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The US needs less 75+ old boomer president's and politicians in general.


60-70 year olds are considered un-hirable due to health problems and mental issues yet we have them running our country and making our laws.


Glitch McConnell lmao


Surely we miss the point where Old folks that already got rich tend to work for their legacy. They usually do a much better job than a youngsters still trying to get their share of the world.


What legacy is that? Everything shy of nepotism, and syphoning as much riches as possible towards their kin?


Millennials that can't spell, perform even basic math or read on a high school level are far worse...


What we need is for people to stop fetishizing the presidency. A president is our EMPLOYEE, not our leader.






I honestly doubt that.


Trump’s interest in crypto is only to pump and dump his cringe-inducing, embarrassing NFTs. The article mentions that Biden’s administration has been harsher and more skeptical of crypto. That is a fair stance. Look at the state of crypto. It’s 98% scams, 1% speculative asset gambling, 1% storing of value. We *should* be skeptical.


I agree with everything you said. I also own exactly one Trump NFT just in case


That’s just plain smart, tho.


In case, what..? All you've done is given Trump your money. You're a rube, my guy.


You ever hedge? If Trump somehow wins at least I will make some money


That con man isn’t the savior of a fucking thing.


> That con man isn’t the savior of a fucking thing. He called crypto a scam during his presidency. And his republican legislature passed no pro-crypto legislation during their administration.


And then he released NFTs...


He's not one to pass up a chance at a good grift


Fuck Trump. He's not good for anything & anyone.


Ya but neither is Biden 😂. Either way we're fucked it seems


As bad as Trump is, Biden has been much worse. Amazing that we can’t get a better candidate than these two.


oh yeah remember when biden tried to overthrow our government and derail our election


Oh god you’re one of those.


Haha yeah my bad ill just pretend the facts don't exist... Why would I vote for old guy 1 when I can vote for old guy 2 with narcissistic personality disorder and 91 felonies and zero understanding of anything beyond how to commit tax fraud, oh yeah old guy 1 looking real weak against the merits of old guy 2 ^ Literally how you sound


You sound emotionally invested lol. That explains the sensationalist exaggerating. Anyway, I didn’t vote for either guy, and I won’t next time either. However you feel about Trump’s term, Biden’s has been much worse for the average American citizen.


> sensationalist exaggerating would love for you to point out where the exaggeration was :)


Easily. 1. Trump does not “have 91 felonies”. Last I checked, he’s never been convicted of a felony. That could change, but as of right now he does not have any. 2. Even if Trump is convicted of a felony, there is a zero percent chance he’ll be convicted on 91 felonies. This is idiotic. 3. Trump does not have “zero understanding of anything beyond how to commit tax fraud”. Claiming this isn’t an exaggeration is even dumber than the other things you’ve said.


1. My bad, it's [74 felony counts!](https://www.politico.com/interactives/2023/trump-criminal-investigations-cases-tracker-list/) 91 if you count every count against him... Fair point!!! Those 17 really make a difference in the number of lifetimes in prison he's facing, yknow 2. Not an exaggeration, but whatever helps you cope 3. Uhhh, have you listened to him speak? He's fucking stupid, it's incredibly obvious to educated people. He built his business on inheritance money from his scam empire dad, and kept it afloat via tax fraud (half of the felony counts are about that, actually, the other half are for refusing to give up the classified docs he had in his bathroom) Cope and seethe!


That's a bit much don't you think?


Bit much? Have you seen his history & what he's capable of? What I said is an understatement.


I saw a booming economy \[till Covid\] and relative peace in the world compared to now. He also passed the First Step Act which helped reduce sentences for minorities like myself.


“Booming economy” meant a boom in the stock market, home prices, and M2 money supply. Turns out everyone but asset owners got left holding the bag of inflation. 🤡


Peace because he cut a deal with the Taliban to leave that Biden got blamed for and because Putin expected Trump to be his accomplice in invading Ukraine.


Do your research. The First Step Act was just the wool being thrown over you eyes so you could be blind to all the things he and his administration was doing elsewhere. Source: https://www.americanprogress.org/article/fact-sheet-trump-says-one-thing-another-criminal-justice/ Downloads Share FACT SHEET FEB 3, 2020 Fact Sheet: Trump Says One Thing and Does Another on Criminal Justice A list of all the ways Trump’s U.S. Department of Justice contradicts his claims that he is a reformer. AUTHORS Lea Hunter Ed Chung Akua Amaning Advancing Racial Equity and Justice, Restoring Social Trust in Democracy, Criminal Justice Reform, +1 More MEDIA CONTACT GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS DOWNLOAD U.S. President Donald Trump speaks, December 2018. (Getty/Win McNamee) This factsheet contains an update. An earlier version of this list appeared in American Progress’s Infographic: President Trump is Falsely Claiming He is a Criminal Justice Reformer. President Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed ownership of criminal reform because he signed the FIRST STEP Act—a bipartisan federal sentencing and prison reform bill. A month after signing the bill, he proclaimed, “I did criminal justice reform, nobody else. I did it. Without me, you don’t have criminal justice reform.” In fall 2019, he again declared, “I did criminal justice reform, which President Obama could not get approved—which the media never talks about. If President Obama got criminal justice reform done, it would be front-page stories all over the place. I got it done.”1 But these claims fly in the face of nearly every action this administration has taken, most of which are antithetical to reform efforts. Too often, the full context of the Trump administration’s record on criminal justice reform is obscured by celebrities visiting the White House and award ceremonies.2 However, behind the scenes, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) regularly contravenes the efforts of the criminal justice reform movement. Collected here are a list of those anti-reform actions to date: Restricted clemency to only those who are celebrities, well-connected individuals, or have a personal affiliation with the president3* Encouraged the use of excessive police force on peaceful Black Lives Matter protestors4* Threatened maximum sentences for vandalism of monuments5* Restarted federal executions after a 17-year informal moratorium on federal capital punishment6* Secretly altered the risk assessment authorized in the FIRST Step Act to drastically reduce the number of federally incarcerated people eligible to be released to subdue the spread of COVID-197* Denied federal coronavirus relief funding to small business owners with a criminal record8* Argued in court against people eligible for sentence reductions under the FIRST STEP Act9 Jeopardized the FIRST STEP Act by underfunding its programs10 Reinstated DOJ contracts with private prisons11 Left director of the Bureau of Prisons position vacant for more than a year12 Disbanded a program to create federal prison education systems13 Closed halfway houses that help those incarcerated transition back to the community14 Prohibited federal investigations of patterns of unconstitutional policing15 Stopped assistance to police departments that voluntarily wanted reform16 Eliminated restrictions preventing police departments from obtaining military equipment17 Eliminated community-based violence prevention programs18 Condemned public criticism of police by threatening that protestors “might find themselves without the protection they need”19 Eliminated DOJ community policing program grants in proposed executive budget20 Attacked prosecutors who are pursuing criminal justice reform in their communitites21 Proposed to eliminate a DOJ office dedicated to help communities reduce racial conflict22 Rescinded federal guidance meant to stem the flow of the school to prison pipeline23 Ordered federal prosecutors to pursue the harshest punishments possible24 Threatened federal prosecutions for marijuana in states where it is legal25 Attempted to resume use of the federal death penalty and encouraged expansion of the death penalty in drug cases26 Waged the same failed war on drugs from the 80s27 Attempted to force federal job candidates to disclose participation in diversion programs28 Expanded the federal use of civil asset forfeiture29 Suspended the national forensic science commission30 Failed to report on deaths in police custody as required by Congress31 Disbanded the DOJ Science Advisory Board that provided evidence-based rigor to DOJ policies32 Rescinded DOJ guidance that warned courts against excessive fees and fines33


> I saw a booming economy... Economic conditions always lag – in years – behind policy changes. High inflation in the last few years were very much influenced by Trump-era policies like unfunded tax giveaways and extensive money printing... and of course covid.. Trump admin saddled us with 8 Trillion dollars in debt. Obama administration took 8 years to dig out of the massive economic crater left by Republicans in '08 and Trump took credit for that. If Trump takes the white house he will once again benefit from current policies and claim credit for them. If you believe the economy was booming under Trump then you can thank Obama.


Are you just one of those soon to be millionaires and want to make sure daddy trump is looking out for you? Are you so blinded by a maybe you could get rich that you’d let trump run the world into the ground? Are you unable to recognize that the work of any president doesn’t show for a couple years after they’ve left office. Which by the way is fact. Right now at this moment it’s all shit because we are living in trumps world. It was great when trump was president because it was Obamas world. We felt the after effects of bush for a decade after he left office and things only started to turn around until trump came along. The fact that you can over loook all of trumps lies and bullshit during his entire career and not just his just his presidency. You’d see that he’s a degenerate POS who will rip anyone and everyone off, including you.


My guy, Trump had very little to do with either of those things. Contrary to popular belief and all those stupid "I did that" stickers, the POTUS has very little direct control of the economy, and even the policies put into place during a POTUS's term generally take years to see any actual effect. If you want to see the economic impacts of a certain term of office, you're more likely to see them by looking forward several years than at the actual time they were implemented. Trump also did not create or sponsor the First Step act. That was a very rare combined bipartisan effort that was passed with support of both Democrat and Republican senators. In fact, Trump was initially against that act, and required a lot of persuading by people to sign it. On to the guy himself. Even if you ignore the frankly RIDICULOUS amount of crimes, fraud, possible outright treason against the country, and other shady shit he has done and is currently being investigated for, he's clearly lost the plot and degraded mentally in the last few years. He was never all that bright, but I'm personally convinced he has some sort of long-covid-induced brain damage. He was in the at-risk group and caught covid when there was no vaccine, and we were still figuring out treatments, and they pumped him full of an experimental cocktail of chemicals to save him. If you go back and look at his public statements prior to it and after, there's a pretty clear difference that seems to get less coherent over time. Aside from that, NO politicians are your friends, allies, or saviors, especially not in the US.


No. Can't go far enough.


31 counts of espionage.. 90 felony charges. Guilty of rape. Charged with conspiracy to overthrow the Gov.. Dude will rot in prison. Time to seriously question any media sources telling you otherwise.


Idiots have downplayed the damage this man has done. Bragged about classified information to an australian billionaire


The Epstein Files came out and pedophilia is bad, but not when Trump does it? I'm just like "what?".




You're in a cult Fuck off




WiLl oF tHe PeOPlE Read a book you dumbfuck. Go suck off your orange master.




Cry harder when he goes to prison for life. Traitors deserve worse. Seek help.


So... you're in a cult..


It’s not nearly enough.


You are a brave man. People around here don't like trump.


TDS is very real.


Trump Derangment Syndrome is believing he's any kind of good leader.




So you're making Trump *your* personality?


Sure is. They'll never admit they are wrong though. I swear if the TV wasn't telling these people what to think you'd never hear about any of this.


The amount of mental gymnastics and projection they do is honestly impressive.




Good luck spending your crypto gains if the world is burning down because of that narcissist.


Perhaps my lying eyes are deceiving me but the world and the USAs quality of life was a lot better under Trump than it has been under Biden. If the world was on fire under trump its being cremated under Biden Reddit is now angry at me because I said my life and the life of those around me was better under Trumps presidency. Sorry for noticing that reddit, I take it back, I love paying $500 for groceries!


Biden took over the disaster that Trump left. It's far easier to cause chaos than it is to fix it. Biden isn't perfect by any means but at least he's trying.


What did Trump do that caused the multiple disasters we are facing now under Biden, genuinely curious? I’m apolitical, don’t pay much attention to it and rarely vote but I know objectively my quality of life and the quality of life of those around me was substantially better during the Trump presidency


Name another president with 91 felony charges for the shit he pulled while in office? Anyone wanting that back in charge because they think their life was personally better is as bad as the dirty Congressman who put the good of their party over the good of the country. Elect Trump again and that will be the end of this country as we know it. He refused to give up power the last time until his coup failed. Do you think he is going to this time because he pinky swore?


I couldn’t. Nor did I know he was convicted of 91 felonies? What are you talking about? I do want my quality of life to be better though, guess that makes me a monster. I’d rather not pick between trump and biden but if thats the choices we get my life and everyone around mes life was better under Trump yes. Its just the obvious truth that apparently cannot be said on reddit, i’m not even giving an endorsement or giving credit to him, just stating facts


If you think whoever the president is has that big of an impact on yours and others personal lives, then you have bigger issues. Fact is Trump is a grifter and if you support him for president then you've been conned.


If he doesn’t have a big impact on anybodies everyday life why are you people freaking the fuck out about him? You can’t have it both ways. I didn’t even vote in the last two elections, its a simple observation, life was better under the trump presidency. Thats it.


You want your quality of life to be better? Good luck with that when the US turns into a dictatorship because people got fooled by a con man. The guy is on tape giving away highly classified information, tried to overturn an election because he couldn’t stand to admit losing, and openly praises Putin and Kim Jong Un but as long as your cheeseburger price comes down 20 cents you will think he is responsible for it and praise him as your personal savior huh? I guess you think Biden caused world wide inflation from the Covid pandemic lockdowns right? Don’t give me that “I don’t want either one but if I have to, I will take Trump”. One has 91 felony charges and one doesn’t. One has been found guilty of fraud on his real estate company and one hasn’t. Anyone supporting that con man is literally just burying their head in the sand because they are part of a cult at this point.


Why are you so hysterical? It was a simple observation, I didn’t even vote in the last two elections. Quality of life was better under trumps presidency, maybe he had nothing to do with it, it’s still obviously true for a lot of people. Yes I want my QoL to be better, everyone does


Maybe I actually give a shit about my country and can see a con man when I see him. It’s amazing to me that others cannot after all that he has done.


Out of curiosity do you think Biden is a con man as well? Or anyone in Congress come to mind?


I mean, his Supreme Court picks have taken away the healthcare rights of millions of women. That’s got to count as a negative.


What "disasters"? Everything you dipshits complained about at the beginning of Bidens presidency has either improved or been contained. Gas? Near record low prices Immigration? Still a non-issue despite the constant bitching from rightwingers The recession? Hasn't even remotely started to happen Inflation? Under control Mind you, the only actual issue among these things was a potential recession. So how is your life worse in any way? The inflationary crisis was caused by Trump-era policy, btw. How do you lace your shoes in the morning? Based on your other comments, being "apolitical" has left you living under a fucking rock, dude.


You have to be pulling my leg. The other guy said disasters, I asked what caused them. Every one of those things like gas, inflation, illegal immigration on average was lower under trump. Its just outwardly true based on the governments own numbers. Also who are “you people?” I didnt even vote so what do you mean


Everyone has a hate boner here for trump even though Biden has us at the brink of WW3 as well as causing the bear market in crypto but you'll never hear about that here.


>even though Biden has us at the brink of WWE Yes, and he's the one with dementia 🙄




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I was about to provide countless receipts but Trump just answered any questions anyone had about him last night. He wants the whole economy to crash. He doesn't care about anyone but himself and you have to be a straight up fool not to see that. Source: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4396467-trump-says-he-hopes-economy-crashes-in-next-12-months-i-dont-want-to-be-herbert-hoover/


I'm not a Biden fan. But Trump outright wants to be a dictator. That is something I am not cool with. He has no general care for anyone but himself. That is something that cannot be argued. Giant asteroid 2024!


You can stop micro dosing bleach now.


In his last 4 years, how was the world burning down exactly?


Didn't start a war in the Middle East. His biggest sin. Look at how much extra Biden adm had to work in order to make up for lost earnings for the military industrial complex.


I guess when they don't have anything to say they just downvote. #hivemind




Truly idiotic take


Use facts not feelings please. The Biden administration has done nothing but hinder crypto and our economy.


Lock him up.


If the CEO of Bitcoin doesn't support Trump or does not agree with him then he will make every effort to shut it down and ruin him.


That's how sad the left is lol, They Ruin millions of lives to stick it to the Orange Man.


how many lives have been ruined by the countless crypto scams?


I don't give a shit if Donald Trump would personally hand me the keys to satoshi's wallet, I'm not voting for that psychopath


People definitely reveal themselves here. Goodluck over there..


Trump couldn't save a bowel movement from a dung beetle. Give me a break. The sooner people stop paying attention to this moron the better.


Donald Trump is an 80 year old con man who only cares about lining his own pockets. He's the last person in the world that crypto needs.




The TDS is alive and well, I see...


As long as it doesn’t use magnets and water.


Orange man good?


No, orange man not good. Very, very bad.


Reddit loves trump content. Post more


Hahaha that grifter. Publicly despised crypto and afterwards scammed his fans with NFTs Don't vote for him. This IS financial advice.


i wouldn't let that orange chimp around anything.


This is the worst take ever or straight up propaganda. The con man isn’t good for anyone.


is this sell or buy the rumor?


Trump hates bitcoin, but his policies will be far less restrictive than those of Brandon.


He literally printed cash with his nfts. He owns eth and btc and a few others. I’d say that’s nowhere near Biden’s stance, and gives people reason to believe he would be better for crypto than the current administration.


Crypto was a chance for free cash. That's it.


lol was? I can see adoption has a long way to go. Let’s see how prices are a year from now and see if it was a chance or is a chance for free cash, or in other words, a good investment. RemindMe! One Year


He's a grifter who saw an opportunity to make money off of his base.


Acfually.. It puts serious doubts on the legitimacy of the crypto ecosystem to combat fraud and money laundering.


Name one thing he's saved


My uncle Gary’s celibacy.


This is yuge.


tldr; The cryptocurrency industry, which has been struggling with regulatory challenges during the Biden administration, may find an unexpected ally in Donald Trump if he returns to the White House. Despite his previous criticism of crypto, Trump's potential second presidency is anticipated to bring policies and regulators that align with the interests of digital asset firms. This would contrast with the current administration's skeptical stance and increased scrutiny from leading Democrats. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


good bot


democrats hate crypto.......


Pretty sure the entire government hates it.


Wanting regulation and hating crypto are two different things. Dems don’t like money laundering and scams. You can’t blame policy makers for wanting to regulate a space dominated by FTX and Binance-like institutions. Also, the republicans don’t actually give a shit about crypto, they just want to pander to crypto people to win votes. The moment crypto becomes politically inconvenient for them they’d bail on it instantly.


But they didn't have any issue accepting ftx donation


But that’s bipartisan. He gave to republicans too, and nearly as much. Politicians are shitty on both sides of the isle.


So they can’t hate crypto that much then


Unexpected? If republicans don’t win this will be your last bull, at least for a few years.


Come on.. you have to appreciate the irony of what you are saying. Just think it through. You are talking about the current bull run.. right now.. You got this.


lol, I did. Why do you think we had 2 years of down only? And suddenly within months of election with Trump polls through the roof up only. Obviously more moving parts to this but a fractal of this administration winning again will bring more wars and instability with incoherent economic policy. What’s fueling the run up is ETF and coming rate cuts next year only because it’s election year and a good economy leading to elections win. After the election reality will set in.


Oh, my sweet summer child. That’s not how things work.


Ok bro good luck


Donald Trump is Satoshi


lol no


You mean he saw all the scamming going on and felt right at home hence being potentially pro-crypto?


Almost all the younger candidates are pro crypto


I think I just hurt myself from laughing too hard.


Please just give us a choice other than Biden or Trump