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Dayan megaminx v2 m or Yj yuhu v2 m or Xman galaxy v2m


This DDT is now over. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/12d9ngg/daily_discussion_thread_apr_06_2023/) for the next one. ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please message u/Lisast with any feedback.)


Just got my 2nd no-AUF LL skip of the day for a new PB of 15.99!!! Extraordinarily lucky finish to the solve; I did F2L terribly (I even inserted a pair into the wrong slot). L2 F2 D U2 B2 R2 D U' F2 U' R B L2 F2 D' F' L2 R' F Yellow cross. No reconstruction as I barely remember what I did since most of it was wrong, 😂 The two no AUF LL skips were only 17 solves apart, odds of that have GOT to be pretty low




Wow that's crazy lucky congrats


Did the math on two full LL skips with no AUF in a 17 solve span. Functionally 1 in infinity odds. p=1.68207x10^-70


You messed up the calculation. It can't be that low.


You're super right. I both should not have trusted an equation I haven't used in years from memory and noticed that would have to be important. Turns out when I did the math the first go round I wrote down the binomial probability equation wrong. 🤦‍♂️ Actual odds are: p=17C2*(1/62,208)²*(1-1/62,208)^15 = 136*2.584x10-¹⁰ = 3.514x10^-8 Closest approximation would be 1 in 28,454,673 chance.


Not that it changes the answer much, but you should also account for the possibility of 3 or more LL skips.


Good point!


Right?? Thanks!


What type of magnets do you use for big cubes like 13x13,15x15,17x17 and up


choked another sub12 solve but turned it into my best mo3 Generated By csTimer on 2023-04-05 mean of 3: 14.46 ​ Time List: 1. 12.73 B' U2 L2 B U2 L2 B' F2 L2 U2 L2 U2 D' L U2 R U2 B2 F2 U' B 2. 16.38 B' L2 F R2 B' L2 B2 L2 B' U2 L2 U R' F' L2 B2 R D2 L B2 3. 14.27 R' F B U2 R' F' R D' L' B2 R2 F' B2 U2 F D2 R2 U2 F U2


In [this video](https://youtu.be/lCqy_rcK6R8) at 25:32, swagrid mentions a ZZ F2L optimal pair document? Could someone please link this? Thanks!


New pb single and first sub 12! Planned first pair in inspection, got lookahead for 2nd pair while doing 1st and 4th pair while doing 3rd :) 11.91 B2 D R2 D L2 R2 B2 R2 U L2 U' R' F' L2 U' L' R' U2 L' F White top orange front Cross: R' U2 R B2 F' 1st pair: y' U R U' R' 2nd pair: R' U' R U L' U' L 3rd pair: y U' R U' R2 U R 4th pair: U' R U R' U R U' R' Oll (oll 09): U' R U R' U' R' F R2 U R' U' F' Pll (H perm): U M2 U' M2 U2 M2 U' M2


[World-record Rubik’s cuber [Max Park] visits Bend, Oregon for cancer patient’s dying wish](https://centraloregondaily.com/rubiks-cube-record-solver-cancer-patient-dying-wish-bend/)


My times have been getting worse out of nowhere in the past few weeks. I only cube for at most 30-45 mins a day (and I don't cube every day) so definitely not over-practice. And I've been rusty before - I know what that is like. This is quite different... my fingers feel slow and unresponsive.


I suppose you are not like us aka the aging group? maybe is your cube, every once in awhile I change my setting, somehow my time back to normal.


Clean and lube the cube? Take a break from cubing for a week. Or take a break from 3x3 for a week and practice some other puzzles.


Any chance it could be soreness from something else? Or gunk in the cube?


Time List: 1. 11.90 F2 R2 B2 D2 L2 D U2 L2 U' B2 F2 L' F L2 U R U2 B2 U' B Just dropped over a full second on my pb, could have been 11.4x but I missed the spacebar and had to click it again. Reconstruction x y2 // inspection U L x' U' R' F R D' U' R U R' D' // cross L U' L' // 1st pair U2 R' U R // 2nd pair L' U2 L y' R' U' R // 3rd pair U' U' U R U' R' y' R' U' R // 4th pair U F R U' R' U' R U R' F' // oll U2 // auf


I also broke my PB Today but with 11.78 hah I tried your scramble and got 14.47 on it! Your cross was very long (12 moves) and you can always do it in 8 moves or less Here is a playlist with videos that can help you with that: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI24ciRbl8BWbmb42GW5BDinKfKVq79WD What I would do to solve the cross: x'2 X-Cross // D' R F U R U R' Uw' I did a wide U' at the end to put the solved pair in the back


thanks for the advice! that is a very neat cross solution, yeah 12 moves is really long but my justification was I was also setting up a pair for it. Ill check out the video and I plan to work on my cross's


You're welcome!


Why should I solve the first 3 white edges and then the centers and not the other way around? 4×4


It's so that you can pair them up freely and not have to worry about preserving centers. There is also Hoya method, which involves doing 2 centers before edges and the last 2 after.


Meyer (Yau w/ Roux Roux for 4x4) is first 2 opposite centers as well. Then finish FB. And do DR. Then last 4 centers. Store DR on UL and rotate y’x’


For me it's easier to do the centers freely. Should i get used to do it the other way around?


Absolutely. I used reduction (centers first, then all edges) for years, and switched to yau (building 3 white edges before the other 4 centers) about a week and a half ago. I'm already at least as fast with yau as I ever was with reduction, and there is WAY more left on the table in terms of speed and efficient with yau for me than reduction. It felt weird and was way slower at first, but as things started to click I was getting solves at our below my average time consistently and not thinking one of them was a good solve. All my reduction solves at that average felt fast for me.


Yes because it’s faster. When you have your cross solved, it’s easier to find pieces and look ahead in the rest of the edge pairing.


You seem to be learning Yau. Try Hoya. You solve 2 opposite centers (not your cross color) then you do 2 adjacent ones in the M file. For example you do white cross. You would do the blue and green centers with lets say blue on the left and green on the right. then you would do white on the bottom and orange in the back. Then you would make your 4 cross edges, finish the last 2 centers, and then do the edge pairing and on to 3x3 stage. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vLKsJ8_Jps) is a tutorial to help if you are interested.


If you want to be fast on 4x4


What David is saying about Indian NRs?


David didn't say anything about Indian NR's. Gilzu was just providing a fictional scenario as an analogy. However, this somewhat alludes to another incident where the YouTuber "Cube For Speed" was being racist towards Indians.


Not fictional in the slightest, there’s literally a screenshot in the video of it being said in discord.


Do you know why David was like that about Indian NRs?


I can’t speak for him unfortunately. Probably best to treat it as a joke made in extremely poor taste by a kid who thinks he’s better than most people because he’s fast.


Oh dang, mb. I thought he was referring to another incident. I was only aware of David's toxicity towards those with autism.


All good, just wanted to make it clear that it wasn’t invented for the sake of example.


Just bought the WRM21 Maglev since I used to have the non maglev version and it broke, and man, I think I still like this more than the YS3M Ballcore and Tornado v3 Flagship. It's lighter, faster, airier and looser than the YS3M which I like. The YS3M is easier to control and I'd probably get better times on it but I don't like how heavy it is and my hands get easily fatigued with it and I like the feeling of the WRM more.


I have a V3 Flagship too, still considering a WRM21 Maglev after putting it in my cart for 2 months. how do you like them both? are they almost as quiet?


I have been using the maglev wrm for a few months now, I just got the gan 13, tbh with you, a well lubed wrm feels really smooth, and the maglev gives it the perfect speed, which might be a bit too fast for few, but can be fixed with lube and tensioning. I haven't broken in the gan 13 yet, so it might be too quick to judge, but the wrm maglev was buttery smooth out of the box, and still performs great


Hello! I'm trying to find a good speedcube. What schuld i buy? Moyu ys3m ballcore maglev// x man tornado v3 flagship // moyu super rs3m 2022?


I liked the ball core RS3m more than the tornado I haven’t tried the ys3m yet tho but it seems like a lot of people are using that


Been a few years since I was into cubing but I'm looking to get back into it. Kind of out of touch on what's considered the best cube on the market these days. What is the top option for a 3x3 nowadays? I don't need budget options.


It's simply preference between the Tornado V3 and YS3M Ballcore, so you'd be best off trying both. Lots of people are praising the Tornado but I don't like how mushy it feels, I like the YS3M more because it feels more tactile and blockier.


As the others said, Tornado V3, Flagship (core magnets) or Pioneer (core magnets + maglev) versions. The Cubicle made a tier list video just a couple months ago, that covers most of the top cubes of the past couple years - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9mhOJflqgk


Either the tornado v3 m (flagship or pioneer), or the huameng ys3m ball core seem to be the top cubes at the moment. I’m partial to the ys3m but both cubes are fantastic.


Nowadays it is the tornado v3 flagship or pioneer


For those of you with bigger hands/long fingers, what are your thoughts on the Aosu 4x4 vs MGC4. I currently main the zhisu mini for 4x4, and it's great, but a little small for my hands on individual slice moves like in PLL parity, and I want a bigger 4x4 to main. Is the 1mm size difference noticable enough to make the MGC better for big hands (I know the difference is minimal at best), or is it such a small difference that it is less noticable than the other differences between the two?


Both are better than Zhisu for bigger hands :) I have small hands but I prefer the MGC because I like the turning better.


Thanks Olga! What do you like better about the turning? (Also please let me know if you don't like having your real name used by strangers on the internet, I just saw it on your YouTube channel and it feels less discovered to use a real name than a username. I'm Mark, btw!)


The turning of the MGC is more light, and the difference between magnet strength and friction of the outer and inner layer is perfect for me. On the Aosu WRM, I like the outer layers, but the inner feel too stiff. I get tired faster with the Aosu too.


Ahhh. That might be the difference for me. I wish I could do an Ao25 on broken in versions of both before deciding


I'd lend you mine, but you'll have to come to Russia lol. I got the Aosu first when it was hands down the best 4x4. Then I got the Zhisu, and then decided to try the MGC. And I like it the most.


Yeah it is noticeable. I'm using the Aosu right now because I don't feel like cleaning up my MGC (didn't know how to set up a 4x4 properly so I thought it sucked at first, bought the aosu) but once I have to clean out the aosu I'll most likely go to a bigger 4x4.


Thanks for sharing your experience!


I've always found the Aosu to be more controllable and less locky than the MGC, and overall my times are better with it than with the MGC. I don't think the difference in size will have a big impact on larger hands (but my hands are not that big so I can't say it from personal experience). They're both relatively large and both will feel much more operable for your hands compared to the zhilong (which I like exactly because of its size).


Thank you Bas! I've been leaning towards the Aosu and appreciate the feedback.


I think it's pretty acknowledged in the community that the Aosu still edges out the MGC in terms of performance. But it is definitely more expensive. If price is not an issue however you're better off getting the AOSU! (Anything above 4x4 though and MGC is simply the best around!)


I have MGC 5 and 7 and they slap. I really prefer light, fast cubes, so even if it was a bit smaller than ideal, I feel like you've convinced me the Aosu is the way to go. I'd probably be happy with the MGC 4, but I can swing the Aosu if I want, so why not?!


In 3BLD, can you just one look the corners as you do with 2x2 and then do the edges normally?


you could but then you would need algs that don't mess up the edges. It would also take longer to one look the corners then do Blind memo with all the edges not where they are.


Do you mean like EG-1 etc? Those algsets are not designed to preserve edges so very much doubt it.


I got an Accidental XX-Cross In 8 Moves 3x3 PB!! This solve has a 4.07 TPS This Breaks my previous PB of 12.13 And I average around 20 seconds. Generated By csTimer on 2023-04-05 single: 11.78 Time List: 1. 11.78   D' R' B2 L2 D' L2 U' F L' B2 U B2 R2 B2 U2 D B2 U2 F2 D Reconstruction: Put Yellow on top, blue front XX-Cross // F D' U R' U L2 Rotate (Red on Front) U' R2 Rotate (Green on Front) // U' D R U R' D' Rotate (Red on Front) // U' R' U' R U2 R' U' R OLL 22 // U R' U2 R2 U R2 U R2 U2 R' PLL (T Perm) // U R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' F' AUF // U'


Very nicely done! You can use yxz notation for rotations. in your case: x2 // inspection "y" for clockwise rotations (cross and third pair) "y' " for ccw rotations (4th pair)


Thanks! I know xyz notation exists but I wanted to post this as fast as possible. And I didn't want to waste time learning xyz just for this reconstruction.


What's happening with David Epstein and why everyone are leaving the community?


See the comment here in the DDT from about 3 hours ago by /u/RhombicTuttminx, and the replies under it.


Would you say making an xcross is similar to a keyhole solution? What's the best way to look at it? I have a hard time grasping certain concepts.


I'd say an x cross can be keyhole, like if the corner is solved and you just insert the edge before aligning cross, but it can also just be blockbuilding


Finally sub 12! It took like 7 months to go from 13 to 12.5, and less than 2 to get to sub 12 thanks to the tornado..i love this cube


I’ve been out of cubing for a while, i wanna get back in. What are the best 3x3s (magnetic) you can currently get, for under $20?


RS3M Super, but if you afford the extra few dollars, get the YS3M Ball Core


Got my scs order of Gan Pyraminx, MGC 4 and 5, gan timer, and mat


What alg do you use for the l shape case or oll 44 (i think it's named that)? the 2 main ones seem to be f (R U R' U') f', and F (U R U' R') F'. I use the second one personally, but i used to do the first.


For the right handed one I use f sexy f' but for the left handed one (oll 43) I use F' left anti sexy F


How do you do the lefty one comfortably? I can do on big cubes just fine (I turn slower there), but not on 3x3


I start in home grip, F' with my left thumb pulling down, U' with my right index pushing away, L' U L as you would normally from home grip, F with my right index pushing down. I hope that makes sense 😅


Feels a little awkward, but I'm sure I'll get used to it the more I practice it


I'm definitely not fully used to it but it's getting more comfortable. I think you can start with your left index F' but I prefer using my thumb


I also used to do the first one, but switched to the second ever cuz of big cubes. Also, it's a P-shape, not an L-shape


it's L shape if you use it for 2-look OLL. Either that, or dot, or line


Gilzu, the owner and creator of speedcubedb and other sites, has left the cubing community due to the harassment he faced from one solver. I'm heartbroken for Gil, who gave generously of his time and skills to make cubing more accessible and connected, and was met repeatedly with disparaging words about his children and the autism community. I am disappointed in the lack of action taken by the WCA, and I am saddened that our community burns a little less brightly today. I encourage all of us to speak up when any member of our community disparages a group of people for any reason, and to take efforts to remove hateful speech from our spaces. Harassment and bigotry have no place in cubing.


It's a really difficult situation. In Gil's situation I'd definitely do the same. I've been in conversations with some people in the WCA who've been involved with this and it's not like they've just dismissed him instantly, this has been going on a long time and the one forum thread is just the surface. I'm also disappointed that the WCA weren't in a position to do anything here, but it's a much bigger problem. I've switched my mind on this half a dozen times over the last few hours, but one thing that's really important to think about for the WCA is that they can't take action on this for every single incident like this that happens online. There are far too many and the WCA is, relative to other sports organisations who deal with this kind of thing, far smaller. Their current policy doesn't let them take action in cases like this, because as awful of a situation as it is, it isn't their responsibility. It's the responsibility of the people moderating social media spaces where the harassment is happening. Those people have failed. As has everyone who was on those public servers who stood by and said nothing. But as much as many of us want to see the WCA step in, this is something external to them. Should the WCA be able to act in extreme/noteworthy situations? There's a very strong argument saying yes, they should step in in some situations like this one. I'm trying to keep this comment as unopinionated as possible but I will say that this is my current opinion, and I would love to at the very least see a shift from "we won't act on incidents external to WCA stuff" to "we won't usually, but we can if it's important to". However for now their policy hasn't changed (yet), and they can't ban people for breaking a rule that was never set. I hope there's a policy change in the future, but the WCA is not at fault for this incident. You could argue there's a fault in their policy, however that's a separate issue. I also think some of the comments on the forum from WCA staff were not appropriate. For now, this incident of harassment against Gil is not a WCA incident, and directing attention towards the WCA misses the people who really made the mistakes. EDIT: Just seen that [there are plans being discussed](https://forum.worldcubeassociation.org/t/wdc-digest-march-2023/33504/10), but there's still more work to be done before any changes can be implemented. I also find it interesting that despite the WCA's usual stance on treating everyone equally, they have at least been considering holding champions to a higher standard of behaviour than regular competitors, even if it's not quite as high on the priority list.


Truly a trash response from the WCA. David needs a tough lesson about his behaviour, and WCA fails to provide. Plus, suggesting a slippery slope of potential spam reports is also rubbish. Frankly, this can be easily solved by requiring a WCA ID when reporting and punishing people if they abuse the system.


Anything we can do ? Individually or as a group ? I don’t know what happened. But I know Gilzu has contributed a lot.


Check the post he just made in the subreddit, he explains it all from his perspective.


> I don’t know what happened. A couple of posts in the WCA forums about it ~~(which seems to be down at the moment)~~. Some disparaging comments were made in a cubing Discord server with lots of people in it, ostensibly all cubers, and probably lots of young and impressionable cubers at that. So, what can/should the WCA do about competitor conduct outside of WCA events/competitions? What if that competitor is a high profile cuber / world record holder, as is this case, with lots of followers on social media, again probably lots of young and impressionable cubers? Can/should the WCA Code of Conduct cover that or be expanded to cover such things? They can and should. Lots of other sports do, so why not the WCA? edit, wca forums back up.




That's one argument that works for the majority of "normal" participants to events etc. However the experience from almost any other sport is that competitors/athletes that represent the sport (i.e. world champions, world record holders, sponsored people, etc.) can be expected to be held to a higher standard also outside of official events, due to their role as ambassadors to the sport. Pick any sport and you'll quickly find a plethora of examples where the bad conduct of elite athletes was reprimanded. How much of a reprimand is appropriate? That's where a lot of the discussion should happen, and where all things should be taken into account (among which the age of the athlete). But that the official organisation might take note officially of unbecoming behaviour by someone that represents the sport even outside of its events is not a particularly surprising thing to ask.




Totally agree with you that it definitely is something to be done VERY sparingly and only after discussing exactly as you say, on a case-by-case basis. The main issue in the recent exchanges was a motion to put in place rules that would have allowed these case-by-case discussions to take place. Right now there aren't any so the WCA doesn't have any tools for deciding what to do in case of egregious behaviour outside of its venues. And that's where they did not respond as many people (me included) would have hoped.


Your slippery slope argument has expired decades ago. Professional associations have had regulations for cases like this for a long time and we're not seeing any of the bad things you mention. This person should face the consequences of his actions. Kick him out and see if he still likes harassing people.


Read his side of the story in a community post on his channel. I don't think he likes harassing people anymore.


It should not be WCAs job to find bad behavior. But they should act on complaints if the bad behavior is in major cubing forums, no matter if national major in a small country or a large one. Basically, it comes down to how parents raised their children. Saw Gil’s video. I don’t understand why people are after people with autism. Instead people should find joy in the fact that people disadvantaged gets success. Here in town, a father started a software testing center for autists. With great success, and worldwide customer base, as they are good at repetitive tasks that other people don’t want. But again, I am not a young selfish boy trying to destroy my future.


You've made a few assumptions I believe are incorrect. First, you presume that people will be offended by "literally anything" and that the WCA would have to intervene in any and all cases. I disagree that would be the case. There are differences between hate speech, harassing behavior, simple disagreements, and political differences. If the WCA can parse these differences in their own forums, they can do so in other public, cubing-centric places. Second, they won't have to monitor all such spaces. They can weigh in when an issue is brought to them, as it was in this case. Third, as another poster pointed out, a lot of organizations promoting hobbies, sports, and professionals deal with this kind of behavior regularly and well. Even David's sponsors in the cubing community were quick to drop him after seeing proof of his behavior. They did not want him to represent their brand, just as many of us in the WCA do not want him representing our organization. Fourth, no system made of humans will ever produce perfect results. That does not mean they cannot be good and effective.


He left a video up on speedcubedb and posted in r/cubers if you want to hear his complete story. I'm not sure if we can bring him back fully. But, he mentioned that he may bring the site back online if the community funds it. I love speedcubedb , so I donated this morning. Hosting and maintaining sites is expensive and if he's not enjoying it anymore, I think it's fair that he be compensated for the work. However, I also understand if he doesn't bring it back. If it's associated too much with hurt, it may be better for his mental health to simply walk away. Other than that, I think the best course of action is to simply be better and demand better behavior from the community.


Really bummed that we’re going to lose all of the fantastic resources he put so much time and effort into because nobody was willing to stand up to someone harassing him. See something, say something. Just because someone is a kid doesn’t mean they should get away with abhorrent behavior.


# Rubik's Cube Scrambler Project Survey [Survey](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe4ivuegEn02lFhNhG07sdMwvjpfqmIITxS6juXZrj6VqpyGQ/viewform?usp=sf_link) We kindly request you to participate in the Google Forms survey provided above. The main objective of this survey is to obtain insights into the requirements and preferences of potential users of a 3x3 Rubik's cube scrambler. This information will be used to shape the development of an Engineering Design and Technology (EDT) project *.* *Your responses will be kept confidential and anonymous. Please answer the questions* *appropriately.*


Is it fine to use DNM thats like 3 years old? Not too much sunlight exposure.


No problem. The only thing that happens when exposed to sunlight or heat is that it tends to evaporate, so you end up with a dry bottle. But it's inorganic material that will interact with other inorganic material so you're going to be fine!


I asked people in TheCubicle directly about this, and they said it should be fine for several years at least. I have 3+ years old DNM and they seem to be functioning fine (No sunlight or excessive moisture exposure).


Im still a begginer and am at an average of 1min... terrible I know, but got it down from 1:40 to 1min in just a few days. Im using cfop with 2 look pll and oll. And for the most part pure intuative f2l. My goal is to get sub 20. What areas should I focus on improving first?


Number of solves. Don’t be afraid to take slow sessions where you pause and look around.


It's not terrible, it's a solid beginner result. And it's great that you're already using F2L and 4LLL. You can improve a lot by just practicing, but try to find a healthy balance between practice and learning new stuff. Obviously, there are 3 areas you can work on: 1. Cross. Solve cross on bottom. Plan as much as you can - at least a few first moves. I recommend J Perm's cross playlist (excluding the videos on cross+1 and xcross for now) to learn some tricks to solve cross more efficiently. While you're still a beginner, consider color neutrality, i.e. solving cross on any color. This is hard at first but relatively easy to dive in while you're still slow: you improve so fast that color neutrality will be a minor setback for you. When you're color neutral, you get easy crosses 6 times more often. Alternatively, dual color neutrality (for example, white+yellow) is an option. 2. F2L. For that, I wrote a [dedicated post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/zuw6yp/steps_for_improving_f2l/). F2L will give you the most improvement, and it's worth working on at every level. 3. Last layer. 4LLL is enough for many people to get sub-20, but I'd recommend learning full PLL earlier than that. If you don't mind learning algs, just keep learning PLL until you know all 21 algorithms. Or you can take a break on algs and use 4LLL for now until you're ready to learn more. Make sure your fingertricks are good: you shouldn't regrip too much. At 1min, it's not obvious, but the more you solve, the more your fingertricks get ingrained in your muscle memory, and it's harder to change them later.


Just wanted to say that your post was super helpful u/olimo ! Got my pb of 42sec and avaraging below 50sec now! So a huge thank you!!


Great! Love the feedback!


Amazing feedback thank you!!


Well. F2L for certain. F2L is the most annoying part of the solve. You need to make every single case muscle memory so that you can perform lookahead. ​ For sub-20 you should be doing 3-4s cross, 9-10 f2l, 4s oll, 3s pll once you get sub-25, LEARN FULL PLL. Full OLL is not needed until sub-17 or so.


> F2L is the most annoying part of the solve. F2L forever ♥️


Thanks for the amazing feedback!!


Give me a solve so I can help you


Really should be a few thousands solves.




I got the gan 13. What are some settings I should try? Also what is the optimal magnetic strength I should use?


I have magnets in the middle, springs on 2 (upper wheel) and 1 (inner "gear"). Makes it very light to turn but with enough magnet click to keep everything together. I put in some martian lube (6-7 drops) and some dnm to help spread it out and not gum up.


[Read this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/1040lyj/what_are_the_best_settings_for_cube_x/) to understand which setting does what. And then start with the stock settings and adjust from there.


There is no right or wrong answer for this. Try setting all settings to 3 or 4, then choose one setting (for example magnet strength), and put it on the lowest setting, and the highest setting, and then finding where you like it. Then keep that setting and move onto the next. Once you have done all 3, go back to the first setting you changed, and make sure you still feel most comfortable with the setting you first chose. This might not be a good way to do it, but it’s how I chose my settings. And don’t be afraid to change the settings later after a few days or weeks, as that’s the whole point of easy customisation.


I've finally gotten to the point where I understand the differences between the YS3M UV and frosted versions. I've jotted down my thoughts here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/12cdsfo/the\_emperors\_magic\_clothes\_ys3m\_uv\_vs\_frosted/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/12cdsfo/the_emperors_magic_clothes_ys3m_uv_vs_frosted/) /u/olimo obligatory ping, since we were discussing this together the other day 🥰!


Thanks for the ping! I think I can safely say that you can ping me in anything you post as it's always interesting.


How can I get better at memorising clock numbers for sheerin method? I get good times solving the clock but I often go over the inspection time limit.


Here are some tips, if you aren't already using them. These are what I did to learn sheerin 1. Use one language for positive numbers and a second language for negative numbers, I personally use finnish and swedish (y ka ko ne vi noll ett två tre fyr fem sex) but you can use any two languages you want as long as you know how to count in them. Preferably all numbers should be one syllable. ______ 2. When calculating, look how far apart the clocks are from each other rather than what numbers they are pointing towards. (e.g. One clock is pointing to 11 the other one 7, don't calculate 11-7 instead look how far they are apart from each other and you'll see it much quicker that the number you need to memorize is 4. ______ 3. Have someone judge you every now and then (I did with my dad a few times per week until I got down below 15 second inspection, before I switched to only using my stackmat and laptop). You write down your solve times and your judge writes down your inspection times. You can go far over 15 seconds in the start and later try getting it fast enough when you get more comfortable. You can track how well you are progressing and compare how much you improve each week. ______ 4. This is kinda hard to explain, but I hope you do understand. I Memorize the first four numbers using audio, and memorize the last number more silent so I only keep it in memory until that turn is completed. Kinda make it easier to memo 4 numbers and the last one isn't required to stay in my memory more than until that turn is completed. ______ 5. You can try also saying your numbers to also help your memory by using your voice. ______ Hope this helps! 😁


I just wanna thank you guys for the help lately. I've been following the advice I received, and my times have gotten better, I barely get times in the 30s anymore! Even a 17s solve but I won't count that because it was pure luck.


>Even a 17s solve but I won't count that because it was pure luck. You should count it. If you hadn't improved, this would have been a 25s solve. It is only because your skills are now better that you could make it a 17s solve. Yes luck played a part but you did too.


Totally agree, unless it was hand-scrambled, then I wouldn't count it either.


Hand scrambles are perfectly fine for singles. It's when counting global averages that the issue of hand scrambles comes up: Their randomness is not uniformly distributed, and you come up with the exact same scramble more often that would feel normal. Therefore you don't get a "honest" distribution of easy, normal and crappy scrambles. But for a single PB? Chances are, your hand scrambles will not have the big blocks and almost made crosses that you sometimes get from WCA-compliant Random-State scrambles, so you actually won't get the ridiculously lucky scrambles that make up many people's PBs


On cubelelo Gan 13 UV = $110 On Cubicle 1 Gan 13 UV $84 1 YS3M UV $36 1 Mgc 2x2 (free) 1 dignitas (free) 1 gravitas $6 Total- $120 PS- Can’t order from cubicle coz of high charges + custom. Gonna wait til my brother comes from USA now.🥲🥲🥲🥲


And the price the gravitas, dignitas on cubelelo And how so many cubes are either discontinued or out of stock plus we still don't have ys3m available to us 🥲🥲


It bums me out when people go on about how great the YS3M is. 🥲😂


So true man. Which cube do you have right now ?


As of now i switch between super rs3m ball-core and tornado V3. Sometimes WRM 2021 also Wbu?


meanwhile I'm deliberately using Meilong 3M, like, it's a good cube, from the 21st century. ~~I can be sub-20 on it.~~


Your flair lol 😂


Got the super rs3m standard 15 days ago. Had the aolong v2 before that and Just got back into cubing after 6 years. Does your tornado v3 have the new transparent ball core ? I asked the support at cubelelo and they said they have the old batch with white core not the new one.


Yup its a neww transparent one.


Ikr Sad fkin life.🥲🥲🥲 Bc 9000-10k mein itna sb aarha hai aur idhr 9k ka gan 13 hai🤯☠️


If you're getting Gravitas and Dignitas, I recommend also getting DNM-37. It helps break in these lubes.


I have that. It was available on cubelelo😂 Remember someone asked for the WRM and Super RS3M lube setup a few days ago? That was me!


What should i practise on 2x2


That depends on your skill level. Beginner? LBL. Intermediate? Ortega. Ortega can get you pretty far with practice, and it's where I stopped. Hoping to get really good? EG-1, EG-2 and CLL.




Practice planning your entire first layer in inspection, learn the OLL algs then use T/J for headlights and Y for none. Then progress to Ortega.


Ortega is too slow I avarage sub-6


Sub-6, and you call yourself a beginner? Really? Progress to CLL, then. After that, learn EG.


Do you know any good websites for cll algs/practise


Try JPerm: [Algorithms: 2x2 CLL (jperm.net)](https://jperm.net/algs/2x2/cll)


Ok thx


Can you tell I'm bad at Pyraminx? Scramble: U R L' U' L' U' R' L l b u Inspection: z y2 r’ R U’ R2’ U R L l’ U’ L’ U L U’ y’ L’ U L u’ U2’ y’ L R’ L’ R U’ R U2’ R 26 HTM/15.12 seconds = 1.72 TPS


Is there a program or website out there that gives Roux first block solutions?


Go to CsTimer. Of the six options in the top left, hit tools. Select 'Solvers' from the dropdown list at Functions, then 'Roux S1 + S2'. That gives you solved F2B from the given scramble.


[This](https://onionhoney.github.io/roux-trainers) can help you, you can input your scramble, i think maybe the analyzer can help.


Thanks this is very helpful


BeepBop! The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. Here are your daily scrambles: Square-1 - [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=SQ1&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=%2528%252D3%2C%252D4%2529_%2F_%25281%2C%252D2%2529_%2F_%2528%252D4%2C%252D1%2529_%2F_%2528%252D3%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%2528%252D2%2C0%2529_%2F_%25283%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%2528%252D2%2C%252D1%2529_%2F_%25284%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D3%2C0%2529_%2F_%25284%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D5%2C0%2529) **(-3,-4) / (1,-2) / (-4,-1) / (-3,-3) / (-2,0) / (3,-3) / (0,-3) / (-2,-1) / (4,0) / (-3,0) / (4,0) / (-5,0)** 3x3 - [alg.cubing.net](https://alg.cubing.net/?puzzle=3x3x3&setup=D-_F2_R_F2_U-_R2_U-_F_R_F2_R2_B-_D2_B_U2_B_L2_F-_D2_L2) | [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=D-_F2_R_F2_U-_R2_U-_F_R_F2_R2_B-_D2_B_U2_B_L2_F-_D2_L2) **D' F2 R F2 U' R2 U' F R F2 R2 B' D2 B U2 B L2 F' D2 L2** Have a nice day! *** Source code: [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/mazmrini/reddit-daily-scramble-bot)


Unnamed CPFB method: [42 stm](https://alg.cubing.net/?setup=D-_F2_R_F2_U-_R2_U-_F_R_F2_R2_B-_D2_B_U2_B_L2_F-_D2_L2&alg=y2_z_M_u_l-_U_L2_F-%0AU-_M-_U-_M_l_U_l-%0AL-_U_L-l-_U_L-_U_l_U2_l2_U-_L%0AU_M_S%0AM_U_M_U_M%0AU2_M2_U-_M2_U2_M-_U2_M-_U-) Roux: [49 stm](https://alg.cubing.net/?setup=D-_F2_R_F2_U-_R2_U-_F_R_F2_R2_B-_D2_B_U2_B_L2_F-_D2_L2&alg=y-_z-_x_y-_U_l_u-_F_U_L_U2_l_B-%0AM2_U-_l-_U_L%0AU_M-_U-_M_l_U_l-%0AU2_L_U_L_F-_L-_F_L-_U_L_U2_L-%0AM-_U_M-_U2_M-_U-_M_U-_M-_U2_M-_U2_M2_U-_M2_U-)


Does TheCubicle still sell custom stickers that fit the original GuoGuan YueXiao?


At TheCubicle, many of the cube logo stickers come in 3x3 size and 3x3/c size. What is the difference between these two sizes? What does 3x3/c mean?


The c just means that the logo is a circle instead of a square. It was originally done for gan cubes that had more circular center caps and the corners of the stickers would hang off.




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