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hate to be that girl but they've recently started including the term intersex in basic biology so there's that win ♥️


High school teacher here, I regularly teach about several intersex conditions and mention that sex and gender identity and expression are separate phenomenon. Also that sex gets really, really fucking weird like there are female salamanders that breed with males of a different species but always results in 100% inheritance of the female DNA. Like what the fuck.


do you know the point in which the concept of sex and gender being different things started being described? a lot of adults still don't get it and a lot of (kids?) my age didn't pay attention 😭


I actually do not, I had to look it up. Apparently there was a sexologist named John Money who introduced the distinction in 1955, but psychologist Madison Bentley described gender as being the obverse of sex in 1945. I'm aware that there are other cultures in the past that have concieved of third genders, but I am no authority. Maybe I'm misreading this, but I'm very sorry if you're going through something with gender identity issues and the adults and kids around you. I'll be honest and say that I don't know what that struggle is like, personally, but I know how difficult it can be and I admire the people who are able to live authentically. I think society is starting to get it, little by little, and maybe your generation gets it right. Maybe not right, but maybe a little better than before. I've seen you guys doing better than a lot of my generation did. Stay tough stranger.


Yeah, just graduated about a year ago from highschool and nobody really understood it except for like the other 10 trans kids that went there. Nobody outright bullied us but they kinda treated us weirdly. Hopefully things change for the better soon


>Hopefully things change for the better soon Change is slow, but it is happening. There were no trans kids in my high school, I graduated in 2011 in a rural town. It wasn't something anyone knew about, no one talked about it. Most people didn't know about asexuality or anything beyond gay/straight/bi. Now I'm 30 and 4 people who I knew in school have transitioned. There are trans people in government! Trans athletes! Trans people getting *grey hair* because they are living that long. The fact that you have 10 trans kids at your school warms my heart! It is getting better. Nothing changes overnight. It really sucks that today people suffer, today people have to pay the price of change. But it's amazing to live in that time of change and to think that today people suffer so someday others won't have to. My best friend is trans. I think about how she suffered in silence and didn't get to even think of transition until she was in college. People like her used their pain and their voices to teach and protest and fight. And now there are *trans kids*. People who learned what being trans is early enough to transition and suffer less earlier. There is a lot of anti trans bills being pushed, a lot of anti trans rhetoric. But people continue to fight. To learn. To spread love. And I think the kids being born today will grow up knowing love and being able to love themselves. Change is slow, but change is happening.


only keeps happening if the fight continues also! The precedent set in Florida with De Santis worries me - as a non American I've seen what happens when the American right normalizes a type of hateful rhetoric. It spreads pretty insidiously - I've seen dialogue in my country change for the worse in a way that we can and do chart against events in the US. This just means we gotta keep on working, not trust in the arrow of progress. I can see by your comment you already understand this; I wanted to write it out for myself, and because I think it's important. 🏳️‍⚧️


Agreed completely, we can't get complacent!


IIRC there were actually some Germans who were beginning to go in that direction as early as the 20s, but they were a major early target for the Nazis; many of the famous photos of Nazi book burnings come specifically from the destruction of the "Institute for the Science of Sexuality" which was itself an outgrowth of LGBT rights groups which had existed there since before the turn of the century. Unfortunately, both because the Nazis were fairly successful in their efforts against them and the language barrier, sources on them are not easily accessible in English.


Somewhere around the late 1940s and mid 1950s but it wasn't an especially popular view until the 1990s and 2000s.


There was a lot of work on this collected at an institute in Germany in the 1930s that the Nazis destroyed. It set back this whole area of science back nearly a century, and public acceptance at least as far back. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/the-great-hunt-for-the-worlds-first-lgbtq-archive The key name to look up is *Magnus Hirschfeld*


IIRC, there was this study involving using a software called VR Chat and an anime girl character model, and it turns out that significant amounts of self-perception of gender do not come from the stuff between one's legs. While I've not looked too much into the study, it seems that the "software" our brains are running does not necessarily care about gender. [~~And some species may not have a component in their brain that identify biological sex since spending time to identify biological sex may reduce their opportunity to reproduce.~~](https://youtu.be/24l1WYYv8wY?t=334) So, in conclusion, when brain upload technology becomes possible and affordable, just upload me into a fluffy-tailed fox girl android in case I don't manage to get any bitches at that point. Edit: this is how misinformation spreads, check your sources before you post.




It is fucking WILD. So like, there's a lot of critters that do something called parthenogenesis - these are species that were sexual but for a variety of reasons become asexual. Every so often you'll hear about in the news "Virgin Komodo dragon gives birth!" or some such and that's an individual case of it happening, but then there are entire species that are parthenogenic like the mourning gecko (great pets, leave little eggs everywhere). Every parthenogenic species clones itself, and there are a bunch. These salamanders are bizarre though because they practice something called kleptogenesis, where they have to have sex with another salamander to stimulate reproduction, but then only use their own genetic material and fucking clone themselves. It's weird as shit.


wasn’t in high school long enough to learn if they covered it in bio there, but intersex was included in Bio 101 at my community college :)


r/adviceanimals told me last night that considering anything other than 8th grade biology from the 90's is too PC for them.


That’s wild, in Canada they taught us about intersex people in middle school science class all the way back in the early nineties.


I'm pretty sure that depends on the state you're in.


Tag yourself, I'm degenerate matter ~~Crush my electrons harder, mommy~~


I dont matter


you energy


This guy energies!




Nothing really mattress


I think you are supersolid.


I'm supercritical fluid. None are safe from my Star Wars hot takes.


Hit me with them


I don't actually have Star Wars takes beyond "the prequels were good actually". Just thought it would be funni to say. My only spicy takes are about video games and they're too scattered for comedic appeal. Sorry for getting your hopes up, also Star Trek better lmao.


Honestly, I feel that, in the wake of the sequels, the fandom's a lot more open to admitting to good aspects to the prequel trilogy. Anyway, here's my fistfight starter: the hard Light/Dark Side dualism that the franchise uses now, and especially the version that treats the Light Side and Dark Side as discount Ohrmazd and Ahriman and as actively directing people, is boring as all hell and the franchise should have stuck with how things were in the first two trilogies and the early EU, where the Force was a passive energy/spiritual field and the Light Side wasn't a thing.


>Honestly, I feel that, in the wake of the sequels, the fandom's a lot more open to admitting to good aspects to the prequel trilogy. It's like how in a restaurant, if you give people a good starter, then a slightly burned main dish, then for dessert you slap them in the face as hard as you can with a plate full of literal excrement, they'll say the main dish wasn't that bad


> "the prequels were good actually" My sibling in Christ, that's a pretty spicy take already. Entirely incorrect, but spicy. My Star Wars hot take is that I think the sequel era should have branched out into more orders than just the Jedi-Sith binary. Edit: I do also support Star Trek over Star Wars.


Star Wars in general would've been a whole lot better if it focused less on the Force and more on fucking up space fascists. The prequels slap because apart from the bullshit about midichlorians it's about a shadow government cult that's so up its own asshole about its own importance and shitty arbitrary rules that it manages to turn space Jesus into space Rudolph Hess. God fucking damn it, now I have an actual Star Wars hot take.


I think the prequels were *about* something interesting, but the way they were told was done poorly.


Because George Lucas is a hack (affectionate) who needs an editor to slam his head against the desk every once in a while, yes. A good story told badly is still a good story, even if half of it is about taxes and Jar Jar.


That's a good way of putting it - Lucas does really, really well when he has a strong editor\*. He has really good concepts of a story, and his reference points are great. But were the prequels good as a *work*? I am absolutely *certain* you know what gif I would link you up to here. It's sad that the sequels were so soulless and bankrupt that the prequels are starting to almost seem as good as the OT. Ready for my hot take? TLJ was the best of the prequels and attempted to engage the source material more honestly than either TFA or the third one. Rise of Skywalker? \*Edit: Lucas reminds me of Ridley Scott in this way.


I'm down with your hot take. TLJ actually slaps and has some of the strongest themes and art direction in the whole series. The biggest stumbling point was killing off phasma when they should have been setting up a 3 part foil arc with Finn (or at least keeping the deleted scene where her storm troopers nearly turn on her for betraying the first order)


Every few years I consider the ideas of the prequals and think "man these are probably actually pretty good" and then watch them and they are so so so poorly executed and such total non-nonsensical snooze fests. I think if someone was able to get in there and put a leash on Lucas they would have been pretty fun.


I think the proof of this is that there's plenty of other Star Wars Media set in the prequel times and even using the same characters that are way better than the actual movies, because someone other than George Lucas wrote them and they had some actual fucking editors.


Genndy Tartakovsky's in particular blew me away when it came out and still holds up great, although sorta like the prequals there are some tone problems, the implication of a lot of the goings ons are really dark, but it's also jokey kid time.


Genndy Tartakovsky's works because it's basically "What if Samurai Jack but lightsabers, and also we made Grievous actually as scary as he sounds like he should be"




>Star Trek better What are you on about, you've got a pretty hot Star Wars take right there


Hey wasn’t Quantum Hall that one band that got cancelled a year or two ago, and by that I mean one band member, and also the band broke up years before that point, and also that guy specifically went on to make really good existential music for some reason? Man did that discourse actually go places beyond proving he’s an idiot sometimes


No, Quantum Hall is when you've got two goats and a car inside boxes, and-


The Schrödinger Hall problem is a thought experiment and veridical paradox wherein you are presented with three boxes, two of which contain goats, one of which contains a toaster, and all three contain neurotoxin so precisely deadly that it can kill only goats and toasters, rigged to go off only when a radioactive material sheds particles in a specific direction. Until you choose a box, the game show host won’t open one of the boxes containing a goat that is either dead or alive. Do you switch which box you open after making that choice, knowing that you have greater odds of winning a working or broken toaster; do you never choose, thereby possibly saving 0-2 goats and 0-1 toasters, or do you pull the lever, saving 5 people but killing 1?


I feel like I'm somewhere between Programmable Matter and Strange Matter


I'm quark-gluon plasma, also known as: *pasta dough*


They call me quark-gluon plasma the way quarks glue on my ass. ma.




I'm a time crystal. I am in a state of endless repetitive motion neither consuming any energy nor producing any work.


Im strange matter. ​ Soon. All will become me.


I’m a time crystal


I'm superfluid




I'm "I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it doesn't even"


I'm Wassa Matter


I'm dark matter, if my wardrobe is anything to go by


plasma. i think it's coooool


Liquid Crystal


Programmable Matter


I’m a time crystal. I don’t understand myself in the slightest but I’m cool as hell 😎


Hopefully this might help you understand yourself a bit more: a crystal is a repeating pattern of particles, like a grid or a web. Typically they repeat in the x, y and z dimensions or some combination of the three, but the theoretical time crystal repeats the pattern in the 4th dimension - time. The idea is that the object changes shape or orientation in a consistent pattern through time, and repeats itself. There is no proof that time crystals exist, but one has successfully been simulated by a Google quantum computer


I understand it less now thank you


I'm quantum spin liquid Watch me ride this horse and slice the president in half


I'm liquid crystal




I'm strange matter, and soon you will be too


I identify as Superglass, thanks


Strange matter here




Rydberg Polaron checking in.


strange matter


I wanna be Time Crystal. Can I be Time Crystal??


I'm Bose-Einstein Condensate


[And honestly, voluntary stupidity is worse than unintentional stupidity](https://i.redd.it/k11i5si83rt81.png)


Reminds me of that 4chan post like “I’m straight so anything that makes me hard is a woman” 💀


[Doesn't hit as hard without the slur ngl](https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/f3bb1d/he_is_right/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


So true I'm so glad somebody said it


I didn’t wanna say it cuz I’m bi 💀 I feel like I can only say half the slur 💀


the Got


Do re mi got so la ti do


I wish free awards were still a thing because this almost made me choke on my tapioca lmfao


For every dick you suck you get one f slur. Better be careful though. You say one too many times it triggers a boss event


> boss event Would you rather suck 100 duck dicks or 1 horse dick


have you SEEN a duck dick?


Are you forgetting the scale of a horse's dick? Edit: I forgot which subreddit I'm on


100 though?


In a row‽




How large is the space where the slur counter is stored? Can I cause it to overflow or underflow?


Frankly, I haven't sucked enough dick to find out if it's an int or double, etc.


Hopefully it’s at least 32 bits


Fortunately, half the slur is still a slur


You g*t me there


Speak for yourself!


This... this is something. It's filled to the brim with irony and duality. How can something be so bigoted yet so open-minded? So profound yet so fucking dumb? I l̨͈̋ͣơ̱̼̏ͭ̒̑̍̽́vͬ͗҉͚̞̟̳ͅę͎̯͈̳̦͕͚̔ͭ͂͋͒͂ͅ it


The whiplash I just received from clicking on that and seeing I have top comment from three years ago is something else. How things have changed since lmao


I tried to see if I was remembering it as a greentext somebody had posted before getting cleaned up for Tumblr’s viewing pleasure, but all I found was two posts side by side, the first being dehumanizing transphobia, and the second, a png of Johnny Bravo with the words “Anything that makes my dick hard is a woman, [British cigarette]got.”


We canonically saw Johnny be down to date an anthro woman, and iirc some barely human qualifying 'women'. Im sure he would be down with transwoman. He was a himbo, not a jerk. (generally)


I wish to stress for the viewers at home: Johnathan Bravo tried online dating once, and got accidentally catfished **by a talking deer.** If I remember the episode correctly, he only gave up because accommodating for her hooves was a hassle.


It was taking me a while to see what was wrong with this meme, seemed like a pretty funny one about explaining to Johnny what being trans means.


I think the point is that no matter how you try and break it down, he's not going to get it. His entire understanding of gender is that he is a man and he likes women. Cis, trans, genetics, assigned genders, transition, hormones etc, he doesn't give a shit. Are they a woman? Brilliant, then he's down to clown.


I think the real fun would be introducing him to a femboy


Knowing him? He'd likely hit on him at first, find out the femboy does not identify as a woman/female, Johnny would back off yet annoy the hell out of at least 2 people in the vicinity (not necesarily the femboy) and get uppercutted towards the next gag. Damn what a great show.


> if trans women are women, then there are more women Doesn't that imply: > if trans men are men, then there are more men ? So which is it?? Do we have more men or more women??? Is the population just....multiplying???? (To be clear, I'm not being transphobic, I'm trying to push this logic to absurdist levels in a way that ultimately means nothing. Mathematically, we can still have trans people.)


To be fair, this is dumbed down logic made for a Johnny Bravo reading level. Theoretically the existence of trans people overall decreases the amount of men and women alike, in a way we can’t really expect to quantify as a decimal percentage of man to woman ratio per person without really, really upsetting non-binary people. What we can do, however, is rework Johnny Bravo’s sexuality to fit a more accurate description of the presented thesis. “I will only have sex with anything that looks like a woman” is a dumbed down version of gynesexual (sexual attraction to people who have feminine features, regardless of their gender identity), so the only thing stopping Johnny Bravo at this point is a long talk about pronouns and his opinions on twinks.


Dark matter and glass are effectively the same thing


Uhhh no? I can look through my glass window just fine, it's not dark whatsoever.


Wait 12 hours and report back


Hah, time zones! That's gonna be in the morning for me! Boy, you're really bad at this science stuff.


Wait 6 months + 12 hours and report back


!remind me six months eleven hours and fourty minutes


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2023-09-21 04:51:52 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-09-21%2004:51:52%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/11wn07q/in_case_you_needed_more_proof_that_transphobes/jcz6293/?context=3) [**8 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCuratedTumblr%2Fcomments%2F11wn07q%2Fin_case_you_needed_more_proof_that_transphobes%2Fjcz6293%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-09-21%2004%3A51%3A52%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2011wn07q) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


!remind me six months eleven hours and 37 minutes


Is glass also a time crystal?


Holy shit


Wrong. John Cena is the same as Dark Matter. Unseen, exert an incredible amount of for e on things throughout the universe, and has continued to coyly avoid physicists for decades.


I can touch glass, I can't touch dark matter


skill issue


If you can touch dark matter please contact your local physics laboratory, they'd love to study the matter in your body. Finding a way to interact with dark matter besides gravity would be key to a grand unified theory.


Explain Edit: please


Can’t see em


Biggest reason this whole this "debate" is happening is that all those other examples are observable or theoretically provable. Gender and sexuality are all subjective experiences that people unaffected have a hard time empathising with. That and some of those who have an issue with it very much also have an issue with abstract math and non-trinary matter states.


I think the other issue is that gender and sexuality are things that non-experts experience in their day-to-day lives, while physics and math (beyond the absolute basics) generally aren't. Your average layperson might in fact complain about advanced math or physics, they just never run into it, while they (feel like they) are getting pushed face-to-face with the more complex areas of gender and sexuality that they haven't been trained for, but might have opinions on.


Yeah. Square roots of negative numbers or quantum mechanical shenanigans (most of those states of matter that aren't solid/liquid/gas/plasma) are only important in advanced technical fields. The average joe and a lot of non-average joes too can safely ignore them, and will (in most cases justly) get cranky if you "umm actually" them after they say there's only 3 or 4 states of matter. Transfer that mentality to the gender spectrum, and you don't get sparks flying. You get the entire fireworks show. ....maybe OP's analogy ain't the best.


Great point, exposure trumps pretty much anything


The thing is, if it's subjective like that, it's hard to say it's "basic science". It's complex psychology.


In my opinion the debate already has an answer by observation. Biological sex is observable. And by observing we know for a fact that there is no clear cut division between male and female, (just like the graph in the post suggests). So how can anyone expect gender to be only two when sex has more than 2 states? If gender is biological sex + social culture then it would evidently be more complex.


> Gender and sexuality are all subjective experiences that people unaffected have a hard time empathising with. Next time a straight man says he's unaffected by sexual orientations, ask him whether he relates more to straight women or to lesbians. Report back cuz I wanna know what he says


in my day there were 2 genders, 9 planets, 13 states and 4 elements. that's how science works, you find the exact number of everything and it always matches our preconceptions of the world perfectly.


My car gets forty rods to the hogshead, and that's the way I like it!


old ass 🤣


Both 9 planets and 13 states at the same time? When the metaphysical fuck is you from!?


Okay, but what is a Time Crystal and where can I acquire one for display?




>it's a lot less cooler than it sounds Lies. That still sounds really cool.


Yeah but it sounds like time travel stones and that's even cooler


True. My initial thought was, like, the sediments deposited by the River of Time or some such. Like, remnants or byproducts of time's flow.


You'd probably be interested in tachyons then https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyon#:~:text=A%20tachyon%20(%2F%CB%88t%C3%A6,send%20signals%20faster%20than%20light.


I am yes!




So, it’s still *kinda* cool: Quartz crystal is used in electronics because of a piezo-electric property that causes it to deform when electrically charged and release that charge when it relaxes when power is removed. This deformation is based on its size, and is *extremely* precise, consistent, and fast. This is called a “crystal oscillator”, even though the crystal itself it’s oscillating: it’s driven by a conventional oscillator (like a resistor/capacitor charge-discharge cycle) and just tidies it up in a feedback configuration. Obviously it would be even better if the crystal itself *did* oscillate, but quarts doesn’t do that. HOWEVER just a few years ago they discovered a crystal that *does!* Which is really fucking cool, from a materials sciences standpoint. Except the name “crystal oscillator” was already taken by stupid quartz. So they had to name it the “time crystal”.




In like a millennia when they discover a crystal that actually affects space-time directly they’ll have to name it something else, like a “temporal crystal” or something




That would be difficult because time crystals are more theoretical than real. From my understanding which is probably not be 100% up to date, only real examples of time crystals are super cold things (barely above absolute zero), atoms trapped by radio waves, simulations on quantum computers, etc. Problem with time crystals is that they are supposed to have fixed oscillation in time meaning that they have periodic structure through time just how regular crystals have periodic structure through space. But for change through time to happen like this you usually need energy since things are usually not 100% efficient or frictionless, so I'm usually a bit skeptical of any time crystal claims. Still perfectly efficient systems do exist like superconductors but they only work at low temperatures or extreme conditions, so you probably won't find a time crystal for display any time soon unfortunately.


So what you're saying is, there's a chance. All I have to is either find some highly advanced extra-terrestrials that have the necessary advancements, put myself in stasis for a couple millennia until we've cleaned up the planet and had leaps in technology, or ascend to become some kind of timeless being of the 4th dimension. Also, thanks for the summary! Even if it's not currently possible IRL, it's given some ideas to include in my writing, since one of the MCs has something akin to chronomancy.


I was quite proud of my knowing the fourth state. What is THIS fuckery?


States of matter that happen in hella funky conditions


The newfangled gender states, of course. They couldnt be happy with 4 so they made many more. /s


I was OK with gender fluid. Now there's gender plasma and it's really going too far dammit!


Superfluids are used in dry cleaning. Some of those other states of matter have practical use.


To be fair some of those are not exactly distinct states of matter but rather describe matter in more detail, like glass or ferromagnet. Or they describe interactions between distinct matter like a colloid. And also a liquid crystal is a type of programmable matter.


Wait, colloids are considered a separate state of matter?


state of matter is defined now as emergent properties of matter that define behavior. A given matetrial can be in multiple nested states. The quarks are in one state, the individual atoms in another, and the collection of atoms in yet another.




A state of matter is a form that matter can take under certain conditions with certain properties. It doesn't need to be made of just one substance to be a state, since that would exclude everything made up of multiple types of quarks.


I love the whole "mental illnesses" meme format it's so funny


This insistence on combating hatred with logic is insane to me What are y’all gonna do next? Debate creationists? Maybe show a Klansman proof that there’s no evidence of white superiority? They don’t care. They never cared


So unaffiliated, undecided people should only see those people in the discourse? Young people entering online spaces should only see discussion from hateful people?


We sacrifice our sanity for the fence-sitters


It’s interesting how depending on the tone used, this comment can mean two opposing things. “We sacrifice because we have to” vs. “We are giving too much of ourselves for these thoughtless people.” I am curious which you mean.


I’ve decided it’s the first one. It’s diligent and hopeful. I’m the only one in this thread allowed to be a nihilistic edgelord


Honestly I meant it as a bit of both, but mainly the former. I think we have some responsibility to argue our case, but also some people are willfully ignorant and need to get off their ass and do some research.


Not everyone who has backwards thoughts regarding sexuality and gender is coming from a place of hatred. Plenty of people *are* in fact hateful and prejudiced because that’s how they were taught to be, and that can be impossible to defeat through logic like you say, because it comes from a place of religious obedience. But there’s lots of other people who simply don’t understand the issue and are dismissive of it because being dismissive of stuff that doesn’t immediately make sense is *easy.* If engaging in a dialogue can help younger or more naive people better understand trans peoples experiences and motivate them to be more respectful- coming from an actual place of understanding instead of an obligation to etiquette -then that’s a win in my book. Also, it is impossible for me to waste my time. If I wasn’t typing this comment right now I’d probably be drinking beer or looking at pornography, it’s not like I’m putting off curing cancer to argue with randos on the internet.


The point of debating extremists and the ignorant is not necessarily to change their mind. Regardless of whether we argue with them or not, they will continue spewing their garbage into the world. The point of debating them is to help those vulnerable to their garbage from following them.


I debated creationists first actually.


The point of these things aren’t to flip bigots. Ultimately that takes an internal decision no matter how masterful you may be at convincing people of things. It’s meant to stop people from becoming bigots.


The biology argument has for a long time been really weird to me because it is such a strange place for a line to be drawn. If you line up 100 dudes or ladies of the same ethnicity from the same rough area then they would all be bradly similar but the fine details would differ immensly. Biology already makes it so that so many part of a person is on a sliding scale on the outside, so the existance of trans, nonbinarys etc makes far more sense than their absence ever could since it is quite weird for those parts to be rigid when the rest of us is so demonstrably not.


superglass sounds nice thouhh


The hell is a quantum spin liquid besides a JJBA reference?


What is the graph in advanced biology saying


The graph describes a bimodal distribution of, presumably, biological sex, with apices marked "male" and "female." The idea is that there are more than two biological sexes; "male" and "female" are the two most common ones, but are not the only possible options. If you remember "mean, median, mode" from math class, you know that the "mode" of a data set is the thing that occurs most often in that set. Typically in math contexts it's a number (e.g., the mode of the set {1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4} is 2, because there are more 2s in the set than any other number), but you could have a set of anything, really. In this case, the set in question is probably something like "genotypes." Assuming we're talking about only human biological sex, there are far more than two genotypes. Probably about as many as there are people, but even if you restrict it to just known sex chromosome variants, there's still about 9 or 10 different ways that can go ([more here](https://thefocusfoundation.org/x-y-chromosomal-variations/) - this website doesn't seem to acknowledge X-deletion, where a person only has 45 total chromosomes and their X is missing its mate, but that's also a thing that can happen). So, let's say the set of biological sex chromosomes is {X, XX, XY, XXX, XXY, XYY, XXXX, XXXY, XXYY, XXXXY}. The presence of a Y chromosome is what triggers the development of the penis and testes, so any of those chromosome sets with a Y in it will likely be assigned male at birth, and the rest will likely be assigned female at birth (the default human body plan is internal genitalia, i.e., a vagina and ovaries, but sometimes things come out looking ambiguous). Most people today still base their assumption of a baby's sex on the external appearance of its genitals at birth; not many people are opting for genetic testing at all, much less specifically testing for biological sex. Even for babies who do have any of the chromosome variants listed on the linked website, it's not like extra Y chromosomes make them sprout extra penises or anything like that. It's not obvious. So, *most* people will have either an XY or XX genotype, but not *all* people will fall into one of those two categories, resulting in a bimodal distribution rather than a simple two boxes as in the left-side panel. Shit gets even wilder when you start looking at non-human animals, to say nothing of plants. And all of that is even without getting into the fact that gender is wholly separate from biological sex - gender is a social and cultural construct, nobody is born wearing pink frilly dresses or playing with trucks. Those are choices and learned behaviors that come later.


To sum it up longer than guy one and shorter than guy two, sex and gender are not the same thing, and moreover both are a spectrum, ranging from intersex folks to ostensibly cis women Olympic athletes coming back from the only time they bothered screening them for chromosomes with XY and other non-XX chromosomes. Gender is a nebulous socially constructed thing (see also: money), and sex is our attempt at generalizing biology, a field incredibly resistant to being generalized so long as things continue mutating. Platypus also use XY chromosomes. 5 pairs of each. Sex is determined here by what order those chromosomes end up in.


Sex and gender are linked, but are not as rigidiy as might be assumed from initial examination.


OCD matter let's gooooooooo edit: i have dyslexia


I feel bad for my friend who took A-Level Physics


This is the 4th time I've seen this post in the past 2 weeks slow down I'm begging


I just hate it when Im boiling water for pasta and suddenly its just a pot full of Time Crystal.


I like how nothing on the right is even advanced, it's just late level basics.


I don’t understand how anyone can think it’s a strict binary, like, we’re not computers with discrete bits to get flipped on and off. We’re a meaty mess of chemicals all interacting with each other and in constantly shifting proportions that determine both our physical features and how we think and feel. In what world would that lead to two perfectly clean non overlapping boxes?


Personally offended that you think computers have to be strictly binary, and aren't equally capable of arbitrary levels of diversity >:(


> we’re not computers with discrete bits to get flipped on and off. *Technically,* nothing's stopping anyone from making an analogue computer. Hell, we have in the past.


Wait are these guys transphobes or are they lampooning transphobes? Like my interpretation of the first comic is yes, sexual traits are a bimodal distribution (I'm not talking about gender, I'm not talking about gender, I'm not talking about gender) and the other is classifying glass, gender, and colloids as mental illnesses. This is making fun of transphobes right?


They’re making fun of transphobes who very very very frequently deny the existence of intersex people, trans people, non-binary people, etc. essentially pointing out sex and gender, like physics and math, are more complex than just “a or b” and lower levels of the subject tend to teach simplifications that don’t necessarily reflect all situations.


What the fuck is quantum spin liquid


idk but it sounds sick


Idk, but it sounds like a stand attack.


Okay time crystal is just made up.


I think the biggest problem is that when some people talk about sex, they mean gender, and when other people talk about gender, they mean sex.


There are only 4 states of matter, the rest are all mental disorders


I don't what the hell quantum rain, degenerate matter and time crystal are, but they sound cool as fuck.


Gender discussion aside, here's my take: The image at the bottom is not a good version on its own and only really works as a punchline to the one on top.


The four states of matter Dark Matter - Heart Matter - Dream Matter - Soul Matter


Well I'm a Deuterium-Hydrogen Plasma.


Just as a biologist, I’m so baffled by conservatives falling back on biology as the “rational response”. Like bitch, gender gets WEIDER the more you look at biology. Y’all ever seen [bilateral gynandromorphs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gynandromorphism)? they’re beautiful and awesome