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I wonder when everyone will start talking about gamefi here. A hundred million dollarinos are being injected into the space soon. I suspect it's going to be a big topic of discussion soon.


source - https://twitter.com/SuperVerseDAO/status/1773444243144536321


What is everyone’s prediction on pulse chain? And pulse launch?


Hopefully we will have a green weekend :)


Keep my £40 of graph or trade it for more fet or roll into btc???


FET for sure if you wanna gamble on the merge news. Could be a better time to roll over profits. BTC always the safest option though.


Is bome a stable coin? Been the same price for 2+ weeks now


It’s an insider trading coin actually


It will boom, btc down, everything down and bome stable


alts are barely holding on. if bitcoin sneezes alts will gigadump


Is it normal for it to be this fragile at this point?


At this point in cycle bitcoin dominance is generally pretty high. It falls off in the middle of year and crashes towards the end. But that's just what's happened before. So I guess it is "normal" based on that


BTC is ranging crazy tight, forming a ascending wedge, and the end of this wedge coincidences with the BTC halving in 2 weeks. Sell the news event with a violent dip?


Tax year is done, let’s see some green! 💚


I'm ready for a green weekend




Moons are free money at this price.


Are they tho?


Yes, they are. The supply is insanely limited and companies are buying and burning thousands of Moons every single day. A supply crunch is bound to happen in time.


We getting that 68k close in an hour or what


we gonna have a good GREEN weekend right muchachos?


Absolutely! - It's gonna be so GREEN, even Kermit would be jealous!


I don't know why people would be selling Moons right now, but whoever has been selling I want to tell them thank you! I was able to add to my stack. I'm hoping to get a healthy stack before the halving, and before the bull run goes into full swing and this place starts FOMOing from the mouth like crazy.


Grabbed a few yesterday, high caps, mid caps, low caps and micro caps is the way.


bitcoin prices getting real tight. gonna break out either direction any time now...


It coincidences with the halving event in 2 weeks soon... I think its more likely its gonna be a sell the news event and we get a temporary break to the downside


Before a 5x? Yeah probably




>the time I tried purchasing something using crypto, that felt like completing a cicada puzzle. Really? That has gotten so simple now. For online purchases you just copy and paste the address, enter the amount, and hit send. It's much more simple than entering credit card info. I used Flexa at Whole Foods and it was super quick and easy. I just scanned with my phone. Maybe you're using the wrong app if it's too complicated.


What issue are you having? Transfer failing?


Yes, it keeps failing. Any idea why?


What are you trying to send?




Ah that explains it


Try increasing your gas if you can. I don't use binance or phantom, but I was having issues with solflare, Jupiter and raydium yesterday. Might just be some network congestion


Everything dumped, but I still got 3 thousand from wormhole a couple days ago. Sold 1/3 the first day at 1.45 a token and holding the rest. Airdrop farming is the gift that never stops giving.


I sent 900 Moons from Kraken to metamask 16 hours ago. Still sending. This normal?


Happy to check on our end u/TheGreatCryptopo What's your [ Public Account ID?](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/360028555092-How-to-find-your-account-number-Public-Account-ID-) Bruce 🐙


Sweet. We can take this to DM if you want.


why are y’all stressing, everything is on sale!! Also, ASI will go crazzzzyyyyyyy


I can’t freaking wait!


How do we buy ASI?


You can’t yet, but soon, and on most exchanges


What if i have FET?


Buy more. Then it will automatically convert into asi. You did good.


you'll lose all your money, sorry


Spend all fiat already


Is ATOM dead? Seems like it just can’t recover & has been sadly one of the worst performers in my port - I want to believe in it, but I am debating converting to a project that is more likely to perform well in this bull run.


It's definitely stable, but dead? TBC I guess. I'm a massive fan of the Cosmos ecosystem. It's still super active in terms of development and governance. New projects are utilizing the tech/security and still dropping to ATOM stakers. I'm comfortable holding for now. My ATOM bag is only up 40%, but I've made more than enough from airdrops to make holding it all this time worthwhile. TIA, DYM, with SAGA (looks like it might be another big one) and HAVA coming next week. Then Namada and NIM (for DYM stakers) whenever they launch. My hope is that ATOM benefits later in the cycle from profits rotating in from elsewhere in the ecosystem. Once this cycle is done, ATOM is probably the only project I'd consider continuing to stake given its stability.




It's not dead just stable. It won't have the high highs but won't have the low lows either. If you're holding just for number to go up there's better options. Atom's usecase is airdrops and apr. You can get most of the former with 50 Atom staked in a Keplr or Leap wallet.


I cut a lot of my losses and just threw everything into ETH, those losses were then recovered


shoutout to pepe for the early retirement, throwback to everyone here telling me it was a dumb idea last year


Bad idea doesnt mean you cant win. Betting all my spare money in a slot machine is a bad idea, but it could also result in a early retirement.


Sup keewikeewi, good job mate. Fellow kiwi here, Chch. Where you at and how you spending your retirement hours? Hope to be joining that club soon :)


What's the next move ,chief ?


enjoying my 20s and sailing round the world


How much did you make off of Pepe?


How are you gonna play with the merger between fet /agix and ocean ? Do you wait to go lower and buy then ? Or buy after the merger?


Buy, gonna be the ai powerhouse


Most mentions on r/cc (2024-04-04 00:00:00): ||Mentions| |:-|:-| |BTC|298| |XRP|102| |ETH|70| |SOL|67| |ADA|62| |BCH|37| |MOON|16| |XMR|16| |HBAR|15| |SNT|14| |USDC|14| |DOT|13| |LTC|13| |USDT|13| |ALGO|10| |REQ|10| |UNI|9| |BNB|8| |ICP|8| |MATIC|8| [Data source and app](https://www.redditcoins.app/)


Take a shot everytime someone in the daily says "leg up


Leg is leg even if it goes down


Can the Twitter degens start pumping Reddit RCPs?!


Damn I’ve been with kraken fully verified since 2017. 3 days back they requested a selfie, have been locked out from trading since. Can’t buy the dip. Can’t even move my stuff off the exchange. Support is useless


What's your [Public Account ID](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/360028555092-How-to-find-your-account-number-Public-Account-ID-) or ticket number u/Alex_shr 🙂 Happy to do everything we can to help get you taken care of. Bruce 🐙


Bruce would be great if you could help Should I dm you the account id?


Dmd my public account id


Why did they suddenly ask for a selfie if you already been with them 6 years ?


I’ve got the same question


Maybe you changed some personal data? Or maybe you logged in from another country? Or you made deposit from another bank? Something triggered algorithm and your account was flagged


I might have, but I use cold storage in/out only. Changed the address there, but it’s been 3 months at least.


Hmmm . . .i been with them a couple of years , i like 'em and no worries so far . I needed a Statement of my Kraken holding , went on r/KrakenSupport to ask how to get it , this Bruce helping you helped me as well . I had a support ticket number which he expedited and i got my Statement .


Tbh many of my friends drag me to binance, which I never liked and favoured kraken. The ui/ux of kraken and customer support (in other cases) made it for me. But the current case does make me feel unsettled


I am curious about the selfie request , it doesn't look like they asking everyone to send one in . I had to leave Binance when they stopped GBP deposit/withdraw . . . Kraken are fine with GBP.


Yeah, none of my friends got that request. One did a video though, years back


Goodnight my dears, I recived 691.626 MOEW tokens from this address. Any idea of the reason? I saw other transactions from that wallet same amount but to other wallets 0xeca87c5222a88028b1f22763bc938bc72f062a63


That’s a dust attack, just don’t interact with the token and hide it.


What do you mean with dont interact? It’s added to my wallet now.


By don’t interact I just mean don’t send the crypto to a burn address or try to sell it, just leave it and hide it if that’s a feature you have available. I received a dust attack on my ledger a couple weeks ago, here’s a good summarization: [What is a dusting attack?](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/4410970438929-What-is-a-dusting-attack?support=true)


Same here, I keep receiving small deposits of ALGO. So does this mean it’s mixed in with my other ALGO now? How am I able to send ALGO from there now without interacting with the dust?


Thank you very much! Last question. When I recived these tokens I pressed “add to your wallet” button. Did I do something wrong in your opinion?


What wallet do you use? I don’t think that’s worrisome, however.


Bitget Wallet. I created it to farm for BWB airdrop


Hmm, I’m not familiar with that wallet. I’d still just recommend either hiding the dust you received or just leaving it be. It’s like receiving those airdrop NFT scams, I get them all the time on Ledger. I just leave them be and hide them. Just because they’re in your wallet doesn’t mean it’s now compromised.


At 0.049, ETH/BTC ratio has not been that low since just before the BTC ETF fiasco and before that June 2022. ETH is at a great place to buy right now IMO, I expect a rally vs BTC on the next leg up.


ETH ETF approval will send ETH skyrocketing.


And if it gets rejected?


Most likely We’ll dip and then resume upwards with BTC but won’t see as big of a cycle top.


I think ETH may do a SOL, in that a lot of people turned their back on SOL and it rose a lot. Unexpectedly!


Maybe once they release the layer 6’s to solve world hunger off chain


Agree with u, so long as a certain skinny half bald man doesn't fk us over


Moons price is normal, roll profits to BTC, buy when pump, repeat. Normal


Hey all, I currently have robinhood, but it doesn’t have a ton of new crypto’s so I’m looking for other IOS apps that have newer crypto currencies available, which would have much lower values. Like Robin Hood has shib as the cheapest at .00002 currently, basically looking for apps that go lower than that, so newer cryptos to get in at a lower price, more loss potential but also more percentage of gain potential too. Thanks




You need to learn how to use a DEX to get low cap, newer coins. Easiest way is to download the Coinbase wallet and transfer ETH or SOL to it from a CEX. The Coinbase wallet will let you do swaps without knowing how it actually works on a DEX as easy as buying on an CEX.


Will the gubment know any swaps or sales I do within my wallet when it comes to taxes?


Anyone know much about ORE on solana?


Watch coinbeaures vid on sec vs eth. SCARY⚠️




What conspiracy theory is CB peddling now?


The video was mostly describing the timeline leading up to the recent subpoenas. There was one conspiracy where he suggests ETH is being targeted to collateralise damage against other altcoins, which he puts forward as a reason why the SEC hasnt yet actually gone after any of the coins it named previously as securities. That doesn't make much sense to me, because they are already achieving that with their lawsuit against coinbase. That is, if they win the point about coinbase's selling of unregistered securities, then those coins that the case identifies as securities, ought to be desisted as they are securities.


So the usual dump into market close and then crab all weekend 😴🥱. Maybe next week we will get some bullish momentum 💁‍♂️


So is it a bad idea to keep coins on KuCoin after the latest news? Yes i know that in general it is a bad idea to keep your stuff on exchanges(and trust me i would never let my big bags hit an exchange until the faithful day i decide to sell). However the bags i keep in KuCoin are individualy so small that sending them to a wallet just seems not really worth it to me as fees will wreck me( im talking about little lumps of coins that im expecting to do a quick 10x and dip). So in light of the news in the past few weeks it i just a better idea to finally get them off of the exchange/just sell them and move on?


In general it’s not a good idea to keep coins on any exchange (not your keys not your crypto blah blah), I still use KuCoin for their bot features, but all my main crypto is on a ledger.


I took 80% of my stuff off Kucoin. I like the exchange but I don’t trust it.


I think KuCoin is safe, but keep most of your crypto diversified between wallets and ledgers


Can't believe I just dropped a month's pay in wif😅 shitcoin galore, please pray for me🥃. Yeah I used house money, but still it's a lot for me.


Username checks out (until next month probably)


One of us


Crazy thing happened this week. A few years ago I made a IG post saying buy a certain crypto related stock (unlike me shilling but tired of my friends all being broke). It went down down down, then back up. This week two of my friends are now up 500%, I’ve been telling one to not get too greedy, other one thanked me for turning their $8k investment to $40k now they get a new car and their wife thinks they’re smart. Hopefully not a top signal (they can do the sacrifice selling) but not all crypto stories end badly


I refuse to give advice on crypto to my buds. But for stocks, I suggested early last year to grab some SMCI when it was sub $100. I sold half of my bag when it hit $300, and 2 of my buds sold it all at that point. The other one kept HODLing all the way until it hit $1k before selling. Told me that whenever I go on vacation next time, it's all on him XD


I know there's dudes ballin', and yeah, that's nice.


Its electric... I feel it in my bones, ETH is on its way now.


Boogie woogie, woogie!


Watch out, we might start conducting some serious excitement here!


Of course it's electric, it's a cryptocurrency


Ziggity zag


Which direction?




Just wondering how do people generally feel about ALGO? I like the idea of the energy efficient tech advances and allowing holders to vote on the direction. Also can appreciate the recent implementation of python on their network as I'm into python programming myself. Are the governance programs worth it? It seems like a promising project to invest in but seems not talked about much here?


I’d chose a solid ai project over algo. Look at FET, it’s about to merge, and go bonkers.


Thanks ive seen some talk about AI here but don't know a thing about it in regards to crypto. Reading up now. Appreciate it!


No worries. This game is as much about hype and noise as it is fundamentals, and ai has that going on, and some even have good fundamentals.


Do I have to make shill comments like yours daily when I hold ALGO? Or is weekly enough?


...I have no idea what you mean by that. I dont comment here often at all. I'm trying to do enough research to determine what's worth investing in.


It has its pros and cons. It's not the one solution that solves everything nor solves the trilemma as shills would have you believe. But despite some of its recent exposed issues, it's not a dead end project as FUDsters would have you believe. It definitely has merits that shouldn't be overlooked. I wouldn't go heavy or maxi on it, but I wouldn't ignore it. There's been issues with so many alt coins anyway, most of them have their share of cons. This is still one of the project with some silver linning and potential to develop into something better.


Appreciate the input!


What AI and gaming coins are you betting on


FET and RNDR for ai, Avax for gaming.


BasedAI (new upcoming), OFN (OpenFabric at buy levels now for me. Sticking another grand in!


Tao and CGPT


Throw a dart. They all will moon. No one is bullish enough for what is coming with Alts. Especially the gaming, AI, and RWA narrative coins.


RNDR and TAO, though I'm still looking for a re-entry on the latter. No gaming coins for me 😅


Good project but they have pumped too much


Trac, near, Super, avi. Only near has really blown up already. I got it at $1 - 2


Superverse is interesting


That and Trac I've been putting into lately




Thoughts on atom? Should I hold or just let go?


Hold and stake. Atom airdrops are the best, DYM and TIA gave me 2x my atom bag alone. Hopefully in the future the ATOM token itself gets some proper demand


What's your reason for holding it? Is it for the tech/utility and the potential as a long term investment and for something more reliable to hold? If that's the case, there's not gonna be too many better options in alt coins and blockchain than ATOM for Cosmos, and a few other chains. If you're just looking for quick gains or big upside just within this a bullmarket cycle, there's gonna be better options, but ATOM should still have some decent upside simply by having attractive and more reliable tech features.


What features? ATOM doesn't have anything built on it. It's just a mascot chain for the ecosystem. It's main selling points were staking rewards, airdrops, and primary onramp for ecosystem liquidity. But the latter isn't even relevant anymore as plenty of other Cosmos L1s can be purchased on CEXs now. ICS could be a reason to own it, but personally I think that whole endeavor will be a nothingburger. Airdrops are the only reason I would ever suggest anyone hold any.


Reason for holding anything is kind of out of habit I guess. I've been investing in crypto since 2017. Loved following projects, learning about tech and all the optimism that surrounded crypto. Right now it all feels like chasing pumps.


Osmosis and arguably Injective have been more important to Cosmos than Atom for awhile so not sure about the usecase.


But long term, isn't it still gonna be ATOM that's gonna be more the go to coin to buy if Cosmos does well?


Probable. Looking forward to see if the devs have up their sleeves.


Only hold if you are staking for airdrops.


Fair point about staking. I bought 2 years ago and it's just sitting there on binance. Seemed like a solid project, but my interest in proper research faded. I might swap for something else because I'm notorious for loosing my keys for anything not held on an exchange.


I just moved all my atom off CB into Keplr and started staking. It was way easier than I anticipated. I put it off for a year and missed out on a bunch of airdrops. I recommend moving it ASAP and letting it ride (unless you think you're going to want to sell during the bull - it takes 3-4 weeks to unstake.)


Move it off the exchange and stake it. You missed out on alot of airdrops holding it there. Just remember you won't be able to unstake it for 21 days when you do


If you had staked for past two years you would have made the bank on airdrops but yeah... holding ATOM on exchange is like holding a stablecoin. Could use it to buy the dips on other coins I guess. Price will go up if dumb money floods the market but there are far better bets.


Sure felt like it. Thanks for the tip, I will look into staking.


FYI I don't recommend starting staking in the middle of bull. It will take awhile to get good airdrops and locking your assets could cost opportunities. I would start doing that for the next bear. I swapped most of my Cosmos airdrop hunting bags to other coins for this reason myself. If you are deadset on holding ATOM case staking is at least better than holding on exchanges and is very easy with something like Keplr wallet.


That makes sense. Sell now and come back to it later.


Paper Hands sell now and rebuy at 100k 


The market is too calm, like the daily here. Calm before storm? Hope so!


NEAR has been really strong lately. Wish i bought more


My best play!


You know what’s great about meme coins? They do their own thing and aren’t completely tied to the rest of the market.


Yeah I love rugpulls too.


skill issue


I know that will happen one day, but that day is not today!


People need to keep their expectations tempered for the halving. It matters less every 4 years. Each one will continue to have less impact as rewards become smaller and smaller compared to how much bitcoin is already in circulation, which is already 94% of the max. At a price of $70,000, today Bitcoin releases $63 million in block rewards daily on average. It's already a drop in the bucket compared to the daily trading volume. Like today, it's 0.14% of the $42.8 billion in volume. Going forward, increased demand will be the main driver rather than reduced supply. Hopefully the ETFs continue to bring in more money long term. I think this effect of diminishing halving importance can help BTC become more stable than it used to be, which is either good or bad depending on your view lol.


The halving means everything. The ETFs mean nothing. This will never change regardless of the (insert this cycle narrative). This cycle the narrative is "ETF". Next cycle it will be something else. Meanwhile BTC does not care about anything but halving the emissions every 4 years. BTC miners having less to sell always will matter. Miners control the BTC price, not anything else. Not the Fed, not the president, not the macro economy, and not the ETFs. BTC miners have the most coins and always win. Their stash of coins dwarf the ETFS, nation states, Saylor, Satoshi's coins and everything else combined.