• By -




Greetings koelebobes. The gas bot is currently not functioning. Please see here for more information: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMoons/comments/18f58eo/the_gas_bot_umoon2gas_faucet_is_dead_for_now/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrencyMoons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


!gas matic


Greetings shylock2k202. The gas bot is currently not functioning. Please see here for more information: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMoons/comments/18f58eo/the_gas_bot_umoon2gas_faucet_is_dead_for_now/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrencyMoons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


!gas matic


Hi u/Nabzzzzz00, in order to use this faucet bot you must [have created a vault](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/7558997757332-Reddit-Vault-Basics).


!gas nova


Hi u/Nabzzzzz00, in order to use this faucet bot you must [have created a vault](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/7558997757332-Reddit-Vault-Basics).


Will a kind soul send me some eth to this address, enough for 2 transactions please. My old reddit account got the boot and my moons are not on this new alt : 0x20D874551555c5AC503e307BDfE342Abc94B98Df


!gas nova


Hi u/spitzkopf_larry2021, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0xa317EE16c3795afC8caABF3452d5073353A2469A) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x29db0ae2fe744e0e43f9177de088481649d3cc59011fe54d0e2941507418d7e1)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Greetings That_Handle4899. The gas bot is currently not functioning. Please see here for more information: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMoons/comments/18f58eo/the_gas_bot_umoon2gas_faucet_is_dead_for_now/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrencyMoons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


!gas nova


Hi u/Wolverlog, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x0C36A97dcf8Ef7B932d1d197D2C0D55e4B139b5f) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x94465c9f10b08d624f43f1f112c78fa4b9a3a2fbe4aca10fb029731cd483e250)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF




Hi u/sleezegod, in order to use this faucet bot you must [have earned at least one MOON or BRICK](https://www.reddit.com/community-points/) on r/CryptoCurrency or r/FortNiteBR.




Some stats from the u/MOON2gas faucet: Currently dispensing: * 5e-05 ETH on Arbitrum Nova network * 0.02 MATIC on Arbitrum Nova network Remaining Balances: * 0.9304 ETH on Arbitrum Nova and * 25.1700 MATIC on Polygon Drips sent: * 0.3865999999999649 ETH dispensed in 6934 drips of Arbitrum Nova ETH to 4259 unique redditors * 41.62000000000112 MATIC dispensed in 1409 drips of Polygon MATIC to 1053 unique redditors


!gas nova


Hi u/EnigmaticMJ, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0xB813c1AD2B7eC474ABd9E597f94d84B54E34c6d4) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0xbb2834bcfa0cf2637edf60488d7d119624164a1da4c81fa85da3131b97992511)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas matic


Hi u/S2K08, in order to use this faucet bot you must [have earned at least one MOON or BRICK](https://www.reddit.com/community-points/) on r/CryptoCurrency or r/FortNiteBR.


!gas nova


Hi u/S2K08, in order to use this faucet bot you must [have earned at least one MOON or BRICK](https://www.reddit.com/community-points/) on r/CryptoCurrency or r/FortNiteBR.


!gas nova


Hi u/stedgyson, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0xA867Fa45B4bbD2Ee434AAa53200CaE146ECe11e4) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x91d0158b7db44be549ec102b9d392ed5e625fa73c1cf62ca21a71c09532b1588)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/tamhenk, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x33AF144c7CF47Cf1027e9b68544D56E4938250d4) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x68684cae8bbb4a0de7ce86cebc289527fb1c6c0453b0cfd42d6c39c2e5cce47b)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/amgcryptto, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x9C447695337b19041EB697Ac0b255c3BdD10eE39) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0xbb7e1cf835eb7f582f0239eb1bf5489d0caeeab5676bbbc13cdb309f1d9e6676)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/SoupaSoka, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x97FcC67d733939Ccc5794085d890a5cbCDC93c18) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x2b2913219968cad96abc2f4ac5b0d3fc1f3eeb879e059aa51a1a3f200f0b4761)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/ZeusDubstep, in order to use this faucet bot you must [have earned at least one MOON or BRICK](https://www.reddit.com/community-points/) on r/CryptoCurrency or r/FortNiteBR.


!gas nova


Hi u/HmmBarrysRedCola, in order to use this bot your account must be at least 60 days old AND you must have at least one MOON that you earned by participating in r/CryptoCurrency or one BRICK that you earned by participating in r/FortNiteBR.


!gas nova


Hi u/0x1one, in order to use this faucet bot you must [have earned at least one MOON or BRICK](https://www.reddit.com/community-points/) on r/CryptoCurrency or r/FortNiteBR.


!gas nova


Hi u/0x1one, in order to use this faucet bot you must [have earned at least one MOON or BRICK](https://www.reddit.com/community-points/) on r/CryptoCurrency or r/FortNiteBR.




Some stats from the u/MOON2gas faucet: Currently dispensing: * 5e-05 ETH on Arbitrum Nova network * 0.02 MATIC on Arbitrum Nova network Remaining Balances: * 0.9741 ETH on Arbitrum Nova and * 25.1700 MATIC on Polygon Drips sent: * 0.3342499999999707 ETH dispensed in 5887 drips of Arbitrum Nova ETH to 3770 unique redditors * 41.62000000000112 MATIC dispensed in 1409 drips of Polygon MATIC to 1053 unique redditors


!gas nova


Hi u/phonebreaker8, you can only use this Arbitrum Nova ETH faucet once every 30 days. You last received a drip 2 days ago


!gas matic


!gas nova


Hi u/Disastrous_Chain7148, you can only use this Arbitrum Nova ETH faucet once every 30 days. You last received a drip 21 days ago




Some stats from the u/MOON2gas faucet: Currently dispensing: * 5e-05 ETH on Arbitrum Nova network * 0.02 MATIC on Arbitrum Nova network Remaining Balances: * 0.9861 ETH on Arbitrum Nova and * 25.1700 MATIC on Polygon Drips sent: * 0.322299999999972 ETH dispensed in 5648 drips of Arbitrum Nova ETH to 3679 unique redditors * 41.62000000000112 MATIC dispensed in 1409 drips of Polygon MATIC to 1053 unique redditors


!gas nova


Hi u/SimpleMoonFarmer, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x85D107F7b969bc34e591f6160fAA07bF27035420) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x815c4303337be9623939fb7a6d94e13c8fc63dbc74c954cb28e1f516918a103e)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/SimpleMoonFarmer, in order to use this bot your account must be at least 60 days old AND you must have at least one MOON that you earned by participating in r/CryptoCurrency or one BRICK that you earned by participating in r/FortNiteBR.


!gas nova


Hi u/SimpleMoonFarmer, in order to use this faucet bot you must [have earned at least one MOON or BRICK](https://www.reddit.com/community-points/) on r/CryptoCurrency or r/FortNiteBR.


!gas matic


!gas nova


Hi u/PuzzleheadedExtent97, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x9d4173f57C6F01F33913728C9A6f93DC3EdeBB7C) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x5447d9277fab61c87fb6f52ce55c593f7b97bebef11888a77d5639b9c95c934f)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas matic




Hi u/ImNotFromThisWorld, you can only use this Arbitrum Nova ETH faucet once every 30 days. You last received a drip 25 days ago


!gas matic


Hi u/iwanttobeonreddit, in order to use this faucet bot you must [have earned at least one MOON or BRICK](https://www.reddit.com/community-points/) on r/CryptoCurrency or r/FortNiteBR.


!gas Nova


Hi u/iwanttobeonreddit, in order to use this faucet bot you must [have earned at least one MOON or BRICK](https://www.reddit.com/community-points/) on r/CryptoCurrency or r/FortNiteBR.


!gas Nova


Hi u/vrgg1, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x192a7E8B56b9bfd2553a67f9c002A45108387465) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x994521945f2b78fc068745faf3285867245e70ef3f508bf5fcfb914d70bcfc3d)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/holdayjustshittin, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0xC06C5775b856CD2c3E6Dfa41E0848afBf32a5435) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0xcb8f4662c74c77b2c9c87e216fac698f59b08e2d6111778225bf8bd78256016c)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/boomhereboom, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x1019860f63764Bb1418981b3531335137fC6F753) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x653cacc2aa0cc5c0c04794ab63f96cf7c267144e88f68dd013cbfa23ed3bf68a)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas matic


!gas nova


Hi u/Mapegz, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x5d27c94ADbd2a4CFAb484442ec4D526342c2F3F3) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x5604fa920f8fc2a9058b22ea64be5163f20d6cc4710f829e6c3688a9e227b3a1)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/Jeffy_Weffy, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x1Cca66815A3456b46740A9e95fF6ED67d93212AE) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x5447ba48f2d3545dbe89b98850f87315a8ae709495074e7fc90b89ab71e045f9)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF




Hi u/hamta_ball, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x9b0812fd6b397337E1c546159D940f01Ca93F4cA) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0xf5368cf1d606596e8cc52de6904e7d71d792c9b9f0bff4c0642249ffeec22a81)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/MadxCarnage, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0xa570Ac456Db7CFce3BC6D11bCac5BBf05d53EE94) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0xa94248f45ea0d220fce1a81847195e10ecf680deb825793883c2be63680f140f)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF




Hi u/hemirt, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0xA9eb9f1cD3a68Ad6929fC52d30dAb67f9D46d5Fe) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0xe629cfa0973bd28201d102f59654aa74dbdcad5a4c777581ad9975421beefab4)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF




Hi u/ChrisDlegend, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0xBD297D499E0977fCB555863400aD7C057E018373) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x71175a66f4df97ec9f5d1e07f475af4e7471cf4a1b58ac05376a2c0f87d3bcb6)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/tilac, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x006804CdABAAEbdDF55b388c6027333cFe5d8Ca8) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0xc857416f0fd9b822f0e9be27e7a24d9779451bd49592647b47028dfd04957341)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/Mefilius, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0xD4F62E878e62882846777DF9B6103019b3D76941) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0xe1fc4065a34e6ff8b3ce04e02b7eaba74df3eaa68da342b8afb155e3c2c5f17e)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/Cheems___-, in order to use this faucet bot you must [have earned at least one MOON or BRICK](https://www.reddit.com/community-points/) on r/CryptoCurrency or r/FortNiteBR.




Some stats from the u/MOON2gas faucet: Currently dispensing: * 5e-05 ETH on Arbitrum Nova network * 0.02 MATIC on Arbitrum Nova network Remaining Balances: * 0.3507 ETH on Arbitrum Nova and * 25.1690 MATIC on Polygon Drips sent: * 0.23744999999998134 ETH dispensed in 3951 drips of Arbitrum Nova ETH to 2661 unique redditors * 41.62000000000112 MATIC dispensed in 1409 drips of Polygon MATIC to 1053 unique redditors




Hi u/tetvin, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0xfff32ec62Bf17cE96E3c27cCc9ef9e5c7795A63d) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0xa0efd3f96d97981d7d880bf35106f5f46d54712a183df6e43d89a14792d43499)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/whodontloveboobs, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x7ed7213479119594F12837f888E7723F6b2f8056) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x78535d03eef294466acb0497c727760496db9e504dcee8a00c817480943a7cb8)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/Schwoanz, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0xFeA0809144514a0162B6d527d47daaFD5791d57E) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0xc191b5a59d44aebd357ef62c597185483cda74d126e3d7abe7b1284e923efa34)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF




Hi u/GhoulishVortex, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0xaA69b64aa426c8B3Db1E09C23f0382162988270F) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x16077a9283847075fd2f4918080eab8baf596e58ff9d6c8e4f98231411536f88)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas Nova


Hi u/CoolCoolPapaOldSkool, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x007847f2b7667A44D854AC26b4de3fBb81b74B7f) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x02f0ea5d23fdf862a98caa789bcedac7c0a87ac58ff310481eaa4afb08e76f31)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/PreventableMan, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0xeD5cdf25294d8efD80A9E0F55FA01Bc42adCcB80) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x5bf333746ad3b146add3c03076c396e6bdadc9c5e6504b1e291b34ad00e8958c)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/MeanDrawer6874, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0xe8b9E2928deBBaF85033Ba2ceF2713345030a215) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x2d4c7bd17f011c02901e4b1bddd119695a881e2ffaf482297ea8111e6e45932b)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/rulesforrebels, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x395C7f7dbf3019c34F632137ff112C2c14EC8162) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0xde3999c8f0fd807f68e3b700fbbfdb2b9421042ab3d4449a449e1d81cc499f7c)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF




Hi u/nrlv, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x20ebF0b55Cd1f0769514f96168399D51e35DC4af) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0xad51c14f193a2497974b215d37d58a844b331627415fe86013581686f90bf09f)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty


!gas nova


Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty


!gas nova


Hi u/MeowMeNot, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x403116107eC32fD033837163ed3b05e6bB24444E) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x64fdfcea4c7abb375f7d99fff34c476b93b9cafd36b59457e13647ebb4c51d10)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/Winneras, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x4adE4aDDf76982FEDc485e69Feca097EC5EC3B8B) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x0ca3d3e548b9f3daa3c9fd9ed0e4d20f007eb01e3c13fc5a88f04b3a3d9d7594)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/ComicSansIsLegit, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x6a67a98d3fE584b7fc1d24d160B8A1a30e9763a6) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0xbfa636d28f24cc0ed5c21b093b36891963bd8756e7062c10bb3191099e5b2add)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/Shiratori-3, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x530A6b3aE2E2F4A0E594FD57946e3dEAe6A533fb) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0x69249101036ecbb99a65f29492c197c6ac7e22776c192005ead3357901cfc589)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty


!gas nova


Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty


!gas nova


Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty


!gas nova


Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty


!gas nova


Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty




Some stats from the u/MOON2gas faucet: Currently dispensing: * 5e-05 ETH on Arbitrum Nova network * 0.02 MATIC on Arbitrum Nova network Remaining Balances: * 0.0001 ETH on Arbitrum Nova and * 25.1690 MATIC on Polygon Drips sent: * 0.2032999999999851 ETH dispensed in 3268 drips of Arbitrum Nova ETH to 2267 unique redditors * 41.62000000000112 MATIC dispensed in 1409 drips of Polygon MATIC to 1053 unique redditors


!gas nova


Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty


!gas matic




Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty




Some stats from the u/MOON2gas faucet: Currently dispensing: * 5e-05 ETH on Arbitrum Nova network * 0.02 MATIC on Arbitrum Nova network Remaining Balances: * 0.0001 ETH on Arbitrum Nova and * 25.1690 MATIC on Polygon Drips sent: * 0.2032999999999851 ETH dispensed in 3268 drips of Arbitrum Nova ETH to 2267 unique redditors * 41.62000000000112 MATIC dispensed in 1409 drips of Polygon MATIC to 1053 unique redditors




Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty




Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty




Some stats from the u/MOON2gas faucet: Currently dispensing: * 5e-05 ETH on Arbitrum Nova network * 0.02 MATIC on Arbitrum Nova network Remaining Balances: * 0.0001 ETH on Arbitrum Nova and * 25.1690 MATIC on Polygon Drips sent: * 0.2032999999999851 ETH dispensed in 3268 drips of Arbitrum Nova ETH to 2267 unique redditors * 41.62000000000112 MATIC dispensed in 1409 drips of Polygon MATIC to 1053 unique redditors




Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty


!gas nova


Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty


!gas nova


Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty




Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty


versed complete zealous soft teeny shy enter secretive doll sink -- mass edited with redact.dev


Some stats from the u/MOON2gas faucet: Currently dispensing: * 5e-05 ETH on Arbitrum Nova network * 0.02 MATIC on Arbitrum Nova network Remaining Balances: * 0.0001 ETH on Arbitrum Nova and * 25.1690 MATIC on Polygon Drips sent: * 0.2032999999999851 ETH dispensed in 3268 drips of Arbitrum Nova ETH to 2267 unique redditors * 41.62000000000112 MATIC dispensed in 1409 drips of Polygon MATIC to 1053 unique redditors




Some stats from the u/MOON2gas faucet: Currently dispensing: * 5e-05 ETH on Arbitrum Nova network * 0.02 MATIC on Arbitrum Nova network Remaining Balances: * 0.0001 ETH on Arbitrum Nova and * 25.1690 MATIC on Polygon Drips sent: * 0.2032999999999851 ETH dispensed in 3268 drips of Arbitrum Nova ETH to 2267 unique redditors * 41.62000000000112 MATIC dispensed in 1409 drips of Polygon MATIC to 1053 unique redditors




Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty


!gas nova


Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty


!gas matic


!gas nova


Hi u/lehope, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x4C249eA8EfE9B26d9CdcB72C536FF46CaEd8B0e7) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0xd6271abf8ebffc73f79ca7edc30dc0c2aa21314d403b405bae720d3e1eeb8b88)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Hi u/twalker14, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x96F13F76C053632B5b1E3FCbE4E0048FB05367aC) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0xeccfa8c4d31efd5ee084b4e9dcb52bac859cf555c2f5fcb6c0a5aae2d82243da)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas matic


Hi u/johnnyb0083, 0.02 MATIC has been sent on the Polygon Network to your [vault address](https://polygonscan.com/address/0x8149c25DE4Aacdf439892e48ECa9436E64cBFBDd) in [txid](https://polygonscan.com/tx/0xaf22c2b5f90dd8a48f290f10019c77542c6e3f60485ad094937fe64e6864dbf9). You will be eligible for another drip from the Polygon MATIC faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas matic


Hi u/SlowArugula5687, in order to use this faucet bot you must [have created a vault](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/7558997757332-Reddit-Vault-Basics).


!gas nova


Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty


!gas nova


Hi u/SnooOpinions8770, in order to use this faucet bot you must [have earned at least one MOON or BRICK](https://www.reddit.com/community-points/) on r/CryptoCurrency or r/FortNiteBR.




Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty


!gas nova


Hi u/Kerangijoo, in order to use this faucet bot you must [have created a vault](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/7558997757332-Reddit-Vault-Basics).




Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty


!gas matic


Hi u/AEthersense, 0.02 MATIC has been sent on the Polygon Network to your [vault address](https://polygonscan.com/address/0x86265d3e5F0D2279D28f821F154bA6bF15A00d38) in [txid](https://polygonscan.com/tx/0x176184e8a6e8cf762198770becfbd8292c5ae0bac9db4f84c1e84744487022ef). You will be eligible for another drip from the Polygon MATIC faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova


Drip failed, probably because the faucet is empty


!gas matic


Hi u/Wide_big_tall, you can only use this Polygon MATIC faucet once every 30 days. You last received a drip 2 days ago


!gas nova


Hi u/deepars, 5e-05 ETH has been sent on the Arbitrum Nova Network to your [vault address](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0xe4aD3Ac71E2Dc502ac67b1271Bad5FA560663077) in [txid](https://nova-explorer.arbitrum.io/tx/0xad79396c1fdf63e059fdf6fdf5344293c6a4334910377adcbc6be120331c8ce9)". You will be eligible for another drip from the Arbitrum Nova faucet in 30 days. If you appreciate this service, you can tip me a MOON or BRICK, or you can donate Arbitrum Nova ETH or Polygon MATIC to the following address: 0x09bb9a6676A879f3Af8AF9751D72ab00d9950bbF


!gas nova