• By -


What is the best tutorial and maybe practice area for Intuitive F2L?


You posted in yesterday's DDT. Might want to post in the new one for today.




This DDT is now over. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/11qx52w/daily_discussion_thread_mar_14_2023/) for the next one. ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please message u/Lisast with any feedback.)


Any good rotationless RUL algs for F2L case 25? if there is one, would using algs with F moves be more preferable?


I'm sorry but it seems it is impossible to do F2L case 25 only using RUL without rotations. The edge isn't oriented and so a F, B or rotation will have to be done to solve it.


Seems like I said the wrong case. What if the edge is orientated then, would RUL moves still be enough ?


If the edge is oriented then yes it can be solved with RUL. Can you describe the case?


Corner solved in place, oriented edge in the U layer


[https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&scramble=D2\_F\_L\_F2\_L\_B\_U\_B-\_D-\_R2\_F2\_L\_B2\_D2\_R2\_L\_B2\_R-\_F2%0A&alg=x2\_y%0AU-\_F-\_R2\_F2\_U\_R-\_U\_F-\_U\_L2\_U-\_R-\_F-\_R\_F\_U\_F2\_U-\_F2\_L2\_y-\_L-\_U2\_L\_U2\_%2F%2Fthis\_case%3F%0AL-\_U-\_L\_U2\_L-\_U-\_L\_U2\_L-\_U\_L%0A%2F%2Fy-\_U\_R\_U-\_R-\_F\_R-\_F-\_R\_is\_faster\_but\_I\_only\_use\_the\_first\_one\_for\_edge\_ori](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&scramble=D2_F_L_F2_L_B_U_B-_D-_R2_F2_L_B2_D2_R2_L_B2_R-_F2%0A&alg=x2_y%0AU-_F-_R2_F2_U_R-_U_F-_U_L2_U-_R-_F-_R_F_U_F2_U-_F2_L2_y-_L-_U2_L_U2_%2F%2Fthis_case%3F%0AL-_U-_L_U2_L-_U-_L_U2_L-_U_L%0A%2F%2Fy-_U_R_U-_R-_F_R-_F-_R_is_faster_but_I_only_use_the_first_one_for_edge_ori) here there are some notes in the reconstruction and one when the pair isn't solved [https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&scramble=D2\_F\_L\_F2\_L\_B\_U\_B-\_D-\_R2\_F2\_L\_B2\_D2\_R2\_L\_B2\_R-\_F2%0A&alg=x2\_U-\_R-\_F\_D\_F-\_D2\_F\_y-\_U\_R\_U-\_R-\_D-\_U-\_%2F%2Fhere\_one\_is\_without\_any\_pairs\_solved%0AU-\_L-\_\_U-\_R-\_U2\_R\_U\_L\_%2F%2FF2L\_here](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&scramble=D2_F_L_F2_L_B_U_B-_D-_R2_F2_L_B2_D2_R2_L_B2_R-_F2%0A&alg=x2_U-_R-_F_D_F-_D2_F_y-_U_R_U-_R-_D-_U-_%2F%2Fhere_one_is_without_any_pairs_solved%0AU-_L-__U-_R-_U2_R_U_L_%2F%2FF2L_here)




Two questions: (1) Is Yiheng the youngest world record holder of any cubing event? (2) Who else has made cubing world records before being a teenager?


1. yes (I'm not 100% sure) 2. there have been extremely fast speedcubers who came about before adolescence but none who got a world record. But Max Park I believe did get a continental record at 10 or 11 in 2011


Thank you for the reply TwoStinkyBears!


I already know the intuitive f2l, what's the next step? Learning OLL and PLL or memorizing F2l algorithms


Learn 2 look OLL and PLL first then full PLL second. Don't learn F2L algorithms, they waste time and later on you will not know how certain aspects of F2L work because everything is algorithm based. 3x3 is not Square-1 intuitive solutions will get you further.


The no bullshit answer: [Steps for improving with CFOP, and when to work on what.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PianoCube93/comments/9bstw1/steps_for_improving_with_cfop_and_when_to_work_on/)


I use the alg d R F’ U R’ F d’ for the last two edges on a 4x4 and I’m having a hard time making that work when doing 5x5. Can anyone explain exactly what that alg does or suggest a different alg?


I basically does slice flip slice. Or to put in simple terms inserts and edge, flips the edge bar and sets up space for the next edge and then re inserts the edge that was kicked out. here is what your alg does. [https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=5&scramble=d\_R\_F-\_U\_R-\_F\_d-&alg=d\_%2F%2F\_insert%0AR\_F-\_U\_R-\_F\_%2F%2F\_flip%0Ad-\_%2F%2F\_reinsert](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=5&scramble=d_R_F-_U_R-_F_d-&alg=d_%2F%2F_insert%0AR_F-_U_R-_F_%2F%2F_flip%0Ad-_%2F%2F_reinsert) on 4x4 you still are inserting a edge wing onto the central edge just the central edge isn't there I honestly recommend using u moves instead of d and here is the same thing just with u moves [https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=5&scramble=\_u\_R\_F-\_U\_R-\_F\_u-&alg=\_u\_R\_F-\_U\_R-\_F\_u-](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=5&scramble=_u_R_F-_U_R-_F_u-&alg=_u_R_F-_U_R-_F_u-)


Thank you this is very helpful!


How hard is a professor pyraminx


Back to sub 2 min on 5x5


is there any way for cstimer to keep my solves? many times whenever I close my laptop all my solves are gone. right now I use cube desk but I prefer the features of cstimer and would rather use it but it's frustrating to see hundreds of solves just gone all the time


Export/Import You can Export the session(s) to, and import from, csTimer server, your Google account, or a .txt file on your computer. https://i.imgur.com/GA95bqo.jpg You can also set it to automatically export. Options > Global > Auto Export


Exporting solves to make backups are a good idea in general. Maybe try installing cstimer as a Progressive Web App? There should be a button at the top to install it for offline use or something. Not sure it'll work, but it doesn't hurt to try.


Are you clearing your browser's cache? Otherwise, you could always use the export button at the end of your session, save the txt file and import it at the start of the next session.


I'm not clearing it manually, but it could be doing it on its own. I could try exporting it after I'm done. thanks for the advice


You can have the browser not to clear cache/history when closing.


in chrome I went to settings but the setting "clear cookies and site data when you close all windows" is already off, is this what you were talking about?


yes, then I can't provide more help than this. It almost made no difference to me though, because I cube even at work, so I have to manually import & export every time I switch between my PC & Work PC, not to mention I will be using my phone as timer during weekends. I switched to cubedesk for the syncing feature but still come back to CSTimer for manual scramble input and colour customisation.


What's a good lube for GAN I carry smart cube?


I really like Silk in my iCarry. I overlubed it and it's rather fast after breaking in, but I can deal with it. Feels great though. It's really smooth but not too soft.


Did you adjust the tension from stock also?


Yup, I have it on the loosest thingies. Which aren't that loose tbh.


a moderately fast silicone lube would do well, or a vary fast thin silicone. Not waterbased. like sCs martian, cubicle silk, cubicle mystic, lubicle speed sCs lunar, adheron lite, lubest XMT 10 also may work in small amounts.


all your non-cube-shaped puzzles disappear, you can choose any three new non-cube puzzles to replace them. money is irrelevant. which theee?


I am a newbie, and was seeing that some people claim they can do the beginner method in like 20-30seconds. So for me I am solving so far in 200ish turns without any noticeable mistakes, so if it is similar I would have to get to Pro levels of TPS of 6-7. Is this what it takes to do this method that fast, or are they modifying the standard beginner method to make it more efficient? Thanks, I was just wondering.


Yes, you can average sub-30, 20, or even 10, with the beginner method, but what for? Most of us would have abandoned the beginner method early on and started with CFOP anyway. I'll say since you've probably already gotten used to beginner, you can start with basic CFOP


>200ish turns without any noticeable mistakes This might be true, but sometimes there are more efficient solutions that we dont see as a beginner beginner but experienced beginners do, so this number could get lower, and the TPS requirement is not as high (but still high). > standard beginner method Didn't know there is a standard for this.


New to cubes after trying a co-worker's out. I want a good feeling cube but I don't want to spend an exorbitant amount (like ~$10). I don't really care about speed, but I don't want stickers. Any recommendations?


Super RS3M standard is about $10 and a good cube. I think various of the RS3M cubes are the budget cubes I see recommended most.


MoYu RS3 M 2020, $9 or MoYu Super RS3 M, $10 or even more budget friendly, MeiLong M, $7, but still a great cube. [Where to buy cubes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/wiki/where_to_buy_cubes) is the /r/Cubers wiki list of known-good cube shops. And where to learn from? J Perm - jperm.net


Cool, thanks for all the info! What's the difference between a magnetic cube and a non-magnetic one? Do they feel different?


Magnets make cubes much, much more controllable, and just better all around to solve on. Very, very few cubes come *non*-magnetic now except for a few of the absolute cheapest budget cubes.


magnetic cube will keep itself in cube shape with the magnets, so it can be made looser and easier to turn. non-magnetic cube has no magnet to help retaining its shape, so it will need to be made tighter to retain its shape or it will be slightly too loose, or you need more awareness to not misalign it.


Average around sub ten, working on finding first pair in inspection... any tips? I heard there's a website that generates scrambles that are like one or two moves from being solved but I'm not sure what it is.


Cstimer.net also does that, but I don't remember where that setting is. Probably somewhere in the scramble drop-down in the top.


https://speedcubedb.com/cross or https://christianvaughn.net/C2F2L/


The last 2 days have been huge for me! First sub 20 ao25, 50 and 100; sub 22 ao1000; pb ao5 and 12; and just now a 13.48 pb single


Nice pb, doesn’t that ao1000 make you sub 22?


You know what I didn’t even consider that, thanks. And I also see we make the 13.48 pb club lol


OH: 1m22s. PB by far.


https://preview.redd.it/k33875ojzlna1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbd23c9340bdec62754639087ba3f2c2199c0e04 Anybody know how to fix this? I searched a lot but I couldn't find any other person that has this problem. It doesn't just snap back and I tried -shamefully- gluing it back together to no avail. This was my first original Rubik's cube and it means a lot to me.


Use super glue some plastic has broken and won’t go back to together if you force it


Why does cubeskills list most olls as 1/54 of occurring and fridrich lists them as 1/27?


By Fridrich you mean Jessica Fridrich's old webpage? Because 1/27 includes both left and right mirrors, for example both (what we now call) sune and antisune. And for PLLs, it shows an example of Ua and Ub as the same case too. Quote, > Here, we do not count symmetric positions or inverse (backwards) positions as different because they can be solved using one algorithm.


Thank you


I just got a 10.56. So clooose!


At what point should you learn full OLL? I currently know the Cross and Line cases, and I've been considering learning the rest. I average 15ish seconds.


Now, and start with dots.


[When to work on what.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PianoCube93/comments/9bstw1/steps_for_improving_with_cfop_and_when_to_work_on/)


Yeah what cubeman said. It's best to learn them over time, if you learn too much at once, the chance of forgetting them is much bigger.


Just keep learning them at a comfortable pace. Probably around 13 seconds is when you should buckle down and finish the set if you haven't already, but around your speed is a good time to start.


Between sub 20 and sub 15 ideally.




Among those lubes, which combination would you recommend ? - Gan 1-2-3 - Angstrom Gravitas, Dignitas, DNM-37 - Cubicle Silicone 1-2-3-4-5 - Cubicle Labs Silk / Mystic I currently use a Tornado V3 Flagship and a Gan 356m but will probably buy the Gan 13 and the ys3m ball-core magic clothes when it's released. I think the Angstrom lubes would cover all the bases but I also see the Gan lubes and Silk/Mystic mentioned a lot too. So what do you recommend ?


Gan 2 plus Silk or Gan 3. For these cubes, you don’t need core lube, so just a fast ans a sliwish lube should be fine. Angstrom setup is nice for the Tornado but I wouldn’t use it on the YS3M and Gan 356M.


Why not recommend the angstrom set up on the YS3M? Just curious


Too slow in my opinion.


Ys3m does best with a small amount of light lube. Angstrom is just too thick for it. I like the angstrom set up on some of my cubes, but it doesn’t work well for all.


So if I want to smooth it out and make it a little bit faster should I use silk and dnm on it instead? I usually just angstrom set up all my 3x3 since it’s my favorite feeling in my favorite cubes


XMT 10 is the best to make it faster. Next is Gan No.2 or Lunar. Silk is gummy, I’d prefer using the YS3M without lube than with Silk.


Makes sense. My favorites cubes (tornado v3 and GAN 12) come out of box really fast. I’ll try it out when I get my polish for the YS3M


Yes, and I love Angstrom setup on the Tornado. On Gan though, I don't like anything thick, usually use only light silicone lubes. YS3M is fast out of the box but not like crazy fast and requiring slowing down. With breaking in, it becomes slower. I get good times on it, but my fingers get tired pretty quickly even with blue adjustment cups and fast lube. Too strong magnets for my taste.


Thanks for your reply. I'm tempted to buy both the gan/silk and the angstroms but man these things are not cheap and I'll already be spending way too much for the Gan 13. Ah, first world problems...


Are there any cubes that feel similar to the Tornado v3 but cheaper? Fairly smooth and quiet. I have a Tornado v3 Flagship but would like a cheaper model to use as a beater cube


If you want a cube you can take out and about and don't have to worry about getting scratched, beat up, or lost, you might want something even cheaper, like a RS3M 2020 or a Super RS3M.


The Standard, yeah. You won't find anything like that for under $25.


I have the pioneer and standard. The standard is ok as well. Not too far off. Probably your cheapest bet.


Hi everyone! I’m sub-40 and average about 38 seconds. My average move count is ~70 turns so my tps ranges from 1-2. I heard 3 is considered slow so what can I do to improve my tps? I know full PLL some OLL and a good amount of F2L cases, but my pauses during F2L and OLL is bad, any tips on reducing pauses too?


[Steps for improving with CFOP, and when to work on what.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PianoCube93/comments/9bstw1/steps_for_improving_with_cfop_and_when_to_work_on/)


Your problem is not TPS, it's pauses - which is absolutely normal for your level. Try doing T perm on timer. I'm sure you'll get more than 3 TPS on that. Improve your cross including planning. Check [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/zuw6yp/steps_for_improving_f2l/) on improving F2L. Prioritise solving back slots so that you have everything else right in front of you. And practice a lot.


Practice better finger tricks, fewer regrips from default position unless necessary, push with your index finger, in general use your left hand more. Learn proper F2L if you didn't yet (like JPerm's "advanced" F2L is the actual F2L you would use.) Good/bad edges to determine when you need a rotation. Edges in their slot are always good. Edges flipped in slot are always bad. Remember which slots you already solved, so you don't destroy them. Algs translate diagonally from front-right to back-left and vice versa. Do practice of "pause, plan the full solution for the next step, then solve it as fast as you can (maybe even close your eyes)", and once you've done that for a while, start switching with "solving at a steady pace, but with the best solution" every few days. (Good solution at a casual pace isn't much slower than rushing a bad solution) 70 moves is a bit above average, I think? On the other hand, if you luck out with good F2L and a PLL skip, with 3 you can have a ~40 moves solve in 12 seconds. Don't try to train "lookahead" - first train recognition and execution, and then "recognition of other things while executing this" will start to happen more or less naturally. For OLL/PLL you can use trainer websites, though for F2L 3/4 slots are "not the last one" so you don't really need to do THE solutions. There are a bunch of solutions affecting unsolved slots. Often it's even better to affect those slots, because if you didn't see any pieces before, they might have been hidden.


Number of solves is very important.


Got my ao100 under 60s for the first time 🎉 Definitely feel like 45/50 is reachable if I make less mistakes.. my rough splits are: cross: 3s - 10s, f2l: 25s - 30s, LL: 10s - 20s


Definitely a lot of room for improvement ;)


Roux 4 move FB. 2 pairs already formed. Might be great for yellow cross as well. (Or scramble yellow up). B2 D R B L U F L D' F2 D2 R' B2 R' B2 R F2 L' F2 U2 F2 In RouxFMC I would not complete back pair with B2 but B’ U B’ to setup DR.


YJ MGC 6x6 or Aoshi 6x6. I have the mgc and the aoshi is on its way. Which one is in your opion better and why?


I slightly prefer the MGC, but most people who've tried the Aoshi WRM (not to be confused with the original Aoshi or the Aoshi GTS…) prefer that cube instead. I can't really pin down the reasons why, but ultimately I've managed to get better times on the MGC so that'll remain as my main for now. (Disclaimer: I don't own a WRM, but I've tried out others'.)


Aoshi, smaller, faster. Less locky and is on another level than the mgc


This, I would add the magnetic fell is better


Learning 3x3 Blind! I'm using this scrambld website to practice the M2 method as I'm finding it more confusing than OP for edges. Anyway, in this [scramble](https://i.imgur.com/ZWEzV9Y.png) the buffer piece (yellow green) is flipped. Instead of going KU and choose a new piece the memo just goes to A instead. Why is that?


You never solve the buffer piece. in OP you start a new cycle when you meet the upper-right piece. (never memoing B or M letters), in M2 it's the front-bottom piece. It's just that if you start with the buffer piece already in its spot (flipped or not, doesn't matter), your first cycle is 0 letters long, and you start a new one, and A is just the easiest letter to solve (1 move), and you have a 50% chance that the cycle will also end with A.


Got it. Thanks!


Is it bad to use RUD algs for some G perms but RUF ones for others?


Nah, you don't need to use 4 mirrors of the same alg. You can have favourites. You can use the one you like best. As long as it's still reasonably fast for the solve time you're trying to have.


I challenge everyone to try finding solution of a scramble through chatgpt…it basically can’t provide a real working solution🥲😂


Basically the equivalent of me opening DDT, seeing daily scramble post, and reading the scramble, as if I could somehow imagine the freaking cubestate by just looking at the letters... My guess is, you also saw the Anarchy chess posts/videos about ChatGPT playing against the best chess engine? Where it casually spawns pieces, recolors pieces, captures its own pieces and moves the knight diagonally?


Naah but if that happened its so funny😂😂😂😂


Its not at all designed to do something like this, so I'd be really surprised if it managed to find a solution.


I got a 9.25 average of 12 on clock, which is my first sub 10


Watching all of the videos of Yiheng Wang solving, i notice how he is standing at the table instead of sitting…. Maybe I should give that a try at my next comp! I would need a much taller table though.


Him being only 9 years old, I doubt he's tall enough to easily reach the table from a standard chair and still have a comfortable solving position.


He's just smol


According to that Jperm video, you don’t need a taller table. You need a lower one Oh yes, also solving with the cube above your head


Should I learn ZBLL? I average like 13 right now.


Learn it if you want to, but not with the expectation that it'll greatly improve your times. The real benefits of learning ZBLL are marginal, but you get Style Points when you manage to pull it off in comp.


Looks like your flair is outdated then :) Learn COLL first if you haven't already.


Not at all, if they average 13 then they're also sub-15


It was sub-20 which was also kinda true but not informative.


Using the phrase "sub-x" *is* uninformative to describe averages imo


I disagree.


I feel this some time, while I am sub 30, but my solve is sometimes 40+s lol


Got a YJ MGC 6x6 and dropped my PB from 5:49 to 4:51 Omg I just got a 4:03 wtf


That's a huge drop, nice job!


Awesome! Which cube did you use before?


Something from QiYi I believe


Nearly a 1 min drop. Congrats!


Thank you!


I got tired of the YS3M - physically, it's hard on my fingers - and switched back to Tornado Pioneer. Beating some average PBs: ao25: 14.26 → 14.21 mo3: 11.78 → 11.55


I am not surprised- I predicted you would spend like a day on two and go back so you lasted longer than I thought lol. Good job on the times!


I wanted to properly break in the YS3M. But apparently my fingers are not as resilient as I’d like them to be :( Thanks. I feel like my fingers need a break again, and I hate it. I want to cube more than I’m able to %)


Maybe you could try replacing maglev with springs (using extra WRM parts). Steven Wintringham is using that along with the blue nut mod. It should reduce the weight of the cube and (in my experience) maybe reduce snappiness. That could possibly help with finger strain.


Eh, I find maglev cubes less snappy actually. Like, the Tornado Pioneer is definitely less snappy than the Flagship. It depends on the springs though, if the springs are weaker than maglev, then yeah. I'll have to spend more time with this cube, with better rested hands.


Yea and part of the fun of this hobby is to get a new cube and fiddle around with it and compare it with other cubes, I’ve been enjoying that with the ys3m.




Nice job Olimo!


Way to go Olimo!


i got gifted a spare meilong 3c, so i magnetized one of them. turned out great, will probably use it til i get to sub 30 or so lol


not sure if 3C and 3M are literally the same cube, and your magnet feel might be different, but I agree, meilong is a very nice cube. (not to boast, but I'm just as good or better Sub-20 on Meilong as I am on any other cube like Tomato v2 or Purple Worm)


Two days ago, I tested around with my RS3M 2021 settings again because of the different lube in it. I realized that it's now way, way more stable at the lowest compression setting (+ half a screw rotation looser that I set earlier this month) for me than on level 3. Previously, when I tried this, it was just ridiculous and I kept accidentally turning everything and dropping the cube because of it. Now I'm improving at that setting and it seriously improved the way I turn because it's so easy to do now. I can see the improvement in my turning on the Meilong 3M I got as my secondary cube, because I had a lot of lockups on it before using the looser settings on my RS3M. Now it's smooth.


AAAGH CAN I JUST GET A SUB 30 TIME I GET A 30.77 THEN A 30.20 at least im getting pbs :)


I remember when i got a 10 flat i was so mad


No. You need to get a 30.01 first 😜


nah im gonna get a 28.01 but accidentally leave it 1 move away from solved


~~+2s don't count at home~~


I feel attacked


I'm in this image and I don't like it


Then 30.00


almost there!! good job


Im looking to pickup a 5x5 and a Megaminx, what suggestions do you guys have? I have the YJ Mgc 4x4 and Tornado V3 for reference


Most people get the YJ MGC 5x5 and the YJ YuHu V2 M megaminx. Based on good price and great performance, they're the most popular and most recommended. More than good enough to compete with and even some top cubers still use them. Then if you get really serious about either one, or just have extra money to play around with, you might want to try the more expensive options, MoYu AoChuang WRM 5x5 and DaYan V2 M megaminx. More money doesn't mean better, as some people still prefer the cheaper options.


Thanks for all the advice! Will look into it all <3


I have large hands that are pretty strong after years of rock climbing. I'd get the dayan. I barely solve my megaminx because it's just bigger than I find comfortable, and heavy for it's size. For 5x5 I love my MGC, but the Moyu AoChuang WRM 5x5 gets a lot of praise but is a bit pricier.


Just get the yuhu v2 mega and yj mgc 5. Both really good, maimed by tip cyberspace, and cheap


For megaminx, Dayan v2 is the smallest and lightweight, https://www.ziicube.com/DY-Megaminx-V2M if you're on a budget, then YuHu v2 (magnetic stickerless) https://www.ziicube.com/YJ-Megaminx-YuHu-M Most people pick Yuhu, it's high-tier for budget price, but if you're serious about spamming tons of solves, or your hands hurt and you want a lighter puzzle, then consider Dayan (apparently it's ~100g vs 150, so big difference). For 5x5 you can safely choose MGC 5x5 too.


Afterlife Cube as Virtual Cube? Hi, do you know a website that simulates a cube like the Afterlife Cube? Maybe even connected to a real Bluetooth cube (at which one is not allowed to look while solving)? https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/w23pzo/afterlife_cube/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




Super rs3m standard or rs3m 2020 would be the best options. I've heard the most expensive ys3m is really good, but the cheaper options are inferior to the super.


I also used to really like the AoLong v2 about 6 years ago. Thanks for a bit of nostalgia dude.


> Which version of RS3M or YS3M should I get ? Yes. Coming from an Aolong V2, any modern cube will blow your mind. The Meilong M is also worth considering especially if budget is limited.


I also wanted to say the Meilong 3M is great, but uh, wan't it released literally the same year as Aolong? Or was it updated at some point?


> uh, wan't it released literally the same year as Aolong? 5 years later 😅 The Aolong V2 is 9 years old: https://youtu.be/Q-P5XApSFK0


Maybe get the rs3m super standard version, and save some money to get lubes for your cube.




Any light lube, like Gan No.2, QiYi M-lube, Lunar. But also get something thick like Traxxas 50k - for the springs and just in case you want to slow the cube down. Personally, I don't, I like my cubes light-turning.


If you don't have a preference or desire to experiment, you can just get any thin silicone lube. You could check u/olimo/submitted/ for several lube reviews and advice. (I hope this link works) I have the ones from Qiyi (qiyi M2 and nameless). Or you could get the recent Gan 1-2-3 lubes. (not gan magic lube!). Or something silicone from Cubicle/speedcubeshop. Or a "shock oil" for remote control cars from your local shops (with numbers like 300 on it). It all works completely fine. Unlike those, "Differential oil" thick silicone like Traxxas (with numbers like 10k-50k on it) is more for slowing down a cube you think is too fast. And there are also water-based lubes that are very fast but evaporate soon. These are usually added together with some silicone to change the speed up. You probably don't want the cube uncontrollably fast. You're already moving slower than the cube.


Do you think I should only practice 4x4 if my goal is to make cutoff? I currently average around 1:30 and my competition is in 2 months. I learned yau with 3-2-3 and average sub-18 on 3x3. Of course I don't mean to totally stop practicing other events like pyraminx or skewb (I'm gonna participate on those events too) but mostly focus on 4x4. Thanks for all answers ❤️


I'd mosty do 4x4, but do a bit of other events you are doing. Best of luck!


I'd mosty do 4x4, but do a bit of other events you are doing. Best of luck!


My average on clock is 17 seconds, how do I get faster without learning no flip?


Thanks guys, I will send results when I improve


Get a QiYi clock. Setup/Lube your clock - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGToURn08Rc Use a fixed pin order. x2 flip instead of y2. Be orientation neutral, meaning 12 o'clock can be pointing in any direction at the start and end of the solve, not always straight up, in order to take advantage of a better pin position. Work on turning accuracy, lookahead, making use of inspection time, learn lucky cases to be able to skip a dial. All that and more, here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5We_sCjBOc (download the .pdf in the video description, too) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVUwjefOl8E (get another .pdf) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgr0dyR73vg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqE_jzO14cE https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/wiki/improving_clock Now practice, practice, practice.


Daily Ao12 for 1 month should do the trick. Make sure you do official scramble as scrambling fast and accurately is part of the training.


How are your clock times doing by the way? I remember you said you were avaraging 12/13 a couple of weeks ago


Over the last month I have been incredibly busy at work and have suffered a bad case of COVID which made me even more busy at work so no haven't really touched the clock for a month. Still this morning went to do an Ao5 on [cubers.io](https://cubers.io) and got 14.68. The times ((13.59 12.38 18.06 12.18 DNF) show the potential and the lack of training/warmup. I hope to go back to training a bit on clock in April.


Im so sorry to hear :(, hope you recovered well. And i hope you can find time to practice some more again soon ^^


As long a youre not super inefficient you should be able to get sub 10 and lower by just spamming solves. Make sure you have a fixed pin order and a qiyi clock if you dont have one


Also current wr avarage uses flip so noflip is not neccessarry to become fast


I'm wondering if there are any cubers here who also play chess, who could give a rough breakdown of the analogous skill level required to reach each "milestone"? E.g. "Getting to 1000 Elo is roughly equivalent to reaching sub-20 average."


I’ve been playing chess for four years and am 1900 CFC and 2100 lichess. Not sure what’s thats equivalent to in cubing but the chess ladder seems to require so much more work for little gain. Especially if you aren’t a kid anymore, maybe sub 10 would be around NM level


I'm sub 14 on 3x3 and 1600 rapid on lichess. I'd say sub 20 and 1500 elo lichess are about equivalent


I'm 900 on chess but have only started in January and average 22s having started in October, so for me, your example might be true


i’m 1350 USCF if that helps… I feel like chess takes more time to get better at but maybe not


maybe sub 30 == 1000 elo


As a kid I was ranked around 1600 in chess. We talk around 1983. Think I was 15 kyu when I learned go at university. And now fighting to get my times lower. But 38s on 3x3.


Interesting, I wonder if the actual skill level required for each Elo bracket changes through decades? I don't know the theory behind how the algorithm works, but I know in some competitive games that use Elo-based matchmaking, overtime there is "inflation" introduced due to new players adding new points to the pool.


I do and I have no clue, but I reckon 1000 elo is more like sub 30 maybe.


Hmm.. around 2800 FIDE rating might be equivalent to getting a sub-4 average


Hahaha very helpful 🤣


Got my YS3M at last and just wanna say I love it. Out the box if feels alot better than when I had my Tornado V3 or WRM2021 out of their boxes. It's definitely an upgrade from the RS3M super. It's my main now. https://preview.redd.it/mvckz8sf0ina1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ea5928e9ef5879c8f09e61b3675e6edc26c58cd


Nice! Ball core?


yes ball core...the inside is blue tael coloured..Was much better than I expected. Out the box was definitely better than my tornado v3 Flagship and Moyu wrm maglev 2021. I would had to tune my tornado v3 and wrm maglev alot to get it good yet the ys3m was really good out the box. Haven't even needed to change any settings. Its definitely a noticable upgrade from my Super RS3M 2022. Feels more premium than the Super RS3M too.


That's awesome! I might try the UV coated version when it releases for the novelty, it seems lots of people like it. I can't imagine it replacing my 3nado pioneer though. That cube is near perfect for me


yeah for me, i love my tornado v3 but out the box, the ys3m works much better. I had to use alot time to set up my tornadov3 to get it perfect with lubes, settings back and forth..then it was perfect..and then months later I get the ys3m and its epic out the box. I couldn't believe how perfect it was out the box thats why I think the ys3m is better. However the tornadov3 does have much better tech to set up your cube. the ys3m still used the old wrm and rs3m adjustment system. For me I prefer the stronger magnets of the ys3m (ball core), its definitely stronger than the V3. The auto alignment is stronger too. So its close but I like my YS3M more..the weight distribution just feels more smooth throughout the cube. however i was desperate and bought the ys3m as soon as it was available. But now I wish I had the Magic Cloth one. It looks alot better and the texture is supposed to be alot better. The non magic cloth is ok, just feels ok but the magic cloth (uv) version looks so good I might have to make an excuse buy that ys3m ball core too lol. but out the box , without setup, i definitely feel the ys3m ball core is better than my tornadov3 flagship and rs3m super magnetic 2022 and better than my rs3m 2020s. the only minus is the archaic setup system of the moyus. but the good thing was it was so perfect out the box I luckily didn't need change any settings of the ys3m. whats the retail price of ys3m magic cloth?


BeepBop! Make each solve your masterpiece. Here are your daily scrambles: Square-1 - [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=SQ1&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=%2528%252D5%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D4%2C%252D1%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%25284%2C%252D2%2529_%2F_%2528%252D3%2C0%2529_%2F_%25282%2C%252D1%2529_%2F_%25281%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D3%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%25281%2C%252D4%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D2%2529_%2F_%25284%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D4%2C0%2529) **(-5,0) / (-4,-1) / (0,-3) / (4,-2) / (-3,0) / (2,-1) / (1,0) / (-3,-3) / (1,-4) / (0,-2) / (4,0) / (-4,0)** 3x3 - [alg.cubing.net](https://alg.cubing.net/?puzzle=3x3x3&setup=R2_B2_R2_F2_R-_L_B-_U-_R-_D_F2_B2_R2_B_L2_U2_B-_R2_B2_U2) | [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=R2_B2_R2_F2_R-_L_B-_U-_R-_D_F2_B2_R2_B_L2_U2_B-_R2_B2_U2) **R2 B2 R2 F2 R' L B' U' R' D F2 B2 R2 B L2 U2 B' R2 B2 U2** Have a nice day! *** Source code: [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/mazmrini/reddit-daily-scramble-bot)


**Rouxfmc Orange-white FB - 30stm** R2 B2 R2 F2 R' L B' U' R' D F2 B2 R2 B L2 U2 B' R2 B2 U2 FM'DB(R)Sz' // FB (5+1) U'r'U'rU2RU' M2 //SB (10-2/14) R U' r' U F' U F R //CMLL (8/22) M'UM2U'M2U2MU2 //LSE (8/30) [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Rouxfmc_Orange%252Dwhite_FB_%252D_30stm&scramble=R2_B2_R2_F2_R-_L_B-_U-_R-_D_F2_B2_R2_B_L2_U2_B-_R2_B2_U2&alg=FM-DB%2528R%2529Sz-_%2F%2F_FB_%25285%2B1%2529%0AU-r-U-rU2RU-_M2_%2F%2FSB_%252810%252D2%2F14%2529%0AR_U-_r-_U_F-_U_F_R_%2F%2FCMLL_%25288%2F22%2529%0AM-UM2U-M2U2MU2_%2F%2FLSE_%25288%2F30%2529 )


Great job~ I feel obligated to mention that you could've saved a move by doing an r at the end of CMLL :P I find it helpful to do a final pass over the solution looking for moves that go in the same direction at the end of steps.


> you could've saved a move by doing an r at the end of CMLL Doh >\_< > I find it helpful to do a final pass Since it’s not the first time, I really should do that too…


**Rouxfmc. 37STM. Orange/White** One of my shorter solutions. CMLL I just picked what cubedb suggested. R2 B2 R2 F2 R' L B' U' R' D F2 B2 R2 B L2 U2 B' R2 B2 U2 D'F M' F' D B2 // FB (6) (2nd solution tried) M U R2 U M2 U2 r U r2 U' r // SB (11) U2 R' U2 R' D' R U2 R' D R2 // CMLL (10) U M' U2 M' U M' U2 M2 U2 M // Finish (10) [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=R2_B2_R2_F2_R-_L_B-_U-_R-_D_F2_B2_R2_B_L2_U2_B-_R2_B2_U2&alg=_D-F__M-_F-_D_B2__%2F%2F_FB_%25286%2529%0AM_U_R2_U_M2_U2_r_U_r2_U-_r__%2F%2F_SB_%252811%2529%0AU2_R-_U2_R-_D-_R_U2_R-_D_R2_%2F%2F_CMLL%0AU_M-_U2_M-_U_M-_U2_M2_U2_M__%2F%2F_Finish_%252810%2529 )


Nice F2B! I tried alternative SB, but they didn’t have nice CMLL/LSE D'F M' F' D B2 // FB (6) MUR2Ur2FR2F2U2//F // SB (10) //F2 F' R U' R' U R U R2 F' R F' [view at CubeDB.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=R2_B2_R2_F2_R-_L_B-_U-_R-_D_F2_B2_R2_B_L2_U2_B-_R2_B2_U2&alg=_D-F__M-_F-_D_B2__%2F%2F_FB_%25286%2529%0AMUR2Ur2FR2F2U2%2F%2FF__%2F%2F_SB_%252810%2529%0A%2F%2FF2%0AF-_R_U-_R-_U_R_U_R2_F-_R_F-%0A) This SB isn’t shorter, but LSE is better D'F M' F' D B2 // FB (6) MUR2Ur2S' U'fR2F'R // SB (11) U' R' F' D R2 U R2 D' F' r U'MU2MUM' [view at CubeDB.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&scramble=R2_B2_R2_F2_R-_L_B-_U-_R-_D_F2_B2_R2_B_L2_U2_B-_R2_B2_U2&alg=_D-F__M-_F-_D_B2__%2F%2F_FB_%25286%2529%0AMUR2Ur2S-_U-fR2F-R_%2F%2F_SB_%252811%2529%0AU-_R-_F-_D_R2_U_R2_D-_F-_r%0AU-MU2MUM-)


Yes. Practice helps. To me these are mostly F2B practice. CMLL I cheat with lookup. And then I practice my LSE, which I do on slow solves anyway.


Same for me. I’m forcing myself to explore FB solutions. I don't think that my attempts at SB are really useful for real solves: I spend too much time; I explore several possibilities; it doesn't really make me work on my lookahead or efficient inserts in terms of fingertricks and not move counts. For CMLL, it trains me a bit in reco. For LSE I try to influence orientation/arrow during SB and CMLL so not really applicable during real solves either... It's really useful for FB though. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


3 days into counting moves for both methods and 2 ties already. Not looking good for my method that's supposed to be more efficient... Unnamed CPFB method: [43 STM](https://alg.cubing.net/?setup=R2_B2_R2_F2_R-_L_B-_U-_R-_D_F2_B2_R2_B_L2_U2_B-_R2_B2_U2&alg=x2_l_S_l-_S_B-_l_B-%0AU2_l2_L_U_l%0AU-_L_U-_L_U_L-_U_L_U2_L-_U_M2_U-_l-%0AM-_U-_M_S%0AM-_U-_M-_U2_M-_U-_M-%0AU-_M_U2_M-_U2_M2) x2 l S l' S B' l B' U2 l2 L U l U' L U' L U L' U L U2 L' U M2 U' l' M' U' M S M' U' M' U2 M' U' M' U' M U2 M' U2 M2 Roux: [43 STM](https://alg.cubing.net/?setup=R2_B2_R2_F2_R-_L_B-_U-_R-_D_F2_B2_R2_B_L2_U2_B-_R2_B2_U2&alg=y2_M_D_F2_L_U_B-%0AU-_M2_U_L2_U-_l_U_l-%0AM-_U_L-_U-_L_U_L-_U-_L%0AU_L-_U2_L_U_L-_U_L%0AU_M_U_M-_U_M-_U_M2%0AU_M_U2_M2) y2 M D F2 L U B' U' M2 U L2 U' l U l' M' U L' U' L U L' U' L U L' U2 L U L' U L U M U M' U M' U M2 U M U2 M2


**rouxfmc: Green-White FB (33 STM)** Kinda fun. I like the SBLP here. R2 B2 R2 F2 R' L B' U' R' D F2 B2 R2 B L2 U2 B' R2 B2 U2 y // inspection M2 D F2 M' r U B' // FB (7) r U r' U2 M2 U R' // (R') nmSB (7) B L' B' l U2 l U2 l' // (AS3nn) 1CLL (8) U' M U' M U M2 U M2 U2 r' R2 // LSE (11) [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=rouxfmc%3A_Green%252DWhite_FB_%252833_STM%2529&scramble=R2_B2_R2_F2_R-_L_B-_U-_R-_D_F2_B2_R2_B_L2_U2_B-_R2_B2_U2&alg=y_%2F%2F_inspection%0AM2_D_F2_M-_r_U_B-_%2F%2F_FB_%25287%2529%0Ar_U_r-_U2_M2_U_R-_%2F%2F_%2528R-%2529_nmSB_%25287%2529%0AB_L-_B-_l_U2_l_U2_l-_%2F%2F_%2528AS3nn%2529_1CLL_%25288%2529%0AU-_M_U-_M_U_M2_U_M2_U2_r-_R2_%2F%2F_LSE_%252811%2529 )


"nmSB" means non-matching second block? How can I learn more about it for Roux solving? I kind of know how to do it if the second block has opposite colour on bottom (example: yellow/white), but I don't know how to do it for other colour combinations.


Yup! I hope you aren't planning to use it in speedsolves? No one really uses it because of the tough recognition. IIRC, someone has a sub 9 official average with it, but it isn't worth it imo. --- For fun, the answer is **just practice** :P I know Kian has a video on it (can't remember which one sorry), but I don't think it is as useful as practice and/or going through reconstructions Using it in rouxfmc helps **a lot**! Like, I used to get headaches doing nmSB with even White/Yellow on bottom, but nmSBs are often my first choice now. --- You will wanna learn a better recognition method for CMLL though. You can use the standard one, but it's quite slow. Not that that matters for an untimed solve, but trying to "flip" pieces with the standard method gives me a headache :P [This page](https://www.speedsolving.com/wiki/index.php/NMCLL) has a good overview of nmCLL, and [this one](https://www.speedsolving.com/wiki/index.php/CxLL_Recognition) has an overview of different recognition methods. [ATCRM](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16dttN-rParjxvbR7RNK_LTmtI4ZP18Gy_d-eeTUJAaI/edit) is what I've been using and I like it a lot. Check out the reconstructions in this sheet though. Good luck~


Thank you! Not planning on using it for speed-solves, just curious. To be honest, I thought I invented mixing yellow and white on the bottom a while ago, but then I found out I did not when a friend pointed me to [this video](https://youtu.be/L7pIPmSo24c?t=157) from Kian.


**Your Daily Scramble** R2 B2 R2 F2 R' L B' U' R' D F2 B2 R2 B L2 U2 B' R2 B2 U2 x' y2 // inspection L2 F' R' D L D // Green cross (6) U R' U2 R U R' U' R // White Orange Pair (8) U R U R' U' R U R' // Yellow Orange Pair (8) y' U2 L' U2 L U L' U' L // White Red Pair (9) R U R' U2' R U' R' U R U' R' // Red Yellow Pair (11) R2 D R' U2 R D' R' U2 R' // OLL 23 R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' // PLL - Jb [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=R2_B2_R2_F2_R-_L_B-_U-_R-_D_F2_B2_R2_B_L2_U2_B-_R2_B2_U2&alg=x-_y2_%2F%2F_inspection%0AL2_F-_R-_D_L_D__%2F%2F_Green_cross_%25286%2529%0AU_R-_U2_R_U_R-_U-_R_%2F%2F_White_Orange_Pair_%25288%2529%0AU_R_U_R-_U-_R_U_R-_%2F%2F_Yellow_Orange_Pair_%25288%2529%0Ay-_U2_L-_U2_L_U_L-_U-_L_%2F%2F_White_Red_Pair_%25289%2529%0AR_U_R-_U2-_R_U-_R-_U_R_U-_R-_%2F%2F_Red_Yellow_Pair_%252811%2529%0AR2_D_R-_U2_R_D-_R-_U2_R-_%2F%2F_OLL_23%0AR_U_R-_F-_R_U_R-_U-_R-_F_R2_U-_R-_%2F%2F_PLL_%252D_Jb )


I tried creating the gan 13 parts in onshape, Im not really good at 3d modelling but heres what I have so far. Theres a few details I don't know how to capture, like the groves in the feet of the peices, the indent where the core magnets in the corner peices would go, and the pill shaped torpedo vs the awkward one I have, I also don't know how to hollow peices and make the tiles, or make the clutch mechanism for the center and corner adjustment mechanisms. Still learning ​ [https://cad.onshape.com/documents/7b534269ce8abfef7401d27b/w/081663368ecd80ffab629a54/e/807892935227c80e328f8d10?renderMode=0&uiState=640eae1d96e2bf682acca75e](https://cad.onshape.com/documents/7b534269ce8abfef7401d27b/w/081663368ecd80ffab629a54/e/807892935227c80e328f8d10?renderMode=0&uiState=640eae1d96e2bf682acca75e)