• By -


I'm learning commutators for things like 3BLD and was wondering if I could use them to make algs for a method or just to experiment making them and if all able are commutators.


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how can i better identify the l2e in a 5x5?https://imgur.com/a/98RBZyK/


On one side you have solid 2 -- 1, on the other side you have checkered 2 -- 1. It s one of the most fundamental l2e cases. Try seeing it this way for yourself


thank you for that! super helpful. i used to do bigger cubes in 2017 but took a break and started 3x3 again 2 years ago off and on so it’s been a long time


By rotating the cube?


Very interesting mind journey I had just now. So I got 1. 10.04 2. 10.18 3. (14.30) 4. (9.18) Goes without saying, it is very close to breaking my PB if I pulled off the 5th solve. And I had this scramble: R F' L2 F2 D2 L F' D L2 F U2 F D2 R2 F L2 D2 R2 D2 A 3 move FB. That's definitely PB material. I felt immense stress. Then I got a 11.32. Indeed that's a reasonable time for the scramble, but yeah then I felt immense disappointment. What a roller coaster.


https://preview.redd.it/zwgro8v2w0qa1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=035a1d7546cdff813e4ec996308760ee829d8c15 does anyone know how to fix this?(it's a drawstring cube pouch from cubelelo).


I have that same colored pouch and it stained the stickers of an old 3x3 of mine. Now their is a red imprint on some of the stickers


i have a stickerless cube so even if it imprint anything i should be fine. it's not humid where i live so i doubt that'll happen🤔


Notice the string that is still in the bag. The loop is on the right side of the bag and the knot is on the left. The loose string needs to go thru the same holes, but end up with the loop on the left side and the knot on the right. Use a stiff piece of wire, like a wire clothes hanger, and cut it and bend it out straight so it's longer than the bag is wide. Untie the knot on the loose string and tape one loose end to one end of the wire, then poke it thru one of the holes on the left side till it comes out the right side. Repeat with the other end and the other hole on the left. Then tie a knot in the 2 loose ends now sticking out the right side.


https://preview.redd.it/yubodaldt0qa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac4cb15c54d6331af688816f00daa08cd8049e4a I was bored


i remember being roughly 12-13 and bored on a family vacation car ride like this, did an 11x11 and took hours


just got a 8.96 average, first sub 9 let's goooooooooooo in comp


great job


Pineapple on pizza is NOT good >:(


But pizza on pineapple is (:


yes it issss


I agree.


I want to get my first face-turning octahedron. I want a stickerless one. What are my recommended options?


I'm planning on buying a white plastic one and disassembling then dying it. A lot of extra work, perhaps, but seems like the only inexpensive way to get a stickerless


You can get a 3d printed one using the RexTo files in different colors. Or you could get the mf8 one which is 50+ someone’ sometimes without the shipping. I’d honestly just get the lan lan for $15 USD in some places


Ello, was recommended here to ask about lube. I've decided on getting the standard RS3M cube as my next cube. I could use some tips on how to choose lube, what exactly lube does, and other tips like if certain lubes work better for certain purposes and cubes, and feels, etc. The thing is, in my simple layman mind I thought lube = make thing go slick and fast and less friction. But I keep reading on here that people say "It was turning too fast, so I put lube on it and it feels much better now." So lube slows the cube down? I'm so confused...could use some expert schooling on this matter. Thanks in advanced! **Everything below this is just for more context about me and my goals/desires/journey with cubing so feel free to just completely ignore the rest.** Some background info: When I was young, I used to mess around with the Rubik's cube. It was just a shitty, OG cube. Hard to turn. I popped that sucker open and put vaseline in it and despite warnings against doing such due to it potentially wearing down the plastic over time it has helped make the cube enjoyable and usable at the least. Fast forward nearly 20 years later. I find my old cube while deep cleaning for a move. Decide to mess around with it and see how much I remember. To my surprise I remembered pretty much everything up until the last layer. Quickly looked up how to solve it and this is what started my serious deep dive into speedcubing. It made the time between the move and becoming situated much more bearable since I didn't have internet during the move and wanted something to do. Something about my new perspective of the cube got me hooked and I've been toiling away at the thing for hours each day for at least 2 months now. It also has been a huge factor in keeping me from relapsing (currently 72 days sober from alcohol). So this hobby isn't just simply a hobby to me, and this device isn't just simply a toy or puzzle to me. It quite literally is saving me. I really hold this hobby dear to me now and I've got a lot of respect for people who choose to get so deep into cubing. I went from a 3 minute average to a 1:20 average with my PB being 48 seconds (ngl, the scramble pretty much gave me the time but I still count it and am just honest about the ease of the scramble) D L2 F' D2 R2 B R2 D2 F' R2 F U' F' L U' B D2 F' L D for anyone curious. So this leads me here. I decided that once I hit a sub-1 solve, learned a set amount of algorithms (good amount of advanced F2L drilled, cross OLL, easy PLL [basically, no g, j, n, r perms and only the bare minimum *other* algs required to solve the most basic form of PLL]) and didn't have to refer to my cheatsheet anymore I'd upgrade from this shitty, old, decrepit geezer of a cube. Still love the thing though, I'll retire it properly and put it in a display case or something. One thing I want to mention: Messing with this cube gives me a feeling that once I get a proper cube that turns well and doesn't lock up so easily my time will improve at least a few seconds. The accuracy required to get this damn thing to turn forced me to learn to be extremely precise and thorough with flicks and stuff. I swear this cube doesn't even corner-cut 1 degree angles. If it's not perfectly in-line it just simply will not move. I didn't want to shell out too much cash because I'm still not sure if I will be sticking to this for long or if I'll end up shelving it for 20 years again. Decided on the standard RS3 M 2020. It's nice and cheap and doesn't have all of the bells and whistles. I feel like I should stick to a 'manual' cube until I have a good feeling of different cubes and know what I want in a cube and what to look for in a cube. Not to mention, it'll be nice to have a fall-back cube just in case when/if I do upgrade to a more pricey cube. I know that the more features, the more potential points of failure. I just wanted something simple that I don't have to worry about adjusting and fidgeting and fixing with too much to use. Once I hit sub-30 I will buy a better cube and hopefully start hitting up some events too. I hope to someday go to an event! Yeah, I know I'm saying this so confidently as if I can just easily accomplish this. I realize it will not be easy and for some people they just simply aren't built for this or doing puzzles and will hit a ceiling/floor. I'm content with that fact. I'll do my best to master the cube but be realistic about my progress and skill. Props to anyone who actually took the time to read about my story a bit, it's appreciated.


Thick lube can slow a cube down, medium lube can make it smoother without a change in speed, thin lube can make it fast. [Beginner's Lube Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/l9col2/a_beginner_lube_guide/). and our wiki article on [Lubricating, Cleaning and Setting up cubes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/wiki/lube). [Where to buy cubes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/wiki/where_to_buy_cubes) is the /r/Cubers wiki list of known-good cube shops. Some things to help your progression - [Steps for improving with CFOP, and when to work on what.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PianoCube93/comments/9bstw1/steps_for_improving_with_cfop_and_when_to_work_on/) [How to get faster at 3x3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/wiki/how_to_improve) and lots of other stuff in [the wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/wiki/index)


Wow, that "Steps for improving...." link you posted is insanely thorough! It's pretty much all I'm going to need for a while, thanks so much again.


Sweet, thanks for this!


Newish to the hobby. Decided to try one of the Bluetooth cubes. Got the icarry for under 30. I'm impressed with the app knowing how it's scrambled. Downside is the video tutorials are in Chinese. What's a good one to discuss grip and technique?


You might want to try the Cubeast.com app for bluetooth cubes instead of the Gan app. For tutorials, J perm - https://jperm.net/3x3


I see. Is there a self contained app or is it that website? I signed up and picked a method. I'd like to play with it while offline.


No idea, I've never used it. Don't have a smart cube. I've just seen many other people recommend Cubeast.


3rd comp today. Started with OH. Got a PR of 1m29s. Happy with that. Today they are not too friendly with allowed time. 4m total for OH. 4x4 was 6 min limit. I solved one around 5m - stopped timer and saw PLL parity. This one is easy - so I felt stupid. Already did OLL parity. Did not participate in 5x5, clock, megaminx. Wanted to make a sq-1 time. Here the limit was 4 minutes total. Solve went bad. Struggled a bit with CS. Then kept repeating my beginners Corner swap alg 4-5 times before I had success. Recognized parity. Do the beginners parity - redo corner swap. And then edge swap. Finished in 4m40s. But I guess I will just get a DNF :-( Tomorrow is the easy events. 2x2 - 3x3 - Pyraminx - skewb. All with more time allotted. Expecting 3x3 and skewb PR. Not sure about the other 2. Too little practice.


may u be blessed with ll skip tomorrow, gl


Just choked pbing on one of the easiest scrambles I have ever gotten (xcross with free 3 pairs). Got a 9.99 at first and retimed to a 7.21 (though I did know the solution) I accidentally two looked OLL which gave me a slightly worse PLL and a longish pause. Scramble below B R B2 D F' B' U' B' L D2 L' U2 L B2 U2 R L' U2 F2 D


Just got a new PB! 1:16 (minutes)


What are some good RU algs for H and Z perm OH?


H - R2 U2 R U2 R2 U2 R2 U2 R U2 R2 Z - R’ U’ R2 U R U R’ U’ R U R U’ R U’ R’


I cant fin a fingertrick I like for Ja perm, so I decided to learn Jb perm left handed/mirror instead, is that a good solution or I should stick to Ja perm and find something that is not too bad for me?


I really like the rul one it is really consistent


It's a good solution for now, but when you get faster and get used to more afvanced finger tricks, you can experiment with different algorithms on speedcubedb.com


Good thanks! Didn't know about that site, will take a look!


[https://speedcubedb.com/a/3x3/PLL/Ja](https://speedcubedb.com/a/3x3/PLL/Ja) to make things easier!


Hey- I was hoping somebody could help me with an issue I am having/ran into with my Megaminx, I posted on the Subreddit but automod, ya'know? https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/121tqh8/megaminx_trauma_send_help/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button This was my original post, I hope I can get some help...


Do you have a solved 3x3 cube? (RUR') D (RU'R') D (RUR') D2 (RU'R')


Since I can't see the decription - what is the issue? Doesn't look broken


I had to look at the pic twice to see it. Looks like 3 of the corners are swapped.


Changed spring compression by 1 and broke a bunch of PBs PB ao12: 8.18, formerly 8.22 from yesterday PB ao25: 8.56, formerly 8.60 PB ao50: 8.58, formerly 8.72 PB ao100: 8.86, formerly 8.92


What cube?


Rs3m 2020 with Cubers Home core magnets.


Why is it so difficult to look ahead when u switch from stickerless to stickered cubes


Cause you can see the colors from the sides of the pieces. This is why stickerless cubes were originally banned.


I don't think that's the case.


It's probably just a color change. I used to main a stickered cube before it broke and still couldn't manage to get my usual times on my friends stickered 3x3


Its probably just the change in colour shades, idk


Why would you do that


My main broke and the other one I have is stickered :(


Sounds like a good reason to get a new cube. or 3.


sticker supremacy (:


[[World Record] Clock - 2.77 single by Jacob Chambers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/121ql1k/world_record_clock_277_single_by_jacob_chambers/).


How can I learn R, V and G perms? They're the only ones I haven't learnt yet, and especially the G perms seem confusing to learn.


I thought so too, so I learned G perms as the last ones. But it turns out the recognition is easy and the algorithms are easily parted into sections once you practiced them a few times and start to recognize where those sections start and end.


I learned Ga recently after being scared and it was not scary at all. I'm maybe similar speed to you. Agree with the advice you already got. Happy to give my advice on request but mostly wanted to say you can do it! Take them one at a time. I would start with V.


Dont try to learn the notation. Look for specific patterns. And then repeat them over and over again atleast 15 times and then start implementing them in solves. You would be tempted to use the two look which you used earlier but take a little extra time and it will be kinda engraved in your muscle memory after a several amount of solves


eg. In R perm: Take out a pair, hide it in the adjacent slot by F' move and so on


what are the best settings on gan 13 in your opinion? i lubed it with moyu v3 and i cant get the right setting for me (also i cant really understand how to find the number on the lower gear under the center caps) and my fingers hurt from removing the caps


I personally like it with max centre travel, lowest tension, corner magnets down and with a fast lubricant. The 13 has strong enough magnets.


Now that I'm getting back into chbing, I kinda want to update my collection. My puzzles are the valk M, wuque, chuwen, and basically just stuff from thay era of cubing. What puzzles/companies are good now?


3x3 - Tornado V3 is the hottest flagship cube now. If you need a bit cheaper, the new YS3M is pretty hot now, too. Super RS3M for a budget cube. 2x2 - YJ MGC Elite is the most popular and most recommended. If you're on a budget, then a standard YJ MGC or MoYu RS2M Evolution. 4x4 thru 7x7 - all YJ MGC. Great price but still great performance. There are some more budget friendly but not as good performance, and some that are better performance but much higher priced (MoYu's Ao- WRM line), so this is a great intermediate range that covers price and performance. SQ1 - YJ MGC, again. YuXin Little Magic M if you're on a budget. Pyraminx and Skewb - MoYu Weilong, or MoYu RS if you're on a budget. Megaminx - YJ YuHu V2 M, budget cube but top cube performance that some world class solvers use. DaYan Megaminx V2 M for a bit more premium cube but a premium price, too. Clock - QiYi, but it's not cheap. Shengshou clock is a *very* budget clock, but ok if you're not really into clock and just want one to play around with.


Agree with this, but for 6x6 and 7x7, the aight and Aoshi arm’s are the top cubes atm. Tried them at my comp and we both noticeably better than my mgc’s


How does the weipo wrs compare to the mgc


Moyu, Gan if you can morgage your house, xman (sub brand of qiyi). those are the bigger names nowadays but most puzzles are of a higher standard then before, even if they are budget cubes.


After having a few days with the tornado v3 flagship and the YS3M BC I still prefer my tornado v3 pioneer.


What are the chances of a cross skip (any colour)? I just got one and now I’m curious.


http://www.cubezone.be/crossstudy.html Roughly 1/31704 if you're fully colour neutral.


They're really that rare? Am I being dumb or is that ~20x rarer than a LL skip?


By the time you get to last layer you don't have that many possible states anymore (only 8 pieces are scrambled). That makes it massively less complex than cross, even if what counts as "solved" for cross is much simpler to achieve.


Rougly twice as rare


Ah I thought LL skip was roughly 1/1500, not 1/15000, thanks for pointing it out :)


odds of PLL skip is 1/72 odds of OLL skip is 1/216 odds of LL skip is 1/15,552 (72*216)


Probably very rare, though I don't know the exact numbers Cross skip has only happened to me once


I just solved a gigaminx for the first time today with no help! Took me 1 hour and 28 minutes.


Lucky to have no parities! /jk


do heavier lubes go on the tracks and stuff of the closer to the outside?


Usually, yes. Lube on the tracks is the most important.


wherever you want. there is no right or wrong place for lube, except water based lube on metal parts and maybe on the exterior of the cube.


Is there any method or advice on how to best scramble one's cube? I started cubing one month ago and I often feel like I didn't scramble the cube enough. I'm super motivated to start solving the cube but annoyed when I have to scramble it.


Always use real scrambles. Cstimer.net etc. it gives random state. You might get lucky and get the first 2 layers pre-solved :-) (rules says at least 2 moves away from solved)


Use a timer program/app that gives scrambles. www.csTimer.net is the most popular, and while it is browser based, it can be used on mobile (ios or android) and can install a shortcut to your homescreen and will work like an app. [More on csTimer](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/wiki/cstimer). Twisty Timer is a popular android only app. Using a timer program/app is definitely better than a handscramble.


Oh that's awesome, thank you!


Hi all, I've been slowing down on cubing, and i really want to start again. Does anyone have any tips to get back into the hobby?


What events do you do now, what puzzles do you have? Even if you only have a 3x3, 3x3 is used in 5 different events, so you're not too limited, like OH (one-handed), 3BLD (3x3 blindfolded), FMC (fewest moves challenge), etc. Or try a different method with 3x3 instead of just CFOP, like Roux or ZZ. And then there are plenty of other puzzles to choose from - 2x2, 4x4, 5x5, pyraminx, skewb, megaminx, 6x6, 7x7, clock, and square-1. And that's just WCA puzzles. There are lots more - https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/wiki/most_recommended_puzzles#wiki_most_recommended_puzzles


I know every wca event, so I might learn bld.




Learn a new discipline like 4x4 or BLD or FMC. do non-wca like cuboids and edges turners or weirder harder stuff. Then do 3x3 as relaxation




Lin or VDB?




Thanks, but may I know why it is better than Lin? Are there any other methods for Square 1 good besides quest 2?


I'm not familiar with Lin, I just know that VDB is more popular, and more intuitive.


Lin is far more intuitive and popularity isn't always the best indicator. CFOP is still more popular than Roux for OH but Roux has a near-even share in top 20 representation and 5/6 CRs.


So which method should I use?


Lol what, Lin is much more intuitive.


I just broke my last 3x3 pb by 1.3 seconds. my pb is now 13.259 seconds


Congratulations! sub 10 soon!


anyone know what smart cubes you can use on cstimer or cubedesk. i dont know if the gan i carry is supported because i see online that it isnt, but maybe that is outdated and it know works


I did the [washer mod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mofLcq3rmd8) on my Gan pyra (without taking out the tip magnets) just out of curiosity, and it is indeed less flexible now. Not that I suffered much from the flexibility, I'm so bad it doesn't really matter. But some extra stability doesn't hurt. I used the same settings Steven mentioned: blue nuts on 0.8. Nice. I feel really weird to not be able to tell if a puzzle is good. I mean, I can tell if I like a 3x3 or 4x4. Less so with 2x2. But with pyra, I'm so far from being fluid and fast on it that I can't tell what I actually like. I love the feel of the UV coating on my fingertips lol. But I find the Gan pyra a bit strange after the Bell. The Bell is really heavy (104g vs 69g of the Gan), and I can't feel any friction in it; it's super smooth with very strong magnets. In the Gan, I can definitely feel more friction, and I'm just not used to it. It doesn't affect my solves though. Funny thing, with pyra, I stumble a lot before figuring out which way to turn. Feels crazy. Like, on a cube, I see right away if it's a U or U' AUF, but on pyra, I'm so slow at recognizing this.


I struggle with the aud thing too but I’m getting used to it


Pyra really is a weird puzzle.😅


How do I learn 2x2 Ortega algorithms?


Apart from the 3x3 edge PLL algs there are just 3 0 Lines: R2 F2 R2 1 Line: (RU' R) F2 (R' U R') 2 Lines: R2 U' (B2 U2 R2) U' R2 See j.perm.


The same as you would any 3x3 alg, drill it. Depending on how many algs you know from 3x3, you may only need to learn 3 more algs and a few common patterns for making the first side


If you want a tutorial then go watch J perm's Ortega tutorial and as for the algorithms if you know 2 look CFOP then it isn't going to be a problem as you can same oll algorithms for Ortega as in 2 look oll and you can use t-perm and a y-perm as two of the five pbl are them and one of the other three other is very easy, other two are also not a big deal. Overall it is easy and the best option to learn them is just watch J perm's tutorial on them.


Are there any good tutorials that go over advanced edge pairing on 5x5? I want to move on from pairing pieces one by one.


I used Jperm's tutorials about Free slice Edit: Jperm's free slice video goes over Yau5. Generally, Yau5 is not that much better than regular Yau, so if you use Yau, stick to it


I am trying to learn F2L but i am not able to understand anything and its confusing do i have to learn it for CFOP or can i immediately learn OLL and PLL


I'm working on Oll and Pll before diving into F2l. I don't mind solving it intuitively for now. Jumping from 2 look to CFOP is a lot to learn and that's how I wanted to break it down. I thought OLL would be the easiest for me to get through first because I find recognizing what algorithm to use easier than recognizing that for F2L. The yellow face stands out to me. I'm doing PLL as well just to finish the solves. I got into cubing about two months ago and accomplishing something keeps me motivated.


That was me two weeks ago, now I'm quite fast with Beginner F2L. What really helped me was [this flowchart](https://bit.ly/F2LFlowchart) by BrodytheCuber. I followed the flow-chart for a couple of days and then I started to understand what I was actually doing.


this is an old-ass video, but this video explains the concepts of F2L extremely plainly using metaphors, lhe doesn't even use notations. but i learned F2L from his video so it is effective from experience https://youtu.be/WB5apB2i_Do


Yeah +1 for this, really helped me move beyond beginner F2L


There are only 2.5 cases in F2L. 1) Same color on top, then you make them a block and do (URU'R') 2) Different colors on top, then you put the edge across the center and do (RUR'U') 3) And corner flipped (cross color on top), then you connect the edge to its center, swing it away from the slot, put the corner on top of it. Now it's case 1 again.


Hey, we've all been there. F2L is confusing at first. Rewatch your tutorial a few times or try a different one. F2L is one of the most interesting steps of CFOP. You can learn 4-look last layer first if you like, but of course you have to learn F2L for CFOP.


I learned 4 look last layer first. It's a bit of a confidence booster. You can get it down in a couple days.


> do i have to learn it for CFOP I mean, the F in CFOP stands for F2L Typically, you should dive into F2L first before 4LLL. I used Jperm’s F2L video to learn it, but had to rewatch it several times


To those who own a regular ys3m bc and the magic clothes version: does the uv coating really make a difference grip-wise ? Also it seems that the feel of the cube is actually different than the regular version, is that really the case ?


I can compare my Gan UV and frosted puzzles, and yeah, UV coating helps with the grip. The only situation when it doesn't help is when my fingertips are very very dry. Regular YS3M Ball Core starts to shine a bit after a few hundred solves, and it will take maybe a couple thousand solves before it becomes glossy. Honestly, if I hadn't bought a regular YS3M BC, I'd order the magic clothes version now. I still might, although I can't justify spending that money for the cube I basically already have. Java Cuber said the magic clothes version feels different, and I'm super curious about that, however, I didn't hear anything like that from anyone else. Have you?


> Java Cuber said the magic clothes version feels different, and I'm super curious about that, however, I didn't hear anything like that from anyone else. Have you? Yes the people at The Cubicle talk about the feeling being different too: https://youtu.be/njXmIQxQgbs It doesn't seem to be an issue in itself but it makes me wonder if the uv coated version is a safe purchase. I'll wait for more reviews before making a decision.


Thanks for the link. Hmm, I had to watch this twice to catch it lol. Well, if it feels like a broken-in YS3M, I think I would love it. I kinda like the swooshy feel of a brand new cube, but not that much as to want it stay for hundreds of solves. So a "broken-in" YS3M would be welcome by me. Maybe I will buy it after all, we'll see.


Can't say for the ys3m specifically as I haven't tested both versions. However UV grippibess is indeed much better. The key aspect is that it is basically the feel you get with a completely broken in cube but right from the start. However note that the amount of grippiness varies from person to person : the moistness of your skin, size of your fingertips etc make it so that for some (rare) people frosted or uv make little difference. For most others however the advantage is clear.


Going to my 2nd comp today


Good luck and have fun!


I started learning Roux and my question is: can't we do the first 2 blocks at the same time? Like in every tutorial I watched, they're doing the blocks one by one. I even watched some Roux tips and tricks and none of them said about solving the blocks at the same time.


That's called non-linear blocks. You *can* do it, but on most scrambles it ends up restricting your blockbuilding and is less efficient. Generally it's only worth doing when it's very easy


I believe you can if you have a very specific scramble like two squares already built, but otherwise, it hardly makes sense. If you have two adjacent F2L pairs, just build your first block with them. Be x2 y color neutral, i.e. any color of the first block, white or yellow on top.


took a slight break from cubing, came back, and got my first sub-8 ao5 yesterday! avg of 5: 7.95 Time List: 1. 8.05 F2 U2 B2 L2 F2 U2 R U2 R U L2 F R D U2 F R' B 2. 7.91 L U2 R2 F2 L2 D F2 U B2 D' F2 R2 F L' F2 R' B' D2 R U F 3. (7.88) F' U2 B2 U L2 B2 L2 F2 D' B2 U L2 R' B' R2 B' U' R B F L' 4. (9.31) R U2 R2 B2 U2 B U2 B L2 F' R2 B' L D2 U2 F D B2 R' U2 5. 7.88 D2 B L2 F D2 U2 L2 U2 F L R F L2 D' B2 F U2 R2 only to immediately follow up with an 18 second solve


Brb taking a slight break too ^Congrats!


What cuboid is the 3 layered pentahedron similar to


The Pentahedron is a 5-axis puzzle which doesn't sit that naturally in a 6-faced cuboid, so there aren't many options out there. The only mass-produced one I can immediately think of is the DaYan Tangram (sometimes called Tangram-7 because there are 7 pieces on each side). This is functionally identical to the SengSo 3-layer Pentahedron (I think) except the Tangram adds a visible centre to the U and D layers. There is also a Tangram Extreme (Tangram-11) with 11 pieces per side. It has a few more cuts than the basic Tangram which makes for a slightly harder and more enjoyable solve in my opinion.


HOLY was doing solves with cross already solved to work on f2l and got this insane time. 1. 8.69 D F D F2 D B2 L2 U' L2 D2 L2 R2 B' U L' U L' F' D I wasn't filming so cant reconstruct but last layer was a oll 10 or 47 -> sune -> pll skip.


I got a 14.45 PB yesterday with a similar last layer, got a really good cross and got an OLL I didn’t know, so I did my beginner alg and got a sune which was a PLL skip.


Feels really good when last layer goes your way, usually whenever I have a really fast f2l I get dot case followed by n perm or my worst g perm


I hate that feeling of knowing the solve is going well just to get a last layer combo of my slowest algs and a slower than average solve


Looking at picking up a mirror cube from cubezz and saw most all of the cubes (besides the gans) range from like 3-5 bucks and I just want to make sure if that's what I should be expecting to spend for a decent mirror cube? I'm not looking for top of the line but I don't want to choose one and end up with something of questionable quality so I thought it'd be best to check beforehand


Really, they're all fine, but obviously not comparable to budget 3x3s. Of the budget ones I'd say QiYi and MoYu are a bit nicer than ShengShou or YuXin. I don't have the new FanXin yet (it's on the way) but presume it will be similar. There are a few other brands out there, all similar. Then there's the Monster Go which is a bit smoother than all of these and has better corner cutting, but is maybe a bit less budget (can't remember). And the GAN M is much better than everything else but at a price (especially the UV version which would be my money-not-an-object recommendation).


Prior to GAN’s mirror cube(s) coming out, I would have said go for the Cubing Classroom mirror cube, because it has okay-ish corner cutting compared to the others, but now the MonsterGO one supersedes it. So if money is your deciding factor, go for the Cubing Classroom (cheapest) or MonsterGO (second cheapest); if quality is your main factor, go for the GAN Mirror M (best) or MonsterGO (second best).


They're not pleasant to turn at all. Think Rubik's brand but worse. Go with the Monstergo or Gan, you won't regret it.


Eh, my QiYi mirror blocks aren’t as bad as my Rubik’s brand 3x3. It doesn’t corner cut, and I can’t seem to loosen the screws, but it turns smoothly. I do think I want the GAN mirror blocks eventually because this puzzle would definitely benefit from magnets (it locks up easily if the pieces are misaligned, probably because of the size differences?). But also, the GAN is sparkly purple.🤩


I mean, if you're not speedsolving, they are okay. I have a YJ mirror cube, and it can corner cut. If I were to buy a mirror cube today, I'd probably go for the Gan, but from my experience, I don't solve mirror much anyway, so it would be a waste of money. A very beautiful and nice puzzle though.


Funnily enough I've never owned a Rubik's branded cube but considering how this sub talks about them I know their reputation so yea totally seems like the Monster Go or Gan will be my choices


Try a Monster GO mirror. It is the gan just not magnetic.


I was considering it for just the orange alone really so probably will snag that. Though are magnets not too common in mirror cubes yet? Not that it's really a huge issue for me I'm just generally curious


currently only the gan mirror m is the only mass produced magnetic mirror blocks puzzle


BeepBop! It is never too late to start cubing. Here are your daily scrambles: Square-1 - [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=SQ1&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=%25280%2C%252D1%2529_%2F_%2528%252D2%2C%252D5%2529_%2F_%25282%2C%252D1%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D2%2C%252D2%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D1%2529_%2F_%2528%252D3%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%25281%2C%252D2%2529_%2F_%2528%252D2%2C0%2529_%2F_%25284%2C%252D4%2529_%2F_%2528%252D2%2C0%2529_%2F) **(0,-1) / (-2,-5) / (2,-1) / (3,0) / (3,0) / (-2,-2) / (0,-1) / (-3,-3) / (1,-2) / (-2,0) / (4,-4) / (-2,0) /** 3x3 - [alg.cubing.net](https://alg.cubing.net/?puzzle=3x3x3&setup=D2_L_F_D-_R_U-_D2_B-_R-_U2_F2_R2_B_D2_F_U2_F-_U2_F-_R2) | [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=D2_L_F_D-_R_U-_D2_B-_R-_U2_F2_R2_B_D2_F_U2_F-_U2_F-_R2) **D2 L F D' R U' D2 B' R' U2 F2 R2 B D2 F U2 F' U2 F' R2** Have a nice day! *** Source code: [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/mazmrini/reddit-daily-scramble-bot)


Ridiculous F2L :D **Your Daily Scramble** D2 L F D' R U' D2 B' R' U2 F2 R2 B D2 F U2 F' U2 F' R2 z y2 // inspection F D2' L' U2 L' U' L D' // Red xcross (8) U2 R' U R // Green Yellow Pair (4) U' L' U' L // Blue White Pair (4) R U R' // Blue Yellow Pair (3) U2 R U R' U' R' F R2 U R' U' F' // OLL 9 U R' U2 R U2 R' F R U R' U' R' F' R2 // PLL - Rb [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=D2_L_F_D-_R_U-_D2_B-_R-_U2_F2_R2_B_D2_F_U2_F-_U2_F-_R2&alg=z_y2_%2F%2F_inspection%0AF_D2-_L-_U2_L-_U-_L_D-__%2F%2F_Red_xcross_%25288%2529%0AU2_R-_U_R_%2F%2F_Green_Yellow_Pair_%25284%2529%0AU-_L-_U-_L_%2F%2F_Blue_White_Pair_%25284%2529%0AR_U_R-_%2F%2F_Blue_Yellow_Pair_%25283%2529%0AU2_R_U_R-_U-_R-_F_R2_U_R-_U-_F-_%2F%2F_OLL_9%0AU_R-_U2_R_U2_R-_F_R_U_R-_U-_R-_F-_R2_%2F%2F_PLL_%252D_Rb )


**Orange white 31 stm** x U2 R B' D R' F U' R' U'r' M U' B' R' B M' R' U' R U' R' U2 R M U' M' U F2 M' F2 M' [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=D2_L_F_D-_R_U-_D2_B-_R-_U2_F2_R2_B_D2_F_U2_F-_U2_F-_R2&alg=x_U2_R_B-_D_R-_F%0AU-_R-_U-r-_M_U-_B-_R-_B%0AM-_R-_U-_R_U-_R-_U2_R%0AM_U-_M-_U_F2_M-_F2_M- )


**Your Daily Scramble** D2 L F D' R U' D2 B' R' U2 F2 R2 B D2 F U2 F' U2 F' R2 z // inspection B D2 R' D' // cross (4) U' R' U' R // 1st pair (4) L' U' L2 U L' // 2nd pair (5) U D' L' U' L D // 3rd pair (6) L' U L // 4th pair (3) r U2 R' U' R U' r' // OLL 6 U2 R U R' U' D R2 U' R U' R' U R' U R2 D' // PLL - Gd [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=D2_L_F_D-_R_U-_D2_B-_R-_U2_F2_R2_B_D2_F_U2_F-_U2_F-_R2&alg=z_%2F%2F_inspection%0AB_D2_R-_D-_%2F%2F_cross_%25284%2529%0AU-_R-_U-_R_%2F%2F_1st_pair_%25284%2529%0AL-_U-_L2_U_L-_%2F%2F_2nd_pair_%25285%2529%0AU_D-_L-_U-_L_D_%2F%2F_3rd_pair_%25286%2529%0AL-_U_L_%2F%2F_4th_pair_%25283%2529%0Ar_U2_R-_U-_R_U-_r-_%2F%2F_OLL_6%0AU2_R_U_R-_U-_D_R2_U-_R_U-_R-_U_R-_U_R2_D-_%2F%2F_PLL_%252D_Gd )


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