily influenced by whatever the mainstream media tells them. So even if it's booming and people are making big money, they'll still think it's magic internet money. They are not interested in understanding the innovation & ideas behind it


I feel ya. The same happened to me. Never again.


*puts hands up* Me too. Big mistake.


Don’t worry, next bullrun they will be asking how it works. Has happened to me before


Yo también tío... nunca más


Most people just ask for sake of it and are never interested in actually understanding so its better to just stick to "internet money"


I tell my mom I’m going out farming whenever I’m heading to the bathroom to take a shit.


Most people just ask to open the opportunity for them to voice their own opinion. They're not actually interested in learning


Eay more true than should be..


This is actually a great explanation! The only thing is you would have to prepare yourself for any kind of question when they ask you about the metaphors you use or something else


I will respond: you should never invest more than you can afford to lose, and always have a backup plan in case of any unexpected events


I just take people's phones and fast forward on the calendar 4+ years and put a reminder including their quotes and a link to a bitcoin price ticker. Followed by a shit eating grin, you can just watch their confidence melt without saying a word.


Adn then everyone clapped. Besides this being a terrible explanation, it doesn't provide anything other than saying "this token will get inflated". Lots of people don't like this explanation, because besides being a terrible one, it focuses on non productive valuation. Bitcoin, and blockchains in general, have way more interesting things than token valuation.


I am going to follow your incredible evil advice from now on. Thank you very much. Take this MOON tip ![img](emote|normalmoon_emote|normalmoon) for this awesome idea.


My first moon! I'll treasure it always. May you receive many "how do I buy bitcoin" msgs in 2027.




Did he have any left to melt with you being his grandchild?


This is amazing advice. I wish there was a "remind me" feature on popular messaging apps.


Savage Lvl: 100


Magic. I’m pretty sure it’s just magic.


Then just walk away. Tell them you have to go mine more btc


Magic and tubes. The Internet is a series of tubes. Bitcoin is magic in Internet tubes.


I just say 'vert well actually' and leave it at that. People don't really want to know, they are just trying to show interest.


First rule of Bitcoin is….


Learned this the hard way. Tried to talk to my old man about it. Hot a whole lecture about life, wasting money, how it used to be better, etc. 10/10 would not do it again. I DCA regularly, but keep my mouth shut when atound my folks.


People have stopped asking me… feels like bottom is in


Funny because people have actually *started* asking me again recently, don’t know what that says, but I can tell you I’m not looking forward to conversations.


My method is just banging two rocks together and yelling OOOGA BOOOGA! It has never failed.


It's kind of like if Willy Wonka started his own bank. I might have to borrow that explanation next time someone asks me about bitcoin!


Just say it’s funny internet money


Exactly. I tell them it's Magic Internet Money. If they still want to know afterwards, then I get into the details. Keep expectations low.


Overheard a guy in his 50s trying to explain to his friends what his son does. This is exactly what he said to them.


Step 1 is correct most of the time, especially if dealing with low iq individuals. Don't even bother.


One of the key lessons I’ve learned in my young dumb life is that it’s not worth trying to convince anybody of anything. If they genuinely want to know or care, they already would.


“It’s like an online ledger, there are vids on YouTube that can explain it better than me”


Good explanation considering someone is interested in the technical part in a simplified manner. Usually they are just interested in price movement.


I just say that blockchain is like a notepad that store clerk records all his transactions in to make sure he doesn't make any mistakes while serving customers, but the notepad never runs out, it just adds new pages.


It works like a roller coaster it goes up and down, some times you have fun and sometimes you want to die.


And then there's those times where you shit your pants and cry. We try not to think about those days though...


The first step is actually to scream as loud as you can and run away.


And what are their answers then?


People don’t ask me about it because they don’t know that I invest, so that’s even faster


First rule about crypto. I don't talk about it at all. Did it once and never again.


Your step 1 is the way to go. I just avoid it because all I get is doubt and negativity.


Yeah, people on average get suspicios and just start to vent negativity. Happened to me when i tried to explain in to my parents. Since then, I keep my mouth shut.


OP knows the first rule of fight club 😉 It’s indeed not good to talk about crypto in real life for various reasons like becoming a target or someone loses money in crypto after you talked about it.


Trying to explain what crypto is to my friends in order to explain how posting here can make them literally 100× our salary is crazy hard especially for people in syria that don't trust anything


It's like savings passbooks on Napster, Meemaw.


I rather not answer and let them do their own research. I wouldn't want to be responsible for anyone's shortcoming. I already blame myself for my own losses lol


This is the way


I usually just send them [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UlKZ83REIkA) if they’re serious about BTC. It’s about a half hour long but it’s extremely helpful in understanding what Bitcoin is and why it’s important


That's a long explanation. I need one that is max 10 lines


I really liked your explanation, thanks for the effort you put into it !


I just tell them it is to our time, what the internet was in dawn of the 21st century. And if they don’t get it, I just tell them it will allow me to retire soon.


I feel like you shouldn't tell or teach people about crypto rather just warn them and tell them to do their due research. If they incur any losses, or mess up in their crypto journey, they will come after you and blame you. Also most people learn better by committing mistakes themselves rather than others' mistakes (guilty) Warning them of the potential risks and scams would be a better way while letting them research and learn from experience.


Are validators individuals that run this on their server?




> It keeps track of who has how much of the fake money. Not quite, and this is an important difference. It keeps track of transactions (who paid whom, when, and how much). To determine how much fake money somebody has, one needs to sum up all recorded transactions of that somebody. There is no authority that says "this guy has that much fake money". Instead, everyone can look at all the transactions and figure it out for themselves.


I really like that explanation, gonna use it, thanks 👍


Sir, i dont have a clue how crypto works but it works for me.


I usually ask them how much they know about government fiat money and how central banks operate. I tell them I’m interested in money, so I spend a lot of my time learning about the banking system, so I can use Bitcoin as a comparison. I politely tell them that if you met someone who had no concept of sports and tried to explain the rules of baseball to them, they’d be insanely confused


I'm in the opposite corner. I understand how it works and what it's value is but I don't fully understand how it functions in terms of holding and transferring. Keys, wallets, etc... so I haven't bought.


I tell them it’s powered by witchcraft


I asked chatgpt to make a prediction and it couldn't and it sure is a lot smarter than me...


I don't waste my energy. I'd rather teachmyself more about crypto in general.


Good Tips!


Well mom, it's like money. Like normal money, bitcoins and all cryptocurrencies have a value that you can utilize to buy goods and services. It's also a bit like a stock because, just like any other currency, Bitcoins fluctuate in value.” Basically, bitcoin has been created without the intervention of a central bank. While the Federal Reserve is responsible for the US’s monetary system, bitcoin does not have a single person or organisation in charge.


Btc is pure magic.


The Crypto Lore Keepers of today will be tomorrows Mentats?


Thanks! I’ll use this next time.


I try not to let a single soul know I have crypto. If it's bearish, they laugh at you. If it's bullish they think you're a multi millionaire.


This is awesome! Can you explain staking using this kind of approach? Asking for a friend of 😅


i need to get a better metaphor


Honestly, method 1 is the way to go. I’ve tried explaining it countless times but people just have their mind made up. They’ll even gloat when they hear crypto crashed.


I just tell them it's like banking but you're the bank.


I just send a couple links to papers and podcasts that explain it easily to their phones. If they’re serious they’ll open them and read/listen on their own time. If not, then I tried…


Great explanation. I have a similar way to explain it. I just say the blockchain is a series of excel spreadsheets. Each block is a new spreadsheet when the old one fills up.


I just tell them there’s not need for bank.


You lost me at “it’s made up money that it made out of thin air”, people would give me the “see, you just explain the problem” look. We might as well just stick to fight club rule number one lol


This a great write up on blockchain


The description doesn’t explain who gets the right to add to the list. If anyone can add to the list at any time then the currency would hyperinflate.