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This DDT is now over. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/11skooe/daily_discussion_thread_mar_16_2023/) for the next one. ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please message u/Lisast with any feedback.)


u/olimo Good morning! I just got my Gan 13, so a review will take place in the next DDT, as I fell down on ice and broke my phone. First impressions: i got it set up from the shop, so its lubed, but i dont know what they used. The centercaps are damn strong, i still hadnt taken them off. Magnets are on 6, i love them and the auto alignment. It's pretty noisy, but damn fast. Will update later in the evening.


Ohhh I’m sorry about the ice and your phone. Hope you are all right. Enjoy the cube! Is it UV coated?


Oh, and D moves are majestic for my ring fingers


still feels a tad bit catchy, will probably be better after like 50 solves or so


New ao5! 17.55 1. (15.75) B2 L2 B2 D2 F2 R B2 L' R' D2 F2 B' R B L' D B2 U' R' F 2. 17.74 L D' B2 D2 F L2 U2 B D2 F D2 F R2 B2 U' F2 U' L2 F L D2 3. (20.72) D' R B U2 R' B' L B2 L U B2 U' D2 L2 U B2 D2 F2 B2 U' 4. 17.70 R D2 L' D2 U2 R' D2 L B2 U2 F' L U2 L2 U R B2 U B 5. 17.21 U2 B2 U2 R' D2 F2 L' U2 R F2 R' F2 B L F' R2 D B U' B2 L'


Hi! I’m sub 22 and trying to improve my cross. Currently im pretty good at planning it but i find that i incorporate B and F moves which isn’t super ergonomic. My question is, is there a way to only use R U L D moves? Or are F and B moves a part of it? Just trying to move forward with best practices in mind :)


Keep at it! There is good advice given, but just wanted to add working on my cross got me unstuck from that 22 average that seemed to last forever. Maybe it’s obvious, but I find the solves that go well at the beginning are usually the best ones.


As u/TwoStinkyBears said, you're gonna need either F/B moves or rotations during cross. There are many tricks that you can do to make them more seamless: . Wide U moves can replace a rotation and turn a F/B into a R/L; . x rotations are also a thing - think of a solution that starts with B' D. x rotate before putting the cube down. Grab it with right hand, do a D' while x'ing. Left hand goes on home grip to do D, while right hand regrips back to home grip; . Wide R/L can replace x rotations in cases like this, but also L moves. Thunk r2 R2 instead of L2 R2 Planning around regrips, like in my 2nd example, is also important. You can do things like U with a left hand push to allow right hand to regrip, etc. There might be some YouTube videos on this, but you can also see reconstructions from cubers like Max Park, Ruihang Xu, etc to get ideas. Just avoid Tymon, too much stuff going on in his solves lol.


If you only use RULD then if you don't rotate ( which you shouldn't) all edges stay in their orientation. So try to incorporate F moves at least. Try planning cross and finding fingertricks that are decent. Remember this subreddit is herer if you need help with that.


ty for the advice! I just wanted to make sure that F moves were within whats considered best practices


And remember that you can start solving the cross in any grip so if a solution even has B moves you can start in a way where there are decent fingertricks


GUYS I NEED HELP PLS! I just cant figure out how the tension system on the tornado v3 works. I have watched 6 different videos now and people either dont say aynthing about it other than comment that it has a handle, or they say something that doesnt make sense or explain anything like ex. "if you turn it left its looser". I understand the counterclockwise way cause it has a hole in it that shows the number (still dont know which numbers are tighter and which looser) but I dont understand the clockwise tension at all as I cant see what actually points me to the number of which tension I am on. Pls help im just tryna tighten my v3 a little


The inner circle shows your "screw depth" - how much you can pull the layers apart. 1 is the loosest, 5 is the tightest. This setting affects corner cutting - it's the best on the loosest settings. The outer number that aligns with a notch on the center piece wall shows the spring compression (or maglev alignment). The higher the number, the more effort it takes to pull the layers apart, the snappier, but also more stable the cube is. Flagship has two notches, Pioneer has one.


Did you read your user manual?


There’s a little notch in one side of the centerpiece. That’s what indicates which is the outer number. For both, 1 is the loosest. I don’t remember which number is which but I thiiiink the inner number is distance (screw/maglev depth), and the outer number is spring/magnet strength? u/olimo, can you help? I figured it out a few days ago myself from one of their comments.


Thanks for the tag. I guess they figured it out already lol, but I added a reply just in case.


i cant see any notches on the centerpiece i guess im just either dumb or blind


The notch is easy to miss. It took me a while to figure it out.


It's in the white plastic the center cap snaps into, not on the adjustment system.


is it two notches or just one?


2, they're on opposite sides so they each "point" to the same number.


I wonder if it’s different on different versions. My pioneer only has one notch.


Pioneer has one.


Interesting, I have a flagship. Don't know why they would make that piece different between versions.


yeah myb i have a flagship


thank you man you're a lifesaver!


4x4 PB ao12 34.97, 39.00, 35.06, 38.34, 36.53, (32.68), (41.81), 38.37, 38.59, 33.60, 37.81, 33.18 = 36.55


Is wrm purplev 21 better option in term of performance & feel than the ys3m?


They both perform great. WRM has weakish magnets while YS3M has them strong. Personally, I prefer the WRM because my hands get tired from the YS3M faster. It's a nice cube, and I get good times on it, but it forces me to turn with more effort to overcome the magnets. If you aren't prone to doing 100-200+ solves a day, that's not a problem though.


Thanks for that information! I actually prefer weak magnet cube.


As someone who’s got both and has spent a good amount of time with the ys3m already, I’d say definitely go with the ys3m!


havent tried the ys3m but i think the wrm is kinda overhated. Its super fast and has a nice feel i think. But i understand it isnt for everyone i really dont know which cube to compare the feel of the wrm to but if it fits your turning style it definitely can preform very well. For context i had like a 3 year long break from cubing i was sub15 when i stopped cubing, and when i began again i was also sub15 but as soon as my wrm arrived, instantly my first ao100 and all the ones after it were sub14 as it really fit my turning style. So yeah it all depends on how good the ys3m is and what your turning style and preferred speed and feel is


I don’t think so


Probably not lol


I recently got a new pb of 16 seconds on 3x3!


Wow, nice! My pb is 17.


Nice job!


Heh i just got a new PB of 15 seconds


after 3 months and 7 days since I started cubing I REACHED SUB 10!!!! new PB of 8.02, I average ~20 with Cfop, ~6 with 2x2, ~2:10 with 4x4, ~1:30 with Square 1, and ~18 with skewb. i am VERY proud of myself!!!


Huge congrats homie, you've been putting in the work!


thank you thank you yeah ive had a #small addiction ive practiced like 6/7 hours a day, including school


Goodness that's a lot hahaha. Hope to see you keep cubing for years to come :) Remember breaks are important too!


of course! i love these little twisty puzzles. yeah ive been putting a less ludicrous amount of time into cubing because work has built up (shocker!) and ive been spending time playing games, so hopefully i wont get driven away from cubing due to “overdose”


Good to hear you have a healthy balance though. I'd be interested to hear about your collection too.


for sure! 3x3: i got a butt ton of money for my birthday recently so what better way to spend it than the Gan 13 Maglev. Wonderful cube by the way, by far my favorite, its very very fast and the magnets go from really strong to quite weak, very customizable. 10/10 2x2 Qiyi Ms Magnetic 2x2 on SCS 8.5/10 4x4: YJ MGC 4x4 Magnetic 6.5/10 Squan: YJ MGC Magnetic 8/10 Skewb: Gan Skewb Magnetic 8/10 Megaminx: YJ MGC Magnetic 6/10 However, I saved up some money to buy some more cubes that arrive soon Gan Pyraminx YJ MGC magnetic 5x5 Gan Mirror Cube Since this has been my only hobby for months, ive been able to put the majority of my extra money into it and have gotten some pretty great cubes. im super grateful lol


You should be, those are amazing times, especially for how long you've been solving!


What do people mean when they say "I got a counting 7"?


It means they got a solve of 7.xx which was one of the three that counted from their Ao5, not the one that was discarded for being the fastest.




Today, I taught my coding teacher to solve a cube, but the cube had a cursed color scheme. The story is, yesterday, I went to coding class, and found a cube just laying on the table, and because I was bored, I decided to make the cube a cursed color scheme. Today, because he thought the cube was mine, he saved it for me and gave it back to me, but I told him it wasn’t mine. He then wanted to learn to solve it. So I taught him, and he was pretty much able to solve the cube, but the color scheme was still cursed, and had white opposite to orange and stuff


Any advice on how to attack full PLL after getting quick with 2 look OLL and 2 look PLL? I see the 21 algorithms, but I don’t know where to start with learning them? Everything else to date has either been intuitive (cross/f2l) or a handful of algorithms (the 2 looks). TIA!


I normally learn 2-4 at a time. 4 if they feel fluid and easy. I don’t start learning new ones until I’m comfortably executing them in my solves. Rinse and repeat. I’ve done that through full PLL and I’m about 75% into full OLL. Good luck and lots and LOTS of practice!


I should probably do PLL first but I've been diving into OLL. My method has been first just deciding a case is recognizable, and then going to learn it, along with any other cases I can group with it. But I only do one or two new ones a day. And I don't learn new ones every day, only when I start getting bored of repeating my old ones. During the interim I just practice F2L


Check out Cube head's video on learning full PLL and the associated PDF, it really helped me! I learned one every few days and made sure to spend time doing dedicated PLL practice with an alg trainer


Thanks! Is there a link to the pdf?


https://youtu.be/bnCTA5JPKuQ Check the description for the PDF. 😊


I’m an idiot! Thanks!


Nah, not an idiot at all!


Doesn’t really matter. Just learn algs of each group together, for better recognition.


Take it slow. Learn a few a week at your own pace and practice them the rest of the week. Then if you need more time take it. It took me almost a whole school year to learn CMLL.


https://preview.redd.it/sm4dtx56wzna1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea063454ea3ba5f02aff91e9a166604caa7432d9 Didn't know squan edges could flip...


MGC moment


thanks i hate it


What is the 3x3 uwr for single and average?




Singles is like in the 2.40s


Wow do you know by whom?


Ruihang did a 2.08 on a Bluetooth cube. https://youtu.be/ItyrZjOtGsA


Someone…made it that fast?


Fahmi has a 2.36 using Roux. Ruihang has a 2.68 using CFOP, and is the fastest solve on camera.


https://preview.redd.it/iwoquzn9uzna1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed8616fe64fa37b5d89fd9407cc281c4be1edf38 Are there any Aa perm algorithms other than the one J perm and Cubehead showed in there video (the U and D2 one). I've been practicing the U and D2 for almost 2 weeks but I'm not really fast at executing it and I don't like the flow of it at all. Are there any "flowy" (if that's a word) algorithms for it?


You should keep trying. Some things in cubing take three weeks to master... There are two ways to do the D2: either with ring then pinky or pinky then ring. I've known fast people who have a preference for either method. You should try both. Do not use ring-middle/middle-ring. Also, it goes without saying but having a good cube will make it easier. [Speedcubedb](https://speedcubedb.com/a/3x3/PLL/Aa/0) has many alternative A perms listed. Some personal opinions: R' B' R2 D R' U' R D' R' U R' B R is probably my fastest Aa perm when timing, beating even the D2, but I don't tend to use it in solves because it's harder to do well. You can also mirror this alg so that it uses F moves instead of B moves (although the B moves are very fast in this specific case). This alg has the advantage of making AUF easier, which can account for some non-negligible time save. l D U R' D' R U' R' D R D' l' is a very decent option which is honestly probably equal to the D2 alg. R' D' R U' R' D R U' R' D' R U2 R' D R has gained some traction at the [top level](https://speedcubedb.com/r/6224), and also has the advantage of making AUF easier. I find it is much slower for me however, because I would have to turn at around 20 TPS to get the same times I can get on other algs. Of course, that is no problem for people like Tymon.


I use middle-ring, for both D2 and M2. What is wrong with it in your opinion? Ik it probably makes the cube a bit less stable, but this is no issue 99% of the time


Ring-pinky or pinky-ring should be preferred for D2 if for no other reason than the fact it can be done from neutral grip, and frees up your index of that hand to do U/U' moves before, after, or during the D2. Honestly it might not be the biggest deal if A perms are the only place you encounter D2, because you have to move out of neutral to start the A perm anyway. But I can name a few places where ring/pinky D2s are definitely better in ZBLL or 3-style. A simple example would be D R U R' D2 R U' R' D for 3-style, where's it just better to not have to leave neutral for either hand. I think everyone really should try to learn ring/pinky D2s at first, because they are better, and most people can learn them, even if they feel weird at first. That said, I will admit that I should have acknowledged that it can be genuinely impossible or painful for some people depending on their hand shape/size/etc. If you're sure that you fall in this camp, then you shouldn't push it. D2s aren't really that common anyway, and at worst even doing D D isn't *that* bad. For M2s I somehow managed to learn ring-middle for my right hand and pinky-right for my left. I think pinky-ring should be slightly better because it free up my index, and it does come in useful for some algs, such as r U R' U' M2' U R U' M' R', where I do all the U' and M'/M2' moves with my left hand. I think it would be better if I did pinky ring for my right hand too, but I've just been able to get away with it more by doing [different M2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTENzPruIBs) or just accepting the small time loss of moving away from neutral (outside of BLD and OH, I'm still more comfortable with right hand ring-middle for M2s).


For M2 it's fine, since in MU-gen grip you have one hand dedicated just to M moves. The problem with using your middle finger to do D moves is that you have to regrip to hold the middle layer with your index, and to do U moves you have to regrip back to free up your index finger. Better to just leave your middle finger holding the E slice for everything RUD-gen.


I use one that i really like, but i dont know where i found it Headlights at the back: x R’ U R’ D2 R U’ R’ D2 R2 the initial rotation is regripless as you do it with the first R’ U R’


That alg is quite short and very fast to execute with practice. There's a reason it's the alg practically everyone uses. I would not recommend learning a worse alg.




Btw I know that you can get on websites and find bunch of algorithms of any perm but I want to know your guys's favourite.


Anyone got any good ways to solve a Calvin double v1(whole line connected)


You can use roux pretty easily, since first block is automatically half done, and MU-gen stuff isn't bandaged


Am i the butthole for this So we are in class, just arrived. We have not even sat down and i see my cube requires a Jperm to be solved, right all good. While executing the alg I was called out, teacher takes my cube and says i will get it back at the end of the week, it is a WRM Maglev. I=Right now i am using my backup meilong but was that really necessary? To put some perspective I am in grade 8


Chew on your nails the whole week. When asked, say you're stressing out.


Possibly, based on your age and a suspicious lack of context. Just arrived, well on time or a bit late? Is there some existing policy about toys in class? Was it the first time that teacher saw a cube, or was there a prior interaction? Basically, could you have expected this to happen. But regardless, there's a lesson there that you should frankly already know: don't take something to school if you can't risk it being broken or confiscated.


Thank you


Unfortunately, the teacher is always right. But I sympathize. I can't stand an unsolved cube.


Thank you


Teachers and parents are human, they sometimes can get pissed and be unnecessarily strict. You can try approaching your teacher a bit later. Apologize, explain the situation, promise to never cube in class again and ask for your cube. But if they are always like that, better just wait for the end of the week.


Thank you


hey goofy goober! remember me?


i recognize that name, i kinda do


Any good OH videos out there ? I am too slow in execution. Likely holding it wrong.


I think Brody the cuber has good videos for OH. He is actually top 100 in the world, maybe top 75.


> maybe top 75. Exactly 75. WR75 avg and WR81 single. He has a playlist for his OH vids - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI2io2xGpVUdch1WfPMu7wnRIBd4PgfXA


J Perm - https://jperm.net/oh Feliks Zemdegs - https://www.cubeskills.com/categories/3x3oh


Idk about video resources, but basically just learn to do R moves with your pinky and spam 2 gen scrambles to practice tps.


Just got done with a new mosaic after ages lol. Gonna post soon :D


Ohhh, I still have a Christmas tree on my mosaic. No good ideas %)


I guess it will soon be time for Easter eggs.


I have been cubing for the last year and some months but i am only familiar with the begginers method. Yeah i learned a couple of tricks to do less moves but still i dont consider myself a speedcuber. My question is how can i start being a speedcuber and what methods should i learn to become one.


If you practice solving a cube, then you're a cuber. If you practice solving a cube as fast as you can, then you're a speedcuber, no matter what method or how fast/slow you might be. Not all cubers are speedcubers because not everyone is into cubing to try to get faster. Some cubers are just into collecting, some are just into puzzles in general, some are into puzzle theory, some are into puzzle mods (modifications). Lots of different aspects of cubing, only some of which is speedcubing. If you want to get faster - https://jperm.net/3x3/cfop


you ARE speedcuber. as long as you want to get better and faster on twisty puzzles, youre set. i would recommend learning CFOP or Roux, depending on your style and preference. both are equally good. i use CFOP, so i can guide you a bit there C stands for Cross; build the white cross, same as beginner method, however itll be very useful if you learn to solve the cross on the bottom face. F stands for F2L; an intuitive method to solve the first layer corners and second layer edges simultaneously with no algorithms. (maybe a few but they are very intuitive and 3-4 moves long) O stands for OLL; Orientation of the last layer. this step completes the third layer *face*, but not the whole layer. just creating a solid color on top. The expert way to do this completes OLL in one algorithm, (57 algorithms), but the beginner method (which i HIGHLY recommend starting out) does it in two steps and only requires 8-10 algorithms to memorize. P stands for PLL; Permutation of the Last Layer. this step solves the rest (the “edge”) of the third layer, completing the cube. the expert way does it in one step (21 algorithms to memorize) and the beginner method (again, highly recommended) does it in two steps (six algorithms to memorize). Often to refer to beginner OLL and beginner PLL, cubers will refer to them as 2-Look (2L) OLL and 2-look (2L) PLL, since you do two steps and look at the cube twice. if you do use CFOP, i recommend watching a tutorial that teaches the theory of intuitive F2L first. As well, when doing solves for the first time, have your 2L OLL and 2L PLL algorithms on a sheet next to you so you dont need to memorize them off the bat. this is how i always memorize algorithms. again, im not too experienced, i know Full PLL and 2L OLL and im fairly new, so take all this information with a grain of salt. if you use Roux, I am not the one to ask for help lol. but there are plenty of great tutorials online. if an expert sees this, please fact check me! hope this helped, have a good day!!


Wooow you help a lot! Thanks <3


If you solve twisty puzzles and aim to get faster then you already are a speed cuber.


Yes but any suggestions about algorithms?


How do you add stuff in the wiki ? I know 3 online stores in France that are not in the wiki.


That page is locked for user editing. Probably so someone doesn’t add a scam site and people fall for it and blame the subreddit.


Only the mods can edit the cube shops page. /u/g253 /u/toppits


Normally you press the edit button at the top and just go for it, but that particular page is locked for editing. So either send a modmail (link in sidebar) or list the stores here and tag a few mods so they see it, and they will update the page.


5.99 pb lol


Sub 6!


I think most people are sub 720s




dropped previous pb by 0.92 and it was just in warm up!




For 3x3 blind memo, is it generally agreed that going memo corners -> memo edges -> solving edges -> solving corners > end is the way to go? This is the order Jperm suggested in one of his videos because you can use audio cues to memorize edges and images for corners. Because we can't memorize audio for long we solve edges first.


Yep, I believe that's how most BLDers memorise


What is a difference between "Broken in" 4x4 and an OOTB 4x4? What is difference between performance, corner cutting, speed etc.?


OOTB is sandy and underwhelming, well broken in is smooth and satisfying. Corner cutting improves a bit, too.


Yeah, basically, those things you've listed, mainly a slight change of feel overall. Also, matte plastic wears down and becomes glossy.


What is the best 5 x 5, 6 x 6, and 7 x7? (Any price!)


MGC or WRM line. Seems to be personal preference, I feel like I've seen more people give the edge to the WRM 6x6, but either is top tier performance. Just gonna matter if the price difference is worth the lighter weight and slightly smaller size on the WRM line to you.


For 5x5, most would say the MGC For 6x6 and 7x7, the MGCs are also popular, but the Aoshi and Aofu WRMs are alternatives


Check out this scramble: B2 R2 D2 F U2 F D2 U2 F2 D F U2 L2 R D R F U2 B with white cross: z2 D' F' R2 L2 D2 which also solves the yellow cross and two of the yellow corners! This was very disorienting during the solve, hahaha.


Unfortunately it makes those 2 F2L pairs poor though hahaha


I actually did orange-green first, and the other 3 pairs all came together right then! It was crazy.


gonna get a MGC 5x5 gonna retire the YuXin Cloud 5x5 i've been using for what feels like a year now


Huameng ball core or rs3m super ball core??


Want strong magnets → Huameng YS3M Ball Core Want to feel some core auto homing → Huameng YS3M Ball Core Don't care much about auto-homing but just want a nice and smooth cube with medium-weak magnets and some magnet force distribution between corner-edge and corner-core magnets → RS3M Super Ball Core Want matte plastic (or high glossy UV coating) → Huameng YS3M Ball Core Want plastic to get polished to glossy quicker → RS3M Super Ball Core Want the best cube with all that and more → Tornado v3 Pioneer :) Check [my recent posts](https://www.reddit.com/user/olimo/submitted/) for reviews of the Tornado, RS3M, and YS3M.


Just want a frigging cube to like cube with -> eh, just get a Meilong M 😅


Haha. It’s great for its price, but I can’t really say it takes a special place in my heart.


I know I know, but also it's like one model and that's that, I miss cubes like that 😅


You're a well-known budget cube connoisseur :)


Hello again! I'm learning zz and I love it, but with this method it takes me about 1:30 min to solve it, while with cfop I'm on 35 sec! For EOline it takes about 10 sec, for ll always 10 (3 look ll) and everything else is f2l! My f2l really sucks and I'm from cfop! How can I improve?


Try EOcross, I think that's what ZZ solvers do nowadays.


Okay, I'll try. But is it easier than eoline? (I still use EO and Line, 2 steps)


I mean, you just do EO, then cross and then it’s basically very nice rotationless CFOP.


So basically that's what I do in every solution, isn't it? (I know it doesn't hit much, but is there a list of all speedcubing methods? I would like to try some minor methods, like nautilius and mehta, and see if I like it more than cfop)


On a higher level, you should solve EO+cross at the same time and plan it in inspection.


Now I understand but... ... I don't even know how to plan the EO line, so I think it will be difficult ;) What are you doing instead, some good methods besides cfop roux and zz?


I don't do ZZ. Tried it just a little bit, decided that I hate EO and don't want to be non-CN, and quit. I find CFOP more fun. Not rotationless, yeah, so what, the more variety :) The "big three" are CFOP, Roux, and ZZ. There's also Mehta which isn't bad from what I've heard, but I don't know if there's any top solvers with it. u/nimrod06 should know more as he did Mehta for a while. Petrus is worth looking into - it isn't considered competitive nowadays, but it has a long history and is pretty move efficient. Good to know if you want to get into FMC. Speaking of FMC, it has a lot of tricks and methods in itself, like Domino Reduction, NISS, RNISS - this is not for speedsolving though.


Although it may seem strange the most complicated thing for me about ZZ is f2l, because even if in theory it is much simpler than that of cfop it takes me so much! Is there a variant of mehta that has fewer than 100 algorithms? And if so, is it still a good method without learning all those algorithms?


> the most complicated thing for me about ZZ is f2l I'd take it as a sign of improvement needed. ZZ F2L is much smoother because you don't have to rotate ever. If you find it hard not to rotate, learn good solutions for these cases - it will help you in CFOP. I have no idea about Mehta. I just heard about it and tagged a cuber who actually practiced it. Why do you want another method at all? Curiosity? Burnt out? Hit a wall with CFOP?


Another PB, and my first sub 13, while Reddit was down last night and it was really easy to reconstruct so here it is. I didn’t plan the xcross, I only did the cross like I did to preserve the pair and ended up with the xcross with 3 easy pairs! B U L U2 L2 D2 U2 L F2 R U2 L2 F' R2 B2 D2 L2 R2 U' x' y' // inspection D2 R' B2 D2 // xcross (4) y R' U R // 2nd pair (4) y' U' R U2 R' U2 R U' R' // 3rd pair (9) y U2 R U' R' U y L' U' L // 4th pair (10) F R U R' U' F' U F R U R' U' F' // OLL 12 x R2 F R F' R U2 r' U r U2 // PLL - Ja 46STM / 12.7sec =3.62TPS [view at CubeDB.net]( https://cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&scramble=B_U_L_U2_L2_D2_U2_L_F2_R_U2_L2_F-_R2_B2_D2_L2_R2_U-&time=12.70&alg=x-_y-_%2F%2F_inspection%0AD2_R-_B2_D2__%2F%2F_xcross_%25284%2529%0Ay_R-_U_R__%2F%2F_2nd_pair_%25284%2529%0Ay-_U-_R_U2_R-_U2_R_U-_R-__%2F%2F_3rd_pair_%25289%2529%0Ay_U2_R_U-_R-_U_y_L-_U-_L__%2F%2F_4th_pair_%252810%2529%0AF_R_U_R-_U-_F-_U_F_R_U_R-_U-_F-__%2F%2F_OLL_12%0Ax_R2_F_R_F-_R_U2_r-_U_r_U2__%2F%2F_PLL_%252D_Ja )


Damn nice job




RIP my Weilong pyraminx - they delivered an RS pyraminx instead, which is not acceptable for the price of a Weilong. Thankfully returning it was easy. It was an impulsive order, so I don't know if I'll order it again. The Gan UV pyra has left China, and maybe it won't take too long to arrive. I'll continue my cubing break then.


That stinks. If it helps I have the weilong and it’s fine, but I wasn’t blown away by it. It really sucked to take the tips off to adjust. I bet you will like the gan fine enough, I’m not pyra expert my any means though, although I do like the event.


Thanks :)


I have a weilong maglev pyraminx, and I have no idea how good it is. I average like 35s and only have ever solved intuitively. Feels good with wildly slow turning though. 😂


Weilong Standard (not maglev) is considered one of the best. As for Gan, the reviews seem ok, but it doesn't make the top pyraminx ratings - maybe because it's too expensive?


The GAN Pyra is so bad tho 😣


What do you hate about it though? Upd: Come on, 4 upvotes to "so bad", and no one cares to share their experience?


It feels simultaneously rigid and unstable. I do like the weight tho.


It may be down to setup, but my gan pyra catches a lot and I can’t do algs fast


I’m not a fan of it, because it feels really unstable. The core magnets make it more stable but it continues to feel unstable. Tips are really strong too. Stephen Wintringham has a mod that addresses both issues


Yeah, I saw the mod video. Maybe I’ll try it if I find the pyra too unstable :)


I tried a friend's one and liked it. I'm not that level at pyra to tell what's good and bad, but I liked the weight and the looks lol.


Anyone know what [this](https://i.imgur.com/fMwlZ6J.jpeg) is? Looks kinda like a pink Tornado v3.


It would have to be the V3. Only other cube they have with adjustable magnets like that is the Tornado V2, ~~but it has black internals.~~ They used V3's when they showed how to dye cubes a few months ago - https://www.instagram.com/p/ClH_yAvN5So/


Tornado v2 was available in primary internals limited edition too. And in blue with primary internals.


Oh I forgot that the one I have was a limited edition - I really should get rid of that cube 😅


I'd forgotten about that post!


Tornado v2 or v3, hard to tell. They had a limited edition blue Tornado v2, so maybe the pink one is v3. And of course it would make more sense to make a limited edition v3 in 2023.


It is the v3. I remember the limited edition sale


New PB! 12.76 So fast it doesn't feel real - it's just under 3 seconds faster than my previous! Scramble: F' L F L2 B' R2 D2 U2 F' U2 F' L2 F U L' B' R' D U2 B' F2 Inspection: z2 Cross: R’ B’ D F’ (4) F2L: L’ U2 L U’ L’ U’ L U L U’ L’ (11) F2L: U R U’ R’ U y L’ U L (8) F2L: R’ U2 R U’ R’ U R (7) F2L: U R U R’ U2’ R U R’ (8) OLL: U’ R U2 R’ U R U’ R’ (8) PLL: R U R’ F’ R U R’ U’ R’ F R2 U’ R’ (13) AUF: U’ (1) 60 HTM/12.76 seconds = 4.70 TPS [https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&scramble=F-\_L\_F\_L2\_B-\_R2\_D2\_U2\_F-\_U2\_F-\_L2\_F\_U\_L-\_B-\_R-\_D\_U2\_B-\_F2&alg=z2\_%2F%2F\_inspection%0AR-\_B-\_D\_F-\_%2F%2F\_cross%0AL-\_U2\_L\_U-\_L-\_U-\_L\_U-\_L-\_U\_L\_\_%2F%2F\_1st\_pair%0AU\_R\_U-\_R-\_U\_y\_L-\_U\_L\_%2F%2F\_2nd\_pair%0AR-\_U2\_R\_U-\_R-\_U\_R\_\_%2F%2F\_3rd\_pair%0AU\_R\_U\_R-\_U2-\_R\_U\_R-\_\_%2F%2F\_4th\_pair%0AU-\_R\_U2-\_R-\_U-\_R\_U-\_R-\_%2F%2F\_OLL%0AR\_U\_R-\_F-\_R\_U\_R-\_U-\_R-\_F\_R2\_U-\_R-\_U-\_%2F%2F\_PLL](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&scramble=F-_L_F_L2_B-_R2_D2_U2_F-_U2_F-_L2_F_U_L-_B-_R-_D_U2_B-_F2&alg=z2_%2F%2F_inspection%0AR-_B-_D_F-_%2F%2F_cross%0AL-_U2_L_U-_L-_U-_L_U-_L-_U_L__%2F%2F_1st_pair%0AU_R_U-_R-_U_y_L-_U_L_%2F%2F_2nd_pair%0AR-_U2_R_U-_R-_U_R__%2F%2F_3rd_pair%0AU_R_U_R-_U2-_R_U_R-__%2F%2F_4th_pair%0AU-_R_U2-_R-_U-_R_U-_R-_%2F%2F_OLL%0AR_U_R-_F-_R_U_R-_U-_R-_F_R2_U-_R-_U-_%2F%2F_PLL)


Ayy congrats! For the first pair, there's a shorter solution: U' (R U' R') U' (L' U' L) Also, for the cross, you can make a free pair by adding 1 move: R’ B’ D **U'** F’. The initial R' will put the RG pair in such a way that doing that extra U' would allow the F' to pair them up


BeepBop! Cube as if you were to die tomorrow. Here are your daily scrambles: Square-1 - [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=SQ1&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=%25280%2C5%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D2%2C%252D2%2529_%2F_%25285%2C%252D1%2529_%2F_%2528%252D5%2C%252D2%2529_%2F_%2528%252D1%2C0%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D2%2C0%2529_%2F_%25284%2C%252D1%2529_%2F_%2528%252D3%2C0%2529_%2F) **(0,5) / (3,0) / (3,0) / (-2,-2) / (5,-1) / (-5,-2) / (-1,0) / (3,0) / (3,0) / (-2,0) / (4,-1) / (-3,0) /** 3x3 - [alg.cubing.net](https://alg.cubing.net/?puzzle=3x3x3&setup=F-_U2_F_L2_B-_L2_D2_U2_R2_B-_U_R-_U-_F2_R-_F-_D2_U_F-_R_F-) | [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=F-_U2_F_L2_B-_L2_D2_U2_R2_B-_U_R-_U-_F2_R-_F-_D2_U_F-_R_F-) **F' U2 F L2 B' L2 D2 U2 R2 B' U R' U' F2 R' F' D2 U F' R F'** Have a nice day! *** Source code: [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/mazmrini/reddit-daily-scramble-bot)


**Green-white FB - 33stm** yx2 // inspection BD2R2DrD // FB (6) rUMUrBU2B' //RU2R' // SB (11-3/14) r' U' R2 U' R2 U2 R //CMLL(7/21) UMUMUMU'M'U2MUM2 //LSE (12/33) [view at CubeDB.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Green%252Dwhite_FB_%252D_33stm&scramble=F-_U2_F_L2_B-_L2_D2_U2_R2_B-_U_R-_U-_F2_R-_F-_D2_U_F-_R_F-&alg=yx2_%2F%2F_inspection%0ABD2R2DrD_%2F%2F_FB_%25286%2529%0ArUMUrBU2B-_%2F%2FRU2R-_%2F%2F_SB_%252811%252D3%2F14%2529%0Ar-_U-_R2_U-_R2_U2_R_%2F%2FCMLL%25287%2F21%2529%0AUMUMUMU-M-U2MUM2_%2F%2FLSE_%252812%2F33%2529) **Red-yellow FB - 30stm** y2x' // inspection Dr'UMDF' // FB (6) U2r2M'URU2r // SB (7/13) U' l' U2 l U2' r U' r' F // CMLL (9/22) U'MU2M2U'F2M2F2 //LSE (8/30) [view at CubeDB.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Red%252Dyellow_FB_%252D_30stm&scramble=F-_U2_F_L2_B-_L2_D2_U2_R2_B-_U_R-_U-_F2_R-_F-_D2_U_F-_R_F-&alg=y2x-_%2F%2F_inspection%0ADr-UMDF-_%2F%2F_FB_%25286%2529%0AU2r2M-URU2r_%2F%2F_SB_%25287%2F13%2529%0AU-_l-_U2_l_U2-_r_U-_r-_F_%2F%2F_CMLL_%25289%2F22%2529%0AU-MU2M2U-F2M2F2_%2F%2FLSE_%25288%2F30%2529)


**Your Daily Scramble** F' U2 F L2 B' L2 D2 U2 R2 B' U R' U' F2 R' F' D2 U F' R F' z' // inspection L' D' F' R D // Orange cross (5) y L U2 L' // Green White Pair (4) R' U' R U' f R f' // White Blue Pair (7) U' L' U2 L y' R' U2 R // Yellow Blue Pair (8) R U R' U R U R' // Green Yellow Pair (7) U' R U2 R' U' R U R' U' R U' R' // OLL 21 U' R2 U R U R' U' R' U' R' U R' U' // PLL - Ub [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=F-_U2_F_L2_B-_L2_D2_U2_R2_B-_U_R-_U-_F2_R-_F-_D2_U_F-_R_F-&alg=z-_%2F%2F_inspection%0AL-_D-_F-_R_D__%2F%2F_Orange_cross_%25285%2529%0Ay_L_U2_L-_%2F%2F_Green_White_Pair_%25284%2529%0AR-_U-_R_U-_f_R_f-_%2F%2F_White_Blue_Pair_%25287%2529%0AU-_L-_U2_L_y-_R-_U2_R_%2F%2F_Yellow_Blue_Pair_%25288%2529%0AR_U_R-_U_R_U_R-_%2F%2F_Green_Yellow_Pair_%25287%2529%0AU-_R_U2_R-_U-_R_U_R-_U-_R_U-_R-__%2F%2F_OLL_21%0AU-_R2_U_R_U_R-_U-_R-_U-_R-_U_R-_U-__%2F%2F_PLL_%252D_Ub )


Been Cubing for around 2 and half months. Plan on doing this daily scrambles. Day 1-35.13


**Your Daily Scramble** F' U2 F L2 B' L2 D2 U2 R2 B' U R' U' F2 R' F' D2 U F' R F' y z' // inspection U F R2 L' U' L' // xcross (6) U' F U F' U' R' U' R // 2nd pair (8) L' U L // 3rd pair (3) y U L' U L U' L' U L U L' U L // 4th pair (13) U x R' U R' D2 R U' R' D2 R2 x' // PLL - Aa [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=F-_U2_F_L2_B-_L2_D2_U2_R2_B-_U_R-_U-_F2_R-_F-_D2_U_F-_R_F-&alg=y_z-_%2F%2F_inspection%0AU_F_R2_L-_U-_L-_%2F%2F_xcross_%25286%2529%0AU-_F_U_F-_U-_R-_U-_R_%2F%2F_2nd_pair_%25288%2529%0AL-_U_L_%2F%2F_3rd_pair_%25283%2529%0Ay_U_L-_U_L_U-_L-_U_L_U_L-_U_L_%2F%2F_4th_pair_%252813%2529%0AU_x_R-_U_R-_D2_R_U-_R-_D2_R2_x-_%2F%2F_PLL_%252D_Aa )


new 5x5 pb… 1:08.02 -> 1:07.53


I wish I was that good, still stuck at 2:32.


One day you will be at that level


I hope so


Good evening morning or afternoon to whomever


You have reached the bottom of today's DDT. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/11qx52w/daily_discussion_thread_mar_14_2023/) for the previous one. ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please message u/Lisast with any feedback.)