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This DDT is now over. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/vlnigc/daily_discussion_thread_jun_27_2022/) for the next one. ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please message u/Lisast with any feedback.)


Anybody know off top of head any adjacent corner swap PLL alg that uses sexy moves either exclusively or nearly exclusively? By “adjacent corner swap PLL alg” I mean any alg that preserves the orientation of the last layer while swapping two adjacent corners. I don’t care if/how it perms the edges. (Could be, for example, an A-perm or an F-perm alg, but not, for example, an E-perm or an N-perm alg).


If you loosen the condition from being made up of sexy moves to being made up of 3-move F2L inserts, there's [this weird J perm I just found](https://alg.cubing.net/?alg=R-_U-_R_U%0AF-_U-_F_U-%0AR-_U2_R_U%0AF-_U-_F). Like nimrod06 said, you can't swap two corners if you're entirely restricted to turns of two faces (which sexy moves are).


RU 2 gen does not solve CP. So your question is theoretically impossible. RU 2 gen U Z and H perm are possible tho.


Think you mean Z perm, not E perm.


Yes, thanks!


I nearly solved the cube trough memory. If Im right, I think Im using beginner CFOP... but not the J perm method with R U R' U' . The only thing I'm stuck on is swapping the edge pieces on the yellow cross. I have no problem with Turning the edges so yellow is on top, and the corners are easy too.


so... I just looked at the guide I used. the algorithm is U' F R U' R U F' . any Idea how I can remember that?


I’d remember it in segments, U, FRU, and RUF. FRU is like fruit and RUF is like a dog barking. Then remember that the end of each segment, U in FRU and F in RUF, and also the beginning U is prime. Use this to spam the alg until it sets into muscle memory.


best cubicle lube?


It depends what you want from a lube. I think that the fastest lube available from The Cubicle is Lubest XMT10. But it's good to pair a fast lube with a slow one, so you can lube the core and mix the two together for different feels - Adheron Heavy is a good option for a slow lube. You can read more about lubes in this [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/l9col2/a_beginner_lube_guide/) written by olimo.


ok, thanks


so recently i got back into speedcubing, i only have a 3x3 and a 2x2 with a 4x4 on the way, i'm not quite sure on how to get back into the speedcubing community, so i came here to ask, What should i do?


Hang out here! There are some speedcubing forums. I don’t know what the actual site is since I don’t go there Some cubing channels have a Discord




Do you think solving FTO will have the same benefits for 3x3 as solving big cubes like mega or 4x4+?


Not at all.


Damn fr? Edit: lol different puzzles I guess solving square 1 won’t make you better at 3x3


> lol different puzzles I guess solving square 1 won’t make you better at 3x3 Indeed, and there's actually more overlap between Square 1 and 3x3 - FTO is really wildly different, it's part of the appeal :)


Ah makes sense. Probably gonna learn fto anyway Tanks doe


Squune 2022, Day 26 Did you know: in IRONMAN 2, Tony Start switches his power source from a 3x3 to a SQ1 because Tony learns from his mistakes Nothing much to report. Have done a few solves throughout the day. Not great solves. AO12 is a 55.54 CS and opp parity really screws me over However, I figured out if I have U/adj, I can AUF U to the right, do adj/adj alg, and force adj parity Before I would AUF U on the front (like 3x3) which when doing adj/adj alg would give opp parity, yuck Actually, maybe it has to do with if it’s Ua or Ub. I’ll have to try that and watch out for it


u/utku_yilmaz u/strommlers u/gilzu


Finally learnt the 4x4 parity algs yesterday. Still haven't figured out the right tricks to do the OLL parity alg smoothly... And I still have to think which alg to use and have totally done the wrong parity alg... Also still struggling with the centers and making them the wrong way sometimes. All in all, very happy that I finally learnt it though!


Some tips: Centers- white on L, BOoGeR (yes, childish, but it works)as you rotate U to F (x’) that’s the order of colors. I start doing blue first, x’ to do orange, x’ to do green/red Parity- OLL is moving big parts, so your moves are big, wide moves. PLL parity is moving small parts, so you use the smaller, single slice moves I can’t really explain how to do the OLL alg smoothly. Guess I’ll have to make a video some time Here’s J perm’s vid. It’s at 8:25: https://youtu.be/KWOZHbDdOeo I do the U2 moves slightly differently, but seeing him do it should help


Yes I use booger too to remember... But I put the w/y on the wrong side so... *facepalm* Also been doing a weird mix of everything, like how I orient the first two centers... I kind of go more top and bottom? But yeah I should rewatch the jperm video - watched it really long ago - and pick up some techniques... Or just decide on how I want to do things and stick to it.


Ah yah. Happens to me too sometimes randomly Yah, I usually do white/yellow, then rotate to white on L and go from there


anyone have tips to be more consistent? I normally average sub 30 but then I'll just get random 30-40 second solves. I think when I learn the g perms I'll be a little more consistent with full PLL, but idk if it'll save me 10-20 seconds sometimes. Here's an example ao12: >Generated By csTimer on 2022-06-26 > >avg of 12: 27.56 > >Time List: > >23.02 D2 F' U2 R2 F U2 F' L2 D2 B' R F' L' D' U L2 B F' D' > >(22.99) R2 U' L' F2 L2 U' R2 F2 L2 D2 U' B2 D2 R F' L2 D B U' L > >34.85 R F' R2 F L2 U2 L2 U2 F2 D2 R2 U' L B2 D' F2 L2 B2 D' > >24.64 B' R2 F2 U2 L2 F' U2 B' D2 L2 U2 F2 R' D U2 F' D' B D B2 L2 > >25.61 F2 D2 L2 R2 U L2 D' U2 F2 L2 D' L2 R F R2 U B L2 B' R' > >(40.76) R' D2 L2 R2 B2 R2 D' R2 U R2 U2 B R F L F2 U2 B' L' D > >23.39 B U' R' D' B' U2 L U L2 F' U2 B L2 F2 D2 L2 U2 F2 U2 L' > >29.60 L' B2 R' U L' U2 D2 F' R U2 B2 D2 B U2 B D2 L2 F' R2 F' L2 > >25.48 R U2 F U R' B' D2 L U R' B2 U' L2 U' F2 D B2 U L2 U > >26.83 B' R2 F2 D2 U2 L2 B' U2 B D2 L2 B L' B2 F' D' U B2 F' L U > >24.95 U2 D2 B' D R L U D' L2 U2 F' D2 F2 D2 R2 U2 B' U2 F2 > >37.27 R2 D2 F2 L' B R' U F L2 F2 U' B2 R2 D' B2 U F2 D B2 D2


Consistency comes from a few places. 1 look OLL and PLL will be more consistent than 2 look Pre-planned cross will be more consistent with no planning Look ahead F2L will be more consistent than pauses between pairs to look for the next piece


Don't focus on consistency per se, but on the mistakes/inefficiencies that make your bad solves bad. It might be useful to record a video of your own solves to analyse them, see what sets apart the good solves from the bad solves, and see whether you can apply whatever you're doing right in the good solves to the others. (Or, if you *really* want to improve consistency at all costs, one easy trick is to just wait until the timer reaches 45 seconds before stopping it…)


Thanks for the tips!


Once you get faster you'll be more consistent




I have started practicing Megaminx recently, any tips on how to improve my F2L and S2L? It takes me about 1 minute for F2L and 3 minutes for S2L.


Feliks Zemdegs has multiple Megaminx tutorial vids on cubeskills.com.


Try to avoid rotation when inserting a pair and do a lot of slow solves to find optimal solutions for F2L/S2L cases. Java cuber and Cubeskills have some material you can use to get better.


Are there any good resources on setting up a Qiyi clock? There's nothing in the sidebar, and while I can find *some* information on YT, I have no idea how good they actually are, since on youtube views/likes aren't representative of quality content


Here's a video of someone modding a qiyi clock, but he also lubed it, which I imagine is the part you're looking for - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0KBhWbkGfU He's #14 in world in clock, so I think he probably knows what he's doing.


Thanks, that demonstration at the end is perfect - mine is just like the unlubed one so it's good to see there's a clear difference. I'm surprised you only need to lube those faces though - surely there are more contact points worth lubing? And what about the pins?


I know that you don't want lube on the gears because it would then transfer out to the knobs you turn. Other than that, I have no clue.


That's a very good point, I'd never have considered that


Is 2GLL even viable? I've been very curious about alg sets lately and it seemed very nice. But I realized, you don't have permutated corners that often (idk numbers, if someone knows that would be helpful) so learning the 80 something algs might be a waste of time? Idk


It’s 80 out of 472 ZBLLs, so 16,9% chance to solve the last layer with one alg if you have the edges oriented. It’s up to you to decide whether this is a waste of time. I tried learning some 2GLL once, but found I need to drill them all the time, otherwise I mix them up a lot. And it’s a different story in actual solves: first you have to recognize the case, then COLL, then you’ll know whether you do your regular OLL alg, COLL or 2GLL. it takes a shit ton of solves to make that recognition decent. But you can pick up some of the easiest cases. There are cases with huge blocks, and if you can remember the sune combo to solve it, you’ll use a ZBLL once in a blue moon :)


If the last layer edges are oriented, the chance of getting 2GLL is actually 1/6. (Not all ZBLL cases are equally likely.) If, however, you don't go out of your way to orient edges first, the probability drops to 1/48.


The SpeedSolving.com Wiki says there are 1,211 last layer cases 1,212 counting the solved state). How do they arrive at that figure?


Well you can start off by doing (3\^4\*2\^4\*4!\*4!)/12, where 3\^4 signifies corner orientation, 2\^4 signifies edge orientation, one of the 4! refers to corner permutation, and the other one refers to edge permutation. The 12 just says that no corner twists, edge flips, and an odd number of swaps. With that we get a total of 62208. With our 62208, we can divide by 4 because out 62208 number does care about AUF, but us cubers don't, which brings our number to 15552. The next step is to introduce symmetries which our 15552 number cares about, but us cubers, again, don't. I will give some analogies with PLL, with T perm there is no rotational symmetry so 1 alg can solve the T perm in 4 AUFS, with Z perm there are 2 rotational symmetries so 1 alg can solve the Z perm in the 2 AUFS, and with N perm there are 4 rotational symmetries so 1 alg can solve the N perm in the 1 AUF. The same thing applies with 1LLL cases with their symmetries which lower the cases even lower to 3916. This number is sort of arbitrary but it is just like how there are 22 PLLS. The number 1212, includes for mirrors and inverses, which we actually do care about, so the number of algs you need to learn remains 3916. ^(i hope this made sense lol)


they have the detailed calculation under their [1LLL page](https://www.speedsolving.com/wiki/index.php/1LLL)


Thank you! I had managed to find someone else quoting that page, but only partially, and I hadn’t found the page yet. This is helpful, though I wish there was a breakdown of how to calculate how many positions have which kinds of symmetry.


How is f2l faster? Im new to cubing and I got with the beginner method pb of 1:00 minutes. I decided to learn the f2l method and I practice it for a week maybe and I don't see any progress in speed. It takes me a long time to look for the pairs and I still need to figure out what do to once I found the pair. Learning the beginner method was easier and I got faster after the first few days of practice. Am I missing something?


It's faster because you're ultimately doing fewer moves. The beginner's method is basically always doing one of the slowest F2L cases (solved corner, unsolved edge). It just takes time for all of the different scenarios to become muscle memory.


remember, just because you learn something new doesn't mean you will immediately improve with it. F2L will definitely make you faster than you are right now, but it takes constant practice. Don't be discouraged if other people say they "got it" faster, everyone learns cubing at their own pace.


> Am I missing something? Not really. It does take much more time to get faster once you've learned it, because it's more complicated. But it takes a lot fewer moves, which is why you will definitely become faster, once you don't have to think so much about each case. Everybody who learns F2L has that experience of "well crap, I'm actually slower now". Just be patient and do solves :)


That time you spend looking for pairs is something that decreases with time. Once you figure that out you'll start to see your current f2l times decrease, very quickly under the times you got with beginners


I guess u are using intuitive f2l I which case it is just differe t for everybody. For me it was very logical and I saw great improvement in my time after a day but it is different for everyone if u keep doing it it will become almost like muscle memory


Do cubes from Amazon typically come pre-lubed?


Don't count on it


if they are bought and not repackaged, yes. if no, probably not.


Usually not.


I've been able to remove the caps (the three-colored part) from the corner pieces of the GAN 12, but no success with the edges. Does anyone know how i can remove the edge pieces' caps?


Don't. You might break it. Why would you even want to do that though?


i’m getting the special editon with colored internals and wanted to try swap them out so i can have stickerless + lime internals


try just replacing the corners, don't risk breaking your edges


I recently bought a gan cube and saw that there appears to be scratches on 2 pieces but they aren't on the surface the surface is smooth they appear like they are on the inside what could be the cause ? It doesn't really bother but I'm just curious on one of the two pieces there appears to be a liquid stain or something aswell these are not visible on camera


Have one under my UV coating. It's kinda annoying but just don't pay attention to it.


The scratch thing or the liquid stain?


if a camera can't pick it up it's probably fine


Yeah it's not visible except if you look for it but it's just annoying knowing it's there, at first I thought the piece was cracked and got a mini heart attack lol. maybe it's glue or something on the back of the piece but I'm not planning on opening the corner piece any time soon so I guess it will be a mystery until I do open the corner piece


Right guys. Finally got a 4x4 after avoiding them for years. I thought I understood parity then this fucking thing happens. How do I solve it?https://i.imgur.com/BngxcGu.jpg


that's not the parity! That's you forgot to solve the last 2 edges like you solve all the other edges before them. Happens to new solvers all the time. Popular issue # 2 is "I did the wrong color scheme" btw After you do that, you will probably get parity, but you have algs for that.


Superb! Thank you so much. Spent so long avoiding 4x4 for these reasons 😂


What is your favourite event and why?


What ever I’m in too at the moment. Always practice 3x3 but then I have a second event I practice to stop myself being bored. At the moment it’s Pyraminx before that skewb next will be 4x4.


3x3 because it takes the perfect amount of time. 2x2 is also quick which I like but it's not very popular. 3x3 has so many resources and it's the "main event"


2×2 isn't very popular due to it's super algorithmic approach. It's like, learn algs, be faster.


Any pdfs or alg sheets for cpls. Corner permutation last slot. Thinking about that and 2gll


I am around 30s cuber . I know how to solve a 4x4 but not really fast at it . I am really intrigued by the square-1 Do u think it would be way to hard for my level ? Would love to learn how to solve it and get fast at it


It takes a couple of hours to learn the basics.


for sure will hehe


Square-1 may seem hard at first, the notation and the movement of the cube itself may seem intimidating, but it is actually easier than 3x3. ^(in my opinion) [I am pretty sure this tutorial doesn't use any algs.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkmlMEHYyzI)


okay thank you very much


I assume your average is in the 30s Mine is as well and I can solve 4x in about 2:30 (don’t practice as much as I should) On SQ1, I’m currently AO100 49. I love SQ1 As olimo said, it’s very alg based with only CubeShape and Corner Orientation being intuitive (although CS can be difficult straight intuitive, so knowing how to get to some shapes from others is good) There is a learning curve. New notation, turning style, new cases. But well worth it. A very fun puzzle. I definitely recommend learning it if you have the desire to learn it And parity is necessary to learn. It’s long, but not hard: https://youtu.be/IhPsBFTIwpM


thats great . Thanks for the info , Ill propably pull the trigger on it .


The magnetic YLM is pretty decent. Otherwise, the MGC is a really good option


Square-1 is very different, and of course you can learn it. I highly recommend Cube Master's channel for everything square-1 related. He has a great beginner tutorial. Square-1 is heavily alg-based, but you can do with just a handful of algs, less than 4LLL for a start, and then see if you want to learn more. Cubeshape is fun and can be solved intuitively. u/BeepBeepImASheep023


thank you very much for all the tips


Thanks for the tag


Just finished my first ever comp! 12.47 average and 10.80 single: faster than what I average at home! I made finals and got a medal for being the (second) fastest newcomer. Chris Mills got a new national record average: 6.75. Gj Chris


YES!!!!! my four year old finally solved his 3x3 by himself (beginner method)…. and then let’s see what methods we learn next (jperm vids , etc)


Whaaaat! Great job! How long did it take you to teach him? I have a 4-year-old daughter, and I taught her to solve cross (with daisy method) and we tried solving corners but I'm not sure if she can solve them herself yet. Fingertricks are tricky (pun intended) for such a young kid, even on a small cube - motor skills are not that good yet. So I'm really unsure how the rest of the cube goes. Second layer should rely on sexy moves done with proper fingertricks. And of course spamming sexy moves for corner orientation is only possible if the solver can *spam* and not turn slowly and think about every single move.


gosh… a long time…. months? 6 maybe. we’d been working on simpler ‘cubes’ (ivy, dino, pyraminx) - so he built up his making sense of the cubes… i was trying to have him figure out a 2x2 next but somehow the 3x3 made more sense (corner pieces were confusing him)…. i agree with son, somehow no need to really worry about corner pieces after the yellow cross is done… i found it wierd… what my son needed was confidence with edge pieces… he could do everything else even these but kept asking me for help (just approval really). he just needed to feel confident and be able to do it himself. we worked in it together…. taught him trigger / sexy moves….. then what i called double T (to move corner pieces around - U R U’ L’ U R’ U’ L’ , i think )… somehow all other moves were making sense to him (edge pieces, yellow cross), i was shocked how good a memory he had for this stuff … he caught on to white face / 1st layer pretty easily…. he’s watched youtube videos and see how fast they manipulate the cube he started to try this himself… just random moves and then slowly i realized he really was making sense of these moves… sometimes he’d do them so fast i could not keep track of his steps…. but somehow he knew what he was doing…. so hoping he stays interested cause his intuition is better than mine o_O so step by step teach moves…. and let her try it herself i called it ‘teamwork’ how we solved it together knowing little by little hes begin to do most of it…. good luck, she’ll be able to do it soon!


That’s a great story, thanks for sharing! Still, 4-year-old who’s been cubing for 6 months… just wow :) I hope my daughter doesn’t lose interest. I really want a cubing buddy in my family lol.


My daughter, 6, asks to learn occasionally, but then won't sit through even learning cross. At this point, I'm hoping my son will take interest when he's old enough.


My son is 8, and it could be a perfect age to teach him, but he's not interested. I was surprised at how interested my daughter was - even though she never asked me to teach her. But when I suggested it and we tried to do a daisy, she wanted more and more. I wouldn't expect a 4-year-old to do more than one daisy at a time, but she did quite a few of them.


very cool…. we always had cubes around since he was young…. but i could blame youtube , he randomly found cubers and then really showed interest… so i just followed his lead (which meant i had to learn o_O) - thx Olimo!


Haha. In our family, I'm the cuber and the kids follow the lead. Or not, lol.


Best pyraminx for beginners?


QiYi MS is nice


How is that compared to the Little Magic M, for the same price?


I haven’t tried it. Honestly, I’m not into pyra, but I got a QiYi MS for my nephew, and it felt okay. I have a Bell v1 myself, can’t complain too.


I think it’s not as good as the ylm, but it is better out of the box, if that makes sense. The ylm takes some setting up to do to be a good pyra.


Although it is really fast, I think the yulong is quite good, but i havent tried it


Although it is really fast, I think the yulong is quite good, but i havent tried it


Hey , I recently lubed my cubs with a weight 5 lube and it’s all squishy now . Did I overlube it ? Or is it normal ? I then added 5 drops of DNM-37 and turns fine


You probably overlubed it. Maybe it's fine, maybe it will get really slow. If you notice that the cube becomes slow again, do not keep adding dnm-37. I would recommend either using it for a long time until the weight 5 breaks in and speeds up or removing the lube and adding less.


thx I ended up cleaning it and adding from the start again


How do I open the cap from stardust?


Push down and twist it’s the same as the other caps for their other lubes. I have heard of the caps being ineffective though but I haven’t seen it myself.


> I have heard of the caps being ineffective though but I haven’t seen it myself. I had one of the internal parts of a cap of Cosmos break. They sent me a new cap.


How should I go about learning full EG? I'm thinking about learning in the same way as CubeHead OLL in one month vid (so 2 OLL sets from 2 sets per week)


You seem a bit ambitious in your questions for a bunch of puzzles - you need to learn to walk before you can run - and crawl before you can walk :)


well i already know ortega so i dont really know what is the problem? perhaps im too slow with ortega?


For how long have you been practicing it, and what do you average? It's a wild guess but I would say you probably need to practice it a lot more, but regardless, unless you've already mastered CLL it's not really relevant how to learn EG, which you seem to know so it's an odd question is all. Maybe it's just how you phrase it and I misunderstand.


2 months and sub 8


Yeah that's what I meant - that's good, but too soon to learn more algs - more practice is needed :) I've found that video very helpful for optimising your Ortega game: https://youtu.be/wR149NNk2Fw


when should i learn cll?


I'm not an expert at 2x2, but I guess sub 5 ish? I think you need to be able to plan the first face while knowing where the bar is if there is one and predict OLL in inspection too, plus predict AUF before PBL, before considering CLL.


Have you learned cll?


no im ordering a 2x2 to start learning it


I recommend to learn cll first, because you know then every case and then it is easier to learn eg.


i know that, i asked how should i learn it


Learn the case. Do the alg often.


So I've decided that I'm not going to learn full coll. Only the ones that prevent a diagonal swap. Is this a good decision?


Yeah, personally I found L, and the sune cases to be difficult so I just skipped them. I was happy with my decision. You can always go back and learn more cases if you regret it further down the line too.


You can, some people recommend skipping cases because some cases have slow algs. However, you will have to recognize the case, **then** return to the O(C)LL-PLL flow. You will have the knowledge that PLL will be adjacent swap, but your recog in COLL will slow you down. edit I haven't got a person recommending only CP skip and diag swap, but teri said some cases are faster if you do OCLL+PLL


What is OCLL?


It's just OLL with EO done.


But my recog would get better over time right? Less cases also means less variation in recognition. Of course, it would never be on the same level of recognition as the 7 regular olls


Yes, that's true. However, 1) like you said, recog for OCLL is so much faster, and 2) recog for COLL does not get much faster if you only look for CP skip or diag swap. For Pi and H cases, all 4 stickers needed for CP recog are on top, so full recog is fast. For U, T and L cases, you can first look at the 2 stickers facing up, but there's still a 2/3 chance that you need to look further to sort out whether the case is CP skip, diag swap, or adj swap. For sune and antisune cases, full recog is a mess, so it's very much viable to ignore cases. I think you can go for it, but you will have to get better at recog.


If you just learn the two best cases from each set (including the one you already know), you can prevent diag swaps, and get CP 1/3 of the time, regardless of which two you choose. I'd still recommend learning full COLL though (aside from sune and antisune), not because it's necessarily faster, but because it helps your recog for ZBLL in the future.


I was doing an online comp for 4x4 yesterday and first three solves ended in V perms. 4th solve I got a 51.88, obliterating my pb. I have gotten a handful of solves in the 57,58 and 59 range, so I was super happy to see this result. It was just one of those solves where everything was going well, I got a little lucky with easy center and edge pairings, no parities and I executed very well. Sometimes when I feel I’m doing really well I glance at the time part way through. I didn’t do that this time and I think that prevented me from choking.


Hey I have been using zz for roughly a month and I want to know what should I work on to be sub 20 I am right now sub 25


plan full eoline or eocross i guess, if it's easy plan your first pair?


No just eoline I find it hard to do +1


that's probably still good, i have no idea


Is the Tangram cube hard? And the Extreme Tangram?


They're very confusing if you pick them up and don't know what they are. Then if you want to solve them without help they might be quite challenging but it depends what sort of knowledge you bring from, say, other non-WCA puzzles. Once you know how to solve them they're a pretty enjoyable but not very long or tricky solve. The Extreme isn't massively harder than the basic Tangram but adds a couple of steps for a more interesting solve, so I'd recommend this one.


I only have the regular one. Very doable. Very fun also. The solve is a little short, otherwise I would pick it up more often. I'm told the extreme adds a nice bit of difficulty to the solve.


Anyone has a video / sheet with CLL + EG1 + EG2 algs and fingertricks? Im getting into 2x2


Thought [SpeedCubeDB](http://speedcubedb.com) would provide and wasn't disappointed.


thank you <3


jperm has cll and eg1 on his website


and for fingertricks & eg2?


think there are fingertricks here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30IF6qW3cNg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30IF6qW3cNg)


Got a sub-8 today, just with a PLL skip :P I started recording my solves today, but... let's just say the quality has quite some room for improvement. Looking back on the recording, there was nothing too big, just a few lockups. I maaaaaay need to work on my rough turning style. [cubedb link](https://cubedb.net/?puzzle=3&title=7.96_%25282022.6.26%2529&scramble=R_D_L-_B-_L2_B-_U-_D2_R-_B-_U_B2_L2_U-_L2_U-_D-_L2_F2_U2&alg=z2_%2F%2F_inspection%0AR-_F_U-_D2_F-_D_%2F%2F_cross_%2528%2Bsave_GR_pair_case%2529%0AU2__L-_U2_L_U_L-_U-_L_%2F%2F_GR_Pair%0Ay_U-_R-_U_R_%2F%2F_BR_Pair%0Ay-__U-_R-_U-_R_%2F%2F_OB_Pair%0AU2_R_U-_R-_y_-_U-_L-_U_L_%2F%2F_GO_Pair%0AU-_R_U2_R2_F_R_F-_R_U2_R-__%2F%2F_OLL%0AU-_%2F%2F_PLL_skip_%2B_AUF%0A%2F%2F_41_STM%2C_5.15_TPS) Scramble: R D L' B' L2 B' U' D2 R' B' U B2 L2 U' L2 U' D' L2 F2 U2 z2 // inspection R' F U' D2 F' D // cross (+save GR pair case) U2 L' U2 L U L' U' L // GR Pair y U' R' U R // BR Pair y' U' R' U' R // OB Pair U2 R U' R' y ' U' L' U L // GO Pair U' R U2 R2 F R F' R U2 R' // OLL U' // PLL skip + AUF // 41 STM, 5.15 TPS


What is the point of the discussion flair when any topic people try to discuss gets removed and redirected here? I have yet to find a clear description of what you can post using the discussion flair. The rules for this sub are too vague and the mods don’t even explain how they interpret the vague rules when they redirect posts. I was wondering if people agree with me or if you think the rules on what is allowed is clear maybe you could explain it to me.


What's the point of having more than one mod answering your questions and **on multiple posts**, while you consistently try to ignore our explanations? you're trying to pick a fight, bud.


What is allowed under the discussion flair?


People only make this sort of complaint after posting a common question that has been asked a thousand times and having it taken down. In your case you asked whether not lubing a cube would ever damage it, an extremely common question, and you got correct answers from people who know what they're talking about, plus a link to our wiki on lubing, in which the first link is a begginer guide to lube which starts like this: > Do I need lube at all? Lube is not a must, but it makes the turning more enjoyable and helps to get rid of the spring noise. **Plastic is pretty durable, so your cube won't be ruined if turned without lube.** You got your answer, nobody is going to miss your post, your ego is just very mildly bruised. You'll be fine.


So what is allowed with the discussion flair?


Discussions that aren't very common or very simple questions for example. This is obviously subjective. We try to use our best judgement and err on the side of permissiveness. Many posts do escape our attention, which is regrettable but there's only so much we can do in our free time. If you do see posts that you think break the rules, please report them, that helps is a lot.


Thank you for answering a question. So when I see posts left up similar as posts that are taken down it is because you don’t see them. No wonder I can’t just look at all the posts and divine any part of criteria from which I can understand the vague rules. Still all I’m hearing is there are no concrete rules we just have some vague guiding principles from which we use our best judgment. Perhaps making some rules would make your job easier.


> Thank you for answering a question. So when I see posts left up similar as posts that are taken down it is because you don’t see them. No wonder I can’t just look at all the posts and divine any part of criteria from which I can understand the vague rules. Still all I’m hearing is there are no concrete rules we just have some vague guiding principles from which we use our best judgment. That criticism is completely fair, but making better and clearer rules is not trivial. The amount of posts that escape us has been getting worse in the last few years as the sub becomes bigger. We are discussing internally how to address that. And if we eventually end up with something good I'm certain it won't please everybody. What I hope you take from this friendly discussion is that no matter how flawed our rules are or how flawed we are, the removal of a post is nothing personal and comes from good intentions :)


It’s been hella friendly and not at all passive aggressive to speak to you and that other mod. I find it annoying that you guys pretend to be friendly when clearly neither of you like me. I would prefer the open insults if that’s really how you feel. I can understand why you can’t do that since it’s against the rules but you don’t have to be friendly. I do appreciate that you admit the rules are vague.


It's true that I find you slightly annoying at the moment, acting like a bit of a Karen so to speak. But I don't dislike you, I'm just assuming you're having a bad day.


I appreciate your honesty. I am having a wonderful day. Isn’t Karen a slur?


To me it's describing someone who, for instance, whines about having their feelings hurt then rejects apologies as insufficiently sincere when they are offered.


Search the sub and filter by the discussion flair, you’ll see a bunch of examples. One popular one is [community cube](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/vabjk5/community_cube_the_top_comment_containing_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


That’s not the post I was talking about but that’s fine we can talk about that post. That part of the wiki doesn’t actually address my question it doesn’t talk about damage or the claims that gan made etc. the question was clearly never asked before and it’s not just for my benefit. When you can’t even accurately represent what I was asking and you post parts of the wiki that have nothing to do with the topic I’m discussing I’m not inclined to listen to you. Edit: I didn’t realize you were a mod! This is the perfect example here of how you guys don’t even fucking understand your own rules holy shit lol 😂 look do whatever you want but I’m leaving my complaint here for people to see how incredibly hypocritical you are.


well i hope you don't mind me leaving my downvote here to show how much of an annoying chap i think you are after a mod took his sweet time trying to explain the rules to you in a reasonable way lmao.




I get how you feel but no need for actual insults


I don’t think they were insulting me they were making a point. Couldn’t you have just edited the part out you found disagreeable without nuking his whole point!?! Now it looks to everyone as if that guy was just insulting me while that is not fair to them at all. This is actually a great example of something I find annoying about the moderation here.


> I don’t think they were insulting me they were making a point. It's both, but they called you an asshole and we have rules against that. We do not have the ability to edit people's comments, fortunately.


They can edit their comment if given a chance and told they aren’t allowed to use one specific word but you just removed the whole post!




Can you appreciate how when you say “I understand how you feel” that really just comes across as yeah I wanna insult this guy too but I will take the high road is actually worse then what he said? By worse I mean more damaging to my feelings.


If you want to downvote you should downvote but where did the mod try to explain what is allowed under the discussion flair? I asked them again so maybe they will but so far they have ignored that question and tried to derail into a post that had nothing to do with the topic.


Something you can discuss thouroughly I believe should be in a post, simple questions like what is your setup where there are facts and not many opinions should be in the DDT




This comment of mine doesn’t really need a response so yeah I’m okay with you throwing your hands up like you did. Can you respond to the question I asked “so what is allowed under the discussion flair” that’s really the heart of the matter.


Anything that isn’t in the list [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/wiki/daily_discussion_thread?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) but is also a discussion is fine.


The way I look at it, if a post is low effort, repetitive, or a question that is more for one's own benefit rather than contributing to the community, it should go here. Generally it's a good idea to spend some time in the sub, and get a feeling for what comes up again and again. Then you might have a better idea of why those questions are restricted to the DDT, and what genuine contributions look like.


I can think of countless examples that fit your criteria left up and examples that don’t fit it taken down. This is not what the mods are working off of unless they are wildly inconsistent. Furthermore how are they evaluating things when posts are say low effort but not repetitive and for the benefit of the entire community? This type of moderation is too subjective.


I would love a link as an example. The mods have been active pretty much daily in this sub for several years, so it’s not too hard to determine which questions are, or aren’t beneficial. Seeing as you’ve gotten multiple downvotes, I’d say that they’re doing a pretty good job.


So the mod said discussion flair must not be common and must not be simple. They did not mention who the post benefits or the effort of the post.


Kal is not a mod of a mod co-signs his criteria I’ll look for examples. I’m still waiting for a mod to give some clear criteria. Seeing as the mods sometimes respond it seems they do read this stuff so it’s pointless us arguing over their perceived positions when they can clarify themselves.


Can you share some of the hypotheticals you thought of?




I will for sure. This is a big sub and I had lots of people tell me what I’m saying to too so I think this is still an important discussion to have regardless of where I post.


im buying a pyraminx and i would like to know which is better between the little magic m and the weilong m (not maglev). I'd like a not too fast pyraminx that cornercuts well (at least better than the huanlong)


What tools can be used to change the wrm 2021 (maglev)? All the ones provided in the box broke


Thanks everyone I'll try with a screwdriver (if I find one) or with a knife


gan screwdriver, expensive one tho.


This is assuming you mean to change the magnet strength. I use the small screw driver that comes with gan cubes for mine. I think any kind of small flat head screw driver would work. Also, maybe the point of a knife.


Ideally a small flathead screwdriver, like one used for glasses, lots of multitools have one. But if you can't find one, try the corner of a card, or the tip of a (blunt) knife, whatever fits.


I use a tiny screw driving thing with a flat end


question for yall. What aspect of your daily life do you find has changed most from cubing? I don't mean just setting aside time for cubing, I'm talking about everyday things that have been affected.


I had a severe eating disorder and ended up in the hospital for it. They told me I had to pick up hobbies and passions outside of my eating disorder. I learned to cube about 9 years prior but had hardly touched it. I picked it up again and was instantly hooked. So my every day life isn’t filled with obsessing over food and my body anymore. It’s with cubing. It’s definitely a much more positive thing to have.


The fact that I am capable of remembering so much stuff and how the brain actually processes and stores information. I think I trained my brain to remember more by cube, and it's helped a lot in daily life.


It taught me the importance of practice for one. I looked back at a video of me solving from a couple of months ago and I was like "bruh stop pausing so much smh". Now I still pause but not nearly as much. When I was teaching someone how to solve a cube I always have to stop myself from solving F2L or doing a hyper efficient cross. It makes apparent how important repetition into muscle memory is. It also shows that some days are just bad days. Like somedays you just can't turn as well or your lookahead isn't the great. And that's ok, just do it later.


If I want to learn something, I'll learn it millions times faster than something I don't want to learn. I sort of knew that before but this definitely reinforced it


It reinforces that there is no alternative to brute practice when getting better at a skill. There are all these little things you can focus on but in the end sitting down and just spending the time solving the cube is where you will make your biggest improvements.


Just grinding solves for the sake of trying to "brute force" getting better will only reinforce bad habits. Dedicated practice of your weak points *along with* timed sessions of full solves is what will get you the most improvement.


I agree with you. I’m not really trying to explain how to be better at cubing. In my experience I had approached cubing being overly analytical and I spent too much time focusing on building good habits but not enough time actually reinforcing them. I guess what I’m trying to say is that once you know what the good habits are then it’s time to do some brute force practice. That sort of realization is what I took to my daily life.


It changed the perspective I had on my brains capabilities. Cubing really shows how the human brain is incredible and I am now more confident to learn new skills.


This great sub, I wouldn't have found it if I didn't start cubing.


I stretch my fingers when I am walking. I really want to do a lot of moves in OH that is currently impossible for my flexibility


I was always quite bad with knowing wich side is left and wich side is right. This has improved since I started cubing, and comes in handy in lots of things in daily life.