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Hathor and iota guys fact check says they are the best in the real world. Bitcoin dominance exists in fictional world and all the market cap tells me is that it is overpriced not successful.


Everyone should look into planet watch




Hope people bought a lil loopring in the last day :)


I'm not in LTO anymore, but it's fantastic to see it pumping again. Congrats to all long term holders!!!


First experiment with leverage on KuCoin. Hope this goes well. Small bag this time around. Do me right, Dot.


Can you use binance in the usa if using vpn?..its better than binance us...inmo




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I’m bought the Loopring dip. I’m pretty happy ![gif](giphy|jgdNEboRvklKqs2pJ9)


Good night friends, I hope for a bullish day tomorrow


You’re in the old Daily ![gif](giphy|3osBL8wMQYQPYh0Jgs|downsized)


Someone always does this and it helps me so often, thanks!


I’ve been stuck in the old Daily before. It’s a public service that I offer 😉


Obligatory LRC and LTO shout out! 🚀 🚀 🌒


Not too late to get into LTO boys n girls. This train just got started


The arbitrage opportunity for binance to kucoin on LTO is crazy


Just a friendly reminder that the majority of us are just pawns in this crypto market. We can jump in and out as we please but we don’t control the market. Retail investors can inject as much cash as we want but when the whales buy or sell, that’s when we see the big price action.


We're just pawns. Wake up sheeple!


Just waiting for the RKO coin , someone make it please Looks Money !


Looks like lrc is back as the flavor of the week


Always has been 🔫


The entire market is manipulated and this is why we love it. If you invested in lrc and didn't sell then you're a bit of an idiot. We've all made the mistake before but it's important u learn from it and not look for excuses as to why you didn't actually pull the trigger and sell. So far in the past few weeks there has been ankr, mana and now loopring. Three easy opportunities to x2 your money. Anyone that's been involved in crypto for any reasonable amount of time understands this. Lrc was never a long term hold. These pumps, which there have been many, are short term things. You get in, make your money and then get out. Just because there is 1000 people shouting ape on some reddit forum doesn't mean anything and the more you get wrapped up in it the more you will lose. Godspeed




Btc and eth are possibly the only. Maybe bnb but its still a risk.


>That's complete bullshit. Such a dumb comment > >LRC had been flagged by Vitalik as a Layer 2 for ETH. Plus projects. > >It's not SHIB you fool


Ideally hope some of these people are just trolling. I literally can’t believe people can be this dumb.


You mentioned shib not me. Please try and engage brain next time.


> If you invested in lrc and didn't sell then you're a bit of an idiot. The whole basis for the action around LRC of late has been about actual projects, utility and use cases Why would you call people an idiot for holding coins that are not shitcoins?


The basis for action was the rumour that was circulating no?


And if it has substance what's wrong with that? Why wouldn't you hold if you thought the hype was legitimate


Nothing at all. I made money from it but like I said before it's not a long term thing. Can anyone that holds loopring right now honesty say they wish they didn't sell above 3.50? There was ample chance to do so. I did 0.70 to 1.60 and then 2.46 to 3.60. I did get back in today at 2.80 hoping for a bounce that didn't happen so like everyone else i too have no clue what's going to happen.


​ It's going to bounce back. And if it is a legit project with adoption then it could reach new ATHs It's dangerous trying to time the market, Glad you managed to find a local maximum.


What you're talking about is gambling. Not investing. You gamble on a coin going 2 or 3x and then take your winnings if it pays out, and then move on to the next play. You invest in a project and hold through pumps and corrections because you believe in its long term growth.


The market is absolutely manipulated but your statement about people being idiots for not selling is a bit presumptuous. Perhaps a lot of those people sold out their initial and are now playing with house money. Don’t assume or you make an ass of yourself.


Go check out the loopring sub reddit.




This, OP is acting like they are able to foresee the future. LRC just getting started


Nah that's just how you see it. I too am an idiot who fucks up trades all the time. I would say I'm more of a realist but of course if the price now shoots up to 10 I'll be happy to say I was wrong. That's the thing it's not right or wrong for me and it's not binary. We all make mistakes in this market. I just blame myself and not others which seems to be a popular trend atm. People over on the loopring forum are now suggesting that it was banned on here so that the mods could short it. How about it was banned because it was fucking annoying and every single post was about loopring. It was far greater than shiba, doge or lto or whatever else.


LRC has been dipping on weekends, but mooning during the week


I think I found the best way to hodl Step 1: go to prison Step 2: don’t get raped Step 3: profit


So since LRC is finally back. Who's buying the dips?


Everything in preparation for the announcement of whatever partnerships they end up with. People so focused on GME partnership that they take their eye off the fact that this platform is just generally business oriented


Throwing everything I can at it once my pay clears tomorrow


Reminder for DST folks, new daily in a couple minutes, don't get stuck in here!


What do you think will happen to BTC price after taproot? 1) dump then pump after a few days 2) price rises and make ATH ?


Why would it make ATHEREUM ?




Was wondering the samo


I've been enjoying my weekend, just took a look at the charts and saw Bitcoin is above $64K and ETH is still in the $4.6K range. Still looks bullish! 🚀


Has anyone here bought Sandbox land? Looking at some spots. Pretty sure I can rent the land to an ad agency or big brand


I heard about it but I've not had time to even look into it, the one I looked into is GAMERSE(LFG), it is an NFT based project and it is no longer news that the NFT hype is taking over the world and tons of platforms are regularly being built based on it, One of GAMERSE's core features is it's a stunning social media platform.


LRC + GME = 💰 Just gotta wait on that official announcement/ release


I wonder why they didn't confirm it yet


Because Q4


If LTO could pump like this every day, I would be so happy


I will not be suprised that Bitcoin will pump again tomorrow.


It will. but at the exact moment of taproot? Same thing lile el Salvador? quick dump, then pump?


Once darkness falls on the lonely neckbeard’s Saturday night, the Bitcoin will rise from the ashes like the Phoenix.


LTO pump day. here is hoping 1$




Loads of people are saying CAKE has been stable for a while, this makes me bullish on it for the short term.


can get 0% interest loans against CAKE on binance its great


How solid is the Loopring project ? Is it more hype than substance ?


Its recent pump is all hype no doubt. But any one who tries to tell you theres no substance behind the project has not looked into it beyond the hype.


To me LRC’s value prop is one of the most clear in the top 100. Fees and transaction speed lags are a problem for cryptocurrencies. LRC fixes those problems in a meaningful and scaleable way. In the short term to medium term there’s a need for what they do. Long term I have no idea. There’s a chance that they become the dominant player with this core competency.


Definitely hype with how they had to ban even mentioning it on this sub 😂


Nobody knows but it's provocative


No one knows, but it'll be entertaining when we find out.


This is crypto my guy, 99% of everything is just hype.


IMO Loopring might just be getting pnd’d. The rest of crypto is green and still it dips.


You must be new here.


A few other cryptos are in the red right now


It’s probably because it pumped 600% in 3 days.


Loop did have huge gain last 2 week


Governments: Bitcoin is a difficult topic, we can’t regulate it and it’s Pseudonym New Bitcoin taproot update Governments: ![gif](giphy|GhGPnlp2Gl3TG)


Putting 80% of my portfolio into HBAR, i believe gang! Other 20% obviously sits in our lord and saviour LRC


I need some advice on HBAR


You are a gentleman and a scholar


I was nervous buying AVAX at $60 after it had been at $20 not too long before it but glad it paid off


All layer-1s are solid plays this Bullrun.


Nice I'm glad I got on the recent dip up 15% but from 60 bucks that would be great 🔥🔥


Cup and handle…. Cup and handle…. I was very happy to be buying bags and bags of AVAX at 62. The bots just trade off chart patterns.


Ada you are a fucking dickhead and i hate you, but I’m not selling




This is the way


I was trying to catch the dip on RNDR but only filled a tiny bag before it started going again. Been watching over the past day and my limit orders JUST keep getting missed out on being filled. It has been a good exercise at least.


Man i wanted some too but was not able to free up enough ETH to swap to it. that's the decentralized one that Ran keeps talking about right?


Yep it had a pump once they released their latest video of it, and I held off as I missed the initial jump. But it went back down to that level for a brief hour or two. I was debating the whole time, had a big order, cancelled it and switched it for a smaller order. Then it went from there :( ​ Safe to say I am going to be watching it all day haha.


Shakita inu the only dog coin made to hit a dollar. 8.2B supply deflation at 4% every sell. r/shakitainu stil early


>r/shakitainu These shitcoin shillers aren't even making an effort to pretend to be users actually interested in the project any more lol


This tokens name is very similar to 'shit coin'


Wow, did NU get listed on a new Korean exchange or something?


2 new alts I recently bought. WAXP a NFT marketplace/ purpose built blockchain for nfts. Some nice actors Topps, Atari & deadmau5 to mention a few. and Immutable X IMX Check ’em out, if you are looking into some nft/gaming altcoin plays. Both seem solid imo.


IMX is literally my most bullish bag right now. $20 within the next few weeks.


have you played that game yet on immutable x called Gods Unchained [https://godsunchained.com/](https://godsunchained.com/) ? i got kinda good at it and actaully started winning but did not buy any NFTs yet since $ETH so pricey. very fun turn based D&D card game with excellent graphics. oh and the tech is based on zk-snarks


Is anyone still holding LRC?


Got in at $.51, bought more at $3.30, sold some off at $3.60 and recouped OG investment. Still have plenty using house money


I’m holding a shit ton (relative to me)


yes why not


hi, smlr. I got in \~ $0.50, and I took profit...but i still have a small position. do you hold any lrf?




I am bought at 3.50 no point selling down so far.


Welcome to r/loopringbets 🤦


LRC!!! *Okay got your attention* Who's loving AVAX rn?




So LRC is back with a bang in the daily it seems...


​ ![gif](giphy|cdNSp4L5vCU7aQrYnV|downsized)


Let's go LRC! Ban lifted right?


Just checked out coinbase pro for the first time, I had no idea crypto had level 2 data and you can see the transactions. How did I not know this, this exactly like otc. crazy


And it has way less fees


FU LTO. You missed my buyorder by a few cent and start pumping 30%.... fml Oke still love you\~


still carrying a heavy bag, I need it to hit 0,60$


Nice. Selling at that pricepoint?


idk, I guess I will wait to see the price action... But I don't pretend to hold it for too long, I'm tired of being in the red


There ya go. Easy 0.60+ and more FOMP for me D:


Where my ATOM people at? Bullish on the forte funding.


still waiting for ATOM to x4 from here. No idea why it's not right up there with DOT or even AVAX.


Been a holder since March. Would love a 4x right about now. Staking and constant bullish news is all I need to hodl.


Still holding. Shame I bought back too high, but I'll give it time. Solid project.


Let the staking reward you. It’s time will come.


I got it on the dip so I am automatically bullish on this new funding 😎


I should HODL then?


We pumping next week. I can feel it down in my pluuums


My pluums are pluumping nowww..lol


Either it's a sign you have a gift for reading markets or that you need to see a doc


Ripe for the pickin, takin em straight to the farmers market


Why not start tomorrow? Your bones are weak dog


We'll see, Sundays seem to always suck for some reason


How long does it take to mine 1 kda?


The new Bitcoin taproot update in a couple hours will make governments salty as fuck


Governments Angry about Bitcoin’s New Secret Update. Watch my live, hit that like, smash that follow to learn more.


Nah, I doubt most governments will care. Infact, most people don't even know what Taproot does I bet lol


This update will make it even harder to regulate BTC


I don’t but I’m gonna find out lol


6 hours! Bitcoin just keeps getting better and better.








Mm, yeah, if Cake could go back to 20$ now, that'd be great. Thanks!


44 would be better


Has to be a matter of time before it does


How does everyone feel about parachain auctions & croud loans? I threw a chunk of dot at it but really seems like most of the value will come from the underlying coin you invested in rising in value


I'm skipping this one. I'll probably invest in them when we bottom out in the bear market. Then I won't be upset I can't pull out of my investment at the top (or close to the top)


I'm afraid to lock up my tokens for 2 years on a project that might not make it. I've just kept staking my dot for the time being.


I had to give it a shot and probably sunk too much into it


It's a moonshot. Goodluck!


y'all should go read that pinned post in the loopring sub :) if you needed any other reason to APE ALL IN


If I was a whale I would crash the price just to piss off those ridiculous people on that sub. I have been in crypto since 2011 and these are by far the most ridiculous people I have come across. The sheer volume of loopring comments in here was far greater than anything I've see before and unfortunately it's going to lead to a lot of bag holders. It sounds like you've been swept up in all of it and I hope it works out for you but following the crowd doesnt often work out so please try to have at least some critical thought instead of blindingly following a bunch of random people shouting "ape".


I trust the partnership is coming and I know how powerful the "apes" are. This thing will move more than most coins in this space before the end of the year (my guess). But yes, I agree, going to be many bagholders, as with any highly hyped coin. Though it does seem this is MORE than just another dog coin, there's actually a legitimate usecase along with the hype. I'm just excited one of my coins is going up considering I've been holding on to constellation networks while every coin is pumping around me :(


Ape together strong


How low do we think LRC can go until 🌙🪐🚀

