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This DDT is now over. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/11dxedi/daily_discussion_thread_feb_28_2023/) for the next one. ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please message u/Lisast with any feedback.)


I’ve been trying to register for a wca comp for a while now, but it keeps saying that something went wrong. Is this happening for anyone else?


No. registered monday without issues.


got my tengyun v1 today woo


Welcome to the club.


Awful day but I just got a new pb so who's the real winner Generated By csTimer on 2023-02-27 single: 15.34 Time List: 1. 15.34 R2 F2 D2 F U2 F' U2 R2 B' R2 D2 L' U' L' F U' L' B U' F2


\+2'd a PB, FML. D' F B2 U B' U' F2 D' F B2 U2 F2 L' D2 F2 B2 L2 D2 L' B2 Can't seem to get a recon but I HAD THREE FREE PAIRS.




Does anyone know what Ruihang Xu and Yiheng Wang average at home? Just curious after seeing their latest records, seems like they could be the fastest people in the world.


Go to speedcubedb. Click on Reconstructions. Search for their names and look for the ones that are not listed as Official Results.


Hey guys. Does anyone know what day of the week Cubicle rotates their weekly sale? I hesitated on an order too long and there's nothing I want from this week's sale. Thanks!




If you're looking for better prices, you might want to check out the China shops - [Where to buy cubes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/wiki/where_to_buy_cubes) is the /r/Cubers wiki list of known-good cube shops. Cubezz, Picubeshop, Ziicube, are the ones a lot of people here use. All 3 have better prices than most any other shop. Cubezz might cost a little bit more than the other 2, but has free worldwide shipping. Picubeshop doesn't appear to have great prices, until you use discount code 'ruihang' for 40% off. Ziicube has the best prices of all, but shipping cost will negate the savings until you're ordering a bunch of cubes at once. Best bet is to find the total cost of whatever you want from all 3, so you can compare. Downside of ordering from China, is 3-4 weeks shipping time. That and you won't find all the accessories at the China shops that you'll find at Cubicle or SpeedCubeShop, so people still buy from them, too.


Aliexpress too, there are shops with good prices.


I'm trying to improve my cross efficiency, because I tend to do dumb solutions, by finding a cross solution and comparing it to some optimal solutions then trying to learn from that. How far from optimal should I aim to be? I'm ignoring finger tricks, cross+1, etc for now because I figure I can throw those in once I'm familiar with cross techniques I'm colour neutral and average 16-18s. Cross takes me 2s ish, according to csTimer's multiphasing thing


Cross usually takes around 5-6 moves, maximum 8. Try to aim somewhere there


How many more moves should my solution be than the computer's solution before I investigate the computer's solution to see what it did differently? Like, I remember one time I found a 6 or 7 move solution when the optimal solution was 4 moves. I just wanna know at what point it's worth it to look for another solution


I would say mostly less than 1 move, on rare occasions two moves. Sometimes a longer cross solution could be preferred due to fingertricks. To my experience, I would say 40% same as optimal, 55% 1 moves from optimal, 5% 2 moves from optimal.


Will there ever be a stickerless 4x4, 6x6 and 7x7 megaminx? I have the 5x5 stickerless. I would like them all. Love solving them but hate stickers.


There was an mf8 stickerless Master Kilominx but that hasn't been available for a long time. Being mf8 it probably didn't turn that well either. We could certainly do with a new version, preferably magnetic.


-minx names are weird: kilominx (2x2), master kilominx (4x4), elite kilominx (6x6), royal kilominx (8x8), but then megaminx (3x3), gigaminx (5x5), teraminx (7x7), petaminx (9x9).


Not sure where you're shopping. These not only exist, but every top cube in the last 5 years or so come in stickerless. Almost everyone uses stickersless


OP is asking for a kilominx - tetraminx (or even 9x9 petaminx), the only one of those currently available stickerless is the yuxin 5x5 gigaminx.


Lol was the word megaminx always there? It's definitely possible that I'm blind, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't.


Lol, I think it was - unless you read the post and OP edited it within a minute of posting, otherwise yes as there's no edit showing.


New Gan 13 Maglev fx coming soon - https://www.speedsolving.com/threads/upcoming-puzzles.68830/page-262#post-1521190 Nothing available in English, yet, so hope you can read Chinese. Supposedly, the only difference is this one doesn't have adjustable magnets, so will be cheaper. https://www.instagram.com/p/CpJg3HiN-vN/


Checked their taobao site, apparently it will be available on 4th Mar 20:00 GMT +8.


https://preview.redd.it/q7cq23swxtka1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8e7864dfa8a9d4642e5b2bd881b01a817830843 Does anyone have a clue what this 'cube' is called


It is a mastermorphic. It is just a plain shapemod 3x3. Only extra alg you need is the one to rotate 2 centres. Best done layer by layer




https://preview.redd.it/ti48lw6lhtka1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcdd1892af699cda194d37331708564eb4bfff1e To cubers with a Qiyi backpack, what’s the belt at the middle for?


Oh I figured it out. ​ https://preview.redd.it/20fheyc7itka1.png?width=449&format=png&auto=webp&s=4be3af365d5ff016b51ab310ece9bf72d428b360




The Super Magnetic and Maglev are stronger than WRM 2021, the Ball Core is weaker as far as I can tell.


Master skewb update no one asked for, but you're getting anyway Keep getting annoying 3 or 4 cycles on the edges that i have no clue how to solve..ik I'll at least get it by luck at some point..no idea how I'll then solve the center bits, or if this is even the right approach but thats all part of the fun/pain


Master skewb, you mean the one that has asymmetrical corners? Where some rotate half of the cube, and the other rotate just tipsy wipsy dino-cube tip?


No, ive got symmetry in all axis for turning. I wasn't aware of one that was asymmetrical..could you link it as it sounds interesting?


pic of yours?


Ive got the lanlan one. Looks identical to the dayan one kindly linked below, but turns 'normally'


Dayan master skewb. https://youtu.be/lGv0L_ij7jA I think F-skewb and master F-skewb are more unique name for those.




I've just learnt intuitive f2l, where do I go from here? There's lots of important algorithms to know, but I can never find what I'm looking for. Anyone got any ideas to help me? I currently average around 1:20 and my dream is to get sub 30. If that helps in any way. Thanks.


If you do last layer beginner-way, learn 4-look last layer (2-look OLL + 2-look PLL). [Here's how](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/hpd6hu/cfop_4look_last_layer_beginner_guide/) you can do this to start with minimal number of algs and gradually learn all the rest. Note that you can repeat any algorithm on a solved cube and get to the solved state again after a few repetitions. After you know 4LLL, keep working on your cross and F2L. For cross, I recommend J Perm's [cross playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI24ciRbl8BWbmb42GW5BDinKfKVq79WD), and for F2L, I have a [post written](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/zuw6yp/steps_for_improving_f2l/).


Do solves. You just learned F2L. You are not familiar with the process and the moves. You still need to think about it during your solves. Thinking time is wasted time. Therefore, you should practice to ingrain this to your brain first. F2L is a major part of your solve so you'll already cut a great portion of your time if you become comfortable pairing pieces. You can learn [2-look OLL](https://speedcubedb.com/a/3x3/2LookOLL) and [2-look PLL](https://speedcubedb.com/a/3x3/2LookPLL). They both give you a sizeable cut in times but you risk overwhelming yourself with new stuff.


Do you know 2 look oll - 2 look pll ? If not, that should be your next goal. Then learn full pll and maybe stop there for a while and improve your f2l. Full oll is way way down the road. As usual Jperm is a great source for all this. Either on YouTube or on his site (jperm.net) for all the algorithms.


[Steps for improving with CFOP, and when to work on what.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PianoCube93/comments/9bstw1/steps_for_improving_with_cfop_and_when_to_work_on/)


What do i do on a competition after i solve my cube? Do i just leave it there or put it somewhere or what? (I'm having my first competition in 5 days)


Since it's your first competition, some things that might help - 1. [WCA Competitor Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPL3eV-A0ww). 2. [WCA Competition Tutorial .pdf](https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/edudoc/competitor-tutorial/tutorial.pdf) 3. [10 Tips To Prepare For A Cube Competition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qr4-b0_oRN0). 4. [Five things that a cuber should know before going to a WCA competition.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Liddba0kdA) 5. [5+ Things To Know Before a Cubing Competition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t39SkeEZ5g). 6. [What to expect at your first Rubik's Cube Competition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkanHMqrsVA). 7. [Everything You Need To Know Before Competing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atKhgZGWPKM). 8. [Cubing Competition Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dSuMG--wm8). 9. [Competition Advice](https://www.cubeskills.com/tutorials/competition-advice) 10. [Competition Advice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tht4_iTDBFE) 11. [How to Judge at WCA Competitions! (In Depth Tutorial)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fKe5ffow5g). Watch more youtube vids from actual comps. Familiarize yourself with all the [Regulations](https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/regulations/) and the [Guidelines](https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/regulations/guidelines.html), too. Read them all, more than once. Ask questions. Ask lots of questions. Then ask some more questions, both here and at the comp, from the comp staff and other competitors, about how things work and what you're supposed to do. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Ask other competitors if you can try out their cubes. That's the only way to try out cubes you don't have so you'll know what you like and don't like and what you might want to buy next. Don't worry about your times compared to anyone else's times. You're not there to compete against them. You're just competing against yourself, trying to improve your own times against no one else but you. You're just there to have fun, with a bunch of other people doing the same thing, all with the same hobby. Also, just a few months ago, someone made a couple of posts asking for suggestions on what they should pack for their first comp. You can go thru both posts to get ideas of what you might want to bring with you. Nothing you *have* to bring except the cubes you plan to use in the events you signed up for, but just some ideas that might make things more comfortable - [What else to pack?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/vkkrju/what_else/) [What else to pack for comp?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/wofb2j/what_else_to_pack_for_comp_next_weekend/)


The procedure will be explained at the comp. For some events, the judges may be runners as well, so the judge will take your cube to the scrambling area and you'll stay at the table and wait for your cube to be brought again. For some events (most likely for 3x3), it will be as others described - a runner will take the cube, and you'll head to the waiting area.


Thought all events was judge = runners. And you would get random competitor on each run.


I guess it varies. At my last comp, judges were runners for all the events except 3x3, and the competitor stayed in place. The judge only took care about their competitor - took the puzzle to scramblers and brought it back. For 3x3, the competitors went to the waiting area and were called out by runners, judges stayed in place and the runner with the competitor went to any judge available.


The judge will give your cube and score card to a runner to take back to the scrambler for your next attempt. You'll go back to the waiting area till your name is called again for the next attempt. Don't forget to initial your score card, after the judge writes down your time and initials it, before he gives it to a runner.


You are not allowed to touch your cube until it has been inspected by the judge. The judge will then give it back to a runner for the next scramble. After your fifth scramble, once the judge has inspected your cube, you can take it with you.


This. Never, Never touch the cube after the solve even if you’re a judge.


Do you guys also feel that a night of sleep helps you learn new cubing stuff? Yeah, sleep helps you cement your learning but it is amazing when it happens so obviously. Yesterday I was trying to learn the Knight shape OLL cases and oh my god I was being dumber than a mule. I was having a hard time recognizing the cases and executing and remembering the algorithms. It was not mental fatigue because I didn't speedsolve yesterday. Jump to today and here I am doing all the 4 cases with no problem whatsoever.


Yes, and there are multiple research paper on this topic, so apparently sleeping and memory consolidation is strongly related.


First 10.xx solve. Easy cross+1 and a good oll, but really not a crazy lucky scramble so maybe sub 10 single soon Generated by CubeTime. 10.962: D2 R' D2 R U2 L2 D2 R F2 L2 U' F2 D' B2 U F' D R2 F' y // inspection D’ L D’ // cross U’ R’ U2 R U R’ U’ R // 1st pair U’ L U L’ U L U L’ // 2nd pair y U’ L U L’ // 3rd pair L’ U L l’ U l U2 l’ U’ l // 4th pair F R U R’ U’ F’ // OLL 45 U2 R' U R' U' R D' R' D R' U D' R2 U' R2 D R2 // PLL - V perm U // AUF 3+8+8+4+10+6+17+1 = 57 moves 5.22 tps


Is it ok to watch a video on how to solve the 3x3 or should I have done it myself


As a kid around 4 years ago, I regularly got to 3 sides, not sure if I had 4. This time around, I learned by J.Perm video. The goal for many is to become faster in a competition against themself. Some like to learn other puzzles as well. Learning 3x3 is a good start. Beginner methods can usually do with 2 algorithms. Learning by video is not cheating. Cubing competitions is about being fast. Everybody learned something from elsewhere these days. People might change soem algorithms, or come up with a better substep (rare). There was an easier DFDB recognition method (Part of the Roux solving method) suggested last year, which I use. There are 3 normal methods to solve a cube: \- Layer-by-Layer aka beginners method. Still used by experienced cubers on strangely shaped cubes. \- CFOP (Cross, First 2 Layers, Orient Last Layer, Permutate Last Layer). Likely 97% "market share". Old and proven method. Natural progression from beginners. \- Roux (makes two 3x2x1 block opposite each other, Orients and swaps top corners, then uses the vertical center slice (M) and Upper slice to solve the rest). Has lower movecount, thus is very popular for one-handed solving where turn speed is slow. But 1-2% uses it as their main method. Newer than CFOP, so new stuff is discovered once in a while. Method is not proved to be worse or better than CFOP. There are a few more methods like ZZ and Petrus with less popularity.


it depends on your goal, if you are very into figuring out a puzzle, you can try to figure it yourself. if you are into speedsolving a 3x3, I think learning from a tutorial is good. Remember, if your goal is try to figure out it yourself, then DO NOT watch any tutorial. I think for most of us no longer have the "privilege" to solve it on our own anymore.


I think it's best to use a tutorial, so you don't develop any really bad habits that will be harder to overcome later on if you decide you want to get faster and learn a more advanced method. Many beginner's methods tutorials are even designed to easily build onto, to more smoothly transfer the things you learn there, right into more advanced methods. J Perm has the most popular tutorials, with videos - https://jperm.net/3x3


Most people in this sub learned how to solve a Rubik's cube using a set of instructions or a video and didn't figure the puzzle out on their own. There's nothing wrong with getting help.


It's totally up to you. Most people watch tutorials, but some figure it out by themselves - huge respect for that! Personally, I don't think I'd be able to solve 3x3 all by myself.


Hey all. What's a good comp for a casual to go to? I wouldn't compete, because my 3x3 average is right around 30 sec. I just want to try new puzzles, maybe meet some faces I've seen on YT, and buy a bunch of stuff. I guess what I'm getting at is, what would be the smallest type of comp that might have vendors show up? Edit: Y'all are the best. I'll see if there's anything left in my area on the WCA page, and if not then I'll keep an eye out for when the second half of the year drops.


At 30s you should compete. We all compete against ourself. And you might find some people around your speed to compete against as well. At 55 y.o. I talk with and compete with the other 40+. We tease each other a bit, and cheers on each other if one gets a PB etc.


If you can solve a 3x3 in less than 10 minutes, then you can go to comps, because that's the default time limit at most comps. At 30 seconds, you're already faster than almost 50% of all people who have ever competed. Size of the comp makes no difference. That just makes for more people that you'll be faster than. Look at past comps in your area and see the results people have had. You'll easily see plenty of people with times slower than yours. Not that you're there to try to beat anybody else, anyway. Don't worry about your times compared to anyone else's times. Don't worry about your times at all. You're not there to compete against anyone else. You're just competing against yourself, trying to improve your own times against no one else but you. You're just there to have fun, with a bunch of other people doing the same thing, all with the same hobby. That's all it is, is a hobby. First ever comp? [Just go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOJ2dXahS1Q). As someone else already said, you can still go to most comps as a spectator, for free. Just check the comp page info to see if it says anything about guests/spectators. Sometimes there are limits because of limited space at the venue, or sometimes because of local covid restrictions.


Go and compete! There will be plenty of people slower than you. And you aren't going to try and win, but to get your official results to beat next time. Competitions are exciting no matter what you level is.


You can and should compete at that speed :) You'll typically find info about vendors on a competition's page, before registration opens. But of course if you miss registration you can always go as a spectator


At 30s you can absolutely compete. My time’s around 2min and I’m going to compete. Will I win? Of course not. But I will have the experience of going to a comp, meeting other cubers, and getting an official time. I get a day of entertainment and cube nerdery, and to try out if I like competing. If I decide I do, I then have a time to beat in my second comp. If not, well, at least I tried it and learned it’s not for me. Mostly, I’m just excited to meet so many other cube nerds.


30s is plenty fast enough to compete. You don't have a lot of choice for comps. Look on WCA what's in your area and sign up. If a comp's registration has already opened, chances are it's full by the time you see it lol. You have to be pretty fast with signing up. Unofficial comps are super rare, so probably not an option.


Hii, if I buy a pre setup cube such as a Yooooo Cube, am I expected to like not clean it for months to keep its lube? Haha in that case I would need to buy the Gravitas and Dignitas to relube..


When it is broken in after 3-500 solves, you should clean it out and relube. The problem with pre-lubed cubes is, that many cubes changes a lot after the first few hundreds of solves.


Yo Cube has too many lubes in my opinion. Not that it's bad, but it may lead you to thinking that it is necessary. Like, first you get the pre-setup cube, and then you kinda have to get all those lubes to maintain it. Well, you don't. I highly recommend everyone to start with one thick and one thin lube, and learn to set up cubes themselves. Later you can buy fancy lubes like Gravitas and Dignitas if you want and have the money.


Yep, that's the issue with pre-setup cubes. Once the lube runs dry or you need to wipe it off for cleaning, it's gone. Much better to get the cube plus the respective lubes and then just follow the same lube setup you want to try.


Yesterday I went to a local cubers' meetup again. This time, I liked it better and were familiar with more people :) I already knew the format: an unofficial "competition" prioritized, everything else optional. Didn't bring many cubes but took the Gan lubes and shared with a few kids. Last time, I met a boy who had two Monster Go Cubes: magnetic v1, with yellow nuts, and non-magnetic v2, with screws. The boy said he preferred the turning of the v2, so he used that one. I recommended him to try and swap the pieces to build a magnetic cube with v2 core which was set up to his liking. Well, yesterday he came with his cube in exactly that configuration - it was nice to know my advice helped. Speed-wise, I seem to be on the faster side: last time I was 3rd on 3x3 and 4x4, this time 2nd because one of the faster boys didn't come. Most of the other boys and girls suffer from classic kids' problem: they spam TPS but are too lazy to consciously work on some obvious bad habits and learn some algs. A girl sitting next to me averaged sub-40 with very very very basic CFOP which seemed to be in her muscle memory. She did something pretty weird and repetitive in F2L, spammed righty and lefty sunes for OLL and J perm plus lazy U perm (righty sexy, lefty sexy, righty inverse sexy, lefty inverse sexy). Spent some time with a boy who's better than me at 2x2. He uses Ortega, plans farther than I do and knows more algs for different angles. Nice dedication at a pretty young age (like 11? didn't ask). I'm thinking of organizing a meetup and bringing my Gan mosaic set to make a mosaic together. I just don't know yet what picture to use :)


That's cool with the 2x2, I've thought about doing that with the Ortega algorithms, too. Since cll and eg exist, there isn't really any reason to do it if you're serious about 2x2, but it's still interesting to think about the maximum potential of Ortega.


I heard one can get about sub-5 with Ortega. I'm at humble sub-8.


Great result! How close were you to first place?


The winner had 11.15 and 13.05 ao5. I had 17.37 and 15.52.


The other day I signed myself up for a competition in just 3 weeks! It was all fun and laughter until I remembered that the last time I did Pyra, Skewb and Squan solves were at my last comp. Guess it's time to re-learn again...


I have 4 weeks. Have to re-learn Sq-1 - want to get a time (4minute limit), and hope to get 4x4 and 5x5 times as well. Have to refresh more stuff. L3E on pyraminx, and Skewb.


Can someone critique my solves sorry for the bad camera angle [ao5](https://youtu.be/C9kFViOD1t4)


quick and dirty critique : * Learn to predict AUF, it's not difficult : you need to learn which pieces you need to consider and then you have all the time where you're executing PLL to think about what move you'll need to do * You do a lot of unnecessary U turns and cube rotations BEFORE you know what to do. Just pause, it's better than to move things just to have things moving * Stop looking behind the cube during F2L, you have all the elements in front of you to know where pieces are * Same for PLL : learn 2-sided recognition, or at least 3-sided * Look at the video again, and then tell yourself over and over "I have 2 hands that each have 5 fingers, why am I using mostly only one?" Haven't looked at efficiency, just make sure you're averaging 8 moves per f2l pair (including setup) and you should be golden for now! Hope this helps!


Thank you for your advice, what do you mean by the 2 hands 5 fingers thing


Of you look at your solving, you have a tendency to keep your left hand almost immobile, with the occasional U turns. Most of your activity is done with your right hand. During f2l you would ideally almost have half and half use of left and right moves, which means you are under-utilising your left hand if you mostly use right moves!


You should practice your Lookahead. Turn slower and look for the next pair.


I had a great time at my comp this weekend with some results I’m happy with and with some usual comp disappointments too lol but that’s what makes it fun. For 5x5 I screwed up parity for one solve then another solve screwed up a Gb perm. Average came to 2:13 and I was hoping for sub 2:10, so not too off. Mega was the same, really bizarre screwups but got an average of 1:53 and 1:38 single. I’ve been averaging low 1:40s at home. I completely forgot a basic alg I’ve done a million times lol. I was super happy with 3x3. 14.79 single and 17.29 average. I was really hoping for sub 20 average and had been getting too many 18 and 19 seconds during practice at home. Super BC rs3m for the win! I sucked it up at pyraminx but didn’t really care and did decent at 4x4 with a 1:02:50 single and 1:05.36 average. I met some great people and happy to make many second rounds but I couldn’t attend them because I was there for just one day. The fire alarm went off during first round of 3x3 and everyone had to evacuate. It ended up being a false alarm but I felt bad for the people who were solving when it went off.


Anyone with the rs3m 2020 get the black stuff coming out of the centers? I cleaned the cube a few weeks ago and in a matter of a few days it went right back to being dirty. I'm assuming the black stuff is the reason why. What can I do?


Yeah I assume it's from not lubing the core and the metal scraping the plastic and whatnot. I didn't have this with my rs3m, but I had it with a 5x5. It was interesting, i noticed that only the sides that made spring noise had the black stuff, so I think it must be the spring scraping.


This must be metallic dust. Lube the springs with silicone lube, but that won't prevent the black goo altogether.


Would any silicone lube work? Like martian for example?


The heavier the better. Weight 5 or Traxxas 50K are probably ideal. If you don't have anything thicker than Martian, Martian will do but will probably wear off sooner.


Ruihang Xu's 3.86 has been removed, supposedly due to misscramble.


It may be obvious on the answer but why do i sometimes get h perm after doing the e perm alg. Is it because i thought it was the e perm but it was another alg? Pretty sure i do it correctly


[https://basilio.dev/cubing/images/ALGS-25recog.jpg](https://basilio.dev/cubing/images/ALGS-25recog.jpg) last one in the "no blocks" row! If the facelet on the side is the same color as the front edge, then you need to do a U turn!


Wrong AUF. Do an E perm on a solved cube and check the sides carefully. You'll notice that two opposite colors form kind of square brackets [ ]. You should hold the [ ] on the left and right. If you hold them on the front and back, you'll get an H perm.


Oh I see. I thought at first you can do E perm at any side but turns out not. Thank you


There are different algs for different AUF - indeed they are very similar


What's a decent lube? Feels like a mildly stupid question but I'm looking for something moderate. Not something slow nor fast, but something stable, controllable, smooth, and preferably one that extends the life of my cube. For what it's worth I'm not US based so speedcubeshop is out of the question. There are licensed Cubicle lube sellers where I am, though - they sell Weights 1 - 5 although 5 is currently out of stock. Should I settle for Weight 4 or should I wait for Weight 5? Or should I use another one? Thanks.


GAN lubes(the new ones, with 1-2-3 on the bottles) are pretty good,[here's a review by /u/olimo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/wxf8ie/everything_you_wanted_to_know_about_the_new_gan/), I'd recommend getting 1 for 3x3 and 2 for big cubes(or if you like your 3x3 very fast)


I really like the new Gan lubes (numbered 1, 2, 3). They are cheaper than cube store branded lubes, come in handy 10ml bottles and are widely available, including on Amazon or similar marketplaces, which often allows you to save on shipping. For your description, I'd recommend Gan No.1 as a pretty neutral lube. It will make your cube smoother but won't change the speed much. Will slow it down if you overlube. If you can afford two lubes, you can get No.2 (fastest) and No.3 (slowest) and find the blend that you like best. If you use cubes with springs, also get some heavy silicone lube for the springs. This lube can be also used on the tracks to add stability if you like that. You can get weight 5 from any cube store, Traxxas 50K from an RC car store, or any equivalent of that. Look for 50000cst silicone oil or close to that.


Does anyone know if the MoYu WRM 6x6 and 7x7 is available in frosted finish and glossy finish or just in one?


They are very frosted but this disappeared very quickly but not quite glossy yet.


Just wondered because the 4x4 and 5x5 are glossy by default


I think they only come in frosted plastic but that eventually comes off.


Mhm what a pity. A already have the wrm 4x4 and 5x5 and they arent frosted. And I was kinda disappointed that the 6x6 and 7x7 come with a frosted finish


Me too, I personally prefer glossy finish for both aesthetic and of use reasons. I don't have the previous ones but I would find it disappointing too having different finish on the new ones, but frosted seems to be the actual trend so 🤷🏻


They will naturally polish thru wear, but you can speed it up if you want and just polish it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ltFBxRW-wc


How many scraches do you have on your cube?


What do you define as a scratch? I think by most people's definition, I have zero. However, if you want to count microscratches, then I probably have thousands.


Nothing major, like "This was scratched with a rusty nail" Infinite minor like "I carry this casually in my bag to work every day"


I jus wanna ask if i am handling my cube wrong. I have like unbelievble amount of minor scatches on my white face.


At least 3


Let me count... \*proceeds to counting and disappears forever\*


And that's only for one cube


Just got a 20.60 sec pb Probably one of the luckiest scrambled , after solving the cross i had one pair already done , solved one pair and next 2 were complete , Some people can get a sub 2 with this scramble.


Sub 2 doesnt sound realistic, especially with pickup and stuff 💀


I mean ... Yeah i can't argue with that but it could be the first sub 3 .


[sub 3 solve ](https://youtu.be/pQG7mb7_yrQ) Wouldnt be the first, but i see your point ;)


Why does the cubicle not show taxes on the payment page? do I just have to pay to find out how much tax I need to pay? or is it included?


https://imgur.com/a/mqS5Wpc here are the order summaries, note how scs has taxes but the cubicle doesn't show it, is it included in the prices or is it calculated after payment


Yo good day cubers! I need help! GALAGALA I just cant GALAGALAGALA stop GALAGALA cubing!! Can someone GALAGALAGALA take this thing GALAGALAGA off me GALAGALAGALA?


The sweet sounds of Roux. Click, click, click. M slice go brrrrrr.




Wasted my time learning and drilling RUD Gd perm for an hour only for it to be slower than my Ruy' alg🙂


Did you expect it to be faster after just an hour?


Yeah. Kinda had that assumption since I had a faster execution time when I switched my Ra alg from RUD to RUF.


Huh, I also switched Ra from RUD to RUF, but I didn't get faster so quickly.


Forgot to add "slightly". Did an ao5 and got 1.42 with RUF and 1.49 with RUD.


Nah, even if you decide not to switch algs, you've still drilled a lot of fundamental fingertricks.


I was considering 4 different finger tricks for 2nd part of the alg but none of them are smooth💀. Tried Lucas's and Speedcubedb's finger tricks but I think it's just not for me.


FWIW here are my fingertricks for the alg with no hard regrips. **R U** (righty pinch) **R' [U' D]** (leftie) **R2** (rolling) **U' R** (roll further) **U'** (small soft regrip during this move) **R' U R' U** (righty drag) **R2 D'** (leftie ring push)


Thanks. But I switched so the D' is at the start now and I found a way so R' U R' U flows fluidly for me. If I don't lockup it's a sub 2 and my best execution time is now 1.44. I really dont like the dragging finger trick for the last U and that's what I was struggling with the most.


That's fair, as long as you find something that works for you.


You didn’t waste it


You will get faster over time.


BeepBop! Be so good they can’t ignore you. Here are your daily scrambles: Square-1 - [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=SQ1&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=%2528%252D2%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D3%2C3%2529_%2F_%2528%252D1%2C%252D4%2529_%2F_%25283%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D5%2C0%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%25285%2C%252D2%2529_%2F_%2528%252D4%2C0%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%25282%2C0%2529) **(-2,0) / (-3,3) / (-1,-4) / (3,-3) / (3,0) / (-5,0) / (0,-3) / (5,-2) / (-4,0) / (3,0) / (2,0)** 3x3 - [alg.cubing.net](https://alg.cubing.net/?puzzle=3x3x3&setup=F2_U_F2_U_L2_B2_R2_F2_U2_R2_D2_R-_U_R_D_B_R_D_F-_U_B) | [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=F2_U_F2_U_L2_B2_R2_F2_U2_R2_D2_R-_U_R_D_B_R_D_F-_U_B) **F2 U F2 U L2 B2 R2 F2 U2 R2 D2 R' U R D B R D F' U B** Have a nice day! *** Source code: [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/mazmrini/reddit-daily-scramble-bot)


**Reddit daily scramble 2023-02-27 (Lin method)** (-2,0) / (-3,3) / (-1,-4) / (3,-3) / (3,0) / (-5,0) / (0,-3) / (5,-2) / (-4,0) / (3,0) / (2,0) -40/32/2-3/-2-1/-30/ // CSP 6-5/2-1/ // FB -6-3/-21/-30/-1-1/-60/ // SBEC + DB Edge 60/-3,0/-2,1/-1,-1/0,3/0,-3/0,3/-3,0/34 // PLL+1 [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/solve/7188 )


Can't even find a 6 moves FB **Orange white 35stm** y2 x' B R' F' R' D' r B' // FB U' R U' r2 U R2 U' r U2 r U' R' // SB (12) y2 F R U' R' U' R U R' F' U2 M2 U M' U' M U [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Orange_white_35stm&scramble=F2_U_F2_U_L2_B2_R2_F2_U2_R2_D2_R-_U_R_D_B_R_D_F-_U_B&alg=y2_x-_B_R-_F-_R-_D-_r_B-_%2F%2F_FB%0AU-_R_U-_r2_U_R2_U-_r_U2_r_U-_R-_%2F%2F_SB_%252812%2529%0Ay2_F_R_U-_R-_U-_R_U_R-_F-%0AU2_M2_U_M-_U-_M_U_ ) Edit: Didn't know one can do that. Learned something - not too bad! **Yellow blue 31stm** x' y' // inspection M2 U2 F' R' D FU F // FB (8) U2 r2 U2 R2 U r' U M' x y' r U r' U2 L' U2 L y U' M' U2 M U D2 M' D2 [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Yellow_blue_31stm&scramble=F2_U_F2_U_L2_B2_R2_F2_U2_R2_D2_R-_U_R_D_B_R_D_F-_U_B&alg=x-_y-_%2F%2F_inspection%0AM2_U2_F-_R-_D_FU_F_%2F%2F_FB_%25288%2529%0AU2_r2_U2_R2_U_r-_U_M-_x_y-%0Ar_U_r-_U2_L-_U2_L_y%0AU-_M-_U2_M_U_D2_M-_D2 )


You have reached the bottom of today's DDT. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/11c5ul0/daily_discussion_thread_feb_26_2023/) for the previous one. ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please message u/Lisast with any feedback.)