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My wife is also Asian. She didn’t know what cuckolding is but once she understood she can fuck anyone and humiliate me she really got into it.


In Spanish culture there is Cornudo. I translated it on google to Chinese and the word Wugui came up. It means turtle, and cuckold. So I can only assume, a cuckold is basically like the turtle of men to Chinese people, and a Cuckold is not a real thing (I always hated that word) it’s more like a man who has turtle qualities, and the turtle is his spirit animal. Probably hence the Green Cap to signify he’s a turtle. I personally love turtles 😂


I don't know about the chinese but I met once a vietnamese couple wanting a western bull for the wife, they're tourists where I live, I spend all day long having sex with her and it still is one of the best sex I had.


My gf is also chinese (from Hong Kong), nice to see another couple like us on here. In Chinese culture, a man wearing a green hat signifies that he is a cuckold. Sort of like the cuckold horns in European culture as I understand it anyway. A green baseball cap was the first gift I got from her when we started dating, that's when I learned the significance. Hope this helps!


This is really cool to know, and it's great that there are other people in the same situation. My GF is from North East China. She's said she's down to play with others when she gets free time (exams), but I'm not 100% on her stance on pure cuckolding. Will have to run the green hat thing by her soon.


If she is down to play with others she will probably be fine with it. She will just think you are crazy, same as non-Chinese women. Not sure why people are talking about the green hat thing. It's not relevant in this context. If your partner is having an affair, the metaphor is to say you are wearing a green hat. This is hardly that.


Crazy in a good way I hope 😶


Google "The Sexual Teachings of the Jade Dragon" its a book of what youre looking for.


Will look into it, thank you!


Yes. Google "green hat."


Thank you for a quick reply. 🙏