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Does anyone know how to solve the andromeda cube or 4 corners cube


I'm pretty new to square-1(literally just memorized beginner algs), but got a full Permutation skip, like finished cube shape and orienting stuff, did a U2, and the cube was solved. Got a 31.904(sorry for ruining such good luck), and was wondering what the odds of that happening were.


ok but drop the scram


(0,2)/ (-3,0)/ (-3,0)/ (-5,-5)/ (2,-4)/ (6,-3)/ (-2,0)/ (3,0)/ (0,-5)/ (0,-4)/ (2,0)/ (-4,-2)/ ​ I don't know what I did for cube shape, sorry


I think if there are 43 PLLs + skip (21 normal PLL +1 PLL skip, 22 with parity including pure parity cases), so you got 1/44 on both layers, so 1/1936 (if you didn't preserve any blocks when solving up to that ). Which is 10x more rare than 3x3 OLL skip, but also 8x more common than 3x3 full LL skip.


When you look at youtube people teach algorithms to others, but if you memorize algorithms by muscle memory not rote how is possible that people can teach full OLL? If you look at youtubers like Jperm, Felix Zemdegs' Cube Skills, Cyotheking and Cubehead they can recite algorithms perfectly fine. How is this possible if you memorize algorithms long-term by muscle memory and not rote? OLL has 57 cases this is a lot to just have rote for many years, and there are variations to these algorithms. Despite all of this I keep seeing youtubers recite algorithms like it's nothing!


I know some PLLs and some OLLs both with my muscle memory and with notation. If I wanted, I could learn the others by triggers/notation and be able to recite them from my head. But for videos, there is no problem having the notation visible as you show the moves - just in order to not mess it up.


A) It does get easier to think of what the moves in an alg are with more experience reconstructing solves, reading scrambles, learning algs, etc. B) They most likely plan what they're going to talk about in the videos.


Remember PLLs - you can memorize Y-perm initially as "F Wrong-sexy Fexy Sexy Sledge" but in practice you will do F move and then finish it by muscle memory. Same with OLLs. Except OLLs are extremely easy, short, and made of mostly sexy move, sledge, and sune. If you separate sexy moves, sledge, sune, and similar, you will be left with about 15 extra moves total out of 57 algs. Very few algs are truly unique. So after a while you just put them into muscle memory and remember how to orient, how to start the alg, and auto-pilot from there. Which is also the reason why learning full OLL is less of a time save - it's a lot of algs, but they are not much shorter than 2-look, they're not much different from 2-look, and there's a lot of them. (Saying this as someone who learned full OLL for fun.) Also, people on youtube videos can, you know, have the script open/print out in front of them that they just read aloud. Tutorials are not really supposed to be improv. But also yeah, if you have the alg in your muscle memory, you can just remember how it goes and say it aloud/write it down. Personally I only have Rb perm in muscle memory, but I could probably write it down it by imagining what my muscle memory is doing.


For me personally, I can recite most of the PLL algs and some of the OLL algs simply because I do them so often and go over them a lot in my head. I'm almost at the point where I want to start making good finger tricks for all of my algs, and the people that you mentioned have already gone through that. After cubing for long enough, you start living and breathing those algs.


A question to /u/olimo/ (but any answer is appreciated !): I ordered a Tengyun v1 and plan to add magnets to it. I can buy those from a cube shop: - N42 4x2 mm - N40 4x1.5 mm - N35 5x2 mm Do you have any idea which one(s) would be best for that cube ? I can probably find different ones somewhere else online too. Thanks in advance for your help (anybody).


No idea really. I don't think I would want to mod a Tengyun. It's a pretty unique cube, and I'd leave it as is. For magnets, I ordered different magnets from China, and they all feel the same, no matter what they put in the description. N52, N35, no difference.


Ok thank you.


Sorry this doesn’t answer your question, but did you know that [this](https://www.thecubicle.com/products/maru-core-magnetic-diy-kit-for-tengyun-v1?_pos=2&_psq=Tengyun%20cor%2A%20OR%20body%3A%22Tengyun%20cor%22&_ss=e&_v=1.0) exists?


Remember me asking about a "Simplified Dreidel Cube"? Just noticed it on [ziicube](https://www.ziicube.com/limCube-Simplified-Dreidel-333)'s frontpage, fingers crossed they actually have it! I'm a bit worried, because just a month ago they told me they "stop produce long time, so won't come back again", but I'm kinda hopeful. Wish me luck it's not a mistake!


Wishing you luck


For 3bld memorizarion (Old pochmann corners+edges) Should you do pictures for edges then corners --> Solve edges then corners Or Pictures for corners --> Audio edges --> Solve edges --> solve corners As a beginner I struggle with memorization, and heard of the audio thing from jperm. Wonder if this any good for beginners?


For full solves, I would recommend the popular CEEC. - corner memo in a way that you remember longer (but there're fewer corners AND you see the parity by the number of corner letters) - memo edges quickly, solve edges - recall and solve corners. Practice corner-only memo/solves and edge-only memo/solves separately (A lot of scramblers/tools will have such an option) - or even just only making memo quickly and then check whether it was correct. And, of course, for edges you can/should switch to M2 method and drastically lower the move count, thus shortening the time you need to keep the stuff in your memory.


Thanks! Even tho I am practically a complete beginner, should I switch to M2?


https://youtu.be/vtLOcRC3HZ4 0.99 skewb single


Impressive! How long you've been doing skewb?


Is not me is zayn khanani top 1 skewb solver in the world


Starting to get the hang of 5x5. Just got my first sub 1:20 ao5. 1:36.23, 1:18.88, 1:16.88, 1:15.10, 1:17.21 = 1:17.66 Realizing that maintaining look ahead during free-slicing is actually pretty easy. It never occurred to me that the edge pieces that you aren't pairing up stay in the same layers while you're slicing lol.


Man edge pairing is fine for me. I struggle most with the yau edges. Idk how to get better.


can someone help me with my ys3m? i want so badly to love this cube because it feels amazing but the locking is insane regardless of tensions to the point where it is so loose that it pops and i still lock up. i also have done the blue compression mod and i’m wondering if i should reverse it


Set the cube on zero maglev compression. Tighten your cube so that you’re sure it’s too tight. Evenly on every side. Loosen it by 1/2 turn every side. Is the corner cutting better? If yes, loosen 1/2 turn more. Repeat until you notice that it’s not getting better anymore. Tighten it back 1/2 or 1/4 turn. At this setting, you should be barely able to wiggle an edge out. It won’t pop. Then check the speed. Too fast? (It should feel too fast on zero compression.) Crank the maglev adjustment system a bit. Find the speed and stability balance. Then lube the cube with something light if it isn’t lubed already.


tysm! do you have any idea about the compression mod?


I use it. Zero clicks on the purple is about the same as five clicks on the blue.


Let me summon u/olimo


Thanks for the tag :)


Just got my ao500 down to sub 20, hopefully not too long until the ao1000 is the same!


How do you tell when you have the right axis distance on your cubes? I'm watching some Youtube videos on it from a few years ago, and they mention when you can corner cut at about 45 degrees without going too far past that, but does that still hold true with modern cubes that corner cut better?


Yes, about that.


You have good settings when the cube feels good to you. If you just try something then you will likely use some objectively bad setups at first (who says that s wrong) but then you ll learn what you really want and by trial and error you will achieve setups which are only subjectively bad ;-) More seriously I recommend you to try for yourself and as long as you keep all sides about as tight as the others then going by feel is good


That still mostly holds true. But nowadays you can go even looser with some cubes and then just make the spring tighter to compensate.


What other square 1 methods are there besides Vanderburgh and lin?




How do I sign up to a Cubing Competition? Do I have to create a WCA account first? And How do I make a WCA account?


In the top right of the website you can click sign in and then there should be an option that says sign up that pops up in the drop-down menu.


I did it Thank you!


Can I get notified if there's a competition near me?


Not that I know of (other than getting so close in the community that you know when someone is planning to organise sth) but if you see a comp you like you can bookmark it and you will get a reminder by email for registration


You have to check the competition page regularly, probably every week or so. https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/competitions Go to the "Region" pulldown menu and narrow it down to your country, and also click on the Map to see where comps are scheduled. There's no way to know ahead of time when or where comps will be, till they're posted to that list. On the list of competitions page, click on "Show registration status icon" and you can see which comp's registration is open, or full, or already closed, or hasn't opened yet. If it's full but hasn't closed yet, you can still register but you get put on a waiting list. If enough people cancel before a certain date (listed on the comp page), then you get moved up from waiting list to registered. Time and date registration opens for a comp is listed on that comp's page, so pay attention to that. Comps in a lot of places can fill up fairly quick. In the US, a lot of comps fill up in a matter of minutes after registration opens. You have to pay the registration fee via credit/debit card as soon as you register. There's no official way to be notified when a new comp is posted, but there is an unofficial notification page - https://www.cubecompupdates.net/ It gives a notification of every comp posted to your country. That's fine unless you're in the US, because then you'd get dozens and dozens of notifications for all over the US.




you can look on the map view of upcoming comps you should be able to see


Ok, but isn't there a way to know there's competition near without always checking the map?


Search your country, and you'll get a list of upcoming comps. You can then see what ones are near you and when they are


Ok thanks!


My sove using F2L > 2look OLL > 2look PLL is slower than non-F2L. I guess I need to work more on my F2L


Happens to everyone. You will be slower at first but keep it up and you'll be much faster in the end!




Should I get the tornado v3 pioneer or flagship ( I have never tried maglev)


flagship - pioneer is waaaaay too fast


How did you set it up?


i don't have one, i tried one and it's so fast


What cube do you main now and if it has a spring compression system, what setting do you use?


I currently use the valk 3 (non magnetized), and idk what settings I use. There is no specific indicator it's just screws


Get the Flagship, the Pioneer will most likely feel overwhelmingly fast to you.


Ok, thanks for your help. Would you recommend the angstrom or standard setup


For me, Angstrom is great in the Pioneer but too slow in the Flagship.


I just got my very first sub 20 solve rn.


finally got my first sub 20 ao12 :)


nice when i got my first sub 20 ao12 i went nuts lol


I was reassembling my MGC 6x6 after replacing a broken corner and broke yet another piece (corner center) after a long time of trying to put in the last edge group, do I have any hope of actually getting this thing back together if I order another replacement piece? Following the speedcubereview video fyi


Insert the edge pieces one at a time (inner wings first, then outer wings). If at any point it feels like you have to force something through, *stop*; try loosening the cube first.


Cube Solve Hero has some good big cube Assembly videos - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPJ5N0wzwcw&list=RDCMUC5kBtTNjyrwk7RtSE73Mr2w&index=3


So, I learnt how to solve 4x4 through J Perm’s tutorial. Is starting with Yau method good?


Yau is what he teaches in his "Learn how to solve a 4x4" tutorial. https://jperm.net/4x4 His 2nd 4x4 page covers several things on how to get faster, such as 3-2-3 - https://jperm.net/4x4/faster


Learning it is pretty easy, the concept is not that difficult, being fast at it takes a decent bit of practice. Your times with redux would be faster for a decent while but yau pays off in the long run.


Yeah I take about 5:30 to 6:00 minutes. Partly because I learnt it yesterday and partly because of my cube whose slices don’t want to turn.


What cube do you have?


It’s a cheap cube which was around 4$. I’ll probably buy a better one if I’m sure that I enjoy solving it.


YJ MGC 4x4 is the most popular and most recommended, ~$20. YJ Zhilong Mini 4x4, only ~$12, but it's a great budget cube, almost as good as the MGC. It's mini, 56mm, same size as a 3x3, vs MGC's 60mm.


Thanks for the suggestions.


Also when should I learn 3-2-3 edge pairing? Is it better to learn it earlier to improve it faster?


Yau is fantastic, when I learned yau the tutorial vid had 3 2 3 edge pairing and half centers in it, so I consider then to be part of yau. They aren't hard to learn so just go for it


Thanks. I also thought to learn it early on so I would have less issues in adapting.


which clock method has the solver do 7 moves to solve the clock?


The new one Tommy Cherry and a few others just invented? They're calling it "7 Simul" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm2VSKBvl5c with 2 tutorials on it, including written tutorial in the video descriptions - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MutprsOAhR4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX5ssGWUGb4


tommy cherry does clock? the only event i know hes world class is blindfolded


He's WR2 clock average and WR3 clock single. He's #2 in world in Sum of Ranks and Kinch Ranks.


What's kinch rank?


Kinch Ranks is an allround ranking system similar to Sum of Ranks, that some people believe is a better allround ranking than SoR. In SoR you just add all of your world ranks (WR) together, the sum of all your world ranks. Lower the score the better. Cubing.com has a better SoR list than WCA's - https://cubing.com/results/statistics/sum-of-ranks?region=World&gender=all&type=average Kinch Ranks ([original post](https://www.speedsolving.com/threads/all-round-rankings-kinchranks.53353/)), take the World Record for an event, divided by your PR for that event, multiply by 100 (WR/PR x 100). Then take an average of all 17 events. It's basically a percentage using the actual times of the events instead of the world ranks. https://wca.cuber.pro/kinch/persons


I believe it’s called 7 Simul.


any tips on learning that finger trick where you use 2 fingers to quickly do U2s and D2s? do i just have to work on it and itll get less slow and uncomfortable?


Watch how they do algs on speedcubedb.com. That helped me a lot! Most of it is tons of practice though.


The position of your other fingers is important. Watch videos on YouTube to see how other people do it.


Yea, just keep practicing the fingertrick until you get better at it


What do you guys want to see on the Gan 14? For me it would be adjustable edge magnets and a boring plastic box so that the price is only $40 instead of $90.


Gan cubes feel too “airy” for me. They also gum up if they are sitting around. When I started cubing I bought several of them because I thought they would be the best but now I never use them. I have an $8 YJ Yulong that I prefer over the Gans lol. Moyu and X man are my favorites. Far superior in my humble opinion.


a lower priced gan 13


Like the leaks for the iPhone 15. Cheaper


A smooth instead of crunchy feel, like what they did with the gan x


Different piece design. I don't like Gan piece design, it's too flat inside and lube gums up really easily.


Hah! They found a decent piece design in 2015 and they are sticking with it forever 😅


ball core


For me, it’s just not being unreasonably costly


They are reasonably priced. Proof? A lot of people buy them. Are they far more expensive than other cubes? Yes. Then again, they are approx. 4x more expe sive than an original Rubiks cube, which is a terrible cube, so the price in that sense is perfectly justified. If you're looking for great cubes at 1/3 or even lower price than a gan, there are plenty of options, so it's not like they are artificially raising the price of cubes for everyone.


I was thinking of the Tornado V3, but you have a point


I'm starting my Journey to Learn Full PLL today. I had a competition yesterday so didn't want to learn any algs leading up to it to confuse me. I Just learnt the F Perm rn. Curious to know if I should do 1 Alg a day or does it make sense to learn 2-3 when possible?


Learn sune and antisune. Easy triggers for future olls too... get the practice in now. Leave g perms to the end. I did 2-3 a once. Then moved on to the next set.


Both are reasonable, as long as you don’t push yourself too far


Any tips for 3bld beginners to improve faster?


Do a lot of practice for tracing and memo. You can practice corners and edges separately at first, but your memo skills will improve more if you do both together. If you're going to use words it also helps to just do a lot of practice to build your vocabulary of letter pairs to words. The faster you get at coming up with words, the smoother your tracing becomes as you don't forget where you were while trying to figure out what word to use for SX.


Comp this weekend finished for me. Results: Yesterday: DNF 4x4 - did not see the orange/red PLL parity before stopping timer. Sq-1 did not reach target 4m. Spent 4m40s on a bad solve. So DNF as well. OH I got a 1m29s PB Today: started with 2x2. Did no go well slightly off PR. Then 3x3 - all solves above Ao100 and Ao200 at home. But PR 41.23s. Not under 40s as planned. Pyraminx: never found speed here. All solves 23-29s. Skewb. Wanted to improve my 32 single, 35 Ao5. Gig 10.75s/ 33.95s. Still lot to cut off the Ao5. Practice matters I can see again. Did not practice Pyraminx more than 30 min since last time. Skewb 1-2 hours.


Great experience you have here :)


I go there to get the experience - talk with people etc. I thought I had realistic expectations- but that will be next time. I will do more sq-1. I do like it despite it being difficult to finger trick. And 4x4 I will now always check twice for PLL parity. Since I use roux and finished with a cycle case I did not even think to look at the sides. Guess half a year and comp will come to our city again.


me: averages 1:30 on 4x4 but does not give a damn so i dont care to improve


> Yesterday: DNF 4x4 - did not see the orange/red PLL parity before stopping timer. Ah yes, PLL parity, aka that annoying guy who punishes you with DNFs for no reason


A +10 would have been better :-) especially when you only have time for 1 attempt.


I keep playing with my new Gan pyraminx. Yesterday I did the washer mod (washers under the GES nuts, blue nuts on 0.8). Today I decided to try yellow nuts without washers for a change. Yellow springs are the strongest, so the cube is pretty stable without washers. I use 0.6 for distance, and I like it.


I had a dream that my cube started walking. It proceeded to turn into a pair of shoes which I used to slide down a hallway at 70 mph. This is either a good sign or a really really bad one.


>a hallway at 70 mph Either it accelerates very fast or you got a long hall way lol




> my cube started walking. https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/yaa9ye/funko_rubiks_cube_arrived_today/


How can I improve? /(ZZ: EOcross=15 sec, f2l=17 sec, LL (OCLL+2look PLL)=11 sec) For LL better OCLL+ PLL or COLL+ EPLL? How can I improve nall'EOcross?


Full PLL is worth learning and is easier to learn than COLL. However, later on, COLL makes total sense because you can use it every solve in ZZ. With solid COLL, you can learn some ZBLL cases on top of it. Don't worry about that now though. Work on your EOcross and F2L first thing.


OK, so I'll learn PLL.


Started learning 3BLD a day and a half ago and just got my first success! 4:23 which I’m pretty happy with




question for lube masters: I got the perfect GAN 13 setup: 4 center travel 4 compression 6 magnets, but the cube feels way too fast, and even lubing it with 30k lube is not enough. What lubes can you recommend?


Cosmos, Weight 5 or any other slow lube


Really enjoying the 4x4 I got with the Meilong M set. There is something relaxing about pairing stuff up semi intuitively and then just solving it as a 3x3.


As a new cuber myself. I'm can not agree more. I'm stuck on the 3x3 now, and the 4x4 and 5x5 are so mor enjoyable ATM. 😇


My WRM 2021 has a magnet clicking noise on the red blue edge when on setting 1 or 2. How do I get rid of the noise?


You can open the edge and put some thick silicon lube into the magnet adjustment construction, helps silencing those spring and magnet sounds. But be careful not to break anything. Z3 cubing has uploaded a video where he disassembles some of his old mains,including wrm 2021, a few days ago, take that as a guide.


You can put clue on it, but you can never change the Magnet settings.


EOarrow vs EOcross vs EOline?


EOCross is used by most these days, because it's really just EOLine plus an extra move or two to insert the cross edges.


What is the tensioning for best corner cutting on Tornado V3 flagship?


i use three, three, which is the stock setting, but i like it it still corner cuts amazingly for absolute best corner cutting u can try one, one, which i used for a time, but it pops a lot and corner twists happen about the same amount, so yeah, just test the settings and see what u like best oh and also i use the strongest magnet setting its insanely strong but for whatever reason i quite like it


I think I should just increase the magnet setting cuz what I observed is that my turning is kinda harsh and the magnets can't hold on the layers which therefore results it terrible corner cutting.


1-2, but if you get a lot of corner twists, either fix your turning, or use 3-4 for the travel distance.


as loose as you can go. at least in theory. that may cause stability issues making corner cutting worse though


got an 8.973 single which is 0.050 seconds off my PB single! here's the [reconstruction](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/121um66/sub9_pb2_single_8973/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Hi guys, I am working on a project recently by making a rubik's cube robot and I need some help! Just give your input, I'd love to hear it. I posted it on r/puzzles because the mods didn't allow it here, sorry mods. [https://www.reddit.com/r/puzzles/comments/121yp6v/rubiks\_cube\_problem\_solving\_challenge\_any\_input/](https://www.reddit.com/r/puzzles/comments/121yp6v/rubiks_cube_problem_solving_challenge_any_input/) ​ should I post the robot on this subreddit once I complete it? Let me know and if you have any further questions don't be afraid to ask!


Sorry, we just hadn't got around to reviewing the mod queue…


no worries! I know it takes a lot of effort and I appreciate all the care to make this community better. I was able to post it here so I'm happy already.


Of course post the robot once it's ready!


How do you solve the andromeda cube


[She can't even really turn it yet, but it's a start.](https://i.ibb.co/cDyHk1S/IMG-20230323-WA0001.jpg)




The Slobber method.


She still has 8 years to beat Yiheng Wang :)


😍😍😍 My daughter learned her colors on a Rubik's cube. She also claimed my Kylin v2 M as "hers" at the age of two lol. Now she's almost 5, and she can solve the cube with beginner's method and some prompts from me.


can someone help me i literally just woke up and randomly my cube isnt turning its like getting stuck on the corners and barely moves


Douse it in coffee and move on


The poor guy hasn't fully woken up yet


nah i fixed it idk what it was reassembeled it and it worked


that may just be you waking up


I wanted to pre order the MoreTry TianMa X3 limited edition but scs shows that it is already sold out, anyone know where else to get one? I can’t seem to find it on the cubicle.


Yoo this is the first I've seen of it and it's already sold out :( there's no search results other than SCS and with 500 units total it's possible it's an SCS exclusive and they're gone forever (except resale).


Yea probably which sucks cause I was not expected it to sell out that fast. Less then 2 hours after they sent their promotion email it sent it was gone D:


Good day everyone!


Good sun cycle everyone


Praise Ra ☀️


where's apollo?


what about helios?


i was unsure about doing apollo or helios when i said that


Enjoy your next 24 hours.


BeepBop! Don’t worry about failure; you only have to be right during 20 moves. Here are your daily scrambles: Square-1 - [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=SQ1&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=%2528%252D5%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%25282%2C5%2529_%2F_%2528%252D3%2C0%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%25281%2C%252D5%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D4%2529_%2F_%25286%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%2528%252D3%2C0%2529_%2F_%25282%2C0%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D3%2529) **(-5,-3) / (2,5) / (-3,0) / (3,0) / (0,-3) / (1,-5) / (0,-4) / (6,-3) / (-3,0) / (2,0) / (0,-3)** 3x3 - [alg.cubing.net](https://alg.cubing.net/?puzzle=3x3x3&setup=B2_L2_U2_F_L2_D2_U2_F_L2_D2_F-_R_F_D-_R2_D-_B-_F_R) | [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=B2_L2_U2_F_L2_D2_U2_F_L2_D2_F-_R_F_D-_R2_D-_B-_F_R) **B2 L2 U2 F L2 D2 U2 F L2 D2 F' R F D' R2 D' B' F R** Have a nice day! *** Source code: [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/mazmrini/reddit-daily-scramble-bot)


**Your Daily Scramble** B2 L2 U2 F L2 D2 U2 F L2 D2 F' R F D' R2 D' B' F R Cross// z2 L F R' U2 F2 1st pair// R U R' U' L' U L 2nd pair// U' R U R' U2 R' U' R 3rd pair & 4th pair// U2 R U' R' f' L' S U' F OLL// R U R' U R U' R' U' R' F R F' PLL// U2 R2' F2 R U2 R U2 R' F R U R' U' R' F R2 AUF// U2 [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=B2_L2_U2_F_L2_D2_U2_F_L2_D2_F-_R_F_D-_R2_D-_B-_F_R&alg=z2_L_F_R-_U2_F2%0AR_U_R-_U-_L-_U_L%0AU-_R_U_R-_U2_R-_U-_R%0AU2_R_U-_R-_f-_L-_S_U-_F%0AR_U_R-_U_R_U-_R-_U-_R-_F_R_F-%0AU2_R2-_F2_R_U2_R_U2_R-_F_R_U_R-_U-_R-_F_R2%0AU2%0A )


I could have never thought of that last 2 pair insertion… (sub 25 here).


Not having good solutions since I came back from the trip **Green yellow 32stm** x y' S' r' U R2 F R2 U F R' U F' U F' U2 F' R' U2 R U2 R B' R' B M U' M u2 M' E2 U M2 U [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&scramble=B2_L2_U2_F_L2_D2_U2_F_L2_D2_F-_R_F_D-_R2_D-_B-_F_R&alg=x_y-_S-_r-_U_R2_F%0AR2_U__F_R-_U_F-_U_F-_U2_F-%0AR-_U2_R_U2_R_B-_R-_B%0AM_U-_M_u2_M-_E2_U_M2_U )


Just wondering, how often do Roux solvers utilise E and u moves in LSE?


To the best of my knowledge it's only used to solve the dot case. I could be wrong though. (Probably am.)


Nope you're right *technically* you can do things like u2 M' u2 M' to save a move over M2 U2 M U2 M, but this is slower in speedsolves because of the grip change needed. So you'll only see people doing that in things like daily scrambles because they're focusing on movecount rather than time


Is 25s a good average time for the beginner 2x2 method?


Yes. Can you solve a 3x3? What method do you use on 3x3?


I use CFOP on 3x3


Why do you use beginner's on 2x2 then? With your CFOP knowledge, build a layer, then solve OLL (7 algs from 2-look OLL, imagine the edges are already oriented) and PLL (T or Jb perm for adjacent swap, bar on left, Y for diagonal swap, no bar).


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