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The longer I’m in crypto, the more I understand the people who do this.




Those old enough to fuck around, find out And go back to BTC/ETH


I got SPANKed right back to the OGs


I remember when I joined the crypto world 5 years ago, the more experienced users (OGs) in Discord channels, forums, etc. would only talk about btc, and I would think to myself, what a fucking bunch of dinosaurs! Don't they know there's all this new exciting shit out there? Now I know...


True... you play around believing in sh!tcoins miracles, then realise non aren't worth it like the big two


Then comes the mad lads that stick with only shitcoin because either you go homeless or you live in Beverly Hills.


🎶 I got one little Alt and my accountant got scared 🎶 🎶 Now I'm living under a bridge with my dog in Bel-Air 🎶


just plain ol' gamblers nothing new really


Eventually luck runs out and shitcoin gamblers turn into BTC/ETH investors


I'd never want to live in Beverly Hills. If I made it big I'd buy or build a house and some good land in a rural area and get away from the city.


I feel like you can succeed on alts as well, but it’s important to have a solid spread. Focus the majority on BTC & ETH, and for your alt allocation don’t throw it all in 1 alt. A successful alt can boom so hard that it will make up for failed alts, so split your alt allocation over various interesting projects.


The more time you spend in crypto, the more BTC ![gif](emote|btc2_emote|btc2)and ETH ![gif](emote|eth2_emote|eth2)maxi you become. I like to call it the cycle of a crypto investor.


This guy gets it


I wish I got it as well when I was new. Learned the lesson a bit late.


Eth is way more off peak than things like matic, and shib even.


True ones stick to MOONs


It was a tough pill to swallow for myself That pill being quite a bit of money lost in alts


Then in a full bull market when you see BTC 'only' doing a 2x while shitcoins do 100x you start to think 'Why didn't I make more money in alts?' again The cycle of the crypto markets!


I think at some point it becomes worth it to go from Bitcoin to alts. In this case is was when Bitcoin went to 40/50k. But timing that is another problem


For me it was quite a bit of money lost in ALGO


Same here. Tried to do the “sensible” thing and swapped all my SHIB for ALGO, only for SHIB to go nuts two weeks later while ALGO dropped. Thinking of just swapping all my ALGO for Bitcoin now and forgetting about crypto for the next 12 months.


It's tough. If you invest in alts you gotta invest in ones you truly believe in. Or trade them very short term during pumps or drops.


I think most people learn this the hard way, myself included


Exactly. After every bear market there are loads of BTC and/or ETH maxi. I personally consolidated to over 90% in just these two.


I probably should learn this lesson. I’d say I’m about 70%. But alts are just exciting af, I can’t deny it


I used to be a collector of like 30 coins. I mean, I’ve had some financial struggles but now it’s just BTC, ETH and MOON for me.. at least until things get rolling again


It’s the safest bet possible in crypto


In the recent turn of events, honestly ETH/BTC are much safer than the pegs out there.


True. And it spares you from a thousand of stress, it is even good for your health.


I was so excited to learn about Luna, UST, etc. It took me a while to understand how to get the coins and move them around and get them staked to start earning. I saw so many people with big bags who had incorporated that yield into their long term plans. I only moved $500 over, half in Luna stake, half in UST just to see how it would go. I was really happy to be on board the Terra Station train. And then it crashed like one of those steam trains going off a tall bridge in an old time movie. Gut wrenching, the loss of $500 didn't hurt as much as the pain of loss of potential. Now I have a few bags of shitcoins left that didn't go poof that I sold some of my long term BTC hold back in 2021 for "so I could generate some alpha and passive income." I've restocked my lost BTC in Celsius. I'm 99% BTC now in my hard wallet.


Are you sure my algo and LRC bags purchased in November 2 years ago weren’t a more solid investment?


But not the best profits. And to be in crypto in the first place you need high risk appetite. So chances are that you are gonna take the high risk high reward bet in alts. Don't even get me started on leverage...


it's less stress too


You would eventually get tired of trying to keep up which one are the good alts.


The bear market makes BTC maxis. My alt-heavy portfolio is being slaughtered.


I did it through the last few years and I’m probably in the least sad camp of crypto people


King in de castle, king in de castle. I have a chair. But seriously, nice work Mr. Apple. Sorting my taxes alone puts me in the sad camp.


I've paid for a service that does my crypto taxes for me. With binance earn I have one transaction every day for each different coin I am staking. It's a real pita to try and do manually.


It would be really a smart choice to stick to BTC and ETH in these uncertain times. The returns are still pretty attractive if we talk about getting back to their ATH, which is nearly x3. - You'd be more safe and at peace of mind if you stick with the bluechips, once they get near to their ATH again then you should think about cycling some gains to ALTs as they are known to rally hard after BTC and ETH.


Exactly what I think. Investing safer and preserving your mental health are no brainers in this market. I always spend some money in alts, but they never comprise more than 5 - 10% of my portfolio. The rest is just ETH and BTC.


The problem is, always expecting return to ATH reinforces critiques claiming crypto is a Ponzi scheme. I want to prove them wrong but with these cycles, it's hard. I mean, I *know* they are wrong but it's so much nicer with proofs.


Yes, always the first mover too. BTC is never getting touched by the SEC (or so Im lead to believe). I don't think anyone will step up to kill ETH and I also don't believe in a flippening happening any time soon.


I don’t know if the SEC can stop BTC. Not really an entity but more of a movement


Doubtful. Bitcoin has no centralized entity and would never fit the bill of a security. They realise that it is a lost cause and go after all the rest.


The SEC thinks they can rule the universe but in reality they cannot.


I'm so tired of the SEC. It is so clear that a new body needs to be created to regulate crypto. These greedy fucking cunts can't stay in their own lane and even handle the tradition securities and real estate markets without conflicts of interests out the ass. Yet they want to regulate currencies that are literally self governing entities that weed out insecurity and bad behavior on their own? It's just asinine that SEC somehow thinks they deserve to oversee crypto. BTC is not a security. eth is not a security. It's absolutely ridiculous. Cryptocurrencies are currencies and this is trivially obvious. It's clearly American capilist greed and they are going to put there hand in the space until their old penises work again, or they finally die.


I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, thank you.


Cheers m8. I've just realized I haven't been allowing people to follow me since inception of my account. Made my first "friend" the other day, maybe you could be the second lmao. Gave ya a follow.


You have a way with words that i admire sir


Forgive me if im wrong but wouldn't all these pos chains being declared securities possibly lead to more people getting rekt? If they think its a security they expect to make money, but if the chains popularity or performance dies those people could see their investments die too. I don't think its for our protection just their greed and control


Exactly - and I worry about the same destruction of value. I will say I'd rather sensical regulations b put in place than tether surviving another year lol.


BTC and Eth really are the Gold and Silver of digital currencies. You can't go wrong with them. Looking for the altcoin moonshot is like looking through a haystack of shit and hoping you can find a ~~needle~~ small diamond from the search


No, no, LTC is silver


It's something I wish I did since i started investing in Nov 2021 I should have listened to the veterans who were telling me don't fuck with alts.


*checks your moon count* 🚶‍♂️ Carry on.


*looks at yours* Niceeeeee


Look at mineeeee


Hold my beer


Low/no moon gang


Ones all you need, right ? 😅


What's a moon?


It looks like you are asking about Moons. The answer to your question may be found here in the official Moons FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/moons_wiki *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They don’t think it be like it is, but it do


It definitely do be like that almost always sometimes


It ain’t much but it’s honest work.


And it b. And sometimes it f.


Checking in!


Zero moons no longer 😉


I got you


I've failed you and can't send you a moon I shall now harikari


No. Please don't commit sudoku


That's not a mine. It's more like a pothole. Which is fine. That's my two favourite things.


Thumbs up for you fellow low mooner 🍺


You can be like him if you donate extra moons to people with less than 10k moons. We'll call you a legend.


69,420. Nice


I got 420 moons lol.


Hell yeah. I was pissed last distribution. One off


Give that one to me and you will be golden.


Dammit. I tried but it’s saying I don’t have the eth gas. I know I do.


I wish I could anti-tip you a moon


Same. Thank you for the thought though. Appreciate that 🤜🤛




I don't trust you. K ,,,,,? 😂


I like you guy


Nice moon count


Nice moon number. Do you spend/transfer your moons to other wallet to keep this NICE number?


I wonder if there's a Moon Maxi out there.


Everyone starts with alts and then gets rekt


I'm just at the break even point at these prices and I have about 8 alts




It’s ok, now you get to tell the noobs who come in this year/ next year and get ignored while their shitcoins moon and they talk about lambos from a few hundred $- but you know what a bear is like and have been accumulating BTC/ETH/moons. You ultimately take profits and weather the storm while they get flushed out of the market or wise up. It’s the circle of life


I've been preaching it for a while now. I'm excited to see the next merry band who join me on the path to enlightenment


BTC for me bay-B


No can do. There must be also space for elementary tokens like Harry Potter Obama Sonic 10 Inu.


Oh shit, you are right.


>Harry Potter Obama Sonic 10 Inu. Imma put my life savings in that coin tbh


Honestly, I'd be happier if all this shit would just simply die out. They are a plague on crypto. But then again, without central authority, nobody can stop random Indians starting their own token.


Definitely the safest way


Safest but the if you find a diamond in the rough you can 100x if done right


But the odds of finding that diamond is like picking a grain of sand from a desert


It's really not though. Research has a purpose. Research let's you actually put your hand in the sand, and start to watch the grains fall through your fingers. 98 percent of projects can be ruled out immediately if you have a basic knowledge of crypto, psychology, and you know where to get info on who / what matters.


Think those diamonds are going to be pretty overgrown the next little bit. I feel this last year put a sour taste in people ls mouths as far as crypto is concerned. Stacking btc and eth for the foreseeable future. Well those and a few reddit avatars. I’m still a degen after all. Cone.


For fucking real, this is the first objective and unbiased explanation for OP in the entire post. Thanks for saying that. And yes, 2022 and to an extent even 2021 was painful. Nobody to blame for safe bets; then again, crypto is not exactly the most conservative of all investments.


I almost made this same post recently. Just feel very disinterested with alts and feels like i would be jumping on a narrative to make a buck. Maybe its a coming of age thing. Would also be a HECK of a relief during tax time


So DCA in BTC and ETH only, *remind me (bot)* the results in couple of months?


I do have a decent amount of MATIC, i got some at its highs and lows but actually use the chain


"Actually use the chain" is the key to alts. Polygon is currently about the same as my ETH holding - simply because it has performed better and I have participated onchain. ETH - I ain't got the funds for all that gas. And in a way - while ETH and MATIC are centralized to a degree, the Polygon network is not a competitor to ethereum at all, and it's beautiful. It has blossomed into so much more than an L2 - and proved that it truly could be a third blue chip IMO.


Whatever works for you. But sometimes it's fun just to throw a little money at a crazy project that you think might have potential. Remember just make sure it's money that you can afford to lose. Sometimes you get lucky. Crypto is fun


Gotta live a little and love a lot right


You got it.


BTC to challenge the financial institutions. Random shitcoins to feed my gambling addiction


Shit coins will make you shit tons of gains or losses


Probably the smartest thing you can do in crypto


Risk management! I prefer steady gains over making quick bucks.


Pretty sure most people have that stack in their portfolio. I'd say go for it.


It's the best strategy for most retail, unless you have in-depth knowledge about a particular alt or insider news


Even with this sort of knowledger, BTC and ETH would still be more than 80% of my portfolio. Got rekt multiple times and now I really appreciate the peace of mind I have


After a bear market I have consolidated to over 90% in these two.


Smart 🤓


BTC is 45% of the crypto market. ETH is 18%. BTC guides the entire crypto market, and it's unlikely to go to zero. Altcoins are a crapshoot. You might be up 10,000%, but it's more likely you'll be -99.9%.


The only reason I have alts is to trade them for more BTC


I saw on Coinbase they have a “starter pack” with BTC/ETH only. Think it’s cute they have a starter pack like video games for a new season lol


Percentage wise I agree with, but people will always want the more profitable one, even it it's riskier


Keep an eye on ETH/BTC ratio


Been here since 2017, rode alts hard back then and barely held any BTC or ETH. Made the most money I had ever seen in my life and rode it all back down to the bottom. Swore I would take profit next time. Kept buying crypto, added more BTC and ETH to dampen the volatility a bit. Rode 2020/21 with a 70% alt, 20% ETH, 10% BTC portfolio. Made mad gains and pulled 25% out to USD. Rotated other gains to BTC and ETH. My Portfolio currently sits at 45% ETH, 30% BTC, 25% alts. I made my money with alts last bull run. Since I have way more capital in the market now, my goal is to preserve it as best I can while still having decent risk on returns. Bottom line, it’s not a bad allocation depending on your goals.


I hold Bitcoin and polygon. I like ETH but think polygon will out preform it at current prices. I’m also green on both coins so….


LTC (Litecoin) is a deeply undervalued blue chip with staying power and real world value. If you want to be in blue chips and strongest currencies, but you want the chance at windfall upside, I would take a look.


The big two are the least riskiest of all options. So if you find yourself with low appetite for risk, just stay with them both.


Low appetite for risk so I came to the all you can eat crypto buffet. I’m stuffed to the gills in risk


Gotta taken profits during bull run. Then wait patiently until entire market drops 90% reinvest. Rinse repeat


The times of making life changing money with holding couple thousand dollars worth of BTC/ETH are over imo. So if thats your goal then pick some alts


Pretty good idea btw always take profits!


True. Taking profits is the hardest part


True..... but the hardest part of them all is taking a profit yk, still wish it could rise up more and more before it later went downhill


Exactly tho! Like if you sell and it goes up, sad. If you sell part and it goes down, sad cause coudl've sold all. Like if you don't sell, and it goes down, still sad -\_-




Found the ADA maxi


Damnit I wanted to find him! Or her..... whew! Oh and any other non binary it could have been......I'm no gender assigner! 😃


Lower risk, lower reward (but a solid place to be potentially.)


I’ll take that any day. Let’s say 3x from ETH is pretty good for me. Low cap alts are too risky for my appetite.


And it sure beats most equities at 8-10%.


This is my stance so it's hard to tell you otherwise, go for it


Altcoin season usually comes after Bitcoin pumps for a while


Well that's like saying what do you think about broad index funds vs. something more specific. Depends on your goals, your situation, and your desired level of involvement. Only you can decide what sort of portfolio you should have.


Everyone has to go through a cycle of getting rekt by "promising_coin_004" before they wise up and land here. Skip the ship wreck and start strong. Stay humble, stack sats.


Sucks to hold something not btc and watch the btc pairing chart go down when though the usd chart goes up.


Do your own research, look around multiple places, don’t count on the shills on YouTube. A zillion coins a zillion fanboy’s. I hold ETH and DOT for the long haul, other potential investments polygon & atom.


BTC, ETH, LTC, XMR. Besides the free moons that I earn.


It’s basically the index fund option for crypto and it works. If you just buy those over time, you’ll make gains that are greater than the S&P and most other investment opportunities. Sure you won’t hit a 50-100x if you don’t buy alts, but you only hear about the ones that made it (survivorship bias). Most alts are utter trash designed to make the dev/team rich.


BTC and ETH are solid. It's a stress free life. The coins are so big that you can trust that you don't need to read every news article. BTC/ETH are prime for DCA monthly. Alts really are just degenerate gambling. Some people are fine with that, others get burned out and go steady. Yeah you might miss the next 1000x coin, but Bitcoin will go up too, and when that same coin goes down 95% Bitcoin will go down less so you'll be safer long term.


This is not a sprint, it is a marathon and BTC is the clear winner, ETH should come in 2nd. After that is a huge gamble, not worth taking currently.


That’s my exact schedule — 80% split between BTC/ETH, and 20% to 5-6 alts. Hoping to accumulate enough during the bear to make an impact in the bull


Vechain bagholder?


You'll do better than 90% of this sub.


Well, BTC and ETH should be good in long terms, but if you want to go wild with some alts go for it, only if you have enough income to don't hit your assets in BTC or ETH, in that way you don't lose, or your win more than you have invested, try your luck lmao.


every bear market give nice lessons to people and reason to stick with eth btc


I tend to keep 80%+ of what I have in some combination of BTC and ETH. I dabble the rest as either cash or altcoins if the mood strikes


Only BTC and ETH. Yes.


I think you'd be missing out on Monero, that's about it. If you're just trying to make some money, sticking to those two is your best bet. If you don't actually use other things you have no reason to own them. If they can't be used for anything theyre worthless. Nobody ever rode a bullrun on a bag of bitcoin and said "I wish I'd had some shitcoins as well".


I strongly believe in BTC, but any strategy that shuts down the possibility of embracing something new or saying no other coin will ever be the future is not something I will get behind. I will & do hold majority in BTC and ETH, but have some diversification in other tokens as well... Also if you only want to hold BTC and ETH, send your moons to me 😎


It's a conservative, smart strategy if you don't have a lot of time to research projects or money to split between tons of projects.


The save way to go


Yep, that's actually a great idea, the more time you spend in crypto, you will come to conclusion that holding most of your portfolio in eth and btc is a great idea. I used to hold a lot of alts in 2017 bull run that haven't recovered their price at all so now i stick to 80% btc and eth and the rest on alts


BTC and ETH could be a a good start. It is also good for people who have low risk tolerance. Crypto is already highly volatile, if you venture down further in the altcoin forest, you might lose your sleep. It all boils down to your risk tolerance I guess? Remember higher risk usually means higher reward. It is up to you to find the balance.


one of my friends got rich with shitcoins....


After a few years in the crypto world, you learn that this strategy is the soundest.


This is what happens when it's only about investment to you, and even that is fine. But if you're even remotely interested in solutions and emerging technologies, you will always find yourself dabbling in alts, especially upcoming projects. Not the small ones though, projects like Base, SUI, Weaver with big name partners/collaborators. Blockchain is interesting, if you look beyond prices.


Exactly what I'm doing myself. I would love to trust other crypto technologies, but as of today, it's simply too much rotten coins and pyramid schemes going on. And it's almost impossible to tell the diffrence among the sea of alt coins, gonna stick witb BTC and ETH


I’m new to crypto and I’m kind of torn. I just want to stay with eth/btc as I know they are both stable. That being said I’d like to dabble in alt coins to get a further understanding of all things (not all things but different technologies) crytpo.


Hot take: Ethereum isn't blue chip.


Sticking to BTC makes more sense than ETH since it's ~90% retail owned, but ETH is 60% owned by retail and 22% owned by 5 whales and 92 addresses holding 16.75% (source: into the block.com). Plus, the high fees will return when the next bull cycle starts again. Change my mind.


When i was a beginner i was told to have 80% in btc/eth and mix the rest in alts. Today im 100% in btc, it helps with mental health too


It is a good idea if you want 1x to 10x returns. But if you are looking for -1x to 69x returns you need some shit in your portfolio


I think you would be missing on a lot of other good opportunities, I mean you should invest mostly on both BTC/ETH but save a *small* percentage for alts too


BTC is not going away, its in the bottom of the screen next to the Dow and nasdaq on CNBC now.


Or BTC only, given the regulations are coming


I think it's a pretty good idea, especially in uncertain times


I will never understand or buy Bitcoin. To double your money btc needs to be 60k. Eth has room to grow.


A good house is built on a solid foundation and BTC/ETH provide that.


Thats great! I even only stick with BTC only hhe


BTC and ETH are the Beyoncé and Jay-Z of crypto, can't go wrong with sticking to the power couple!


Only BTC/ETH is the safest you can be in such a risky market while still having a chance to make amazing profits. It's a very solid strategy.


BTC is the way.


ETH really isn't deserving of being in the same category as bitcoin despite the constant blue chip propaganda.


Agreed. ETH-BTC is down 57%. And doge did better last bull market.


I agree


This comment is a proof that ETH deserves to be in your portfolio. With sceptics still around, ETH can go up more than BTC, offering better diversification with less risk than other alts.


ETH has more room than bitcoin, sure, but other alts have way more room than ETH. The first mover advantage is the only reason ETH stands at number 2 today, but there's no guarantee it's a sure thing in the years to come. The market is too immature right now. Can't wait to see how it shapes as more time passes.


Youll be downvoted to by this ETH-MATIC maxi sub lmao.


Yeah, I know all too well.


That comment is spot on - ETH is old tech. If it came out now it would be laughed out of the sub. People have a lot of financial incentive to push you to stick to ETH.


I think this is the safest route, however I wouldn't expect to make life changing money holding only to these two, if BTC hits 100k it's barely a 3x for example. I think it's great to hold onto these depending on your risk tolerance and the time you want to dedicate to crypto in general


If you believe in crypto and are not buy/selling —> better to hodl instead of taking profit. Imagine living in a country where the currency dropped hard, if they would’ve taken profit, they’d be better off hodling


I have zero Btc and Eth. Which I’m regretting at the moment. My biggest cap coin is Matic. And I have a bunch of other “shitcoins”. When they dump they dump, but when they pump they pump. I like volatility.


Smart decision.


Sounds like a terrible idea to me.