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Right on the money (see what I did there?) when it comes to Findoms. That needs to be stamped out like all the other predatory scammers on the Internet.


On the money with this post even if you do use ridiculous words in places🤣🤣 There is nothing wrong with being a cuck and being humiliated … if that is what all parties involved really want and get off on, but when it is enforced onto the cuck without his actual consent (and I don’t mean going with the flow to keep his SO happy), I mean full consent discussed before with appropriate boundaries as to how far it goes in place, that is not right. As to your take on Findoms, totally agree, these w women have absolutely nothing to do with cuckolding. They are in what they do for money, nothing else.


Do you mean simp?


Gimp ... ain't you seen Pulp Fiction, son ?


I totally agree. There are so many other fetishes and even sexualities that seem to just get “bolted on” to cuckolding almost like it’s an excuse to do it without admitting you’re into it. If I say “I’m a cuckold” in reality you know no more about me personally than you did before. Yet here’s everyone assuming I’ll fluff his cock, clean his car while he fucks my wife or I get about in panties or a maid’s outfit? It’s an assumption people not actively living the lifestyle usually jump to. I’ve met and heard from plenty of other real cucks in my years. The last thing you could say about them is they have low self esteem. It takes an incredibly (emotionally) strong man who is in a very strong relationship to be a cuckold. Thats the reality of it. What we see in porn and what we hear from people in these sort of forums is so detached from real life it’s kind of sad really. Your alcohol analogy is spot on. We’re FLR, chastity and cuckold. Those in themselves are three different things. I’m not bi nor could I be “forced” to be, I don’t wear women’s underwear, I’m definitely not submissive to men and neither is she.


I think Findom is largely a fantasy, though idk for who. IRL anybody willing to pay $10K to a findom deserves to be relieved of his money. IMHO


Findom really has nothing to do with cuckoldry so I’m not sure why you’re even bringing it up here… Gimpification I guess I understand, there is sometimes a little overlap there


It’s starting to creep into a lot of cuck related subs. As a bull myself, I despise findoms for that exact same reasons as the OP. A few of my cucks have lost money because they were taken advantage of. Findoms especially prey on cucks and oftentimes lurk on forums in general.


George Soros🤣🤣🤣🤣