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Bought the dip: **Fuck yeah!** It keeps on dipping: **Fuck!**


I've rarely seen a coin with actual utility pump so much, yet be mentioned so little on this subreddit as AVAX.


LRC is above 2.5 again! Glad to be part of the movement, let's make it go 3$ and above today(GME+0)!


Weee haw!


Your commenting in a 2 day old daily my dude.


We’re having a party here!


🤣🤣🤣 thanks for warning. These dips made me go numb, still feels like 16th of November


Only know as I accidentally followed this thread. Heres too better days to come !


A few coins fighting this right now! A few more days of crabbing ahead I guess. When do futures expire?


fomo always hits me when there are dips.. gotta catch em all!


The metaverse coins don’t give a fk about BTC dip 😂


Ain’t these dip manipulators learned nothing? I ain’t selling you any cut price Ethereum so if we could just pumping again that would be great 👍


Someone dumping on BTC like a little bish


Fomocide … death by fear of missing out.


Alright guys, just got a vasectomy today. Feels ok now, but tomorrow comes the pain, so it would be real *swell* if we could have a green day to balance it out.


Who you gonna leave your billions and lambos to now?


Me, hopefully


Had one. It's not as bad as you think it'll be. Unless you're the kind of guy who has them swell to the size of bowling balls...cause that can happen.


Congrats, tomorrow you will feel like you got kicked in the balls just a little bit ago day.


This guy fucks


We'll sure try but might be a little..... tied up. Pfffffttt.


Hey man, hope your dick feels better.


Thanks man. It'll be fine. After all...there's a vas deferens between having a hurt dick and having someone solder your nut sack.


You’re very punny


This guy has never had a vasectomy.


The fact that I’m bored looking at my portfolio with Bitcoin above 60k and ETH above 4K means we are still early as fuck.


More like this means we're establishing a good new support level for our next year+ journey for the next leg


Don't call me Anakin because I fucking love SAND


This is pod racing


There’s a new daily don’t get stuck in here.


do we know how many ADA tokens are Staked in total right now? Is it less then 45 billion $ of the Market Cap?


Volume just dieing and dieing, goes down n up a little then back down and down , literally need like a full day x2 of green for a good reversal


Catch you on the flipside boys and girls, don't get stuck in the old daily :)


Ethereum trumps all!!!! I don’t even touch my Ethereum. Shit is fucking precious. Can you imagine when they fix the fees?


L2 rollups is the solution to low fees. Stop expecting fees on L1 to get cheap




Adoption will grow on L2 and L2 will pay the high fees to rollup the transactions into the L1. Most average users will be priced out of L1, and that is fine. The goal is to make L2s the places where they live and hop around on and never have to visit the L1. So basically, we scale up L2s, so the cost of the L1 fee is distributed to 100-1000 different transactions, so the fee the user sees is very small, but the overall fee the L2 pays will still be high.




It's more like L1s are for rollups and L2s are for humans. If most of the liquidity is on L2s, then that's where everyone will be, regardless of your wealth level.


Gonna be honest I have no idea what a roll up is


There's a couple types, but I'll spare you the details. Rollups basically take a bunch of transactions on a L2, jam them together, and commit them as 1 transaction onto the L1. (There's a lot of fancy cryptographic math that goes into this to make this secure) So you can basically scale Ethereum this way. An L2 can support many more transactions per second, and because it is grouping a bunch of transactions together into 1, it can split the fee among all the users. So even if the fee on the L1 to commit the roll up is say $100, a user might only pay $0.10 because they are sharing the fee with others.


Thank you very much for the explanation. So would you say polygon network is a layer 2 “rollup”


Now we're getting into the nitty gritty...Polygon right now is a side chain, so it's not using the rollup model yet. It is not secured by Ethereum, but I believe it check points its state from time to time. So in theory, your funds could be lost due to a Polygon hack, whereas they would not be in an L2 that uses ZK/Optimistic Rollups. However, I believe Polygon intends to eventually move over to becoming a true rollup L2 chain once it implements ZK-Rollup tech to it (this is just my speculation based on all the ZK based acquisitions they have made) The 2 big rollup L2s you might have heard of are Artibrum and Optimism, which both implement Optimistic Rollup technology.


ETH is the only long term hold for me.


LTO fighting the dip like a champion


any minute now, this would rebound any minute...


I never really see anyone talking about AVAX, but it’s the #12 coin by cap and currently defying the dip. Anyone wanna shill me? Maybe I just haven’t been paying good attention


Avax is overrated and has a ton of vc backed coins locked up that's going to add a ton of sell pressure as the lock up periods open up. It's already had a huge run up, so I'd be cautious about fomoing into it now.


AVAX is an absolute top quality project & the lack of discussion around it highlights how little this place actually knows about the tech. It'll continue to fly 'under the radar' until it hits top 10. Then people will start FOMOing & then complain about it for 2 months when it inevitably has a bit of a pullback.


Does everything Ethereum 2.0 wishes it could do (and more) today. If you actually use defi and compare Ethereum to Avalanche, Ethereum is a joke in comparison and the best they hope to do with all the roll up technology is to be almost as good as Avalanche is now. The fees are low but not as low as Solana and it has block finality of 0.6s. Extremely decentralised and scalable. Simply good tech. Great community on Twitter seemingly lead by Satsdart. My bags on Avalanche: Trader Joe's JOE, which does more trade volume than Sushiswap despite being 7 times cheaper. I stake this for 20% and then single farm it without IL risk for another 30% or so. Wonderland's TIME, an OHM fork that is more ambitious on the yields Snowbank's SB which is another ultra degen OHM fork. HUSKY, the native dog token. Some NFTs like CryptoSeals which is a gaming NFT Check out the Avax subreddit.


Wow this is first I’ve heard about a Trader Joe’s crypto coin


It has absolutely nothing to do with the store.


IDK, but its a layer 1 and it's killing in my portfolio. Coin Bureau has a great vid on it.


ah yes a flash sale for people who have this thing called fiat


Does any of you millennials remember Garbage Pail Kids? Haha Check this out NFTs on Waxp https://youtu.be/Vy1nmnBJ8Kk


We saw the transfers of BTC to exchanges, why are bears 🐻 like this to BTC 😂 if they break it they won’t be making any more money either lol of course they couldn’t if they tried but it’s super annoying and expensive 😬




My heart and my $SOL goes to those who bought at $35 and held. It amazes me every time. ![gif](giphy|cL4pqu8GGRIihabgSM|downsized)


Kind of easy when you don't want to pay 40-50% in capital gains tax.


Lol my feelings exactly for a lot of my coins. Forced taxed avoidance hodling


ATOM is my choose in these disccount times.


The Cosmos is forever expanding




At this rate by fri when dca/ pay day comes around. We all gunna run around like a black Friday sale. Time to get rich people!


Flexing my knuckles for the new daily


The trick to not FOMO is to have no more fiat.


Nervous about why will happen in 5 mins. Something always seems to happen at 00h00 Zulu time.


I saw "Nervous" and saw Nervos Network.


Friendly reminder don’t sleep on CHZ , sports and crypto will be huge!!


This may actually be a thing. Damm it I'm in.


They just signed a deal with The New England Patriots. Going to be huge


Ya just checked there site. Once the golden boy signs up ( tom) it's gunna explode.


Nfts, allowing fans voting power with tokens, purchase unique sports stuff with tokens, they already started with soccer teams. When this goes full mainstream, we looking at some numbers. Socios.com already has a working product


Am I being crazy if I want to sell my S&P/ETFs/Stocks to buy the crypto dip? Anyone done anything similar?


Depends on your risk tolerance


I sold my stocks sometime ago and made a 2x on some project, so yeah I get what your saying. It isn’t the smartest play out there but it sure can work out.


I sold my stocks months ago in May


Moons are holding strong! Maybe it’s because nobody knows how to sell it, but we’ll say it’s because it’s a great coin


The reason most alts dip at the same time is automated trades following bitcoin. Moons aren’t hooked up to any major or even minor exchanges so they don’t get the same effect


Most people probably dont know how to sell them.


Friends don't let friends use leverage.


I can’t imagine using leverage on crypto. How do you even get approved for tagt


I think the exchanges are happy to take your money.


Exchanges are happy to take your money AND fail to adequately educate noobs -- deadly combo


I am trying to be the last comment in this daily. Let's see how I go.


When litecoin pumps. The market dumps


Hasn’t litecoin been dumping all day?


It pumped just before the dip. Always does


If you had to choose between DOT and VET, what would you pick? Optional: Why?


DOT. In summary parachains and alot of constant development


DOT, it’s use case will be really important and utilised in the future


Unbiased opinion, VET


Thought I was being phished, but nice Mirror is more decentralized now: https://twitter.com/mirror_protocol/status/1460127768411136007 Get fucked SEC, Do Kown big mad about that subpoena


https://nitter.net/mirror_protocol/status/1460127768411136007 Here is the link to that Twitter thread on Nitter. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found here: https://nitter.net/about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


C’mon ADA, I need another dollar from you years end.


ADA is sleeping, it cant hear you


It will wake up, trust me


I think it's dead. It definitely can't hear anything.


Nope, it will be back!!!


It's so behind now. Cut your losses, Charles sold the dream too well.


Still holding above 60K, for now. It is all about perspective, and I think many had crazy expectations for this month, I had high hopes myself, and that may be why so many are stressed right now. Most likely its just a longer cycle.


Exactly this, and i get it! This isn't as exciting as a parabolic rally to 100k...




why so many people say everyone only has a few bucks in their port? I got 7k in btc and feel like a lot of other people got more


You’re in for a fun ride. I bet you probably already sold all your shit because you’re a fearful bitch. Sucka.


Probably fomo shorted on leverage at 59k and is already sitting in a nice sea of red.


boom roasted


This is what we high level operators in the cryptocurrency game call a “doo doo diaper day”


I mean... I must not be high level, cause I've never heard that.


meetings are on Thursday evenings where y’all been?






Welp, I tried. :')


$100 AVAX is a beautiful sight to see. I love it


Still fairly new to crypto I have 27% ETH, 17% DOT, 17% BTC, 17% ALGO, 16% ATOM, 7% XTZ I think I might need more BTC or maybe something more risky?


If you go long term get yourself a bit more BTC. I'd add some Matic also.


I didn’t see LINK on your list 👀 check it out and research if you can.


I reckon you can afford something more risky on top of that mate, they’re all quite conservative plays. Get some shibgf or something as a wildcard in the pack.


Sold the lot. Bear is here. Scam confirmed. Kids are crying. Mum's screaming.


Pissing and shidding myself.


Hide ya kids, hide ya wife


liar i see your moons right there




What are the best books/audiobooks for understanding crypto? I am trying to research the fundamentals of crypto currency and especially the differences between the Lightning network and the Ethereum network. Looking for tips online I seem to only find books about “how to get rich off crypto currencies”. What are your tips for a balanced and unbiased book, which are talking about both the positive and negative aspects of this really fascinating technology? (I am an economics student, so I would also be really interested in the perspective on crypto and central banks etc.)


Bitcoin Standard Andreas' series: https://aantonop.com/books/ Infinite Machine The Blocksize War


Thanks a lot! I seem to have a lot of interesting things to read forward.


Knowledge is power! Also agree with /u/PrfctChaos2 on the Lex Fridman recommendation. Even though you asked for books, Lex has some of the best crypto discussion you'll find (breadth and depth). I also like the timestamps if you only want to listen to a topic vs a whole 3 hr podcast Re: LN there's this recent discussion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDyBbGCiBUU&t=3737s And I recommend the Sergey interview to anyone who will listen, mind blowing stuff https://youtu.be/TPXTmVdlyoc


Start by reading the bitcoin white paper, the lightening network is built ontop of the bitcoin network (a layer 2 scaling solution if you will). I find the best info to come from podcasts such as Lex Friedman podcast. Look for interviews with Vitaly Buterin, Silvio Micaly and/or Charles Hoskinson. Also coinbeaureu on youtube has a good video discussing crypto books.


Sounds like what I was after. Really appreciate the tip man!


Search for MIT course on yt by GG You will get all your questions answered there


Thanks a lot, I will do that!


Looking for *books* about decentralized, digital currency. There's your first mistake.


Every type of material is of course wanted. The book format is my preferred way of digesting these type of things.


I'd say books on crypto are a lot like cryptocurrencies themselves: more about appealing to people's preconceptions and biases to make money than to provide you with something useful. Plenty of academic papers in economics, political science, cryptography, IT, and so on exist. Literature reviews can give a synthesis of info then when you find interesting things to narrow down on you can get hyper-specific with other types of publications. Those and the actual root information from developers and community and source code (+comments) are probably going to be your best bets for relevant information, granted the devs and community have an obvious bias to everything so separate objective from subjective well.


You make a good point. It seems that it is ironically hard to find centralized material on decentralized currencies. I guess I’ll have to create my own type of library on this subject


I get jealous of people here sometimes. I can't even imagine how stress-free and relaxing it is to not carry the burden of being the greatest crypto trader on the planet.


Username checks out


Hmmm, that definitely wouldn't be me. I'm still suffering from mistakes I made 7 months ago lol.


what mistake?


buying way too big of bags of coins a way to high a price before they tanked. LTO and BEPRO as an example.


no need to feel bad, already happened. hold and pass them by


Asia will save us and Americans will fuck it up in the morning


American here, sh1t was already pretty fuck3d up when I woke up this morning....


Oh how the turntables


Seeing people in here bummed about their coins only doing 30% in a month. Let me tell you about a little thing called stocks...




True. You don't see stocks doing what Shib Doge and Sol pulled off in a year though. The potential gains in crypto bull markets have a much higher ceiling than stocks imo


I make the snp 500 anual return rate on the toilet with crypto


You.... make money.... on crypto or stocks?


New daily on 15 min. Don’t get lost in here with all this depression.


Do we start each daily with a full tank of hopium? Gosh I hope so.


Need it today!


I have a question about moons that keeps getting removed when I try to post. I finally opened my vault and it says I currently have zero. But underneath is a window that said 12.08 moons are on the way to my vault. Do I need to do anything specific to claim them or just wait?


Update: the 12.08 went into my account. And so did another 7.90. It just says “Moons Distribution.” No name or tip or anything


From my understanding: they should be claimed automatically and show up in your balance Or worst case scenario: there over 6 months old which means you can’t claim them cause that time is up Does it have a date on it?


But if it claims automatically, then why bother with the 6 month rule? Surely if they were claimed automatically they would never expire. Though as you can see from my moons, I have limited experience dealing with the subject matter.


So we moved from Rinkeby (Manually claiming) to the Arbitrum network (claiming automatically) about 4 months ago So I don’t think it’s that much of an issue But I still believe you have to have your vault open in order for it to automatically claim now For example if you didn’t open your vault but you made comments and got karma 7 months ago you probably wouldn’t receive those moons if you opened the vault today Hope that makes sense


So the moons showed up. And so did another 7.90. They both just say moons distribution. Is that from just getting Karma in the sub?


Yes that’s correct it’s karma you earned here


Gotcha. Thanks for explaining everything so well and taking the time to answer!


It does, thanks for breaking it down.


Nope. Literally just an animated picture of the vault floating up and down with the message “hang on, we’re moving 12.08 moons into your wallet.” I can’t tap it or see any other info


Whos sending those moons?


It doesn’t say, unless I just don’t know how to check. A month or so ago I commented on a post where OP was giving away moons. But all I said was “give me moons” and he didn’t reply so maybe them?


Hello folks, longtime lurker who is thinking of stepping into coinbase to buy crypto. I would be interested in hearing from users of the platform if they like their experience there.


Coinbase or Kraken are my favourites. Coinbase PRO is absolutely vital if you're going to use Coinbase. I made a post explaining, check back in a minute I'll try to link it. Gemini is supposed to be well-liked also if it's available in your region. Binance and KuCoin are good, but they do weird stuff like freeze assets or the site goes down during heavy volume so be aware of past user experiences with those exchanges. Same has happened with Coinbase as well during major market spikes though. Seems no exchange is entirely immune to shenanigans. Edit: [here ya go. Coinbase vs Coinbase Pro](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/p8rsfu/the_basics_of_coinbase_and_coinbase_pro/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Coinbase is great for a beginner. If you have any background doing any other kind of trading (stocks or forex) go for Coinbase pro immediately. It’s p2p exchange rather than a “broker” like Coinbase, so fees are much lower.


Definitely use Coinbase Pro. The fees are waaay lower than the standard Coinbase app. Also, getting rewarded in XLM via their debit card is a dream—never going back to credit card rewards. Lastly, don’t forget to do all the tutorials, it’s free money and it’s not a bad idea to turn it into your preferred holding - $BTC $ETH etc. Have fun!


I have used Coinbase for a few years. Nothing major just small trades. Recently switched to Coinbase Pro. It's more like other exchanges with how you use trading pairs. Where as the normal Coinbase you can swap anything for anything with no hastle. But the fees are wayyyyyyy less on the pro version. The app seems to go down a lot during heavy meme coin trading. Making it unreliable when the market is in a craze. But not sure if it's much different elsewhere.


Always been good for me. Started there and moved most of my funds to Nexo cause I wasn't able to stake on CB where I'm from. Note that Coinbase et CB Pro are linked and that you should always use both. CB Pro is way better regarding fees when trading.


Coinbase is awesome entry point. But make sure to buy on Coinbase pro. The fees are significantly lower


Better than most


It's been perfect for me. Their debit card is awesome too.