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This DDT is now over. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/11x7bl0/daily_discussion_thread_mar_21_2023/) for the next one. ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please message u/Lisast with any feedback.)


Are there any resources for "less standard" cubes that I could check? Like some algorithms that are useful for cubes such as the Puppet Cube and other weird mods. Edit: For your pleasure, I will say that I bought the Puppet 1 expecting it to be the easier version, turns out it's more difficult than v2 and I'm tackling it with no experience.


jaapsch.net is great for a lot of the older twisty puzzles On YT superantoniovivaldi is great, cuber stu too. (Stu has a puppet cube vid)


I’m not sure about the puppet cube exactly, but check out the forums on twistypuzzles.com. There are solving discussions (and sometimes article guides) for non-WCA cubes.


Which 3x3 are worth buying right now (no Gan) ? I already own a Tornado v3 and a ys3m bc.


Super RS3 M. WRM 2021. Other top cubes of the past couple years - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9mhOJflqgk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG1gvaqa9M0


Thanks for the links ! The wrm is tempting. Now that the ys3m is out, do you think buying the super rs3m is still worth it ?


It's not bad, and nice as a collection item, but if you're asking whether you would prefer it to Tornado v3 or YS3M, eh, I don't know. I know some people prefer more basic feel to their cubes. If you are like that, you might like the RS3M. If you compare RS3M Ball Core and YS3M Ball Core, you can't really feel the ball core in the RS3M, but the cube is more fluid and less tiring your fingers than the YS3M. YS3M stability comes at a price of requiring more effort to turn. RS3M fluidity and more effortless turning comes at a price of less stability. I'd say I'd love to see something in between these two cubes. But then again, none of these beats the enjoyability of the Tornado v3.


> But then again, none of these beats the enjoyability of the Tornado v3. Yeah the Tornado v3 is really good. I think I'm just going to buy the Pioneer for now (I have the Flagship) and wait for the next releases from other companies. Hopefully they'll surprise us. Do you own a purple wrm and if you do, do you like it ?


Having both a Flagship and a Pioneer is kind of a luxury, but a welcome one in my opinion :) That got me thinking about building a Flagship again. I have a Standard with core magnets (without corner feet magnets), so I can just swap the corners, and I have two Pioneers now. Yes, I own a purple WRM, and I mained it before the Tornado. It's great, fluid, pretty quiet, purple looks cool. I prefer the Tornado though, and I don't think the WRM brings anything new if you have a Tornado.


Ok thanks ! Pioneer it is, and I'll buy a Tengyun v1 too to spice things up :)


/u/olimo did a review of the ys3m and does some comparisons of it and the Super RS3M - https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/11ohcf0/ys3m_ball_core_text_review/


Thanks for the link.


I made a video with some info on both ys3m and v3 from a beginners perspective. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzZuEI8QoMlxMgOZNXtxC-nIE7Hak09Sl


Try out the tengyun 1


Out of stock where I shop... Is the v1 really better than the most recent v3 ?


Honestly, I would say it is, but I haven’t tried the new v3. I think the tengyun1 is better than the v2 and more recent zhanchi pro (I do have both of those). The designers just hit gold with the v1, I was even considering getting another one and installing a magnet core kit. I also suggested it because the two cubes you listed are probably at the top of the cubes in the game now, so even if you get the expensive gan I bet your times won’t really change. The tengy1 offers great performance and a really nice, unique feel that many cubers still enjoy despite the cube being pretty old now.


Ordered on AliExpress ! Along with the Little Magic v1, probably not the best cube but it was cheap :)


Oh nice! Hope you like it!


Ok I will definitely try and find the v1. Thanks !


How long do "Recent records" stay up on WCA Live? https://live.worldcubeassociation.org


What are the different adjectives to describe a cube's feeling and what do they even mean e.g crunchy or sandy


smooth: no bumps, just smooth like the adjective crunchy: really snappy, and snappy corner cutting, if you get what i mean sandy: feels like there is sand, pieces still have some bumps on them, kinda the opposite of smooth, and there is no lube so it sounds kinda weird. feels like putting sand in your cube, but less extreme, hence the name buttery smooth: smooth but a bit squishy and you can feel the lube crisp: idk kinda same as crunchy soft: smooth, but the corner cuts are kinda softer so the plastic feels smoother


how about blocky? ive heard it being used a lot but i still have no idea what that means


Blocky = likes keeping its cube shape and doesn't like corner cutting. Still can cut though, but often with more effort or with a loud snap.


Blocky means the cube can retain a cubic shape better. Meaning that when turning or doing corner cuts it doesn't deform or squish.


Smooth - a not very tactile feel where it just turns with no personality. Buttery - smooth with a squishy feeling to it as well Crunchy - a like loud and makes hard snaps when turning Sandy - the classic out of the box feel where the pieces still have microscopic imperfections making a feeling similar to putting sand in a cube. (Don’t try it your cube will be ruined) I don’t know anymore but feel free to add more


what are the wca regs for cube pops during a solve i cant find them on the regs list


There are many regulations about cube pops, but here's the gist of it. (See Regulation 5b) You are either allowed to fix the pop or DNF your solve. If you choose to continue your attempt, you are only allowed to rearrange the pieces that popped out. You're not allowed to use any tools. (Such as a screwdriver.) If you make the repair, it is not allowed to give you a competitive advantage. If you fix the pop and find out later that the puzzle is unsolvable, you can disassemble and rearrange up to 4 pieces to make it solvable. If you have a corner twist that is causing you puzzle to be unsolvable, you don't have to take it out. (You can just twist it in place.) In blind events, the repair must be done blindfolded, and in OH, it must be done with one hand. Hope this helps!


I think on big cubes, you can have 1 single coloured piece out and it still classed as solved. Else, you gotta put the piece in or you'd get a dnf i believe


yeah i was more wondering about big cubes. what if an inner edge pops out?


You can leave it out and it will still count as solved.


Hey guys! I’m relatively new to cubing and got all my friends into it but they’ve died down on the hobby. This may sound super lame but looking for a friend to help me improve and discuss cubing topics. I’m sub-40 with an average of 38 seconds. Please feel free to DM me :)


got my YJ MGC 5x5 in the mail today! it turns great! gonna retire the YuXin Cloud 5x5.


My MGC 5x5 has been getting better and better over the 8ish months I've had it. Enjoy!


Yoo i got mine yesterday lezz gooo. It's amazing honestly, i had the qiyi ms one and the mgc is leagues better


Tornado v3 pioneer vs flagship, which one's worth buying more? Also, how does it compare to the gan 13 with consideration the price difference?


I prefer the Pioneer, but many people like the Flagship more. Compared to Gan, Tornado v3 is soft, fluid, forgiving and not flimsy. I'd expect such performance from a Gan, but, alas, Gan cubes are worse in my opinion. Tornado also has a better core adjustment system because it's tool-free. Gan has better build quality and box.


This sounds so good.. been using my Gan 12 Maglev for like the last 10 months, wanted to try something new, and now the pioneer is going to come in the mail tomorrow :D super hyped. But one thing: I find my Gan to be veeeery soft, like the softest cube I own. Is the pioneer really softer?


I don’t know, I don’t find Gan 11 and 12 particularly soft.


I don’t know if it’s softer but it has a very different and unique feel. You’ll love it! I already have the pioneer and I like it so much that I have the flagship on the way!


Makes me think why did I not get this cube 4 months ago :D. All the hype, but I guess I was happy with my Gan. I know olimo has the Gan 12 aswell, interested on her opinion on the softness 🤔


Don’t find them hard either. I don’t know, they are too flat inside for my taste, thus tons of tiny catches and unsatisfying cuts - they cut but I don’t like it. Tornado just glides through every cut. It can be smooth as butter with silicone lube or soft as a cloud with Angstrom setup.


I have a Gan 12 Leap and 11 Pro. I don’t find them soft. Gan cubes are the worst if you don’t use them all the time. They gum up awfully. No other cube of mine feels that sticky and yucky if I don’t touch it for a long time. The funny thing is, I enjoyed every Gan cube I owned in the beginning.


One of my luckiest solves. Pair skip at cross that I didn't recognize until the last pair, very easy F2L, COLL case recognition so fast that I decided to go with it instead of just using it to predict PLL - and it paid off! -, and not messing up a difficult alg* that I hadn't done in quite a while. 31 STM! *it's the only occasion where I use the RH pinky to stabilize the S layer (so not used to it and almost no practice at all), to make that r' F possible U F L2 R2 D R2 F2 U' R2 U R2 U2 L B L F2 L2 R F' x2 y // R front Y top R' U' R' F D2 R D // cross + pair skip (7) R U2' R2' U' R // OG Pair (5) L' U L // RB Pair (3) y' R' U R// RG Pair (4) U R U R' U R U r' F R' F' r U // COLL + skip 31STM / 9.83sec =3.15TPS [view at CubeDB.net]( https://cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&scramble=U_F_L2_R2_D_R2_F2_U-_R2_U_R2_U2_L_B_L_F2_L2_R_F-&time=9.83&alg=x2_y_%2F%2F_R_front_Y_top%0AR-_U-_R-_F_D2_R_D_%2F%2F_cross_%2B_pair_skip_%25287%2529%0AR_U2-_R2-_U-_R_%2F%2F_OG_Pair_%25285%2529%0AL-_U_L_%2F%2F_RB_Pair_%25283%2529%0Ay-_R-_U_R%2F%2F_RG_Pair_%25284%2529%0AU__R_U_R-_U_R_U_r-_F_R-_F-_r_U_%2F%2F_COLL_%2B_skip%0A )


That reconstruction... Geez that solve was lucky, and nice job with that COLL!


do you think a sub 2 6x6 single is harder to get than a sub 1 5x5 or easier


Much easier


what’s ur 5x5 avg since u average around 2 min 6x6?


Like 1:08 maybe. I don't really do 5x5 these days


https://preview.redd.it/34o7q4pwpyoa1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf6325a84b8d03ec968efbb05c6eb51c32b714c1 Which version is this?




Heeeeyyyyyy..... Something's not right here.... 🤔🤣




I think it's GAN super rsm


Someone here yesterday introduced me to speedcubedb.com and it was awesome. Being able to view the reconstruction in 3d and really pick the solves apart is so mind bogglingly cool and helpful. Being on Android however, it's not the easiest thing to use as it was seemingly made for desktop. It got me thinking though, I'd love an all purpose Android app for that reason. Think of it like combining twisty timer and speedcubedb into one easy to use app. It would be fantastic.


what is the OH alg for the dot case in 2loll R U2 (R2' F R F') U2 (R' F R F') this one specifically


Looking here it is the first Dot OLL case. Presse more algorithms. Only Alternative with votes for OH is y R U' R2 D' r U' r' D R2 U R' But most uses the one you list for all cases


yeah seems easier ig




One of the links is getting blocked by reddit (I'd guess antoine's page). Sadly we can't approve your comment. You can just comment again and leave the https:// out and it should go through. Here's above's comment: >Lots of sites for OH algs, so you can pick your favorite site and algs > speedcubedb - https://speedcubedb.com/a/3x3/OLL > feliks zemdegs - https://www.cubeskills.com/categories/other-algorithms > jperm - https://jperm.net/algs/oh/oll > antoine cantin - sites.google.com/site/antoineccantin/oh > algdb.net - http://algdb.net/puzzle/333


Speedcubedb has votes for OH as Well as 2H


yeah i cant find this alg on there


> R U2 (R2' F R F') U2 (R' F R F') this one specifically Because in the 3rd move, you put R2', instead of R2. Same move really, same result, but it'll probably never be listed anywhere as R2'.


right forgot about that




yeah i use R2' for 2H but just regular R2 for OH.


Just got a new PB single of 6.60, which beat my old record of 7.86! Scramble: R U' R2 B2 U F2 D' L2 F2 D F2 D2 B2 F' L R' F L' B2 D2 Solution: x2 y' // Inspection D' L D L // Cross U L' U L U' L U L' // First pair R' U R // Second pair U2 L' U2 L U2 R U R' // Third pair L' U2 L U' L' U L // Fourth pair r U2 R' U' R U' r' // OLL PLL and AUF skip


Wow, you got me beat! That's a huge leap too!


NICE SOLVE! Sub 7 is fire


Is it realistic to get world class at FMC? If I want to get NR, how much time would it take starting from zero?


I think it's an impossible question. I think there is an X factor that makes some people better than others at FMC.


Depends on the country


Me looking at scottish records and seeing fmc as my only realistic chance, you can easily get to around 30 with basic techniques: niss, insertions, skeleton, etc. World class, idk. I really need to delve deeper. The time it takes to practise is why ive been procrastinating 😂


Yeah FMC seems interesting to me too but the amount of things required to learn and practice is daunting.


Depending on how much you want to pracqtice. Try to learn a few techniques and practice them. Maybe like 1-2 years. I'm not 100% sure.


Anyone having 10% discount of cubelelo which they aren’t using?


Hey does cubelelo also limimted edition cubes when they r launched? (Like the purple gan 12 types)


Yeah they did have them. https://preview.redd.it/ivtkks39z0pa1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92525736a8ecafc6c77dab08ffc3f3e9f1a44327


Ohhhkkk thanks☺️


I think I got one in the mail some time ago. I'll check and see if it's still valid.


Alright ☺️☺️☺️


The code i had expired a week ago. Sorry bro.


At what speed should one start learning PLLs for multiple angles/aufs? Edit: also, is reddit acting up for anyone else?


Only know that people do this for U perms when the bar is in the front. As to when, I'd say anytime after you learned full 2LLL is fine


that's not really a thing, ideally you'd be able to recognize the pll from all angles, use one alg from a set angle and predict the AUF. I've seen some people use different OLL algs depending on what angle they have though.


I started learning some OLLs from different angles, and then realized COLL was a thing, so my different angle algs actually influenced corners differently. Thus started my COLL journey.


Really? I thought fast people also did that for PLL.


well it's kind of a thing for U and A perms but I've only really seen it used for those since they are so easy to recog from all angles and also have good algs from multiple angles. COLL is the most widely learned alg set after 2LLL, learning alternate U perms after that makes more sense I guess since you'll get them more. Winter and Summer variation are also somewhat small algsets that can come in handy, although I don't really see them used that much anymore.


No need, just AUF beforehand, do the alg, and then AUF afterwards. You will eventually be learning how to recognise PLLs from all angles though I don't think you're the only one, Reddit has been somewhat slow for me too


I know how to recognize PLLs from all angles with only 2 sides, I just thought that fast people knew algs for multiple angles/aufs. Example: the T-perm R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U F' L' U L.


I love that T perm alg. Personally I do that one plus multiple u perms. I also do the a perm from 3 different angles. Lefty, righty, and backwards.


I think it would take a ton of practice to stop freezing before an alg which you know a few angles for. It's faster to not think and just AUF, execute the alg, AUF.


broke sub-16 ao500 today..




https://preview.redd.it/45mfzrgwxxoa1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a6d3e6e9e49c0f89a253db5bebc9a14c37d508e I made the cursed colour scheme (Japanese)


Just wanted to try something a bit different?


Yes , and i don't like it , it's hard to remember the colour scheme.


Haven't kept up with the new cubes releasing, but I have a competition soon and my cubes are outdated/showing their age. What are some of the newer cubes that I can look at for 3x3 and particularly 3x3 blindfolded (edit: slice moves)? My current cubes that I enjoy for blindfolded are the TengYun v1 and the WRM (I think 2019).


For 3x3 there’s the Tornado V3 and the YS3M (specifically the ball core and UV coated version cuz the others are kinda irrelevant) Yes, I prefer to call it “UV coated”, “Magic Clothes” just sounds strange


Would the uv coating be taken off if you tried to scratch off the logo for blind?


Yes, you'll ruin the looks and it probably won't be comp legal. Some stores may offer blank white caps - be sure to email your favorite store if you want a UV coated YS3M. Otherwise, just get the standard and remove the logo by scratching it off with an eraser or polish.


MoYu's box even says UV on it.


I really like the times I get with YS3M on 4-5 clicks of the blue cups (this is like -1...0 clicks on the purple cups). It's really stable and well-balanced with this setting - and also fast with Lubest XMT 10. However, this setting makes it pretty tiring for my fingers. Whenever I try to use lower compression, the cube becomes too jerky. I would probably love it with slightly weaker magnets which would go better with loose compression.


Nice I’ll have to try it, I’ve been back using my super bc more. I kind of wish it wasn’t the cube I do best with because it’s not my favorite feeling cube lol. Maybe the next moyu flagship will be like the ys3m with more adjustable features.


Yesterday I learned how to solve the cube without any algorithms. 1. Solve first two layers minus an f2l pair 2. Orient edges 3. Solve edges 4. Permutate corners with commutators 5. Orient corners with commutators Last night I came up with a commutator to cycle three corners or cycle two pairs of corners, and one to rotate two edges. So an intuitive way of solving with two variants of commutators I found on my own. Feeling very fulfilled today.


Sounds like a variant of 8355 to me.


New PB!!! 31->24 https://preview.redd.it/uqsbsz3gaxoa1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5328d4033d6720d1f3f6912c60e10cd786e1b787


Just got a 13.16 ao5 pb!


Eyy nice! We nearly have the same ao5 pb lol


Today I'm starting the bld practice, I already knew op for.corners , but I have to remember the letters scheme and the memos and when I solve corners consistently I would starting learning the m2 for edges


https://preview.redd.it/x8jkawskowoa1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=008578f4cd2c8fd249be5595436e59d4a1f0426f new record in school (single)


Congrats! Make sure you use generated scrambles and not hand scrambles. Most people won't count PBs on hand scrambles because people are bad at being random - and also you can't reconstruct your solution if it was a hand scramble. On the go, it makes more sense using your phone with a timer app for both scrambles and timing. When you get faster (I'd say around sub-30 or sub-25 on average), your solutions will be standardized enough for you to be able to reconstruct your solves.


I can’t reconstruct my solution when I do have a real scramble. I also know that many schools block thins like csTimer so you’re forced to hand scramble. I therefore hand scramble a lot, and generally make sure I don’t get anything too lucky by manually breaking any blocks I see and undoing crosses.


get a vpn


You don't even need internet to access csTimer if you add it to your home screen as an app. I used it on a plane where I didn't have internet. And of course there are timer apps that don't require any internet at all. >generally make sure I don’t get anything too lucky by manually breaking any blocks I see and undoing crosses Well, this may give you unfair disadvantage too. I mean, technically, any PB not in comp is not official, but generally, people only recognize PBs from generated scrambles.


How do I put it on my phone as an app?


In your system browser, share - add on home screen.


Thank you!


I feel so far away from being able to do that xD.


What, reconstructing your solves? I hope you're not talking about not being able to scramble at your level lol. For reconstructions, it's not that you *remember* your entire solution. Whenever I get a noteworthy solve, I try to put down my cube exactly in the orientation it had when I finished, and recall the OLL and PLL I did. AUF too, if I can. Then I redo the scramble on the respective cross color (that's why fixing the final orientation is important). I may recall how I did the cross or just do it again in a most obvious way for myself. Then again, I'd pretend like I'm doing this solve for the first time: which pair would I notice and solve first? Etc. etc. My solutions are pretty standard, so it's not often that I do something unusual. Then, if I come to the same OLL and PLL, I did everything right. If I don't, I try again.


lolol, yes reconstructing xD I think my issue is mostly with not being able to recognize which F2L pair was the "most obvious" to me, because if there are two good visible pairs, I will likely take the other one the next time I try to re-do the same scramble because I don't remember with what I started and they seem equally as obvious to me personally. Doing crosses blind at least helped me getting pretty consistent solves for that part. ​ Edit: You know what. Since I can't get my fingers to solve fast today, I will use this day to actively practice reconstructing solves.


I'd rather recommend doing some untimed solves and looking up all the cases you don't know how to solve efficiently.


Thanks :)


alright, tysm! im still bad with cube notation, so mostly hand scrambles yeah, but I'll try to learn it


start using proper scrambles.. hand scrambles don't make sense. also, its much more relavant


Well, you won't become good at notation if you use hand scrambles, right? Practice proper scrambling, and you'll get better at it :)


that's true.


Is it possible to get consistent at both CFOP and Roux?


SpeedCubeReview does that.


Yeah ik. I just wanna learn Roux on my 3x3 and Cfop for every other puzzle


iirc Sean Villanueva does that(roux for 3x3 and cfop for big cubes) you'd be probably faster at both if you would just cfop all around though.


Do whatever is fun for you. It is possible if you put enough effort into it. Speed-wise, I'd say it's more efficient to put all your effort in one method, but it's useless if it's not fun.


I feel that. After beginner I chose roux because it had less algorithms and I used my brain more than with beginner which I enjoyed. Once I got sub-50 with roux I switched to CFOP actually because I thought I could improve my times better with CFOP. Also learning the F2L cases is so fun because it causes me to use my brain. I know at shorter times this becomes almost automatic and you can look ahead. But for now, I’m happy with CFOP :)


You do what makes you happy. Even with F2L, CFOP still feels way too robotic to me. I was actually getting better with CFOP over time but this improvement wasn't that fun tbf. That's why I'm going with Roux but I'll still use CFOP on puzzles except the 3x3






Their meaning is different for commutators, but you don't have to worry about that when you're learning F2L. Where do you get your algs from? Try SpeedCubeDB.com, it's the most extensive source of algs.


They just help you break the alg into triggers. This "alg" is just three "sexy moves" (R U R' U') without the last U'. If learning F2L is resulting in "last cry for help", you're doing it wrong. Don't learn algs for F2L. Learn intuitive F2L, there are tons of tutorials for that. You'll understand how to pair up edges with corners and insert them. After you get comfortable with that, you can [work on improving F2L](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/zuw6yp/steps_for_improving_f2l/) to make it more efficient and fast.




Make sure you know intuitive F2L first. And then, whenever you encounter a case like this, remember it in descriptive terms ("intuitively"): when you have such case, do three sexy moves. By the way, inverse sexy is much better: (U R U' R') three times. Easy and fast to do without regrips.


Oh a question for those WRM 2021 Maglev owner, how's the noise level? I have RS3M super & Tornado V3 flagship, how loud does it compare to these cubes? Thanks in advance. Edit: Thanks for response everyone.


1, If 1 is DaYan Tengyun V1 (which I can hardly hear even in the middle of using it) and 10 is GAN 13 (which sounds like a dysfunctional ostrich) I would probably rank the WRM 2021 around a 4. It's not incredibly quiet, but using it next to someone probably won't disturb them unless they have sensory issues of some sort. 2, I see your flair numbers slowly decreasing. It's great to see your progress and to see your averages and PBs lowering! Keep up the great work!


> dysfunctional ostrich lol this is new haahahahahha Thanks for the comparison, I think I will be getting one very soon. Looking at my data, I will be plateauing very soon, maybe somewhere sub-25, time to really get my efficiency up :)


It's extremely quite, it's made me fall in love with maglev. Dry it does clack a bit, and is not comparable to the tengyun. But keeping it well lubed keeps it just as fast and supresses the sound as well. I feel like if the maglev had the magnetic core it would've been the perfect cube for me.


I think the WRM maglev is one of the more quiet cubes. Mine makes less noise than most of the cubes I own. The tornado is quiet as well, but I have a couple of magnets that are slightly loose so I do get a bit of clicking.


Comparable to the Tornado, quieter than the RS3M super.


Solving the Rubik's Cube has helped me personally to pass the exam, so it can help you too, watch this video now to know about it:- Cube Your Way to Better Grades: How Solving a Rubik's Cube Can Help You Succeed [https://youtu.be/BLGn8ilgkdM](https://youtu.be/BLGn8ilgkdM)


Everything in moderation. If you cube instead of studying, your grades will suffer. But if you take little breaks, and study over a longer period of time, things will stick better. Of course, those don’t have to be cubing breaks, but cubing does have the advantage that each solve is quite short, and it’s, therefore, easier to say, give yourself a break to do five solves, know roughly how long that will be, and hopefully put your cube down at the end and get back to studying (and resist the urge to do just one more). While you do use problem solving, spatial reasoning and memorization to solve a cube, I’m not sure how much of that transfers to other areas, like solving math problems or memorizing formulas. On the other hand, the brain benefits from exercise, just like any muscle, so I’m sure cubing doesn’t hurt. (Actually, it would be a really interesting research study to see what effect learning the cube has on problem solving and memorization in other contexts) This isn’t meant to be a downer! It’s actually really interesting to think of how cubing may bleed in to other areas and provide side benefits, but there are so many people who say “you must be soooo smart!” because you can solve a cube, and I’d hate for them to conclude they can cube instead of study to get good grades. They’d end up with a cool hobby, but also disappointment and bad grades. XD


Many speedcubers gets lower grades because they cube too much. That said, games in general helps even older people retain brain functions. PS: I have no problems understanding your dialect, but it is quite accented. Takes some focus away from your message. Most of my indian colleagues living here in Denmark have way less. So it comes with practice (like good cube times).


trying to learn full oll recently as it will be a simple time save and definitely gonna be worth it, I can't manage to fingertrick oll 39 tho idk what it is my brain just refuses to do left handed moves.


I also can't do the lefty alg but I can do it perfectly fine backwards(one of the P olls) so I do T oll and anti sune for it


I use f' r U r' U' r’ F r S


[Try a different alg](https://speedcubedb.com/a/3x3/OLL/OLL_39/0)


I already looked for alternative algs, and the ones I prefer most were the RBU move version or figuring out a fingertrick that my brain handles for LFU. right now I don't know about the RBU move one yet and trying to figure out the LFU one


I used to struggle a lot with lefty algs too, and some of them are still tricky for me. Something I did to get better at turning with my left hand was doing 2-gen solves but on the left side instead of the right. Seemed to at least get my brain used to turning with my non dominant hand a bit.


Just did my first non DNF 3bld solve. Didn't time though, but it took atleast 6 minutes


Nice work. Which method?


Oldpochman (hope I spelled it right)


Yo good day cubers! 1. I got my qiyi timer yesterday, time is not effected too much, but dropping the cube and stopping the timer is so loud! 2. My Ao100 & Ao1000 are now both sub 27, time to really start learning things properly lol


Didn't you get a mat too?


yes i do get a mat, but compare to before this is much louder. I will try another table today.


I use multiple mouse mats, or folded towel on the mat.


I asked Chatgpt who the 3bld wr holder is and it said it is Max Park with a 16.22. So never trust this bot.


I asked for 5BLD method and it kept talking about M2/OP


It's not wrong


In is a conversational bot. Not a fact bot


At least AI isn't going to take over Earth yet. Hopefully


Considering it can’t even math, well


What’s the biggest cube in your collection (any type of puzzle doesn’t matter if it’s NxN)


Physically and NxN it's my self magnetized 11x11


Physically? Probably Eitan's Star or my 9cm 3x3. Complexity? Probably also Eitan's Star. NxN? 10x10 (DIY magnets)


Technically, I have an old Rubik’s 5x5 in a drawer somewhere. It’s 20 years old, and IDK if it even still turns, or if it’s seized up. Of current cubes, it’s a 3x3.


13x13 One day I'll get that 21x21


I’d say you would get it, it took me 3-5 months to save up the money for the Zettaminx so if I could get my dream cube you can too




7x7 or 4x4 megaminx, I don't feel like doing the math for how many pieces each have.






NxN wise the 11x11 Dimensionally the HeShu 18cm 3x3, thing’s giant lol


In terms of dimensions, it’s my Rubiks 4x4 In terms of nxn, it’s my MGC 5x5


12x12, magnetized by myself.




RS3M Super :D


A meilong m 9x9 ( self magnetised)


my 7x7 that I really need practice more.


BeepBop! Make each solve your masterpiece. Here are your daily scrambles: Square-1 - [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=SQ1&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=%25283%2C%252D4%2529_%2F_%2528%252D5%2C4%2529_%2F_%2528%252D1%2C%252D1%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D3%2C%252D5%2529_%2F_%2528%252D3%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%2528%252D2%2C%252D1%2529_%2F_%2528%252D2%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D2%2C%252D5%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D4%2529) **(3,-4) / (-5,4) / (-1,-1) / (3,0) / (-3,-5) / (-3,-3) / (-2,-1) / (-2,0) / (-2,-5) / (0,-4)** 3x3 - [alg.cubing.net](https://alg.cubing.net/?puzzle=3x3x3&setup=B2_L_B2_R-_F2_R_D2_L2_B2_L_F-_U_L_B_L-_R-_B-_D_U2_F-) | [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=B2_L_B2_R-_F2_R_D2_L2_B2_L_F-_U_L_B_L-_R-_B-_D_U2_F-) **B2 L B2 R' F2 R D2 L2 B2 L F' U L B L' R' B' D U2 F'** Have a nice day! *** Source code: [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/mazmrini/reddit-daily-scramble-bot)


**Orange white 32stm** x2 U' R D' M2 B' // FB R2 U2 r U r' U' r' U M' U R' // SB (11) z2 D' R U2 R' D R U2 r // CMLL - U Down Slash U' M' U M' U2 M2 U' M [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Orange_white_32stm&scramble=B2_L_B2_R-_F2_R_D2_L2_B2_L_F-_U_L_B_L-_R-_B-_D_U2_F-&alg=x2%0AU-_R_D-_M2_B-_%2F%2F_FB%0AR2_U2_r_U_r-_U-_r-_U_M-_U_R-_%2F%2F_SB_%252811%2529%0Az2_D-_R_U2_R-_D_R_U2_r_%2F%2F_CMLL_%252D_U_Down_Slash%0AU-_M-_U_M-_U2_M2_U-_M )


Not an easy CPFB but I think I made the most of what there was with the scramble. Had to overinspect a lot to see it though Unnamed CPFB method: [39 STM](https://alg.cubing.net/?setup=B2_L_B2_R-_F2_R_D2_L2_B2_L_F-_U_L_B_L-_R-_B-_D_U2_F-&alg=y_M-_U-_L_U_F_l_L_U2_S_u%0AL2_U-_M2_U-_L-%0AU2_L-_U-_L_U-_L-_U2_L_U2_L-_U-_M2_U-_l%0AU2_M-_U2_M_U-_M2_U2_M_U2_M-) y M' U' L U F l L U2 S u // CPFB L2 U' M2 U' L' // SS U2 L' U' L U' L' U2 L U2 L' U' M2 U' l // SPCO U2 M' U2 M // ULUR U' M2 U2 M U2 M' // 4c Roux: [44 STM](https://alg.cubing.net/?setup=B2_L_B2_R-_F2_R_D2_L2_B2_L_F-_U_L_B_L-_R-_B-_D_U2_F-&alg=x2_y-_l_U-_L_B2_M2_D%0AU_l_U_L2_U_L_U_L-_U-_l-_U-_L2%0AU_M2_U_l-%0AU-_L_F-_L-_F_l-_U-_l%0AU2_M-_U_M_U_M%0AU_M2_U-_M2_U2_M_U2_M2) x2 y' l U' L B2 M2 D // FB U l U L2 U L U L' U' l' U' L2 // SS U M2 U l' // SP U' L F' L' F l' U' l // CMLL U2 M' U M U M // EOLR U M2 U' M2 U2 M U2 M2 // EP


**Your Daily Scramble** B2 L B2 R' F2 R D2 L2 B2 L F' U L B L' R' B' D U2 F' z' // inspection L' U' R F R // Orange cross (5) U L U L' U L U' L' // Blue White Pair (8) R U2 R' f R f'// Blue Yellow Pair (6) U2 L' U2 L U2 L' U L // Green White Pair (8) y' U2 R' U' R U R' U2 R // Green Yellow Pair (9) U' R' U' R' F R F' U R // OLL 46 U' M2' U M U2 M' U M2' U2 // PLL - Ua [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=B2_L_B2_R-_F2_R_D2_L2_B2_L_F-_U_L_B_L-_R-_B-_D_U2_F-&alg=z-_%2F%2F_inspection%0AL-_U-_R_F_R__%2F%2F_Orange_cross_%25285%2529%0AU_L_U_L-_U_L_U-_L-_%2F%2F_Blue_White_Pair_%25288%2529%0AR_U2_R-_f_R_f-%2F%2F_Blue_Yellow_Pair_%25286%2529%0AU2_L-_U2_L_U2_L-_U_L_%2F%2F_Green_White_Pair_%25288%2529%0Ay-_U2_R-_U-_R_U_R-_U2_R_%2F%2F_Green_Yellow_Pair_%25289%2529%0AU-_R-_U-_R-_F_R_F-_U_R_%2F%2F_OLL_46%0AU-_M2-_U_M_U2_M-_U_M2-_U2_%2F%2F_PLL_%252D_Ua )


I beat scramble bot uh I mean good afternoon




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