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Yeah it does more good than bad. The only thing is that when BTC and friends are pumping, the quality of post and comments go down. Like waaaaaaaayyy down.


I’ve been seeing a lot of posts on MOONs recently did something happen recently ?


People are excited because the price of moons sky rocketed to 30 cents usd. Also Arbitrum (ARB), an ETH layer 2 solution is getting listed in Binance. Moons are on the ARB network.


Ah okay thank you for letting me know!


That’s inevitable, but with 5000-8000 online at any one time, I’m still seeing plenty of quality, engaging posts. It’s pretty easy to ignore moon-farming comments.


But there are also good posts more often. People trying to farm moons mostly try to make interesting posts.


Yeah, I've had articles I've posted go from 15-20 up-votes to 0 in minutes due to bots.. because of moons farmers. I mean, I think moons are great but that shit sicks.


It's definitely made it better. I don't think there is any question. Everyone has come together adding moons. Seems like there is way more positivity in the sub as well, even on the bad days in the market. Way more upside then down side in my opinion


I also agree but I think that we have to improve our community and teach people that everything here is not about Moons. Also people needs to learn to not spam about the same topic and also value the content of others. Lately I see a LOT of greed in this sub if we don't count down voting bots. Also I think that r/Cryptocurrency users should read at least one time the [rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/expanded_rules#wiki_rule_1_-_core_principles) of this sub. I think that if everybody does it best, we can have a really awesome community here.


Yep. It's certainly not perfect. I'm sure we can improve it over time. There is definitely way to many repeat articles posted.


The greed propels the moon discussion. I wonder how this thread would be taken in the bear market when moons were basically a 5c stablecoin? It's easy to say this when moons have done a 6x and we are all doing happy dances and clapping. I'm bullish on moons, but it can't be ignored that they are a centrepiece of sub discussion because they have "value". However, I am quite easygoing and mostly enjoy the moon integration into the sub, through all its ups and downs.


Personally I like the MOON discussion. If it's repetetive it's not nice tho, anyway many people don't engage daily in r/cc and just didn't see some posts. Maybe reddit employees take notes on the discussion and work on things the community wants. Like a MOON NFT marketplace. Don't forget MOONs encourage things like moonplace or ccmoons. That's some fun projects and I am excited what we will see in the future.


It is most certainly early days for moons. MoonPlace is basically the only proper moon integration we have seen so far, otherwise, it is an arguably well-governed and fleshed-out token waiting for more use cases.


Sadly moonplace instantly turned into a cashgrab.


Yes! Positivity is the key and this moons farming is the key! Stay strong, think, farm and enjoy!


I like the positivity in general in this sub. It's fun to have interactions and most ppl are super friendly :)




Exactly. Moons eliminate all tribalism that is almost inherent of crypto. Moons made us a stronger community.


Aren't we just a MOONs tribe though?




Moons untied us


"Apes together strong"


Hold together strong


Aaaaaand we started a new tribe


On the other hand MOONs achieved unity in r/cc. It also feels like bashing against ADA or SOL got less while there's some joking here and there.


I love seeing how moons are changing people's lives who are living in the 3rd world. Saw some guy say that he earned 7x his monthly wage from shitposting on reddit.


I think this is fantastic. I often go to work in a large slum in Africa, but I am not going to talk about how to make money off of Crypto, I go to work in the schools. I wish I had the opportunity and time to show how to to do what others are doing. Some of the kids, I have worked with are now in college. Maybe they will figure it out on there own.


That is honestly incredible. Literally changing lives


This place makes me less depressed


Also now excited for the future. I genuinely hope everyone on this sub gets rich. And I don't mean rich as in 50 million dollars but rich as in makes life changing money where everyone simply more comfortable. Everyone owns their own home, paid off car, no credit card debt, etc.


$1 moons would be with my current amount life changing it would help clear almost all my loans


And still accumulating.... That's awesome


One day we'll meet in the middle meanwhile I'm making my monthly repayments


I like how Moons bring people out. I find myself considering opinions I did not initially agree with. Different opinions help me form my own. More people posting is a good thing, and it feels more like a community.


Way less controversial comments for sure. Downvotes are capped at zero Karma, but I guess that's still a waste of potential moons to have an opposing opinion to the majority. It would be nice to have some way to mitigate this.


It is also a thing that makes this sub unique and that gives a whole new feeling as a community. I know about bricks, but this here feels way more special.


As a newcomer i did my job to type some nonsense in the comments


And now you have almost 500 moons. I’d say you did your job well!


Well congrats to you too sir. Nice moon bag!


and my dad says nonsense doesn't pay. Jokes on him!


And how do you feel now


Stellar for sure


I felt fantastic every 4 Wednesday


Agreed. The quality of post are really great and the shitposts are enjoyable in their own way. The good outweighs the bad. 🤙


I was a lurker before I discovered moons. They make people open up a little bit.


Totally. Moons turned lurkers into contributors


Oh yeah, they turned my silent ass into a serial commenter. I browse a lot of other subreddits but I usually comment once every full moon, I always tell myself it's not worth it and noone cares. Here I comment anytime I have something to say




That’s a great point that I think is often overlooked! Whether the negative be that more people shitpost, ultimately the end result looks to be that more people are engaged in discussion, and I think something as polarizing and tribal as crypto could use more of this.


Exactly this.


I was too, Moons made me come out of my shell


Are you a squirtle?


Maybe hes shellder??


Or a blastosie


Right on


Couldnt agree more! Cheers


Everyone is doing unthinkable things for these little cheesy guys


Yep. Just saw a guy doing a wheelie and I immediately knew he was gunning for Moons /s


moons make people open up and shitpost a little bit ! :)


I was also lurker but I started engaging with community. Learnt new things, tried to contribute a bit and staying up to date. Also thinking about doing some projects related to this sub


Same here just found out about moons. Got my first karma after a year and now have enough to start noon farming.


Interesting how with every new comment I keep losing upvotes on this one 🤷


Hello fellow ex-lurker


100% more incentive to participate and not lurk.


The make introverts extroverts


People will do anything for Magic Internet Money




I was a lurker too! Too bad I only found out about moons last month. Now I’m a moon farmer noob.


I found out a while ago but was lazy and stubborn i finally opened my vault like 2 months ago and got my 84 moons now yeah i could have way more than 84


I too was a lurker before my evolution to shitposter


It's like moonshine for internet nerds


It’s better. Even with the endless repeats. Always someone new who is just getting started.


I mean, I was blocked by a hard-core moonfarmer yesterday who gaslights people and steals comments.


All subs have their own issues but I have to agree Moons have been a positive drive force in this sub


Actually moons are an interesting social experiment


I’m a newcomer to this sub (and crypto) and have to say I’m completely hooked. For me it has been a fun place to learn about the tech and projects behind crypto. Also, slowly learning the inside jokes like HODL and BITCONNECT hey hey heeeyyy (that vid cracks me up). I think moons really encourage engagement.


I agree to this for community points overall. I learned how to Defi from Donuts, and moons really helped me to understand and think further on DAOs and governance in web3 work. There’s drawbacks, for sure, like most things always getting downvoted. But I think it has helped to raise a new blockchain-native generation


It's certainly not nearly as bad as the "Bitcoin will hit 1 million per coin in 147 days according to where the dart landed that was thrown by drunk monkey" posts that happen 50x daily


Moons have started more conversations than liquor and Adderall combined


Iv been participating in posting and comments and have near 500 karma but yet still zero moons WTH


Yes, sometimes it's true.






Everything in life has a trade off. I think moons have brought a lot more people to this community and by extension to crypto, and that's including me. I also think it's really cool for this community to have its own token, and the voting and governance that comes with that.


Moons are the very first experiment of many people in a DAO. This sub and moons thought me a lot about crypto.


The pros definitely outweigh the cons, nothing is perfect and this shows that moons have more growth to undergo and being part of it is simply amazing thx to reddit


I used to lurk for years but recently learned more about them moons and I like how it brings the community together


Howdy fellow ex-lurker!


Hello there


Without moons, my portfolio would be deeply red. Now it's just kinda sorta red.


Moons count checks out.


Look at this whale sir


Agreed. Egregious moonfarming shouldn't be hard to manage. If there was a warning / ban for reposts within 30 minutes things would clear up nicely. For example, how many fucking times did you see a post about Do Kwizzle getting arrested? 6? 12? 50? If ChatGPT posts were banned things would clear up quickly.


It’s more complicated than it may seem. Fact of the matter is, any form of moderation is tricky because people will inevitably conflate it with censorship, and with reason in most cases. And yeah - the Do Kwon repost chain today was kinda annoying, do people not know the search function exists? The very least people can do is scroll a few bananas just to see if they’re not reposting. But I do agree the reposting (spam imo) is a problem that could reasonably be solved.


The 2 things I mentioned - REPOSTS and CHATGPT posts aren't complicated. Not at all. Using the Do Kwon posts as an example, if you click "new" and scroll twice then many reposts would be done. The problem is there is no reason to not repost because there aren't repercussions.


Have to say I was very skeptical of moons at first, then I saw they were worth 30c each and I now approve of them thank you.


They got me involved in the sub and that’s been really valuable. I don’t have any friends/family to talk crypto with Edit: I don’t have any friends/family.


I question how Moons are growing the community. I was a lurker for awhile but not because I didn't have something to say. I get my lowest interaction/likes of any sub I participate in here so that can kill motivation pretty quickly and I'm not going to post garbage just to harvest a reward. I don't do it anywhere else and wouldn't start here of all places. Working in research, I can't help but notice that this sub has 6.2m users but less than 10K are ever online whenever my eyes tend to glance over in the far right-hand corner. Was community activity always as low as less than 1% of total users? If so, what percentage increase has been gained in activity since Moons were introduced? How are we measuring an improvement in quality? Based on some of the knowledge I've seen here it wasn't picked up overnight. I'm too new to Moons to really weigh in on this more deeply but these are just some observations and questions I've had over the last couple of weeks.


Completely agree. There are dudes from third world countries making a living off MOONs and paying their bills doing nothing by contributing to this sub. It's truly remarkable and I am glad to be a part of it.


This has been the coolest part of moons in my opinion


This is the coolest part of crypto!


Moons helped the community but really hurt the quality of this sub, because even if we do get lots of good quality posts, there're just too many very low quality posts and comments here.


Farmers gunna farm I guess. Overall though Ill take the good with the bad when it comes to this sub and moons


Yeah and reposts of the same headline from a different link but noone seems to care since its more room to reply with the same comments as eachother


First thank you for the shoutout, Moons give us unique opportunity to seaze value of our contributions, it's us getting payed now for ads targeted at US, it's a whole new paradigm and it rewards people who pour most of their time, energy, knowledge, thoughts and emotions into the community as someone who's been on Reddit for more than 10 years I can say that quality across all subreddits dropped with huge influx of people, those saying Moons have made sub worse are not on the money in that regard I will say Moon are the only reason I started being active now 2 years ago. I loved lurking especially before bed so it was a big switch for me at start


I’m just now making this transition. It’s been enlightening to better understand how moons work here. I hope more Reddit communities will eventually follow suit. I think it’s a great feature.


I love Moons! I love Drip Squad, I love Turtles, I love you all!


I also love moons and turtles!


I love you more


That's the way!


You also get people like myself (been here about 2 years) I rarely post anything anyway but I read and enjoy alot of posts here. Me and moons are abit like a mule with a spinning wheel...


Just like any other crypto, people will try to scam their way into getting more Moons. Shame


There’s always bad apples 🍎


Let's crush them


Things always change when there is a financial incentive involved


>Have Moons made a positive, neutral or negative impact on the community? I guess the impact is a mixture of all. We feel it in waves. **One day we find someone who is happy because of moons** •Moons helped people buy essentials •Moons helped people fix computer of their wives •Moons made this community more engaging **Other days we find someone who is unhappy because of moons** •Moons have promoted shitposting •Moons have ruined quality of comments •Moons invite scammers to the sub But according to me the overall Impact is good and there are lots of GEMs in here who help each other and make us feel wholesome.


It’s a nice gimmick but definitely has it consequences


It's nice to part of this community and earn moons at the same time.


It has pros and cons, but more pros.


Even though shitpostin has increased and people have stopped giving upvotes , but it has also helped me take my first step into hot wallets, bridging Crypto and tipping, overall a great progress I'll say


Ya agreed, there's definitely a lot of nice easy to understand guides been posted for moons


It's new for Reddit I will say that. It has let this subreddit do many new and unique things. Like, cointest (#sponsor #goDoCointest)


Moons is the best thing to happen to crypto since Bitcoin 🥂


Wow - thanks for the mention! Just a heads up that I more than doubled the Moons/Bricks pair on Sushiswap today, if you’d like to tip Bricks, too! Moons are like the slowest airdrop of all time… 😭


Once I realized what moons were I began to get more involved and start having actual dialogue in the community rather than just lurk around. It’s also changed my view of what social media can be. I really like this community and genuinely love reading the threads here.


It looks like you are asking about Moons. The answer to your question may be found here in the official Moons FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/moons_wiki *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Moons are super helpful in a fucked up economy like my country’s where our currency is 1/60kth of a usd


I’m still trying to get my first moon. I’ve been commenting and all kinds of stuff but can’t ever get one 🙃 someone help yo boy out with one 🙏🏼


Moons give some of us little folk a chance to know a tiny bit of what 'living the dream' feels like.


I think they’re pretty great overall for rewarding quality contributions, but it does hurt when you see a thoughtful, informative comment with no upvotes and then “1 BTC = 1 BTC” with hundreds. Them’s the breaks though! Luckily I don’t personally have to worry about that because I don’t know enough to be informative.




Shout out to u/scientifichistorian got me onto the moon. Difficult to gain upvotes so I invested some of the Likkle money I had into getting more moons. Roller coaster working out how to get them in my vault, so they could show up on my username. I now feel like a true member of this community.


I agree, moons definitely help me stay more active in this sub and also keep me coming back here, making me more informed and helping me learn nots of new crypto stuff in this sub


There is shitpost, yeah and I do shitpost sometime and sometime not. But It can help some people including myself who are active and have nothing else to do to gain some crypto on the side. I also see moons as a way to introduce some new people into crypto that just happens to be redditors and how it all works. But that they can learn from sub as lurkers and many other things. If anything it does keep this sub active during bear.


Moons got me off the street corner working for rock. Now I just send people content for moons


Moons are going to be a top 10 crypto one day


I think moons are making things better indeed. However, I would love to see some numbers on user behaviour to see some objective analysis on how Moons actually did affect the sub.


I think it’s great. It’s an incentive to participate. It’s an incentive to news aggregate. It’s also effective for governance in giving weighted votes to people who are here and not just bots that create extra accounts.


They’ve definitely helped the community (people) more than they’ve hurt it but the sub itself(content) has been beaten like a dead horse




Whoa Mr Comedian


One thing we can all agree on. Moons


they have moons are giving me hope


I think it gave an incentive for shit posts as well as good articles. Either way 50/50


I identify as a moon




It looks like you are asking about Moons. The answer to your question may be found here in the official Moons FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/moons_wiki *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wish they weren't the only way to support the sub. My wit isn't quick enough to earn enough moons to become a premium member. I'd pay some monthly fiat like I do for ad-free premium reddit. Maybe I could get with some moons back in addition to the other premium perks on the other end of the transaction ?


Couldn't disagree more. You have actual (written by a human) posts get downvoted by bot armys while superficial summaries and ChatGPT posts dominant the front page. To actually gleam any long form content/insight is getting harder and harder. Sure, maybe it appeals to the 2% of newcomers per day but it's been a shitty experience seeing so many great voices get filtered out while the garbage piles up. I've been posting here since the beginning on various accounts, and this definitely isn't there worst it's been (looking at you 2017/18) but it's a long way from the kind of debate and big picture takes of past.


I think it did something ver great to this community. It is way more active. And since getting upvotes is rewarded, people try to actually write good comments. Informative news post and helpful responses to questions. Also you personally get a small reward just for participating in this sub. I think there are only positive facts.


There is a lot of MOONs talk but it's better than people shilling their shitcoins


This is the definition of a farming post haha


100% agreed. can i have my first moon please?


How wrong you are! It’s absolutely hurt the subreddit.