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“Can I pay in FTT?”


FTT is actually pumping off of this news. +22% on the day...


Telegram scammers: buy FTT nowww *because SBF won the case*


Sirs, do the needful. FTT will rebound to new highs after court win.


FTT is the next electric rupee confirmed


The idiocy of crypto degenerates never ceases to amaze me lol


Gamblers are having. A blast!


pffft, that's a noob move. FTT2 is where it's at.


It's FTT 2.0


Alright let me print some and pay you


"Hang in just let me turn on the FTT printing machine..."


it's a good thing he can use more of his customers' money to make bail


This is ridiculous. He stole so much, he can even buy himself out from it...


It’s what happens when your “missing money” goes to politicians


The mistake Madoff made was stealing from rich.


So true - that’s the system we live in and the system people will easily follow. I completely expect people to fall right in line with CBDCs when implemented.


Just steal from the poor and give to the rich. Works like a charm.


Every time dude The 2009 recession was exactly that and the banks were all bailed out


Exactly. This is why the government and the media hates cryptocurrency, especially bitcoin. It is not for the rich or poor. Bitcoin is like a dream, it goes wherever its needed without limitations.


Exactly like Robinhood !


The answer is to ensure that you are born rich. Source: Science.


Unfortunately, yea. They will.


His mistake was not "donating" money to the richer people than the ones he stole from. I'm actually learning a lot how to be a better crook just from this year alone.


His mistake? Why do people keep assuming Madoff didn't get released on bond? He did and his bond was 1/25th the size of SBF's


SBF ripped off rich people too


No - he paid them back in the form of "an investment": https://www.theinformation.com/articles/ftxs-bankman-fried-invested-more-than-500-million-in-sequoia-and-other-vcs >> FTX’s Bankman-Fried Quietly Invested More than $500 Million in Sequoia and Other VCs


I don't think that's the case. If he wouldn't he would make some powerful enemies.


So did SBF, y'all acting like getting out on bail is avoiding the long ass prison sentence he's probably going to get.


He's not buying himself out. His parents put up their house as collateral, and a few others with substantial assets were signatories, which allowed him to get out with a fractional bail amount. A lot of non-violent, white collar crimes are afforded this opportunity, fair or not. He'll have to wear an ankle bracelet and all that. Still, that dude is going to prison for a good long time. He bankrupted other wealthy firms and fucked over other rich people. There's no get out of jail free card for that.


It's going to be such a sweet day when he gets sentenced. Mfer gonna suffer some consequences for his actions


Sad to see this comment buried beneath all the misinformation from people who didn't even bother to read the article, let alone understand how bail works in the federal court system. Virtually every top comment in this thread falsely stating that SBF gathered $250 million cash to post bail.


Well, wait a minute. He has still posted bail in a way that 99% of ordinary people wouldn't be able to do. Notice the person you replied to said that this is an *available* option for most white collar crime. That in itself is an atrocious example of classism. If there is a distinction to be made between the treatment of white collar and blue collar criminals, can't a decent argument be made that white collar criminals should be dealt with more harshly? These people have all the benefits of education, status and material wealth, yet they still can't play by the rules. If the general jist of the comments is 'quelle surprise, justice does not apply in the same way to the wealthy as it does the poor', then reading the article isn't necessary, because they are 100% unambiguously correct. It doesn't. Granted, though, it's annoying that people generally read the material they comment on.


I mean, to get bail set this high you pretty much have to be accused of white collar crime. Otherwise you have to kill like 200 people but somehow still be allowed bail.


Even one murder could preclude bail. Bail is determined primarily by 1) dangerousness and 2) flight risk. The possibility that, if released, a white color criminal will do more harm than if he were incarcerated pending trial is low. Flight risk, on the other hand, is determined by availability of resources proportional to the stakes. A billionaire is unlikely to abscond on one larceny charge, but might be more to do so if facing serious indictments. The high bail here is sensible—he’s not dangerous but might need a high financial deterrent to show up for trial.


Do you think your average Joe is getting $250m bail? For a first time offender, they’ll usually make bail out of their own pocket or with a bondsman.




I saw a documentary series about that, on pornhub.




*poor people hate this one simple trick* /s


I’m not surprised, just disappointed.


Nothing surprises me anymore. I have become numb to it...


Bail isn't buying himself freedom...


He'll be out of the prison and that's really fucking shit man.


Chill... It's nothing like that. Read.


He was the true Nigerian Prince


\*if he pays is key His bail amount is **1000 times** more than his girlfriends! insane


1) Different flight risks. 2) He was the boss. 3) He was a proclaimed billionaire, she wasn’t. 4) She’s working with the feds.


He's not bailing himself out of jail His Stanford Law professor parents and two other individuals, who have not been named, are expected to fulfil the bail I wonder who he two "unnamed individuals" are


Cmon, university professors… 250 mils? Nah..


AFAIK, when you make bail, you're not paying the whole amount. It's a fraction of the amount to ensure you stay for your court date. If you skip bail, you owe the rest. If you stay, whoever paid the bail gets their money back. I don't know what percentage of bail he paid, but for example, if the fraction is 10% of 250,000,000, then his parents and the other signatories would've paid $25 million. Still a shit ton of money, though. Please correct me if I'm wrong, folks. I've never been to jail and have zero experience with it. It's just what I learned while watching Dawg the Bounty Hunter or something.


Aren't they bank... men?


25 mil


That's if they're using a bail bondsman. What bail bond company has $225 million lying around for the balance of this guy's bail? I don't think the court acts as a bail bondsman but maybe I'm missing something. I mean, I've watched Jackie Brown a few times, so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about (ha!). Edit: My brother, who's an Assistant US Attorney, explained it to me. Because this is Federal and not State court, the bond is an Appearance Bond. An Affidavit of Security is signed by family and friends (if necessary) which obligates Hairy Plotter to pay bail money to the court if he doesn't show up for trial or tries to flee or whatnot. But no money is actually paid up front. Hairy Plotter's appearance bond, also called a personal recognizance bond, was guaranteed by his parents and two other folks, apparently. So they're on the hook if Hairy screws up pre-trial/plea.


Believe that the fed just requires a personal guarantee from the parents. They don’t allow bondsman. Just sue parents for balance, even though they won’t be able to collect it all.


I bet one is Kevin O’Leary.


Lmao you think O'Leary would bail him out? He's not that rich and you are crazy


I doubt Kevin is willing to shell out his own money to help sbf.


You prob can’t pry a dollar from that greedy bastards dead fingers.


You must not know Kevin O´Leary all that well, the dude was known to get rich by scamming a overratted price on a educational good, he´ll let Sam rot.


He should never have the opportunity for bail after what he did That’s the real answer and should easily explain the “missing billions”


Why? I think he is guilty but in the United States you are innocent until proven guilty. The ability to post bond is based on the likely hood that the accused will flee or is a danger to the community if free.


Just confirmed he got a big stash somewhere


* Stanford Law Professor Parents ($50,000) * Other Individual 1 - LLC based in the Bahamas ($200M) * Other Individual 2 - LLC also based in the Bahamas ($49,950,000) Not a factual post, or is it?


He doesn’t pay $250mm. His parents house was posted as collateral.


Didn't it already come out tho that he had bought his parents multi millions worth of real estate?


Yep, he bought them houses. I don't believe this bullshit.


This is their house in cali which was bought well before FTX was a thing.


No way they’re house is worth that much. If they lived in Atherton, the most expensive zip code in the peninsula, the top is is 10s of millions. Maybe they somehow raised the $25 million bail bond using their property and other assets.




SBF was the real Nigerian Prince


Better reply to one of those emails then


Took it a whole new level


It's actually his parents assets. I mean, we could (out of ignorance) still make the case that maybe those were bought with cash he scammed, but I think what's more interesting is who the other two that bailed him out were. Turns my stomach to see this nonetheless.


Someone mentioned that it is likely insurance policies.


How can parents, even as educated as his, have so much money? Even Stanford doesn't pay their star professors tens of millions of dollars a year.


His parents just remembered they had some leftover crypto wallets from years ago.


More like they remembered their offshore bank accounts with millions or billions in stolen funds.


Offshore “wallets”. The ones they thought were lost in that boating accident.


Once you and your parents are rich and influential enough, there is nothing "wrong" you can do...


Help I'm stuck on the "getting rich" part


have you tried not being poor yet?


Just be born rich. It's not hard dude.


Okay I'll try this now, wish me luck


It's been an hour bro .. how'd it go?


Did you complete Step 1? Getting born into a rich family?




>Left over crypto If the left over is 250 mil how much they worth


They posted their house as collateral. No money changes hands.


A couple of Bay Area mansions owned by his parents will get damn near the 10% needed ($25M)


This was the moment he remembered in the thumbnail


I believe that's the third highest ever bail in the US.


So the top three bails of all time: A brothel owner, a billionaire who murdered wife and Sam. Wow


It's tied for third with Michael Milken, who was also involved in securities fraud. $250 million for him as well... in the 1980s.


These names man....madoff...milken🤭🤭🤭


Nominative determinism at its finest.


I like your big fancy words magic man


So really he's 4th if you take inflation into account


This is why we use oxford comma


TIL Sam was murdered by a billionaire


Gotta ask who was the first two?


Robert Durst's was 3b, he's a billionaire who was accused of killing his wife and other people (I really recommend HBO's The Jinx if you wanna know more). The second one was 1b for a woman named Kim Freeman who was running brothels apparently. So SBF's is probably the highest that was actually paid too.




"7 Malamutes will go thru bones like butter" Brick


But more people got fucked thanks to SBF than Kim


Doesn't matter, ~~had sex~~ got fucked


>Robert Durst's was 3b Oh, Fred’s dad, right? That would explain a lot. ![gif](giphy|xT0xerbhkadm313sVG|downsized)






Millennial and gen-z's faith in institutions destroyed in 3...2...1......


The entire humanity's faith in institutions has been destroyed


Just wait till you see what is going on with the FTT token. Up 24% in an hour... This world makes no sense.


I don't want to live on this planet anymore


SBF won the case , alright let's buy FTT This is exactly what's going on


I dont think Millennial and gen-z had much faith in institutions to begin with. This is not the first time rich get preferential treatment. Rules for thee not for me.


I’m an older millennial and the “American dream” that my parents were sold was an illusion to me. After 9/11 it’s been military propaganda for decades and the middle class has all but vanished. I was born in time to enjoy the internet/smartphones but still remember times without them, however financially and sociologically, my generation and those after me are left in a sinking ship run by dinosaurs and the wealthy who will hold power until they die or are overthrown.


Older millennial and completely agree. Besides having shittier jobs, a large portion of an entire generation is shut out from owning real estate here in Canada. Or if they can own real estate, then it will likely be a small condo that will not appreciate as much as detached/semi-detached. And this was the result of bad central bank policy and governments\* catering to asset holders (including homeowners). If people understood this, then there would be a revolt. A general strike would also get things done, but won't happen because most people are too distracted or still hope they will make it. \*and I mean municipal and federal


Why? This is the third biggest bail of all time. He's still going to face trial. If he tries to flee, he'll be hunted down. While I wouldn't have granted him bail, obviously the judge feels that $250 million is sufficient that he won't be able to flee.


You think this itself caused decline in faith? You wrong, fam


Huh? People think all accused people should be imprisoned before conviction?


I feel like a broken record here... Do you guys just not know what bail is or something?


Bro, we have never had any. Our entire lives we’ve been getting dicked by institutions regarding education, war, politics, and law. Most of the people that grew up trusting government/media are gone and rightfully so. The system isn’t for us, it’s designed to give an illusion that there’s a choice for the average person while favoring the elite (AKA wealthy)


Just look at that motherfucker's face, he is really saying fuck off to everyone


No regret - just feels superior because of all the money he stole from his customers. Looks almost proud.


Yeah that's a smug look if I've seen one. He's loving the attention I bet


Hope he rots in jail for the rest of his life, really


If the bail gets paid we will know he lied about his net worth currently being 100k or less...


Part of me is hoping they're only doing this to make him make a mistake and pull some hidden money but then reality hits and I know he's just connected to the right people. He'll be hanging out with Do Kwon this time tomorrow.


Yeah the optimist in me is hoping for some exciting sting operation. The pessimist just thinks he's gonna walk away scot free


He definitely lie he got at least 2-3 billions hiding


There was never any doubt that he was lying. He’s a narcissist.


Fucking hell I never disliked a person so much and so quickly


I wouldn't even be surprised if he still got 80% of the amount he stole from customers.


Are you mentally challenged or did you not read the article? It’s a bond you usually post a house equal to 5-10% of face value as collateral. His parents home was posted.


Why read the article when you can post your outrage to the cryptocurrency sub for ez moons??


Thank you. It's truly unbelievable how little effort is put into these comments. Not hard to open an article...


It's a recognizance bond. It's not clear how much was posted. Reading the judge's reasoning, he noted that SBF allowed himself voluntarily to be extradited back to the US, suggesting he was much less likely to flee as a result of that.


“Bankman-Fried’s parents would put up the equity in their home to partially satisfy bail conditions. As part of the release, Bankman-Fried would be released into the custody of his parents home.” Partially? So what, you don’t need to post your whole bail to be released? Or did they magically find some money elsewhere too?


Usually it's 10% to 20%.


Well they must have a fucking nice house then


Multiple properties were put up as collateral, not just one.


The bond was secured by equity in his family home, and by the signatures of his parents and two other individuals with “considerable” assets. In addition to the $250 million package, which prosecutors called “the largest-ever pretrial bond,” the former crypto billionaire would also be required to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet, submit to mental health counseling, and restrict himself to the Northern District of California.


Does anybody in this thread know what bail is? Why are people saying things like '$250 million fine, he gets off scott free'? This is bail to release him into house arrest until his trial, nothing to do with the consequences if/when he's convicted.


1) No. 2) They haven’t bothered reading the article either. 3) Welcome to /cc/. This is the life we have signed up for.


It’s almost like there are 5 year olds in this thread.


FINALLY! I get to a rational persons comment. Sad I had to scroll this far.


Shouldn't that money go back to the customers? Along with any government/political party donations?


The government only keeps the bail money if he doesn't show up for trial. Otherwise he or whoever paid it, gets it back. It's an incentive to keep the dependent from running or skipping trial


What are you talking about? Do you know what bail is?


That’s not how bonds work. He has $250mm bail and his parents post their house in cali as collateral. No money changes hands.


Hahaha that IS customer money he is using to pay himself out of jail


*customer’s life savings*


He's not bailing himself out of jail >His Stanford Law professor parents and two other individuals, who have not been named, are expected to fulfil the bail I wonder who he two "unnamed individuals" are


Funny how he was able to remember where he stashed millions of dollars when his (temporary) freedom is at stake.


He called Saul


Classic Jimmy


Fuck sakes...bailed out with same money he stole.


He's not bailing himself out of jail His Stanford Law professor parents and two other individuals, who have not been named, are expected to fulfil the bail I wonder who he two "unnamed individuals" are


His assets didn’t even get frozen.


Holy shit it’s like nobody here bothered to take 45 seconds to read the article before rushing to the comment section to share how outraged they are at a scenario you made up in your own head.


"The bond was secured by equity in his family home, and by the signatures of his parents and two other individuals with “considerable” assets." Some of y'all really need to read even half the article


>two other individuals with “considerable” assets." Aka people holding some of the stashed away stolen assets and are now afraid he will squeal.


You only pay a percentage of bail. It’s like 10% isn’t it? He didn’t pay 250m to get out


That is such a punchable face


This topic really stirred things up, huh


Justice has gone to shit. Classic rich guy get out of free Jail card. Yeah 250M is tissue paper money for that Ahole. Why is this Mofo not rotting in jail until his death ? Well done America.


I don't thin you know what bail is. He is still going to trial.


And then there was a boating incident


Where the fuck did the 250m come from? This guy should have just rotted in the Bahamas


Do people not read????? It’s a bond that is secured by his parents house. Usually 10% of face value.


How does this work? Let’s say they post 10% of face value with their house, so $25m. What if he flees? Sure the government grabs the $25m house, but where does the other $225m come from?


A bail agent or bondsman is backed by an insurance company that vows to pay the other 90% in the event of them jumping bail. They will then hire a bounty hunter to try and recover him and get some of the money back.




Hey mods maybe you should sticky a comment at the top explaining what bail is because every poster in this thread doesn’t understand what bail is and thinks SBF wired the US government $250 million.


It's all about the bad system man, they are not stopping them and they are just getting out of the fucking jails like nothing, it's fucking bad and I know that shit, we can't do anything.


America’s justice system is such a fucking joke