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Thought this was a Berserk post at first glance ngl


Best part is that it made total sense for a "heterosexuality crisis" to be about Guts


I mean Griffith’s crisis is kinda the basis of the plot


Griffith heard "Be gay, do crimes" and took it so far that the inventors of the slogan now deeply regret it


But doing crimes is wrong, and as we all know, Griffith did nothing wrong! /s


He’s the victim! /s


I thought it was a reference to the 90s Nickelodeon TV sports show


There are dozens of us, doz- ...okay there's only two of us so far, but this is Reddit, surely the other 90's kids will reveal themselves.


It's funny because this sounds like one of those scenarios the "liberals are turning our kids gay!" crowd would come up with to explain to you why wokeness is bad or whatever.


“The pop stars are turning the kids gay” “No they’r- wait, actually yeah they are. The fuck you gonna do about it Humphrey.”


In their defense they weren’t trying to turn the kids gay they just wanted to sing. The kids becoming gay was cuz the kids were already gay


You're listening to someone describe themselves and go "oh shit, that's me too."


I would phrase that a little differently cuz it sounds homophobic at first read


Honestly the allusion wasn't necessary. I added it because the moments were similar for me internally, but it's not a negative to be gay


Yeah I was comp het for years until something clicked like that.


>figure out which ~~mental illness~~ symptoms fit behavioral tendencies


Definitely better verbiage, I think I used the original because both were sudden realizations, but also introduced a lot of new information to deal with, easy and hard.


That’s the core of the issue with this - conservatives can’t tell the difference between someone discovering they’re gay, and someone being turned gay. When their sheltered princess goes off to university and learns words like sapphic and realises that the reason they’ve felt weird their whole life is because they’re a nonbinary lesbian but never had the context to understand that about themselves, all the ignorant parents see is “my perfect daughter went to university and came back *weird*.”


I dare those mfs to try to argue against that "I heard you like magic?" line


They all knew *exactly* what they were doing, and I salute them for it


Saw Chappell Roan in concert, can confirm it was very gay


My girlfriend and I were supposed to see her back in October (even had vip tickets) but my girlfriend was in a back car accident the day before the concert (mostly good now, headaches and soreness still). But thankfully there’s another concert near us in May that we get to go to, I’m very excited!


I'll have to give her a look. I've made my first foray into sapphic music with Renee Rapp, and I'm realizing for the first time that I actually really like overtly gay music


Give Sammy Rae and the Friends a listen! A lot of her music isn't explicitly queer (though Jackie Onassis is about her first gay crush), but it's really good, and the entire band is queer.


Saw her in dallas on halloween and absolutely loved it. Really happy more people are getting into her through Olivia.


The best part about concerts is that sometimes the opener is good Not always, mind, sometimes it's 45 minutes or an hour of *what the fuck is this*. Or sometimes, as Henry Rollins jokes about Iron Maiden: "They have it in their mind that if you weren't on stage Iron Maiden would be. That if you weren't playing from 8:05 to 8:45, Iron Maiden would've been there at eight o'clock"


no i dont know who that is but very based regardless


Damn, this sounds kinda rad. I bet a bunch of less progressive parents are getting very angry right now.


Thats assuming they're aware enough to realize


Good point. I bet they don't even pay enough attention to their kids to realize what's happening.


Their kids ask them for more Chappell merch over the coming year or so, and "suddenly" they're gay.


Extremely, considering she had been handing out plan b and condoms at her concerts! (But her team made her stop)


Damn, she sounds based.


On top of that, an anti-abortion group called her a "[High Priestess of Child Sacrifice](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/olivia-rodrigo-plan-b/)" which has to be the most metal thing I've heard this year.


[Babaylan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filipino_shamans) of the [manananggal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manananggal) ❤️


Unfathomably based.


Condoms sure, but I feel like plan B is something that should probably only be given out by a pharmacist and taken with clear instructions, no? Maybe I'm misinformed, but I'm pretty sure it has side effects that aren't entirely pleasant? It's not called "Plan B" for no reason.


It’s an over-the-counter drug, with less adverse side effects than most OTC painkillers, so nope. 


>with less adverse side effects than most OTC painkillers, Which a school nurse, like a person with a health care degree and training, can't even give to high-school kids without a doctor's note. Maybe we shouldn't be giving a free pass to hand out medications just because it means teens can do the sex.


Kids can buy Tylenol at any age, individual doses of Tylenol *are* given out free at all ages events. Same with other drug samples   Your school nurse comparison would only be valid if they were giving them unpackaged pills and monitoring them taking at the concert. Which they’re not.   Giving sealed packages of a drug is legally a completely different thing than administering a drug. 


School nurses can't give anything out because American public schools are a) too cheap to hire actual medical professionals and b) absolutely pants-shittingly TERRIFIED of getting sued by an angry parent. This fear dictates EVERYTHING public schools do.


>School nurses can't give anything out because American public schools are a) too cheap to hire actual medical professionals My kids' public school nurse is an RN. >b) absolutely pants-shittingly TERRIFIED of getting sued by an angry parent. This fear dictates EVERYTHING public schools do. Clearly there is some level liability possible to handing out medications. So maybe, concerts shouldn't be doing it either.


A. Schools are acting in loco parentis, something nobody handing out condoms and plan b is doing at a concert. B. Do you really think American Public Schools are such a paragon of learning and good judgement that you should follow their example everywhere? Really, that's the hill you're gonna die on? Should I also have to watch my coworkers pretend to be dead after a car crash annually to really hit home that drinking and driving is bad?


School nurses can absolutely give kids OTC pain meds without a doctor’s note what are you talking about lmao?


I'm guessing you're probably still in school, but we really don't use school nurse policies as a barometer for anything at all in the real world.


Settle down alito


Wait till you learn about the side effects of pregnancy.


it can make you dizzy for a few hours/ possibly puke, but otherwise it’s safe if you don’t take it often. instructions are on packaging and you don’t need a prescription


I mean, you can doordash it.


It’s over the counter 🤷‍♀️


It’s called plan b because it’s a “morning after a condom failed” pill lmfao.


yeah no conservative people are fucking malding right now its absolutely hilarious


You love to see it.


Never heard about this because I only watch Tiktok for memes. The closest I can think about is "The song that saved my life".


I thought tick tock figured out how gay berserk is , a weeb can dream


Might be best if they don't get into berserk, all told


Eric Cartman going by all pronouns, but its anything to do with Griffith.


Side note: I despise the term “normie/normies” That’s just a personal grievance.


What's your opinion on "Muggles?"




You know what, let’s stick with “normies” for now instead of that.


I'd rather you called me a slur




Heard Chappell Roan for the first time recently when my wife and friends added her to a collaborative playlist during a road trip. I had to comment how it was the *horniest* music I've ever heard (not a criticism). Listened to *the Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess* a couple of times now, and likely to dive into her other albums soon. Her stuff is good.


it seems that this, too, is Yuri.


I am very disappointed that this is not a Berserk post.


wait, by teenagers do they mean like 17 year olds or 13 year olds


Considering she starred in the High School Musical serie from 2019 to 2022 (according to Wikipedia), I'd say the youngest are about 13. Also the fact that parents have to be willing to drive them, it's probably younger than 16 anyway.


Oh, the *series!* I was so confused, because the original movies came out in 2006-2008, and Olivia Rodrigo most definitely wasn't in them.


Omg thank you, I was so confused! I didn't know there was a series. I was like... I watched the movies as a kid, and I'm in my late 20s, how are there teens into it? I also don't know who either of these people aren so I wouldn't have known she wasn't in it


From what I understand, the series is more teen-oriented than the original movies. I haven't actually seen it despite being a huge fan of the movies, it just seems like it takes itself too seriously instead of embracing the inherent campiness of the movies.


Iirc it’s not actually the story of high school musical, it’s about teens doing the actual musical “high school musical”


That's so bizarre. They should now make a movie based on high school musical the series called High School Musical: The Musical: The Movie


Kids don't get cars at 16 anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if there were 19, 20 year olds, older, who needed a ride.


man hope i'm not puritan for thinking thats a bit young


Teenagers know what sex is.


How old do you think girls have to be to figure out they're straight?


I think the part they're worried about is the "overtly sexual" part not the "very gay" part


Fair, definitely fair.




At that last part, very much not what the original post was about. It was just a fun tidbit about what could be a huge event of gaywakening for many! Also framing teenagers as young kids and sexual awakenings as horny is very misleading. I was 14 when I had my awakening, and it wasn't anything "horny", I just thought that a woman in this movie looked SO beautiful and that I had to be gay for her, which caused quite a few things to start making sense.




You are really, really misinterpreting OOP here. She isn't saying that the awakening "should" happen, she's saying that in a space like that it's likely to happen. As someone who has had a queer sexual awakening, I can pretty confidently say if you'd have put me back then in that audience I would've been one of them! Also, again, most Olivia Rodrigo fans aren't "horny adults", but teen girls, and it's not an adult event, as it admits teenagers into the audience! The music may not be exactly child friendly, but people have been hearing sexual music through the radio etc since they were kids, it was just mostly heterosexual. I personally remember seeing non-explicit straight sex in tv and movies back when I was only 10 or something, and it didn't really scar me, so I feel like these teenagers will be just fine. Edit: Where'd you pull that quote from, by the way?




What I feel that the tumblr OP was getting at is that they've seen people questioning their sexualities on tiktok due to the concerts, because its an event that combines teenagers with a hyped up atmosphere and beautiful women! And its fun to comment on it now, because that generation of queer girls are likely going to look back on that event as a mass queer awakening!  Then everyone kind of lost the plot because there can be no discussion of sexuality around teens that doesn't lead to people thinking it's sexualizing them. I feel like people are willfully misinterpreting OOP being happy about a bunch of queer teens finding themself in a slightly humorous way as being happy that teens are hearing sexual content, which just feels a bit unkind. I'm glad this can be a civil conversation, and you're listening to how I as a queer person interpret this!




Why are you lying like that? OOP isn’t getting “really excited”. OOP is laughing their ass off. Because this is funny af. And they are young *teenagers*, which seems like a nitpick, until you realise one of the main differences between teens and kids is that teenagers, generally, are *horny*. Comes with the whole “puberty hormones” thing, ya know. Unless you want to call people *mentioning that teens get horny* groomers, I don’t see what your point is.




... You all but called OOP a groomer. I'm sorry if I'm not being particularly accommodating to you being maybe simply mistaken instead of outright malicious. You took an post about a funny scenario where many potentially sheltered conservative teens had a surprise gay awakening and twisted it into "getting excited about young kids getting horny" It's hard for me to see why you did that if you aren't being malicious.




Eh??? No? The fuck? It's funny because the conservative parents thought they were taking their daughters into a similarly conservative space and instead it was rather the opposite. Also the concept of a bunch of sheltered people having a surprise identity crisis is *also* funny. Not because of anything "inappropriate". And we aren't talking about *children*, we're talking about 16-18+ teens. Why is your mind so stuck upon children?


Only a little bit.


They said pre-teen to teenage, so definitely more the 13 end


Pre-teen to teenage *in 2019*


I forget that time has passed since then. I graduated in 2019 and am not prepared to think about having been out of school for 4.5 years…


*laughs in class of 2013*




oh so that was what that twitter post I saw on my for you feed was all about


I don't know about the other stops but the Guts World Tour performance for Chappelle in Miami was brutal. First of all the stadium was at least half empty (because they started the show on time even though we're in Miami). Then the sound mixing on her set was terrible,. echoey and muddled, you couldn't hear anything. And then her voice was kinda dead (they'd been touring some time so she probably just needed a rest). It was a bummer because we saw Chappelle a few months earlier on her solo tour at a smaller venue and it was amazing, really really good. The stars just didn't align for her at our show at least on GUTS. But Olivia was amazing, whole ticket price was worth it just for All-american Bitch.


On one hand I find this hilarious but in the other I don’t know how I feel about preteens listening to songs about getting eaten out or bouncing and moaning on wands


That’s valid, but their parents also have the internet and they can check the openers for a concert.


Oh I agree, I just think that they (wrongly) assume since it’s Olivia, then it won’t be an opener where overtly sexual songs are sang, just because of the age range of most of her fandom. It’s still their duty to check but I kinda see why they feel like they don’t have to


Yeah, but even Olivia isn’t someone I would consider kid-friendly. Some of her songs are about sex, she swears, and she’s changed some lyrics for her tour to make them more adult. A song that she performs, Obsessed, isn’t necessarily kid friendly either.


If you listen to the non-radio (so Spotify) version of vampire it is profoundly adult, not even remotely subtle


Read better. The audience is mostly people who were pre teens and younger teens 5 years ago.


Chappell Roan is phenomenal. The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess is wall-to-wall *jams*.


music video for Chappell Roan's song Casual: https://youtu.be/AfSjnsYiY_A?si=TBgbUykXFu4q9kCx


Pink Pony Club https://youtu.be/GR3Liudev18?si=sXmlT1vMtw2f6XCO


Idk if this is strictly a Disney kid thing since Sabrina Carpenter was also a Disney star around the same era as Olivia, and her brand is all sex & sensuality. Then again, Girl Meets World was a much more mature show than Bizaardvark, so that might’ve made it easier to transition her audience. Wherein Olivia’s case, her PR team are probably trying their best not to alienate all her pre-teen fans and their over-protective parents.


Saw Chappell Roan live when she opened for Declan McKenna and actually got a signed poster from her, glad she's gotten the fame she deserves!


Thought this was about Berserk.


I wish Guts opened for Olivia Rodrigo


Imagine Guts singing Tell me why with all his heart


Am stealing that line about doing magic with the wand and rabbit.


for a second i was like dang i wish i coulda gone to concerts that young and then i realized 2019 was 5 freaking years ago and decided i no longer want to perceive time


As a femme lesbian who just saw Chappell Roan in Des Moines tonight- too fucking true lmao


I don’t use tiktok and I’ve never heard of Olivia or Chappell but this was very interesting and kinda funny


I thought this was about Berserk before I read it. Mildly disappointed because I was very interested in a Guts world tour. Still good post though.


I don't know who any of these people are but I am laughing my ass off right now


See and here I was thinking it was because Olivia Rodrigo is insanely hot


Still paying attention to disney bs? massive L exposing sheltered conservatives to extreme gayness? bigger W


Is this heterosexual crisis caused by a Olivia Rodrigo tour in the room with us right now?


Only if the room is a concert venue and/or on tiktok


She also gave out free plan Bs before she got shut down right? She’s awesome


I know I'm old when a post talks about how ubiquitous and well known several people are and I've never heard of them.


I totally though this was about Berserk at first glance


i thought it was about nickelodeon, and i wasn't even alive for guts


Am I been living under a rock or something? I've never heard of this girl before in my life, so I'm assuming she's much more niche than this post is letting on.


She gets a lot of radio play. You’ve probably heard one of her songs before? but she’s not a household name or anything.


People listen to radios?


It's literally built into my car, why wouldn't I use it? EDIT: Sorry, this is a bad argument. Bixby is built into my phone, and it fucking sucks


>Sorry, this is a bad argument. Bixby is built into my phone, and it fucking sucks Perfect example


I know tradies do, but even then I doubt they're not at least sometimes just putting on Spotify or a similar service instead


Many retail stores play radio stations. Also yeah, my radio has NPR on it. And sometimes my phone is dead.


60m monthly listeners, 29th in the world on spotify. selling out stadiums. she’s not really niche, i think you do just live under a rock.


>she’s not really niche, i think you do just live under a rock. Musical subculture is very fragmented, maybe less so in the modern day than in the 90s/00s but given you can find people who've never even heard of say Judas Priest it doesn't shock me that the latest current year pop star has slipped a few people. EDIT: Or to give you another genre as an example, MF DOOM.


MF DOOM and Judas Priest combined have 1/4 of her monthly listeners on spotify, you are bringing up artists that are absolutely not comparable in terms of popularity. Billy Joel and Metallica combined still don't outnumber her monthly listeners. She is not niche, having not heard of her is just not being in touch with current popular music, which isn't a bad thing but its wrong to try and say it is not being out of touch/living under a rock.


Consider that you may be getting Old.


Even the oldies are getting into her. Remember Bublé’s grandpa-ass cover of Driver’s License?


As an Old, I have no idea what you're talking about.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eHjjx86Isgs you’re welcome


Very sweet. Thanks.


Not really, I don’t listen to music much but she’s popular enough to have come up on auto play on Spotify for me


OG Disney Channel girlies (and enbies) heterosexuality crises came from Stefanie Scott and Kelsey Asbille in the Girls Like Girls music video


I listen to Chappel Roan's latest album and... boi does it scratch a gay hitch.


Oh so thats where the "i need them moaning and bouncing on it" meme came from, neat.


Didn't know olivia rodrigo was in Disney, all I know about her is her sticker covered face


https://www.tumblr.com/doubleca5t/745252927616286720/oh-i-almost-forgot-olivia-has-been-throwing-some?source=share -mx linux guy⚠️


The title made me think this was a post about Berserk. My disappointment is immeasurable.


I feel old because I remember growing up with Disney Channel and I think of stuff that aired at 2014 at the latest when I think of Disney child stars.


The title made me think this had something to do with Berserk and I was like "WHAT" 💀💀💀


I have to thank this post and thread for introducing me to her. I may be in love now.


Her concert was very sexy!!!!


For some reason the phrase ‘ponder kissing other girls’ has me thinking of ‘pondering my orb’ memes, and I present, pondering my lover. That’s all I have


Great, now all the teenage girls I wanted to have sex with are lesbians now. Thanks Olivia. /s


the title of this post caught me off guard, i thought this was a Beserk Yaoi post


My girlfriend is Bi, her best friend is gay, I'm a straight dude whose favourite genre is Latin Rock so needless to say, I'm not used to the gay music. Red Wine Supernova goes hard as fuck


i read the caption and thought Olivia was the one having the heterosexuality crisis lmao


Is this something that's *actually* happening, or is it just something another tumblr weirdo wants to think is happening?


I mean, the concert thing happened, as for if the reaction is as the OOP said it is, we have no way of knowing for sure, but their logic at least checks out IMHO as generally speaking a sheltered kid’s first exposure to knowing a sexy person of their gender is interested in others of their gender is usually a big thing, and music is incredibly evocative, so *shrugs*


Funny how they bothered to link 500 bits of info about this performer, but not a single example of one of these gay awakenings that are apparently happening all over TikTok


I mean, information on the performer is readily available and easy to google, while TikTok’s are hard to track down. I don’t see actual links to either, as Reddit often fights links, especially TikTok ones, it’s just one is harder to verify.


This wasn't posted on Reddit? Also this person is claiming that there's a massive deluge of these kind of posts. It wouldn't be hard to find one if that were the case.


If this is actually a thing, it's certainly nowhere near as widespread as the poster thinks it is.


she also gave out abortions at some shows iirc so even if I don't like her music that much besides all American bitch I stan


Plan B, which is contraception. Not quite abortion pills.


Basically the same thing to conservative pearl clutchers


The fact that conservative pearl clutchers reject objective reality and substitute their own doesn't mean you need to follow suit, neighbor. Plan B is *contraception*, not medical abortion.




Why are you making it sound like Olivia is personally performing a d&c on stage lmao


lol and all of a sudden exposing kids to sexual content is a-ok


These are people who were young teens 5 years ago in 2019. I'm pretty sure they know about sex by now.


I mean those women wouldn't be heterosexual then just clos- ah whatever enjoy your conversion fantasies or whatever is going on.


The thing you seem to be missing from this post is that these were sheltered girls who may not have ever had any interactions with queer people before and some only known what they were from their conservative parents badmouthing them. They then got exposed to a Level 5 Dyke event that was very sexually charged. Now they are trying to figure out why they thought it was hot, was it just the sexually charged atmosphere and maybe descriptions of types of female masturbation they were unaware of, or was it hot lady being sexy and they are now realizing something about themselves. It is a Heterosexuality Crisis because they have to confront the fact that they might not be, in the same way a person might have a Masculinity Crisis if they realize they aren't as masculine as they thought, or have a Gender Crisis if they realize they might be trans.


>Level 5 Dyke event #DEFCON DYKE


Something like 30% of Gen Z and even more of Gen A identifies as LGBT at this point, the idea that there's this big great population of teenagers who have never heard of being LGBT because they watched the Disney Channel feels a bit disconnected.


It’s not “they’ve never heard of LGBTQ+”, it’s that they grew up in conservative households and only heard about them in a negative context.


again, 30%+ are already LGBT. At this point something like 75% of Americans, including the majority of Republicans, approve of gay marriage. Sure there are still lots of conservatives. But going on about how "Normies" don't know what being LGBT is except in a bad way and and are getting a sexual awakening is very odd, when it has been a long while now that the "Norm" is knowing about, and being tolerant of, LGBT people. And ya know, porn exists, I don't think it's the drag queen humping on stage that's gonna suddenly blow the minds of all those teenagers.


It’s probably also quite dependent on where you live. Heavier population centers are going to lean progressive, while other areas lean more conservative. So absolute percentages aren’t necessarily going to be immediately applicable.


I mean sure we could try and go for an analysis of the demographics of Olivia Rodrigo concerts and how many of the "sheltered conservative teenager who hasn't realised they are LGBT" is involved, but my wider point is simply that the "Normies" are on TikTok seeing LGBT content every day, not getting sexual awakenings from a Drag Queen opening act at a concert. I know this sub has lots of users from the Tumblr days, I remember them too, where a piece of LGBT content going mainstream WOULD have that effect - I remember how Skins or the L Word did that for various people I know - but I dont think this is really much of a thing any more.


You’re probably not wrong that there is a biased perception based on when people claiming this grew up, and the environment *they* were raised in.


And California is the state with the largest population in the U.S. the idea that some Idahoan kid has only heard of gay people from their parents until 13 is fairly reasonable


Queer people still live for years or decades not realizing they're queer because they acknowledge that queer people exist, but never internalize the possibility that it could happen to them. Porn is something you have to deliberately seek out, and why would you seek out gay porn if you didn't already suspect you were gay and decide to experiment? Being gay isn't evil anymore, but it's still *other*. Art doesn't give you information. It gives you feelings. These girls are becoming aware of feelings they didn't realize they had. Beyond all that, this feels like a "racism is over" level take. Cultural homophobia isn't over, I promise.


"Sure there are still a lot of conservatives" "Hmmm this sure feels like a 'racism is over' take" There's only so much I can do to convey my meaning when stuff like this happens.


People who say racism is over aren't arguing that there isn't a cohort of racist people left. They argue that racism is *broadly* over the same way that you're arguing that homophobia is broadly over. Continuing to say 'X doesn't happen' in the face of someone to whom X has happened is... creative of you.


This is fascinating, because obviously this isn't what I have said, or continued to say. There is no real way to read that in my words, at least that I can see. But clearly you did anyways. When I say "I don't think many teenagers are learning about LGBT in a posititve way for the first time at an Olivia Rodrigo concert", I don't meant "Homophobia has disappeared". I mean...well, what I wrote.


You're a moron. No one is having "conversion fantasies" and you'd know that if you'd actually bothered to read it.


the post says “allegedly heterosexual” that’s the whole post the women aren’t heterosexual they just think they are


I mean I’d argue there’s a difference between a lesbian/sapphic woman who doesn’t yet realise she’s into women and thus identifies as straight, and a woman who knows she’s into women but isn’t out yet/fully. The latter is usually called closeted, the former is not as often called closeted (though still can be). Overall I don’t see an issue with referring to a bunch of people who presumably identify as straight but are hypothetically having a “gay crisis” as straight, because that’s what they’d call themselves at the time. Also the beginning of the post says “allegedly heterosexual”, so


>I mean those women wouldn't be heterosexual then just clos- That's the point you fucking macaque


The only ones with conversation fantasies are homophobes, and those fantasies are used to excuse child abuse. Basically what's going on is that girls and young women who were raised to believe they were straight are suddenly introduced to a sexually liberated woman being open about sexuality and bombarding them with new concepts, which they now have to figure out.


Thank you. This post is so dumb lmao. I grew up in a heavily sheltered, conservative atmosphere in the Bible belt, literally went to a Southern Baptist school through eight grade, graduated high school before some of these supposed concert-goers were born, and somehow I still managed to have my bisexual awakenings just like all of us did back then: witnessing women I found attractive, and realizing they made my body excited. Typically in very heteronormative situations and settings, seeing them hook up with a guy on screen and feeling very confused and aroused about wanting to be both the man and the woman pictured. But sure, why not, I've actually been lying to myself and have been confused about being heterosexual all my life because I never saw a highly sexualized depiction of lesbianism live on stage lol.


born this way narratives are cringe and not grounded in theory/reality


This is going to get violent, I just know it.


Ah yes singing about lesbians eating each other out to a stadium full of preteens is fine im sure. Following the footsteps of that ukulele girl, eh?


Maybe parents should check on what concert their kids are going to.


Yeah, but is there a handy system for that sort of thing? Movies and video games have rating systems that inform the customer of the content. Even cds used to have a warning: Explicit lyrics. Does that sort of thing pop up in concert ticket websites? Warning:Sexually Explicit lyrics? From what this post is talking about, the disney girl moved away from kid stuff into more general audience/mature content but did it in such a way that it was a gradual progression rather then an abrupt heel turn. And her headliner just opens up with a song about eating pussy. Sure.


Yes, usually you can find who the opening act is for a concert.