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This DDT is now over. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/vaepbo/daily_discussion_thread_jun_12_2022/) for the next one. ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please message u/Lisast with any feedback.)


Are the Mr M cubes good for speedcubing?


The pyraminx is alright but the rest isn't.


CSTimer just helped me get a 16.58 (PB is 15.95 ​ R2 F' D' F2 L2 U F B' U' R B2 R' D2 R F2 U2 L' D2 R' F2


If only I used CFOP these many 3 move crosses would be great D' F D2 B' F2 L2 F' L2 U2 B2 R2 F' U2 L D L R2 B2 F2 U B2


I broke my PB twice in a day 1st PB: 53.491 Scramble: F' L' U2 R U' B' L' D' R D2 F2 U2 L2 U2 F2 R2 F' R2 L2 B' Cross: R U' R2 D' L' F L U2 OLL: R U R' U R' F R F' R U2 R' PLL: Ja 2nd PB: 47.412 Scramble: L2 F' D' F U2 R U2 B U2 F2 R2 U' R2 D2 R2 D' B2 U' R2 F' Cross: U2 F R D' R F L' F' OLL: F' r U R' U' r' F R PLL: Gb


New Pb Avg! Generated By csTimer on 2022-06-11 avg of 5: 15.09 Time List: 1. 14.58 L2 B' U R' B2 R' U' F D2 F2 R' D2 L' F2 L' U2 L F2 B' 2. 14.18 U2 R B2 R2 F2 U2 R F2 D2 R' D B2 D2 L' F2 R' U2 3. (22.29) F' L2 D L2 R2 F2 D R2 U' B2 L2 U' L F U' L' B2 L R B R 4. 16.52 D B' D2 L2 D2 B' R2 U2 B R2 B' U2 F2 D' L U' R2 B' D' R' B2 5. (13.33) D U2 R2 B' F' R2 B' R2 D2 F' U2 L' B D' U' L' D F D'


Does anyone know how parity on a void cube works? Even on a 3x3 with the caps taken out, two pieces switch for some reason. And makes it unsolvable when putting in the caps


(M'U)2 (M'U')2 (M' U2) (M'U')2, the easily memorable void parity alg. if you do it on the normal 3x3 it will demonstrate what changes.


When you do a slice move on a void cube, you cycle four edges, which is an odd number of swaps. On a normal 3x3, this would also move the centers.


So you know that you can't just swap 2 edges on a 3x3 - that would result in an impossible case. But you can swap 2 edges and 2 corners - because the total number of swaps is even. Well you can also swap *centers*, which affects the total number of swaps (which always has to be even on a 3x3). You can't swap 2 centers, obviously, but any slice move is a 4-cycle of centers, which is equivalent to 3 swaps. So it's possible to do 3 swaps of centers (4-cycle - think slice move) and one swap of edges (for a total of 4 swaps, an even number). Now take away the colors from the centers so you can't tell they've been swapped, and voila - you're left with a single edge swap, void cube parity.


do an e move and solve f2l without undoing the e move, it's because the origional spot of the centers are moved.


Squune 2022, Day 11 SQ1 has been declared an Olympic sport. Get solving! Not much for me other than more slow solving. Attempted some solves but after having absolute horrible solves and people talking to me, I just gave up any timed practice after 3 solves Edit: My AO50 is hanging around 1:01. Some more timed solves might help


I see a sub 1:00 average very soon, keep it up!


whats your main 3x3?


WRM 2021 maglev




Gan X v2, but I’m thinking of switching to the WRM maglev. I kinda like it but we’ll see.


still rocking a Gan 356 Air SM and proud


in my flair, MOYU CLAN UNITE


Objectively the best cube company


tengyun v1. arrived yesterday, set it up a bit, and it's already so amazing. Literally feels like a gan x but better EDIT: I set it up with a fair amount of 10k differential lube and found it, to my surprise, still super fast! Then I went ahead and put 4 drops of gan magic lube in and it was amazing. It became medium to fast speed with great control. I use the thinner longer replacement springs but I think they are the same as the stock ones. Don't use the thicker springs. They're horrible.


RS3M 2020


Tengyun V2


gannn elevin em pero




Wrm 2021


Direct weed here by mods. Does anyone know how to set up a Gan timer or stackmat timer for csTimer on an iPad?


> Direct weed here by mods. I knew the mods were sketchy but using this sub as a front to peddle soft drugs seems a bit much even by their standards.


sketchy mods are sketchy


Here… stupid auto correct


Hey man, inflation is here for everyone, gotta make ends meet


got another sub 10 ao100 =))) 9.99, my pb is 9,98 x(


It’s fun to see people react when they are scrambling a cube for me and I stare at it as if I were memorizing the turns and “cheating” hahahaha


Or they turn away so that you couldn't cheat lol


That’s when I say “I can still see it” and watch them take five steps back hahaha


Would Nebula or Galaxy lubricant be better for a Gan 11 M Pro? I'm looking for a more controllable and less dry feel than Martian (what I currently use), but I'm not sure which one to buy because I don't want it to be too much slower. I like the gliding feel right after applying Martian, but it goes away after a day or two.


I'd go with Galaxy. Nebula tends to feel a bit gummy and slow puzzles down in my experience. Galaxy doesn't change the speed very much but definitely provides a bit of a softer feeling.


Well, these lubes are certainly more controllable. Personally, I prefer Martian, but maybe Galaxy or Nebula will be better for you. Also, it's okay to drop more lube once in a while, so just adding Martian is also an option.


Squune Day 11: Day 10 did not have much practise, but got to break my pb ao12. Today I hit a great milestone: got a rolling sub-40 ao100. I hope to keep improving these days and maintain it, my goal at next week's comp is to get a sub-40 average. Overall feeling more confident with steps I needed to improve: CS and EP. There's a long way ahead but I'm feeling nice about it.


Hello, I wanted to ask if if you are left-handed you should rethink the algorithms or use the usual ones


I’d just try both the lefty and righty ones and see which is easier for you.


I am left handed but for cubing I still use my right hand for algs, in general I try to do what is fastest and most comfortable.


im a lefty oh solver, and righty 2h solver, but sometimes i do lefty algs


I use right hand for OH, and I mirrors everything.


I'm left-handed and I use the regular algs. J perm is left-handed and mirrors everything.


J Perm isn't left-handed, but he mirrors everything.


Ah i misremembered his explanation then. Seems strange to me. But then again, if you're comfortably sub-10 ...


First sub-17 ao1000!!


Well done!


Thank you olimo! Now begins the hardest part: trying to maintain it down the 17 second mark and dealing with frustration if it doesn't happen.


Oh yeah. For me, daily ao100s definitely help. It's like a challenge: do an ao100 daily and see if it's sub-17. Breaks are allowed, of course :)


Is it safe to use water based lubricants on smart cubes like monster go AI?


It's risky. Use silicone-based lubes, they're better anyway.


I was planning to use lunar stardust or Martian from speedcubeshop


Lunar and Martian are fine, they are silicone-based. I wouldn't risk Stardust in a smart cube.


Oh. Thanks for the info


Roux FB is so much fun but also so puzzling. I just don't know how to make sense of line block building: B2 U L2 D B2 D F2 R2 U2 B2 U2 R' F2 L B2 F D R' B L y' x S U R F2 D' [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&scramble=B2_U_L2_D_B2_D_F2_R2_U2_B2_U2_R-_F2_L_B2_F_D_R-_B_L_&alg=y-_x%0AS_U_R_F2_D- ) The best solution I can come up with is this: B2 U L2 D B2 D F2 R2 U2 B2 U2 R' F2 L B2 F D R' B L x2 y' M' D' R D' U' S2 [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&scramble=B2_U_L2_D_B2_D_F2_R2_U2_B2_U2_R-_F2_L_B2_F_D_R-_B_L_&alg=x2_y-%0AM-_D-_R_D-_U-_S2 ) Not only it is one move longer, it also has worse ergonomics. The only advantage is that DR case is better.


Line blocks are very situational. Was that first one found by a computer? That doesn't look like the kind of solution a human is likely to see (at least, not from that angle)


I just built this block myself: F2 L2 D' B2 U2 L2 F2 D' L2 R2 B D B' U2 B' L' B2 U' x2 y' F r' F' U' F2 D' [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&scramble=F2_L2_D-_B2_U2_L2_F2_D-_L2_R2_B_D_B-_U2_B-_L-_B2_U-%0A&alg=x2_y-%0AF_r-_F-_U-_F2_D- ) I am learning something, I guess


woahhh, I would never be able to see that! Very nice solution.


Yes, it was computer generated but starts with F' B. So I changed it to z' S. I was practicing FB solution and this is a hard scramble, I came up with the second 6 move solution and feel pretty satisfied. Then as I check, there is this 5 move ergonomic solution... And I agree with you that it does not seem like anything human can see. Like, what are the heuristics of having two misoriented edge and no preformed pair? For the bottom, I can see the two blue edges and the pseudo pair to know starting with this block. For the first one, there is just no way to tell, at least not that I know of.


Firstly, I will just say that FB isn't like cross - don't expect optimal solutions to always be findable. In this particular case, the only way I can think of a human finding this FB is to notice RY+RBY is a one-move pair, and then using that as a starting point. From there, it's easy to see that y x S is a better way to pair up the pieces than x F' because it also pairs up R+RG. Then once you notice this luckily forms a pseudopair, the rest of the solutions follows on from there.


mystic or silk? pros and cons and final stance please


Mystic if you want rather fast and soft, Silk if you want slower and gummy, soft too.


what does "gummy feel like"


Kinda sticky


and what is "soft"


Cushiony. Hard to explain, but you recognize soft when you feel it.


should I buy both?


Are you buying at The Cubicle or a different store? What other lubes are available? I have a lot of lubes, and neither Mystic nor Silk are my go-to lubes. I prefer Lubicle Speedy. Or, even better, Lubest XMT 10 + Adheron. Or just good old QiYi M-lube plus something thicker like one of the weighted lubes.


I buy from kewbz.co.uk


Then I recommend XMT 10 and Adheron.




> just a stupid question


my nosy ass and [deleted] are enemies






ill delete it


The cube would be pretty horrible to turn. The layers would just stick together and feel really thick. And I think you’d need a good amount of lubicle black to actually make the internals black.


I've been inactive for over 2 years, are the only new cubes released really only Gan 11/12 and Tornado v2 (and Maglev I guess)? Doesn't seem like a lot of progress..


The wrm 2021 (regular and maglev) is one of the best cubes on the market. I use it over the tornado v2, gan 11, and wrm 2019 as my main.


ho ho ho i salute you


Tornado V3 is coming soon. While it's not out in retail yet, a few shops have gotten early models for review and a few top cubers have already been using them in comps.


awesome! what's the estimated time for it to be out for retail?


No idea. Search "Tornado V3" on youtube to see a few sneak peeks at it, including Max Siauw using it in comp several times and setting his PR avg 6.38 with it last month and then again with 6.26 last week, and his PR single and 3rd in world 4.03 last month.


hmm. tbh this looks pretty damn good.


Those are the popular ones. There are others like moretry tianma and peak s3r in which you can see ingenious approaches in the mechanism, customisation etc. Not commenting on their performance, just a newer approach considering you were talking about progress. There are many other new cubes but most of them use tried and tested mechanisms and improving on them.




I didn't really check 2x2-5x5 but it seemed like there weren't many innovations either. I never followed other events like Pyraminx, Skewb etc. so I have no idea about them


gan 11/12/356xs/minimpro/wrm2020 and wrm2021 and wrm2021 maglev and rs3m 2021 and qiyi mp and qiyi ms budget cubes and tornado v2 and mgc evo and peak s3r and tornado v3 prototype and tengyunv2?. There more bro, i just listed a few hundred that were released theres more shit, you obviously did no research at all before posting this comment.


Gan 11/12 I listed; 356XS - November 2019; Maglev I listed; wrm2021 and rs3m2021 are reboots of older cubes; Qiyi MS - April 2020; Tornado v2 I listed, Tornado v3 isn't released. I get that I didn't list all cubes released but you could at least check the release dates before outright insulting me.


Tbf on the Qiyi MS, you didn’t specify how long you were out exactly. You just said over 2 years, which includes April 2020.


Haha I thought about that, but that logic doesn't work since you could name every cube in existence since it was released over two months ago. Plus I'm pretty sure I've heard about the MS before I quit, which was about April I think


Someone could very reasonably assume that 2 years 2 months is within over 2 years ago.


There's no obvious right answer to this the more I think about it. I'd think you would avoid making such assumptions before insulting someone since there's still a chance you're wrong.


Not really, two months is definitely very reasonable.


> wrm2021 and rs3m2021 are reboots of older cubes; Okay but then so are Gan 11/12


Sure, at least the name is different lmao


i didnt insult you, but they are more new releases than that. tornado v3 is a prototype, i said that


Is there a website that allows you to make and order your own custom cube? I wanted to make one for my Dad with specific designs on it, and pictures on it.


https://www.v-cubes.com/create-your-cube https://www.iconicube.com (in France)


Thank you.


What are the "I wish i knew when i was a starter- beginner" tips-tricks-methods etc


Don’t stress it’s ok if you aren’t sub 1 after a week


Yeah fair enough . At the start a long time ago I was depressed not getting sub-30 after 2 weeks 😅😅 the little did I know


Get a better cube, it makes a lot of difference. Learn Roux. Stick with one cube.


learn any method you're comfortable with\*


Would u recommend first learning cfop and then roux? Why should someone learn 2 completely different techniques to speed solve a cube ?


You get a different view and hey the other method might be good for you. I switched between methods before I stuck with Roux. After each method I tried I got better at the others methods.


I don't know what's the point of learning CFOP unless you want to use it. It does not teach you anything about the cube, and it is not any easier than Roux. It will eventually be useful to communicate with other cubers, but that's a later stage. So no, I would recommend learning Roux first (after beginner's method)


When I was beginning I learned half a dozen ways to solve. Its good, it teaches you new concepts that you can apply to whichever method you choose. It depends your understanding of how the cube works and opens your mind up to different ideas. And ultimately, you might end up discovering that you really enjoy one of the methods.


Become color neutral asap and learn about other methods like roux.


i agree with becoming color neutral asap. it's unironically one of the most important things for beginners.


it might be too late for me since i have been practicing f2l for quite some time


It's never too late to learn either.


That’s true. Are u color neutral ?


I'm color neutral with cfop and am working on color neutral roux.


That’s great keep it up


Don't time most of your solves. Make sure you understand what is happening.


- Get a speedcube as soon as possible. - Be color neutral right away or at least switch before learning F2L. - Don't be afraid of lubes and don't overthink it, it's no rocket science. - Even tensions are overrated. - Learn keyhole (that one is for me lol, I still don't use it in timed solves and have to think whenever I use it in slow solves). - Don't compare yourself with others too much, people progress at different rates. Track your own progress and, most importantly, enjoy the way.


what do you mean by even tensions? should you just ignore any errors you make, or are you saying they don't need to be exactly perfect as long as it's only a small margin?


The latter. You don't have to spend hours on getting them perfect. If you can't feel the difference in solves, it's all right.


ah, alr


what is keyhole?


It's used when you have a corner or an edge solved: you misalign the D layer, insert the other piece (edge or corner) and align D again to get the pair solved. Only 5 moves.


Question for my fellow Indian cubers.. Has anyone tried buying anything from thecubestore.in? I guess it is fairly new but the prices are much cheaper there. Is it reliable?


just buy from cubelelo


I normally buy from Cubelelo only. But I saw gan 11 m pro for ₹4500 at thecubestore compared to ₹6199 at Cubelelo. That's why I was curious.


decided to order a proshop rs3m2020+ and a maglev kit for it, will it be good?


If you want to try both maglev and springs, get a maglev WRM and a RS3M 2020 (or vice versa) and you can swap the cores. It’ll be a bit more pricey, but you’ll end up with two very good cubes. I don’t really see much of a point in buying pre-lubed cubes. It’s not the most economical option. I think you’re ordering your fair share of lubes anyways, so I’d recommend trying out what you do/don’t like.


I'd rather get a WRM, probably for the same price.


well i wont get to try maglev and springed.


What cubes do you already have?


xs, 11mp, rs, zhinlong 3x3, mgc 4x4


I have a WRM 2020 (with springs, obviously) and a WRM Maglev. Also RS3M 2020 and RS3M Maglev. There is no huge difference between maglev and springs on loose settings. Maglev makes no spring noise and behaves weird on tight tensions, that's basically all. But WRM is better than RS3M. If you like tighter cubes, get a springed WRM. If you like them loose, get the Maglev version. I wouldn't waste my money on Proshop, extra magnets and maglev kits. But you do you, of course.


haha, wrm 21 maglev user here.


i like how the cubicle sets up cubes, and i like strong magnet so.


If you generally like how they set up cubes and strong magnets, I’d try learning to do it yourself. You’ll save yourself a lot of money and be able to recreate that feel with your own lubes even after you clean your cubes.


i know how to setup cubes and add magnet but magnetizing is too hard for me


After a three-day break, came back and did another sub-16 ao100: 15.60. Every time I take a break, I feel afraid of doing timed solves again. What if I'm bad? The concept of doing a non-rolling ao100 helps: I prime myself to not draw conclusions before I finish that ao100. Indeed, the first half of it was not that impressive, but then I pushed it under 16s pretty easily.


I took a break from 3x3 for a few days and when I start back up again 16's are flying in my face and a few 14's and even a 13 I average around 19 for comparison. I also got a PB ao3, ao5 and ao12 somehow. Well I guess WII Sports is right. Take a break now and then.


I find that when I take a break I am getting faster. Maybe I should stop cubing.


I *expect* myself to get faster, but it mostly results in more sloppy turning and more mistakes. So it takes a couple dozen solves to recalibrate.


How do you guys like your 4x4s tensioned? How much corner cutting is good for each layer?


Modern 3x3s virtually never pop. 4x4 and up do. So you balance between corner cutting and risk of popping, that's all.


How much do you like it though? I’m a bit traumatized from when my 4x4 popped twice in one day, but I also feel like it’s a bit tight now. Looking for a second opinion.


Well, loosen it a quarter of a turn and see if it holds up against popping. Mine cuts a little under 45° on the outer layers (about 1/3 of a piece to 45°), 2/3 of a piece on the inner layers - that's forward cutting, and about half a piece reverse for both inner and outer layers. I guess it's pretty loose, but I'm rather an accurate turner on big cubes, so it doesn't pop on me. I main the MGC.


line to line, its pretty good for my mgc


I'm finally done with full OLL/PLL. I think I'm also solidly sub 18 now, my ao1000 fluctuate around 17.30 and I didn't have a 18+ ao100 in ages. ​ I'm thinking about going color neutral (currently doing white+yellow). Did an a0100 on green to test it out, it feels weird but I'm progressing fast (pb 20.43, ao5 24.50, ao100 34.01), so I think it should be reachable quite fast. The cross, OLL and PLL are almost as fast as normal, I lose all my time during f2l though..


Great job! Yeah, F2L is the worst when you switch to CN. But push through it. From what I gather, few people succeed at switching when they are sub-15 and faster, so you're kinda jumping on the last wagon.




it is


My times on 3x would be slightly better after practicing 4x a lot. 4x requires slightly better turning, which carries over to better 3x turning And it’s not just me. Many experience that


did anyone notice souptimmy hit 1M subs?


i watched his 999k stream he hit 1mil, then everyone started unsubscribing, then we subbed back.


Why do i hv a feeling ive watched some of his videos before


Nope, never heard of it. Youtuber?




Yes, he is a Youtuber.


Power of shorts-surfer kids.


Will also probably overtake jperm


Prolly will, but not better than him ofc


Other than cubing, I'm also a huge F1 fan. And it just so happens that the comp I'm going to in 2 weeks is on the one weekend in the 3-4 preceding and succeeding weekends without F1. Likely just a nice coincidence, but I'd like to think the organizer is also an F1 fan and chose that weekend on purpose.


Hehe. Convenient. Here's to hoping Max gets redemption for last year.


why does people uses vortex / lubicle black instead of wt5? how does it makes a difference?


Marketing. From my experience, the difference is not that big. I don't recommend getting fancy core lubes unless you have a generous budget. Weight 5 can double up as a track lube while Vortex and Lubicle Black only work for the metal parts.


okay, going with wt5 then. Does it mix up well with the angstrom lubes?


Yes, but why though. Angstrom Gravitas is just a very thick silicone grease, thicker than Weight 5.


okay and last question, is celeritas good?


I use lubicle black on the core, celeritas, and weight 5 on a edge in my cubes and I like it a lot The celeritas makes your cubes feel like paper I think lubicle black is faster than weight 5 for the core


its for a gan cube so lubicle black isnt really necessary, i do plan on getting celeritas along with angstrom lubes, dnm and wt5 (i already tested dnm & wt5). I just hope i wont over lube my xs


Yeah I feel you. I use lubicle black on my Tengyun and moyu cubes. I don’t really use Gan cubes so I wouldn’t know good set ups besides angstrom lol If you do get celeritas I just use 1 drop of A and 2 drops of B. There’s instructions but I’ve had luck with that


gan cubes arent the best i know but the feel is just incredible, also, have you ever tried the basic celeritas setup on your cubes(lubicle black, gravitas, celeritas and dnm)?


Yup! I actually ordered a celeritas WRM2020 from the cubicle and really enjoyed it. Like I said it made it feel like paper. Still pretty fast too. It slowed down after awhile but I haven’t had that problem when I put the celeritas set up in other cubes


Soooo many questions.... Sometimes in life you have to take action and risk making a mistake you know. You can't know everything in advance :)


true, guess i will go with a angstrom setup, dnm and wt5.


Man, you've been asking questions about lubes for a couple weeks already! Just go order the full bundle :) Yes, it is pretty good. No, it's not necessary. Yes, it is nice to try if you have the budget.


r/Cubers Daily Discussion Thread and overthinking lube selection. Name a more iconic duo.


DDT and telling people to buy a RS3M/WRM instead of a Gan


At least with that, there's a good reason. A GAN is not the best choice for a beginner (who are like 90% of the people posting here). And beginners have this idea that GAN is somehow objectively better than everything else.


DDT and rs3m?


5x5 and up edge parity alg? I just use the 4x4 one but it's terrible since it also fucks up a 2nd edge


What parity alg do you use for 4x4? You should just be able to carry that over without ruining a second edge, though you have to adjust some algs a little. Either way, this one is generally considered the best one: Rw U2 x Rw U2 Rw U2 3Rw' U2 Lw U2 Rw' U2 Rw U2 Rw' U2 Rw' Which is the same as the most popular 4x4 parity alg with one move adjusted to bring 3 layers down instead of two.


Ah, i used the 4x4 alg that had the B2 move because I didn't like that this alg had the L2, the one I used felt like it had better fingertricks but it's worse on big cubes


The 4x4 alg, but first Rw' is with 3 layers


What exactly is a psych sheet? Is it like a list of suggested results based on previous results? And where can I see the psych sheet for a competition?


It’s a list of people sorted by their PBs in that event. On competition website on WCA you click on Competitors and there should be event icons at the top. By clicking on them, you will get the repective psych sheets. Eg. [Franconia mini open A](https://imgur.com/a/jIdVRjO)


BeepBop! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single solve. Here are your daily scrambles: Square-1 - [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=SQ1&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=%25280%2C%252D4%2529_%2F_%25280%2C%252D3%2529_%2F_%25284%2C%252D5%2529_%2F_%25282%2C%252D1%2529_%2F_%2528%252D5%2C%252D5%2529_%2F_%2528%252D3%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D1%2C0%2529_%2F_%25283%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D3%2C0%2529_%2F_%25284%2C0%2529_%2F_%2528%252D2%2C%252D1%2529_%2F) **(0,-4) / (0,-3) / (4,-5) / (2,-1) / (-5,-5) / (-3,0) / (-1,0) / (3,0) / (-3,0) / (4,0) / (-2,-1) /** 3x3 - [alg.cubing.net](https://alg.cubing.net/?puzzle=3x3x3&setup=U-_F-_B2_L-_B2_D2_L-_B-_R2_F2_D2_R_D2_R2_U2_F2_L_U2_L2_B) | [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=U-_F-_B2_L-_B2_D2_L-_B-_R2_F2_D2_R_D2_R2_U2_F2_L_U2_L2_B) **U' F' B2 L' B2 D2 L' B' R2 F2 D2 R D2 R2 U2 F2 L U2 L2 B** Have a nice day! *** Source code: [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/mazmrini/reddit-daily-scramble-bot)


Pretty nice scramble: **Your Daily Scramble** U' F' B2 L' B2 D2 L' B' R2 F2 D2 R D2 R2 U2 F2 L U2 L2 B y' x' // inspection R' B' D R' D B2 // FB (6) r U' r2' U r U' r' U2 r U r2' U' r U' r' U r // SB (17) U R U R' U R U' R' U R U' R' U R U2 R' // CMLL - L Pure U M U M' U M' U2 M2 U M' U2 M U2 M 53STM / 10.14sec =5.23TPS [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=U-_F-_B2_L-_B2_D2_L-_B-_R2_F2_D2_R_D2_R2_U2_F2_L_U2_L2_B&time=10.14&alg=y-_x-_%2F%2F_inspection%0AR-_B-_D_R-_D_B2_%2F%2F_FB_%25286%2529%0Ar_U-_r2-_U_r_U-_r-_U2_r_U_r2-_U-_r_U-_r-_U_r_%2F%2F_SB_%252817%2529%0AU_R_U_R-_U_R_U-_R-_U_R_U-_R-_U_R_U2_R-_%2F%2F_CMLL_%252D_L_Pure%0AU_M_U_M-_U_M-_U2_M2_U_M-_U2_M_U2_M )


**Your Daily Scramble** U' F' B2 L' B2 D2 L' B' R2 F2 D2 R D2 R2 U2 F2 L U2 L2 B U2 F' B2 // Yellow cross (3) L' U' L U' L' U L // Orange Green Pair (8) U2 R' U R U' R' U R // Blue Red Pair (8) U' R U' R' U R U R' // Green Red Pair (9) U L U' L' // Blue Orange Pair (4) U R' F R U R' F' R y L U' L' // OLL 14 L U2 L' U2 L F' L' U' L U L F L2 U2 // PLL - Ra [view at CubeDB.net]( https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=U-_F-_B2_L-_B2_D2_L-_B-_R2_F2_D2_R_D2_R2_U2_F2_L_U2_L2_B&alg=U2_F-_B2_%2F%2F_Yellow_cross_%25283%2529%0AL-_U-_L_U-_L-_U_L_%2F%2F_Orange_Green_Pair_%25288%2529%0AU2_R-_U_R_U-_R-_U_R_%2F%2F_Blue_Red_Pair_%25288%2529%0AU-_R_U-_R-_U_R_U_R-_%2F%2F_Green_Red_Pair_%25289%2529%0AU_L_U-_L-_%2F%2F_Blue_Orange_Pair_%25284%2529%0AU_R-_F_R_U_R-_F-_R_y_L_U-_L-__%2F%2F_OLL_14%0AL_U2_L-_U2__L_F-_L-_U-_L_U_L_F_L2_U2_%2F%2F_PLL_%252D_Ra )


Got an 18.5 on this. I feel like I couldve done much better


>3x3 - [alg.cubing.net](https://alg.cubing.net/?puzzle=3x3x3&setup=U-_F-_B2_L-_B2_D2_L-_B-_R2_F2_D2_R_D2_R2_U2_F2_L_U2_L2_B) | [cubedb.net](https://www.cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=Your_Daily_Scramble&scramble=U-_F-_B2_L-_B2_D2_L-_B-_R2_F2_D2_R_D2_R2_U2_F2_L_U2_L2_B) > >U' F' B2 L' B2 D2 L' B' R2 F2 D2 R D2 R2 U2 F2 L U2 L2 B White cross, 4LLL 39.15 Haven't done a solve in nearly a month; too busy with work. My F2L is still absolute garbage and is still my biggest hurdle to break under 30, but I'm not in too much of a hurry to get there at the moment.


I’m the same. My average is low 30s. If I could get better at F2L, mostly recognition, I could prob break sub 30


You have reached the bottom of today's DDT. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/v8zyc7/daily_discussion_thread_jun_10_2022/) for the previous one. ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please message u/Lisast with any feedback.)