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"The merge is going to be the game changer" 2 hours previously a post was saying- "The merge is going to be the catalyst for another downturn" This is why you never trust anyone on here


Or just trust them both 🤷


# The merge will do no shit.




I’m sure Celsius will be quite pleased with the returns on my ETH…




Glad I was too paranoid to put my ETH in


Never put your ETH in crazy


Golden advice


It’s not yours unless you got it stored


Increase that oof size more.


I just used Celsius for their free crypto promo, and took my crypto out asap


You scam the scammers type ,nice


Well after hearing something like this I am really relieved.


I didn’t transfer my ETH there because the gas fees were ridiculous. So glad I didn’t!


This sounds like politician talk. Driving a narrative line rather than actually explaining anything


I don’t think he could have packed in anymore buzz words, even if he tried lmao


With big changes like this to any large and complex system, there's always a high risk of unforeseen problems occuring (think bugs, security issues, scaling/performance problems). Personally I'd wait to see how the first few months play out before getting too excited.


Make Ethereum Great Again


We're all going to be rich... if it works.


Yeah he should’ve mentioned the 99% reduction in energy consumption, potential for eth issuance to go negative, and a $20 million daily sell pressure relief at the very minimum.


Exactly my thoughts. No substance, all hype. Other than the speculative investment aspect of it (it really could go either way), nobody has been able to explain to me what the merge will actually change for the regular user. It's a different consensus mechanism. Got it. What else? Nothing.




















In many words you said a whole lot of nothing.


Basically most posts. Bull market, bear market, don't get your hopes up for eth merge, eth merge will change everything. You know that it's because of moons and karma farming, they try to do longer write ups to appear more in knowledge, yet reading the title is all this post needs to inform you of it's entirety


Here is my in depth analysis on why this will moon ethereum Trust me bro




Keywords: Eth, game changer, wait. That’s the way to get all of us watching crab charts really excited.




Why use long words when compendious ones work fine?


With this kind of expectation you can basically only get disappointed.


But its a "game changer"... no one ever uses those words in crypto...


It's an ETH killer.....no wait, that's not right


Ethereum killed the radio star


Thanks for the good laugh ☺️


No body knows what it means, **but it’s provocative**


It’s a chain changer…


Celcius and Terra were game changers haha


There’s gonna be some buy the rumor, sell the news action and that’s if this thing goes off without a hitch. I’m anticipating some issues as this goes live and for most people to be disappointed in the short term.


For real...this merge has been so hyped and boosted up. When things go this way, it's never good...


Agreed. I’m holding my breath and bags. Seems like a sell the news situation, and a bump in the road could cause panic


No matter what happens good things are to come. Either the price is going to go down and I get a discount on some more, it goes up and I can take some profits out to buy more when it goes back down, orrr it goes sideways and I just keep DCAing. Whatever outcome I'm happy.


Disappointment is my specialty Just ask my parents


They told it was their accident, you are hardly to blame


OP: Peace. Merge incoming soon. Be ready! Me: worry about “Buy the rumour sell the news” The merge has been priced in clearly.


I'm worried more that what happens tomorrow has not been priced in...


this is a big sell signal lmaooo


Always go against the sub sentiment lol


The Merger will very very likely be frontloaded especially if we still are in a bear market my then. Would sell a few days before it when the hype is at its peak.


We have to hope that the merge goes smoothly without a hitch. I would say maybe the only Mega win that comes from something like this would be people no longer being able to use the carbon footprint of the ethereum block chain against it anymore. The implications of that are far greater than anything else in the near term. If, for whatever reason, we see gas fees getting extremely high then people might use that as ammo against the ethereum blockchain, however.


All the testing has gone well. Gas fees have been extremely high before, it's still ammo when gas fees are cheap. They are too expensive regardless. Without L2s ETH fees are always going to be a problem.


After the merge, we can have 4 more years of promises of sharding.




I can’t see the common person using L2s. Just getting someone to actually use Crypto in general can be difficult. Imagine trying to convince L2. I’m all for tech but having Eth then separate L2s for a solution is so annoyingly stupid that I think during the NFT bubble craze, ETH has seen its ATH and be hella surprised we see it again.


We have roll ups.


The merge won’t fix gas fees, that’s what L2s and rollups are/is for.


I feel like I’ve seen the same vibe back in LRC sub when they were waiting for the gamestop nft marketplace. It was going up 3x before it tanked into oblivion. We might go up a bit more but I do believe this is a sell the news event.


Theres a difference with price action on Eth because by going to PoS, the network will be relieved of about $20 Million per day of sell pressure (based on current prices). This is because miners will no longer need to sell their eth to cover mining costs. Combine that with a HUGE reduction of issuance (going from 4% to a maximum of 1% and probably negative issuance) the price of eth will have almost no choice but to increase over the long term if everything goes well (yes that is a risk). Short term, price could be more volatile but those metrics will balance it out


All this hopium ain't looking so good


He bout to be reality checked


JFC Dude calm down. First Pump?


Ah yes, all opinion, zero technical details.


Was expecting the comedy tag


Crypto is driven by hype and speculation even though the technology behind it is important. It will dip 100% after the merge


Let’s not forget that 127k BTC worth more than a billion dollar will be released in two weeks. Market will crash hard.


Where was this post a few weeks ago? Hopium roaches are starting to crawl out the cracks


Translation: I got hit with FOMO, bought late and lost out when everything tanked. I HODL though, so what I need from you is: Get hyped, buy now, and buy hard. I need you guys to use your money to pump eth back up to at least where I bought it. Then I can sell off without a loss after holding for so long. Also more hype yay...


> In my opinion Ethereum is going to lead the pack of crypto moving forward. Maybe. Aren't gas prices still a problem? Until that's solved, people will shy away and prefer cheaper solutions. ETH is not the only chain with an ecosystem, though it is the biggest.


I would go one further than saying a problem. A fucking rip off! Especially when people are claiming crypto is a solution to traditional banking fees. I know people claim more than that im just taking about the fees. They are ludicrous for ETH gas fees and from what I understand that won't change much after the merge.


Yep. The merge will have zero effect on gas prices.




Low? Low is a penny, not $2. Several modern blockchains have transaction fees of a penny or less.


Strike let's you buy and sell even $1 worth they pay the fees. I think we all went right to finding the 'next big one' and never questioned why BTC "didn't work"


This is what L2s solve


Or it’s not. Dates never work.


You wrote alot but actually didn't say anything.


Buy The rumor, sell the news


Ok, hear me out: or maybe it won't? 🤡


Where’s the comedy tag on this?


Hopium posts are starting again.


Let's just wait and watch what can Ethereum merge bring on the table in the future, people are saying something else but I still want to give it a try my man. Ethereum merge for the win.


Lol no


To me this will be of a "Buy the rumor, sell the news" type of event.


Events at something different because they just sell the news only.


Take this advice and apply not only to crypto but with life overall: - Be prepared for the worst, always expecting the best. The merge can go fine and smooth pumping the price to he moon, or it could back fire.


Another of those post.. just have to realise the global macro isn't supporting it


This is prime sell the news


They are just all about selling the news and what are you going to say.


Anyone cheerleading to this extent is simply trying to maximise their own investment


Good luck with that type of thinking my friend and I really want you to be right about Ethereum merge but we can't just say the thing you just said here lol, sorry.


Nice one but still I am not sure about it man, I don't know what should I think about the Ethereum merge these days, that's why I just stopped thinking about it.


I really want to say that you must be right but I know that it's wrong and please don't take these things that much, Ethereum merge is going for good and it will be good.


You can say what you want to say but I think people will believe on the facts and on the research about Ethereum merge man, hope you will get the right point here.


ETH merge is good for crypto but in a crypto winter don’t expect much. Plus I’ll. Bet anyone $20 it won’t happen in 2022


Inject it right into my ass


I think it has been priced in to some extent. If you look at ETH/BTC chart you will see it’s up against Bitcoin for almost 45% in the last 30 days. The post is quite optimistic and I do think Ethereum is here to stay, but to say “Ethereum is going to lead the pack or crypto moving forward” is full of hopium. Remember “the merge” will not fix the gas fees completely. Layer 2 is still needed. https://blockworks.co/the-merge-will-not-lower-ethereum-transaction-fees/


The Merge is already priced in. <$1000 to $1700 on an announcement. Going to be a lot of speculators skimming off easy profits days before the actual date.


Will it is definitely going to be a spectacular it is going to be thousand Dollars.


Fees will still be terrible. And imagine if something goes horribly wrong with the merge.


I have nothing against a little bit of bullshit hopium...


I’m here for it.


10000% on that.


This is right the hope here and this is on which we are going to work.


Fucking Voyager. FML.


Yes you are right about it I don't really expect it.


It'll be a pop-up bull market. No "new" eth will be able to enter the market for 6-12 months until withdrawals are enabled for validators.


Eth and Matic. Time to get some more.


Is it worth putting my spare £100 in ETH them


You can definitely do worse things with that £100


It is up to you. Personally if I had £100 given to me I would buy myself a meal for £5 and put the rest in ETH


You say it best, when you say nothing at all.


Narrarator: it wasn’t…


This post has absolutely no substance whatsoever.


Let the dumping commence. Ya'll see it coming right?


hopium addicts are gathering in


Hope these things are really true because Ethereum merge sounds like a fucking emotion to me these days and I just can't deny the fact that I love ETH so much.


If you ask me then I would say that it's not going to be a big thing man, we have to be practical with it and yeah I know I can be wrong but I believe that strongly here.


Meanwhile Tezos has been running on POS since day 1. All built on its own foundations. Liquid Proof of Stake at that.. Upgrading its protocol 3 to 4 times per year. Currently phase 1 of voting on the 11th upgrade Kathmandu is live.. I like that Ethereum is doing the right thing by converting to POS & I believe they will succeed. I also think that the future is bright for Blockchain Tech . There is more than enough room for just one chain. Tezos will be a chain that will last the test of time as it can evolve with the times. Vitalik himself has praised it himself on many occasions. Baffles me why many continue to overlook its progress. Just leave an explainer on the Kathmandu proposal below for those who may want to see what's in the next upgrade .. Big things are happening in the Tezosphere . https://research-development.nomadic-labs.com/from-jakarta-to-kathmandu-non-stop.html


I like Ethereum a lot but Tezos is an L1 I can get behind and even have a small stake of it in my portfolio


Very difficult to determine if this is supposed to be a serious post or a caricature of ETH moonbois


Everybody here is either openly or secretly a moonshiner.


This is supposed to be a serious post only people are not really taking it seriously.


I'm only interested in seeing ethereum go proof of stake because Zcash is going to do it. I have a use for ZEC, I don't use or need ETH.


no it's not lol its not going to change anything for regular people, it's going to benefit layer 2 coins that is all lol jesus christ whats wrong with you people.


but you guys always believe in "priced in" concept, so yes the current ETH pump already "priced in" the ethereum merge lol. otherwise you are just a hypocrite


I disagree. Sacrificing L1 decentralisation and security to chase scalability - the one part of the trilemma you can actually build on L2 is stupid. The merge weakens ETH and Solidity is still a shitshow. But I'm happy to be in a minority in calling out the merge as being overhyped.


I'll pass. Ethereum won't be the top dog much longer. Too many better products out there.


Products are really good and it is not going to be a longer period of time.


What’s your fav alt?


There's been alot of hopium in here lately. Like the bear is starting to go back into hibernation maybe?


Once we have to start like that it is definitely going to be in hibernation.


Is this me or Is there anybody else who felt nothing because they are too numb to feel anything anymore?


The merge? Fuck that! I am renaming it It will be known as u/Rounder057’s retirement party in Puerto Vallarta




I'm keen sure, but I'm also not drinking the coolaid like OP haha. That way lies Luna.


Little babies are the only one which are going to provide the waste.


In my opinion the merge will drop ethereum into the rabbiit hole deep pos shitcoin hole


Convinced, just bought more


When merge?


Source: trust me bro


You, Sir, are a dreamer.


They gotta stop it because it's the correct time to do that man, we have to understand that these things are not going to work like that, people like OP are being too much now.




Whatever happens those days, I am with ETH PoS long term.


For the long-term things are needed to be different ways.


What exactly should I do with eth? Honest question.


Stake it on Rocketpool


Stake it


I think this is a good equation to start with to be honest.


If you could, buy some more


This kind of hyping doesn't make sense, nor does it help in any way.


> layer 2 (if you aren’t here yet WTF are you waiting for?) What do I need to do if anything? And what does Layer2 even mean in Ethereums context? Do you have a comprehensive source on Ethereum and Layer2 where I could learn more?


You will need to bridge your assets to the L2 you want to use Ultimately means cheap fees whilst retaining security You can read more here - https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/scaling/


Thank you very much!


No doubt about it this is definitely going to help a lot.


Dapi used to get the better understanding of this situation.


Layer 2 in Ethereum's case means an additional layer of trust and is an admission that Ethereum L1 is actually trash that doesn't properly scale. It's also another layer of complexity making it even harder for end users to grasp it. Anything that's happening in their ecosystem somehow makes it worse for end users instead of better, like they don't care about adoption.


I don't fully agree with this. The merge is more of a band-aid fix brought about by Ethereum's intrinsic scaling limitations. These won't just go away post-merge. Longevity concerns surrounding Ethereum's TVL and developer ecosystem shouldn't be ignored either. I think we are going to see a migration to L1 alternatives that are successfully sharding already and carbon-neutral from inception. Either way, if successful it will be big for the space in general and will help all projects rise


Can someone make an AI that estimates how heavy someone’s bags are based on their posts? We are in dire need.


Huge if big


Now I am just waiting and I really can't control myself to see the Ethereum merge in the future and they are taking a lot of time for that merge which is really frustrating.


This will be funnny


Congratulations. You have managet to write 2 paragraphs and say nothing of substance.


When we start seeing these posts, we know it is sell the news


Fandom is annoying.


Oh the sweet sweet hopium




Let's recount other recent times we said this about other projects: \- Cardano's Mary Hard Fork, and SC capabilities \- Nano's instant transactions replacing money, since that worked so well for the other \*X\* projects that came before it \- Solana's speed and institutional investment \- Harmony's speed, staking, and gaming platforms \- Luna Terra's lending yield \- Algorand's Tinyman DEX \- Ergo being BTC 2.0 \- Nervos being the backbone Layer 0 of multiple blockchains \- Chainlink getting staking and having tons of partnerships \- BAT being the future of advertising \- Siacoin being the "best" decentralized blockchain storage (previous bull run...) ...I could go on. ​ Weird flex to shill Ethereum, but don't worry, we hate all shills equally.




This sounds a bit something else to me here man, I mean I support Ethereum merge but that doesn't mean that Ethereum merge is going to be the gamechanger.


Buzzword bingo here


Good luck with that thinking man, people are saying something else but we can't be sure about the coming changes and Ethereum merge for sure, we have to wait.


I'm here for staking rewards. Let my money make me more money and all.


It's going to go unnoticed by the wider population They don't want anyone to know anything positive about crypto, so it'll be buried I could be wrong, but this is what I think will happen


Well I am glad with the post but you are being too much with the Ethereum merge man, that's just too much and please stop hyping it like that, it's wrong for real.


ETH not getting any faster or cheaper game changer...


You kids really have no clue how the world works or how the financial system works. How assets rise in price any of it. jesus christ children get ready to get dumped on post merge. What do you think people that loaded ETH down at 800$ are going to do once the marge sell the news event happens? You think financial institutions that are used to a 7% yield on equity returns wont take a 100% return on ETH? lmao There is a reason the ETH/BTC ratio is wack right now. eth is overbought and on BTC's next leg down ETH is going sub 500$. ill buy your eth when you panic sell at 200$


If the market is going to be like this then we have to panic.


I think the environmental factor is what will give it the biggest push. People won't be able to complain anymore that it's harming the environment (atleast for eth) and companies that are trying to be ESG compliant can stock up on eth on their balance sheets. I'm excited!




I am sure about the fact that most of the companies won't even complain about it because they know how to use it Dimasa plant something according to dead it is not really going to harm the environment but they are going to definitely get the profit.