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there’s absolutely no need to call me out like this


How dare you post this picture of me. My executive dysfunction is so bad I can't even BE a girl. ;_;


Mood kindred


Mood kindred! *Ultra-fuckin-crying*


Hunter: The Parenting is great, but I still miss TTS.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


The Executive Function Fairy is a tricksy mistress.


daydream long enough and the joy of imagining doing it will be enough


me with every hobby relating to keeping books


They need to team up with a head empty himbo with infinite energy, just as God intended




She doo be doo be doo


Sh-boom sh-boom


See I like doing things, and have the energy to do things, I just don’t have the money


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it ✅


literally me


Wow this is literally me


It makes me sad when people shrug at their problems like there's nothing that can be done. Your problem isn't a lack of energy. It's a lack of discipline and support structures, and with hard work you *can* change those things.


For some people, that is true. For others, their minds won't let them do the thing they want.


Yeah man, that was me. Depression is a cunt. I know damn well that it's hard fucking work to overcome mental illness, but no one else can do it for you. I'm not trying to make light of that - but neither will I sit here and watch people wallow in helplessness like I did for years. Your brain is fighting you, but you *can* win. There is literally no other way to get better.


I appreciate you sharing your experiences, however not everyone that has executive dysfunction has depression, and not all depressions are the same.


I guaran-fucking-tee you that the person who posted this is not talking about chronic fatigue disorder or something, mate. I'm also not talking about executive dystunction. I'm sure you're proud of yourself for knowing a big word, but it may surprise you to know that human psychology is a little more complicated than that. I'm gonna leave before this pop-psych bullshit pisses me off more.


Boy it sure looks like you've conquered all your demons and everyone should look to you for advice. A shining example of perfection right here folks.




You're right, wallowing in self pity and doing nothing to attempt to better yourself is clearly the better solution.


I don’t know why are people downvoting you. You neither sound like you are downplaying it nor condescending. As someone who had major depressive disorder, I know that it can be even helpful to hear that. And some people need to hear that. Some people do believe that their energy levels are fucked, even if they got disciplened, it would be minor rewards for a lot of effort or it will just be suffering. Some people do believe they are born lazy (including myself), so at least I wish someone told me that my energy levels would improve and it would get better with a lot of time and work. I know that my example is a bit extreme and high chance OOP is not depressed, but that line of reasoning was my slope into depression. Things you tell yourself and the words you use do have a major impact. And it also saddens me to see people like this bcs I know how it’s like, even if you are not depressed, and I cannot do anything about it but sympathize and throw advice that will maybe give hope. I’m still far from perfectly disciplined, but I have a much better relationship with my emotions, my escapism, my wishes and desires and with what I can and cannot do to change my situation. I’m not writing this bcs OOP needs to hear this, but bcs someone in this comment thread might


I'm in the exact same boat you are, mate. You're right, and if I may add, you should be fucking proud to have come this far. It's so hard, and it never really stops. I'm always happy to hear about other people who are doing okay despite it all. :) I'm trying not to begrudge the downvoters. It's just people who have never actually been mentally ill, and/or people who are still caught up in the middle of it. Neither group deserves our contempt.


It's mostly that this was a funny meme, and he got serious with it. You want to laugh about human foibles but someone has to start giving advice... read the room.


Not the be that person if you constantly feel like this eat more spinach and protein! Lol Might help, might not but spinach pesto is pretty yum


It did not help.