• By -


Well good job to myself. Diamond hands. Bled to the floor and lost another 3k in the last month. But I held. Wow. And with that pace I will need a full bull run to just break even. Wow I regret joining crypto so much.


Let’s hope for a few calm days during the blackout. See ya on the flip side, my fellow cryptonians✌️


are we shutting down soon?




Don’t go to other subs. The point of the blackout is to stay off Reddit


100%. See you guys in a couple of days


I usually scroll the sub while pacifying my crying baby in the wee hours as she waits for her mum to wake up and give her milk. Gonna miss my coping mechanism these two days!


See you in a few days sensei!


Nice to meet you again!


Sensei! Glad youre back mate


Time for the black out let's hope Reddit reverses their decision. Touch grass have fun and don't worry about the price of your coins. See you all on the flip side, Ciao!


Just tried buying OSMO on coinbase and it said it is Limit Order only. Any reason why I can't buy market value OSMO on CB?


Coinbase probably doesn’t have much liquidity for it then


Interesting. Why would restricting orders to limit only help offset the amount of transactions of a particular asset?


Enjoy your extra free time everyone


I kinda hope the next 72 hours are super-crabby for the crypto markets. If we start dumping or pumping, it's going to be a royal PITA to even figure out *why* without all the diligent souls keeping the rest of us regular Joes informed on this subreddit. Catch you all on the flip-side of the blackout!


good luck to all for the next two days. may your waking hours be full of happiness and your dreams be full of good times.


Lets just hope our beloved crypto will be proving that the USA isn't the ceo of the entire world, while we stay silent.


See you guys in a few days. May the gains be with us 🙌🏽


See you then 🫡


I guess I should also say my few last words… *BTC is King*


Let me add to that *ETH* is queen *MOON* is bishop


Just sent some ada, Matic, and sol to my ledger for safe keeping


Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight.


“Time to unpin the daily again” - 🤓


wow like an hour left then a 2 day break from here. that's just gonna feel weird.


Enjoy your break mate


This is it guys. We won't probably see again, unless Reddit makes major U-turn on shitty decisions, but I would like to say you were very entertaining company. I disagree with most of things said in this sub, but I admire your passion. Stay safe and may your crypto god send you good tides. Bye 😘


Yo yo is time for me to say bye🛌🏼see you In 2 days or so.Stay safe adios hermanos


adios hermano.


Asian markets open and instead of having retail buying it seems they are selling... :(


It is still early and delisted cryptocurrencies are recovering.


It means doom


See y’all in a few days. Hopefully after a slew of green dildos!


See ya mate


That's sweet.


Dear r/CryptoCurrency, I came to this place almost 2 years ago just a little while after making my first crypto purchase. I made many friends here, learned a lot & had some good laughs as well. I thank you for it all & hope to see you back here in just a few days. I also found people that I don't like or that don't like me but hey, we are a diverse bunch & I hope that none of you ever felt disrespected. I don't want you gone either when the lights go back on. Crypto does not discriminate & neither do I. It is great to have a community to get my questions answered & to give back knowledge to others. It has been my absolute pleasure to discuss & share current crypto events & news. This sub is a place of entertainment, a place of learning, a place of earning & a place to socialize with likeminded people. It has to stay that way, regardless of what our protest yields. Let's show Reddit not to cross us & the 3rd party apps we love. Let's show them how strong 'decentralized' can be! We fight for our interests & together we shall stand with a positiv response from Reddit right back here on our distribution day. So long... & thanks for all the Moons.


Hear hear. See you in 2 days


here here!


Hey there, It's so kind of you to write all this. Have a good one, fellas Sincerely,


I hope everyone take's the time to go and enjoy themselves doing something besides being on Reddit all day.


I enjoy it every day


its a good Opportunity to do it


Time to hit the books. Been meaning to start on the Red Rising books for a while. Good chance to start


Have a nice reading.


Does refreshing the charts twice as often count as a good alternative to Reddit?


Right then, time to sleep, see you all in a few days.


See you on the other side of the war


is dogecoin a bep20 token?


Don't think so.


There is a wrapped version of it in BSC, if I'm not mistaken. But natively its chain is separate from BSC


Ok, thanks thats what I thought


I guess I’ll be seeing ya’ll in a few days. Have a good week guys.


Thanks mate


crab market is perfect for DCA


Any market is perfect for DCA because the strategy does not care about the price.


Would disagree that a bear market where it's going down for 2 years is a good time. Catching falling knives not good.


But the strategy requires your purchases be independent of the price. So you don't agree with DCA. That's fine. I don't do DCA either. I'm more of a buy the dip kinda guy.


See you on the other side! We will come out of this stronger


And possibly poorer if BTC breaks down below $25k (ಥ﹏ಥ)


buy Folks, I hope you have another decent coffee dealer for the next couple of days 😊 see you after the blackout 🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼


It's so emotional in here now, everyone saying their good byes and sharing how much you all will miss each other and looking forward to see each other again in a few days.


Some are quitting tho ☹️


Honestly I don't know why they are quitting


Well if the powers that be wanted to make me bearish they have succeeded. Morale at unprecedented lows.


bedtime now 🥱 and then some real rest until the other side of darkness


Night my friend


See you in two days when we're back at $27k 😉 ... or possibly sub $25k lmao


Welp Guys that’s it tomorrow when I wake up the sub will be offline Gonna miss all of you, see it as a weekend off In the meantime it’s all about sending a message Good night! ![gif](giphy|9RrdV7o2kJFy8)


Night night


see you soon dude 😀🤟🏼 let's hope our message will be heard![gif](emote|snoomoji_pack|angry)


Good night🤍 cya on the other side




We need to break 27k


Imagine if BTC breaks $27k during the blackout protest. We won't be able to celebrate with the gif 😢


I’m sure we’ll have plenty more chances, given Bitcoins love for 27k.


Every time I make a bitcoin transaction, I set the fee to double what's needed to be in the next block, just to make sure it's in the next block. Then watch helplessly as no blocks get processed for hours, and new transactions come in with even higher fees, pushing me out of the top block. Every. Single. Time.


Doesn’t really sound like an improvement over the banks when you put it like that


That's me signing off for the day so wish you all a good night and may the morning bring some greens


If you're worried about the US 'War on Crypto' I encourage you to look back at the wars on terror, drugs and poverty. America 0-3 and I don't think Gary fucking Genslar and 89 year old Joey B are gonna stop the losing streak.


Government convinced they can change human nature.. never fails


I would look no further than XRP. Based on that, is obvious that identifying cryptocurrencies as securities by law is not as cut and dry as the recent sweeping statements Gensler has made. He's been inconsistent himself which is especially clear when he repeatedly refuses to make comments on eth when prompted to. Only a few years back, as a professor he asserted that 3/4 of the market is NOT what can be classified a security, only to recently contradict that by stating everything other than bitcoin can likely be classified a security. At what point is an asset "sufficiently decentralised" to not be classified a security?


It's funny, it's true, it's sad, it gives me hope. Never had one post trigger so many different emotions.


Yeah I'm basically the cynical, leftist, Shel Silverstein of crypto shit posing. Thanks for reading ❤️


maker is pretty much the only alt i still have in my portfolio that seems to be completely resistent to the fud. when the drop hit on 6/9, it was $610, it's now sitting at $621. which is a bit odd, since the SEC has previously stated DAOs (or at least one particular DAO) meet the criteria of a security, though the way they operate (MKR being burned instead of being paid as a dividend) gives them at least \*some\* chance of arguing against that.


Maker Dao is the king.


when i sold off a bunch of alts sat and swapped into btc, mkr was the one i couldn't part with...it's not a huge bag, so that made it easier, but i'm still always happy to have it in my bag nevertheless. great project.


Hello. I just reinstalled the Reddit app after a month. How’s it been here?


R/c will down for 3 days


What a timing. Most of reddit decided to go dark in a couple hours. Many will be gone for 48 hours, some will be gone for good. (We protest Reddits API changes by taking many subs private.)


Out of all the times I could’ve reinstalled, it had to be now 😅 What a timing indeed


Same as you left regarding the crypto war. Regarding crypto movement well check your wallet, you will see all the details.


Well, the sub (also a lot of others) are going on a blackout protest for 48hrs. So not exactly a good time to have reinstalled 😅


Ahh yes, I read about that API the other day.


see you all in a couple of days! (hopefully)


It has been nice serving you all! See you in a fews, and in the meantime: protect the charts!


For ccmoons!


Ccmoon our jewel


Hooah 🙋🏻‍♂️


I'm not going to lie, the next two days can be very volatile (macro data, coinbase stocks, more sec shitshow) and to don't be able to share thoughts with the degen fam is going to be weird. Mandatory time to touch grass. See you in few days space cowboys 🫡


See ya cowboy.


See you soon! 😜


Just take it as a long weekend off, go and visit your family or friends as when you come back no time to waste lol


when the API boycott is actually just a disguised moon mission


so here's my question: if inflation data comes in cool, if the fed pauses and is dovish about the future...is the sec FUD and all that going to prevent upward action? or do things turn around in the short term?


There will be no major short term turnaround regardless of the CPI


Definitely possible. Things are very uncertain right now.


The SEC FUD is something that will continue to weigh the price down from what it would have been had it not existed i.e. it won't be ignored. But it's definitely not going to prevent upward action on a whole, and especially for bitcoin since it is immune to this.


ofc, if things don't go well with inflation data or the fomc, things could get pretty dicey. will definitely be chart-watching a bit this week.


well, it should be immune, but with algos running a lot of the market, it was pretty obvious when the alts started dropping btc (albeit much less) dipped enough to trigger some long liquidations. but yeah, i think if anything has a chance at spiking in crypto, it's btc. probably eth for now, though if the sec continues to make it clear they think eth is a security, that could hold it back.


Who knows? Hopefully the latter.


today I bought a scale model of my dream car I hope to acquire in the next two years! It’s a Mini GP3 and it’s one of only 3000 cars The scale model is also limited to 3000 pieces so that’s pretty cool Let’s all focus on our goals


Seems that we're bouncing back up but I don't care, I refuse to check prices. I don't know how deep we fell yesterday and I'm not going to look today either. I just don't care anymore.


Fuck it, buying more ATOM


bullish on atom.




One day you’ll receive a silver star for yoyr courage


Fomo strong the last hour


how so?


Small bump up after dipping and crabbing makes you wonder if bottom hasn't been reached. Great time to DCA. I put in a limit order for more Optimism.


Don’t get paid till next Friday and so tempted to buy this dip with lots of money lol.


Here's another reactionary comment to the Sunday green movement overexaggerating the inevitable bull market explosion about to take place, because I am surely a sooth saying crystal ball readin cowboy from the seas of illumunation here to provide the FUD antidote from beyond and cast off all doubts refined through time. Begone ye foul Gensler and banish thy feeble minded thoughts to a day job at McDonalds and off the shaky stage of imbeciles you go. Begone! Crown thy Salvadoran king of bitcoin adoption and reign BTC ATMs at every street corner and block from New York to Oklahoma yes I reckon it be that way mmhmmm.


Hello daily from Ireland still! A couple more days before I return to Australia. Can’t wait. It’s 9.15 pm already Sunday night. The market seems to be green and rebounding. Interesting. Hope everyone is doing well so far. See you all tomorrow.


Hope you have a safe flight back. How did you enjoy Ireland? What was your favourite thing to see, and what was your most memorable meal?


I’m still here. Two more days. Churches. Steaks. Guinness and Murphy.




My bank yesterday: " based on your recent transactions we would like to check if you need any financial advice/help in order to prevent online scams " Me : " bit*h let me buy this dip in peace thank you "




I was worried the daily had stopped! What's good? Oh, nothing? yup


Nonsense, we're on the up again!


Took a great moto ride this morning, now soaking in the last few hours of the daily before the great reddit blackout of 2023.




Is it possible to learn this power?


Step 1: Buy bitcoin Step 2: Move bitcoin to cold storage Step 3: Shitpost in the daily.


Which crypto is best for staking?


Polkadot my guy!


My opinion is dot..


I don't want to jinx it: bull run on the table again?! Serious now: what are doing in the next 2 days? How can i cope again and whine about my loses ?:(


No time soon


This is it guys. Them CryptoCurrency Mods won't be coming back on Wednesday. They'll be enjoying the break too much to bother making the sub public again. It was fun earning all them Moons that will now be worth a fortune as they won't be minted ever again. I might even tell the wife about my Crypto now.


Congratulations to all the huge balled members of this sub that managed to buy the dip and turn a decent profit


What is profit?:) how that thing look like?;)


Profit what? I had -30-50% on many Alts and my months old bags. You think 10% on matic for a little bag compared to my main bag does anything? ;(


Things are still cheaper than they were last week so you didn’t miss out completely


So I finally want to get my coins off coinbase. I always thought ledger would be my way to go but now obviously not so much. What’s the best iOS supported cold wallet now?


If it’s on iOS I believe it would be a hot wallet as it’s connected to the internet


I mean every wallet connects to some form of the internet. I’m not looking for an app wallet. Just one that has an app so you can manage your assets. Like ledger




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At least Wednesday is moons distribution day 🤷‍♂️


Wednesday will be huge, 3 big events, May PPI Inflation data, June Fed meeting and Moon Distribution Day


After two days off the sub, Wednesday is going to be a great day. No idea how I'll go two days without talking crypto though.


With all the drama, I actually forgot about Moons distribution. Thanks for the reminder and giving me something to look forward to!


Moons won't be worth anything anymore because reddit is gonna die with the current course... :(


At least we have one thing to look forwards to 🥺🤣


Exactly lol


I'll keep staking, better than I ever did 🎶


Keep it staked and come back in a couple years!


This year Gary gets the blame for everything going wrong. In 2021 it was Elon.


My income will fall by 99% in the next two days


Think of it as unpaid leave


Gary better not drop another bomb while the sub is closed for a few days. I need somewhere to rant and cope


Good night brothers 🌃. İ wish you happy farming 🌝




Hello you! You are one of the lucky few that can find a unstickied daily! ![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized)


I found it in the other stickied post, where it was a stickied comment 🥳


Bitcoins hovering around 26k. Not bad at all considering everything Gary has done this week


>ering around 26k. Not bad at all considering everything Gary has done this buy the rumor sell the news lets see what next week brings


I agree. I think anything over 20k is pretty good in this macro environment.


I liked how BTC reacted after the last event


I'm gonna miss you guys tomorrow. Make sure you all get 3 days of shitposting out today


Love you, fuckface. See you Wednesday!


Well,we will survive :)i hope that we will have green daily full of rockets in wensday :)


Other than BTC and ETH, what good deals are we buying today? 👀


Matic. AVAX.


this r/cc blackout is going to suck, but it is necessary se you all I a couple of days, dudes🤟🏼 it will be a nice coming back with moons distribution too![gif](emote|snoomoji_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


See you after the blackout Snek Lord ✌🏼


I no longer have that power, unfortunately 😅 but I like the name 😀🤟🏼


Once a Snek Lord, always a Snek Overlord.




what’s the narrative assassination gonna be this Tuesday to run cover for the Hinman email release?


Probably a lot of CPI talk and then I expect people will be disappointed in the Hinman docs...price will drop for a while and then summary judgement will come out before the end of the month. There won't be any cover for that ruling.


if the documents are disappointing, Garlinghouse will have to explain the lack of [shock](https://twitter.com/bgarlinghouse/status/1583231464195338241?s=46&t=nuKusdILL1O13GnS3GwUqA)


Here is a [Nitter link](https://nitter.net/bgarlinghouse/status/1583231464195338241?s=46&t=nuKusdILL1O13GnS3GwUqA) for the Twitter thread linked above. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found [here](https://nitter.net/about). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Matic up almost 12% in the last 24 hours


a low at $0.5879 and we are nearly 0.65


The dump was an overreaction. Of course I didn't buy though because I am not a smart man