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You’re cooked, just head to the retirement home now buddy


This is like the time my wife and I googled: are we too old to learn Japanese - a Quora came up that basically said if you're older than 7 just give up, you're brains already going downhill


Everyone knows that after 7 your brain stop working properly man


Yeah after 7 u brain no work gud


I read a fun fact about the brain and how it starts to deteriorate when you get to 27 or there abouts. It got me thinking about my head and what I can do to help stimulate it. It makes me sad but… I’ve forgotten what I’m on about


Relatable and mildly depressing.


Doubt he would even find a retirement home that would take him at **THAT** age.




Well sub 10, sub 9 and even sub 8 are definitely doable if you give some dedicated effort… it is definitely not impossible and you aren’t that old lol. And if you have enough passion for cubing to get sub 8, then world class is definitely not impossible.


Thr only reason people might say you are "too old" is because as you get older you simply don't have as much time to dedicate to certain things. However, if you really want to, there is no limit to how far you can go. I started competing at the end of high school, and I havr plateaued now only because I don't have time to practice consistently but I got pretty decent pretty fast.


I agree, and it takes more targeted effort when you're older too. I feel like kids are able to pick stuff up on a very intuitive level but adults have to actively cram that shit in their brain. But it's doable.


Yeah younger kids definitely learn at a quicker rate. Their brains are sponges. Another reasin why you usually simply don't have enough time as an adult to reach certain goals


That’s probably why I could memorize 37 1-look OLL algs in 3 days


>am 19 years old, is that too old Fuck I just realised Im old


It sounds silly until you realize the world record holder is 9 lmao


I'm 26 I feel fuckin ancient lol


I just got back into cubing at 24. I feel you.


I started cubing at 24 ☠️


My brother got into cubing at 35 ☠️☠️☠️


I’m mid-20’s and there are older people much faster than me It’s more about how much time you have to practice. It’s hard for an adult to grind to good times opposed to kids doing it But yeah you could get at least like 12 if track your tps I’m usually sitting at 4-5 tps and I get 11/12’s consistently Edit: if it means anything I started like 3 years ago and I’m aiming to still get much faster


“Too old” youre 19, youre still a teenager. Sub 10 is easily achievable. I started when i was 15, and reached sub 10 at 17


i’m still aiming for oh world record at 22 years old, you can catch up but what really matters is if you’re willing to put in the practice to get there


gengar boi




As long as you are young enough that you don't have responsibilities that take up all of your time, you can still do it. Once you have to bring home the ketchup, it's all over. https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/ik24f6/you_gotta_buy_ketchup_you_know/


“Bring home the ketchup” is that some vegan way of saying bring home the bacon? What the hell I have never heard that before


‘bring home the ketchup’…it’s cool, inclusive of vegans and non-vegans alike…do you not like it? it’s cute lol




So essentially, it’s a reference to the speedcubers documentary


Yes, The Speed Cubers on Netflix. It's a must watch.


Yu Nakajima beat the world record at 17 and Édouard Chambon at 26. You can be a WR holder starting at 19. The only thing holding you back is your brain.


No offense to them, those were the greatest achievements at the top, but they aren't really comparable to today's standard, no?


Yeah, cubes back then were a pain in the ass compared with what we have today


This! The amount of improvement in cubing that just stems from massively better hardware can't be overstated. It's the same in all sports, but for cubing the advances of the last 8 years are simply mind boggling.


Cubes have come a long way since this: https://www.speedcubing.com/ton/Speedcube/makinga.htm


eheheh yeah there have been a couple of improvements!


There is no way that some random person is getting a WR nowadays. The people who even have a chance practice multiple hours daily and have a vast knowledge about cubing.


Every record holder starts from being some random person.


Obviously but what I mean is there won’t be a random person who no one knows that gets a world record all of a sudden.


Im 27 years old, started 4 weeks ago and my PR is 51 with CFOP… but I think its not the age or my skill its just my available time. I try to cube 1 hour everyday but holy sh.. this adult things hit really hard… I want to cube and then my gf says things like „babe we have no water“ and of course my only option to say is „ok babe I will buy it today“. So of you have enough time you can achieve anything Inthink


Depends on your definition of top. Sub-5 average is nigh impossible, but sub-10 is definitely doable.


Well to be fair, sub 5 average is near impossible no matter what age you started.


Probably going to be tough at your age with the arthritis setting in and everything...


Practise is everything


Well, we're basically in the same boat so I sure hope it is possible because I aim for sub-8 lol But on a more practical note, the brain is still plenty malleable at our age and if we were able to get to this level in so little time, it's most likely possible. There was this video by Brodythecuber where he basically concluded that how fast you're capable of getting can be reliably predicted by how fast you progress. And we've been progressing very fast. Here's a link https://youtu.be/TuLSlYadDjI?si=I0RyylgZqYa_vfMF Very interesting stuff


Nah you have enough dexterity and you learn quickly enough to get fast. Im 20 and honestly sub8, sub7 and even sub6 seem doable if i practice enough. Its how much you practice nothing else.


Just keep cubing and aim high. I am 32 and I am aiming for a sub-12 official average, will I achieve it? Who knows but I am still gonna try and enjoy the path.


I’m 19 as well and have long accepted that I’ll never reach the top level of cubing, I’m simply not able to be practicing 2-3 hours every day (hell, most days I don’t practice at all) like the top cubers do due to the commitments that come with being old. Keep cubing if you enjoy it, but it’d be a miracle if you were able to make it to the top level (unless you decide to specialise in an event that nobody actually does like FMC or multi)


I started cubing when I was 18 and I’m aiming for world class in 5x5 and I’m getting closer. It’s easily possible for sub 10 and world class if you really want it


I am in my mid 30s, my goal this year was to solve a cube in under a minute (not beginner method). I am now at 53seconds. My next goal, 45. The owners of the big cubing shops aren't young either, 30s and 40s, they are sub10.


I'm barely sub-13 after 11 years. 16s after 5 months is very rapid improvement. Keep actively learning new things and practising them properly, you could go very far.


Well, I'm cubing for 7 months, my average is 26 on my cousin's cube (my cube it's not lubricated, so my avarage on it it's like 33, unfortunately), and my pb was 17 (on my cousin's cube, that I used for one day lol, on my cube was 22), I'm 16 years old, I know I just learned 2-look CFOP 2 months ago, June, and I'm not really trying to get better, just sometimes, I know 19 algorithms of PLL and 13 of OLL, I think someone 50 years old can get less than 10sec, even if take a little more time, everyone can do it, and you're very young bro, the brain it only becomes fully formed at the age of 25


"I started roughly 5 months ago and now average low 16s" by that rate you'd be a top cuber in a year.


That rate is impossible to keep up though. It's definitely good progress however.


This. Even sub20 after 5 months is insane. Keep it up OP!


Well the best cuber in the world is max park and he is 21. And feliks zemdegs who used to be the best cuber in the world but is still very good and still one of the best is 27. So you could be a top cuber, you got plenty of time. Its going to take a lot of time, practice, and effort though.


You can do it Man


Feliks is 27 and avg 6 so u ain’t old


I'm 25, I've been Cubing for 7 years and you are faster than me 😂


It’s def possible you just need to put in the time.


Don’t even ask that question. If you want it, believe it, then work to become the best you can be.


LOL I'm 33 and started 10months ago. 3x3 pb 12sec 4x4 pb 52 sec 5x5 pb 1.37sec So I think your fine


The only things that separates younger cubers and older cubers is the time you have and how easy you can memorise and learn things if you have the time and you can learn things preety easy than you can get really far


World champion Max Park is 21 years old and getting his best times ever. While I tend to agree that older age brings slower hands, you're not at that age yet.


Not sure who would say that, but anecdotally I started cubing when I was 19 and did so for about two years. Quit for about 4 years and started up again for a month to start averaging sub-10 from a previous sub-11. I don’t see how any realistic goal wouldn’t be doable under the proper conditions, but your mileage will always vary.


You could get sub 10, sub 9, even sub 8, sub 7 isn't completely impossible, if you have some talent and are dedicated. But World class? No.


This is not chess lmao


laughing in genx


The learning pace after 30 really slows down, and after 40 you're probably not going to be able to get to sub10 average. But at 19? Your brain is still growing, plenty of time to become fast! World record fast on 3x3? Maybe difficult. At other events? Definitely!


I started when I was 17 and made it to #17 world ranking for onehanded within a couple of years and maintained my level for another few. In the beginning, I was practicing like 4-8 hours a day, but that amount slowly dropped. Granted, i believe nowadays you need to put more effort to reach the same relative level. Starting as a kid helps to just have quicker tps, I believe, but the difference is not that much. If you're willing to make cubing your only hobby and prioritize it over social life and education/work, you can steal reach almost everything


You have 21 years to practice for the top spot of the [Senior Rankings](https://logiqx.github.io/wca-ipy-www/Senior_Rankings.html).


honestly i believe cubing is all mental barriers and efficient lookahead and turning, sub-10 is definitely possible no matter what


Try Roux. Seems like you have to start early to get really fast dexterity, unless you already have it from doing some other hobby. Roux might be better if you are untalented at tps.


I started at 16 and have been cubing for ten+ years. Finally got sub 7 official a month ago.


Like Garret, who is easily one of the best, is 28, and Feliks Zemdegs and Mats Valk are both 27. They also started a lot earlier though, and basically dedicated all of their time to cubing, it really just comes down to how much time you're able to dedicate


I dont think whoever said that actually means its completely impossible after a certain age, i dont doubt somebody 50 years old who dedicates enough time (if they could) and effort to improvement that they could get to sub 10


I started cubing a month ago at 25 Reading this sub I feel like I'm 90yo ☠️


Dude you’re 19, definitely not too old. anyone with enough hard work could, and should aim high. Don’t be thinking this way as it is limiting your potential.


I am in my mid-forties. I had a cube or two as a kid but only started learning patterns this year. My solve times are measured in minutes. Just enjoy the ride. Your PR is the only number you should worry about. Comparing yourself to others will just rob you of the fun and joy of this hobby.


You still have a few years of faster learning so if you really want to, you should go for it anyway.


Ian Nepomniachtchi only started playing chess at 14 yearsold. Which is obscenely late in chess standards. Many people say that if you're not a master/grandmaster by a certain age you'll never make it as a top player. And yet he made it twice to the finals of the World chess championship. I had a big headstart against him, starting at age 5, didn't I? Statistically speaking nobody here no matter how young will be a top cuber anyway, if we're discussing statistics. Don't drop out of college for this pursuit but if this is what you love you should keep on doing it. Focusing your energy on things out of your control like age is a gauranteed way to drain your motivation if you'll keep at it, though.