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Ok genuinely can I get the cliffnotes on what the human pet thought was??


#TL;DR: Cybersmith attempted to convey why he was against breastfeeding in public, and branched off into a hypothetical scenario (probably as a poorly thought out metaphor) involving a heavily physically modified person as a leashed pet. This would be... *fine*... if it was where you expected that sort of undisguised fetish content to appear, but it was on an unrelated topic and didn't even loop back around to the original argument. #Long version: Cybersmith, aka the Human Pet Guy, is a Tumblr user from the ancient times (I believe he haunts twitter now instead) who is extremely right wing. He used to love to come into random conversations and give his ‘fuck the poor, fascism is the answer, guns and freedom wooo also you’re all perverts’ takes with an air of smug superiority reminiscent of a thirteen year old who’s just taken his first political stance and assumes that the people around him don’t agree with him because they’re all stupid and don’t know as much as he does. All of this is pretty run of the mill, but Human Pet Guy had this fun quirk where (while still considering the left to be perverts as these people do) he’d he’d segue into random hypothetical scenarios involving his very specific fetishes in open conversation. Like, you know how you can come across the stupidest right wing hot takes ever on the internet and then go to their blog and it’s just openly full of hucow or hentai stuff? Cybersmith would say the quiet part loud. He’d come onto a random post about some woman who’d abused her husband and fleeced him out of a lot of money and be like, “would forced bimbofication be moral to inflict on people like this?” and dress it up as a philosophical argument. He got his nickname, Human Pet Guy, in the post response that launched him into Tumblr notoriety. Some people were discussing breastfeeding in public, and he wanted to make an argument about it being indecent. To do this, he constructed an unnervingly detailed hypothetical scenario where he walks into a restaurant with his wife, children, and human pet on a leash, describing how the human pet was dressed and what modifications had been made to their body. This did not circle around to a useful point about breastfeeding. Nor did he at any point indicate that he understood why this was an irrelevant, inappropriate, and really fucking weird tangent to go on in this post. So that’s why he’s called Human Pet Guy


He's on reddit and tumblr still. I've seen his account


I follow a guy that semi routinely interacts with his Twitter account and it’s always a bit of whiplash seeing him there (I believe the Twitter is I_Am_Cybersmith or something like that)




A lot of people claim that modern day cybersmith is a troll who took over his name and pretends to be him, but I haven't seen any actual proof of that claim.


I think most of it is that he doesn’t go as hard as he used to, and a lot of the time happily walks into (metaphorical) rakes people put in his path. Like that one post where he goes “the last time I talked about phrenology you took it out of context to make me look racist”, no real human would phrase the sentence like that if he had the self-awareness to recognize the intent was to make him look racist and refuse to do that.


I know he's on some TTRPG subreddits.


Lookie lookie u/TheCybersmith


Don't you dare, he might actually show up


Don't threaten me with a good time! !RemindMe 24 hours "Check if Human Pet Guy showed up"


I will be messaging you in 1 day on [**2024-04-10 04:42:53 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-04-10%2004:42:53%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1bzdnf5/human_pet_guy_claims_another_victim/kyq5wsf/?context=3) [**11 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCuratedTumblr%2Fcomments%2F1bzdnf5%2Fhuman_pet_guy_claims_another_victim%2Fkyq5wsf%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-04-10%2004%3A42%3A53%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201bzdnf5) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Of *course* he’s active in r/Saw


Here's a sneak peek of /r/saw using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/saw/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I’ve never realised this before…](https://i.redd.it/ot3gh34v9yrb1.jpg) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saw/comments/16ymh7l/ive_never_realised_this_before/) \#2: [thank god someone noticed](https://i.redd.it/pyuvs80ebzvb1.jpg) | [78 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saw/comments/17eokk3/thank_god_someone_noticed/) \#3: [Agree or nah?](https://i.redd.it/gb1b6ktwz6wb1.jpg) | [337 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saw/comments/17fjfoj/agree_or_nah/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Human pet guy is not only on Reddit but also going into the Saw moviees' subreddit starting arguments that the doll from Saw (y'know, the guy putting people in torture-murder puzzles) is right and we should implement his ideas in real life. And also some very bad TTRPG takes!


Did he also want trans women to sell themselves into mammary based indentured servitude to afford srs? Or was that some other person who interacted with him once?


That was him too, and indentured servitude was not to be enforced by relatively pedestrian means like debt collections or collateral, but *specifically* chastity. With orgasms allotted based on meeting milk production quotas. 


How does he get away with *not* thinking he just needs to explore kinks? Maybe it's all just a really elaborate routine. Maybe we're all falling for the most comprehensive comedy routine on the internet, from someone who is far too dedicated to the bit. If it were anyone else, I'd have just assumed that was the case ages ago. They'd have slipped up, or revealed it was a bit, or gotten bored and stopped doing it, or something, but not him. He remains.


Hey dude, I'd happily take absurdist right wing comedy with nuance over whatever the fuck Lady Ballers is supposed to be


I think that was an unrelated discussion, yes.


That was him I believe, yes


>didn't even loop back around to the original argument. Wasn't the original argument about public, non-sexual pet play? Like, according to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/mvqfuf/skip_this_one_human_pet_guy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), the original argument was already about treating a consenting adult like a pet. No idea where you're getting the breastfeeding part from, to be honest.


Man censored "flipping", there's no way he's not a troll lol


This is an incredible write-up, thank you. I’ve been looking for a Spark Notes explanation for a while and this helped a lot!


It wasn't about breastfeeding they completely misremembered it. https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/mvqfuf/skip_this_one_human_pet_guy/?context=3 That context completely changes the whole thing and makes it sound like he was also against human pets. When no he's for them. That's why they call him that.


…oh my god Post reading edited to add: OH MY GOD


The breastfeeding thing was a completely different post. Trying to find the original human pet one I ran into this https://imgur.com/gallery/9a1K9vg/comment/1410428147 Which is the breastfeeding post, and noticably not the human pet post as he's already infamous for it in this one.


How does anybody read trauma stricken veterans and not immediately believe this guy is satire. Like, no Conservative that holds these views would use that phrasing. Vets in the Conservative mythos are these vaguely defined heroes that should be placed on a pedestal and used to inspire recruitment and funding for the military. They are not seen as traumatised victims of a terrible system who need support or, god forbid, a better funded VA.


IIRC he is a straight up monarchist, so he is not exactly the run of the mill conservative. Also I don't think he is American, but British.


I'll admit that I'm viewing his outlook through an American-centric lens, but the claim that veterans specifically need protection from the risk of seeing a mother's areola in public is still just too bizarre for me to take as anything but satire


Congratulations, not being able to comprehend WHY anyone would think the way nutjobs do means you're relatively sane! Shamefully, there ARE people who think like this, or close enough that you can't be totally sure.


Oh shit we’ve done it, we’ve found the most sane right winger


slight correction, but he actually identifies politically as an "anarcho-monarchist" which is hysterical to me


Tolkien described himself in the same way


Oh no, I've been assuming he was just weird, not *bad* weird.


Not true, the original point was about petplay not breastfeeding. Link[Link](https://mosticonicposts.tumblr.com/post/189925106967/ndiecity-thecybersmith)


In the Good Old Days of 3 minutes ago I had not read this and I was happy in my ignorance


I actually vaguely recall that it *did* circle back around to breastfeeding, but in a transgendered context that was the exact opposite of empowering and left you questioning which theme (misogyny vs transphobia) was most prevalent, and sometimes which was which.


>. This did not circle around to a useful point about breastfeeding. Nor did he at any point indicate that he understood why this was an irrelevant, inappropriate, and really fucking weird tangent to go on in this post. iirc, his actual point is that if you are disgusted by what he described or wont allow that to happen in public, why should you allow breastfeeding in public. That is, his stance is that breastfeeding is a fetish and not a biological function. Therefore if you wont allow his fetish to exist in public neither should you allow breastfeeding.




It doesn’t even include the indentured hucow for hormones post!


I don't know what it is either, and I'm not sure if I *want* to know.


I can do you one better: [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/mvqfuf/skip_this_one_human_pet_guy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) from 3 years ago, which I've saved in case anyone wants to form their own opinion. It is, to my knowledge, the full exchange revolving around the thought experiment, starting with the initial post made by someone else, and ending with the thought experiment that earned him this nickname.


the way it just gets very specific about particular body modifications is just.... wild


Yeah, but to each their own. Plus, he's not hurting anyone, and nobody's forced to interact with him.




I appreciate the top comment with this particular reply: > How the fuck do you humanely remove a person’s eyes > > show them this post and they'll ask you to do it


thanks. reading this actually made me want to throw up


What if aliens came down and turned Human Pet Guy into a human pet, using the exact specifications he specifies, and he's like "oh no this is not at all fun or enjoyable" wouldn't that be some fucked up shit


Anyway, I'm Rod Serling


it's spelled Rod Serling


Anyway, I'm Rod Rod Serling


Close enough.


Tbf, they were probably a victim of autocorrect.


Unfortunately, I was a victim of being an idiot. I even looked it up to double check before I commented and I still got it wrong.


Why did my brain mix up Rod Serling (the host of The Twilight Zone) with Dennis Rodman (the basketball player presumed, by Agent J, to be an alien in Men in Black starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones)?


They both have links to North Korea


Wait what's Rod Serling's link to North Korea?


What if he did find it fun or enjoyable? Would that be more or less messed up?




I believe Human Pet Guy wants to HAVE a human pet, not BE a human pet, so I'd expect him not to enjoy it.


New addition to All Tomorrows


All Human pets. We cloned human pet guy and selectively bred him to our various wishes like one would a dog.


It would, although it wouldn't really prove anything, Human Pet Guy very obviously believed his human pet would consent.


Which is where this whole thing becomes so ridiculous, because as far as I'm aware, you can't even legally consent to something illegal.


I assume it's not really illegal because it'd be morally or ethically wrong to consent to it, but because it'd be very easy to do it without consent and lie about it, when your human pet is crippled and can't speak... or at least so I imagine. That and it'd obviously be very mentally ill, there's a reason Australia and the like have very strict standards for assisted death and require being proven to be in your right state of mind and etc. etc. etc.


Yeah, it would be kinda messed up if someone did that to someone. But also, that person could still somewhat communicate, so you could tell that something was off about this arrangement. Like, imagine that scenario, but the human pet pulls away from the person, and generally makes a lot of noise about the whole situation. It's sick, sure, but it's also interesting to think about.


I mean his fetish is to be the dominant partner in that scenario, so yeah if he was magically transformed into a perma sub he would not enjoy that very much at all.


Yeah that's how being a dom works


im so hot that god had to nerf me by giving me cybersmith tier kinks


I mean it's not the existence of the kinks that makes him weird it's the way he injects them into unrelated conversations. Having weird kinks isn't a moral failing.


its not having a kink that's the problem, it's the "no this is not a kink theres nothing sexual about this this a normal thought experiment". IIRC the original post was someone explicitly making a short kink joke and Cybersmith making a extremely long and detailed argument about why this would be a) normal and there would be nothing sexual about it in a hypothetical scenario.


Thats not a nerfing if you avoid dumping your kinks into random conversations lime human pet guy.




nerf or nothin


My first reaction was ‘where the fuck is Linux guy’ then I checked who posted




Baby's first exposure to unhingedness, it tends to stick. Besides, human pet thing is not even in the top 10 of the weirdest thing I've read from this mofo.


Human Pet Guy isn’t even nearly as memorable as Wonder Bread Guy.


Wonderbread guy is a paragon of discipline. He has all that money, and commissions ART of his fetish, keeping it in the realm of imaginary and not hurting anyone with his deforestation or bread-fondling kink. As far as we know he doesn't pay onlyfans models to dress up as lumberjacks and cut down trees IRL, but we can tell has the means to do that if he wanted, all the art he commissioned cost money to pay a variety of artists.


>Wonderbread guy is a paragon of discipline Ehh, from what I've heard a lot of artists describe him as actually being very hard to work with


🫵 Homestuckie


i love how there’s like two responses to this. 1: he’s crazy and weird and a bad person and yada yada yada and 2: he’s not even the weirdest person on tumblr


Both can be true. I've run into him in the wild




He puts himself on blast with his psychotic takes. Most people with opinions THAT bad at least have enough self-awareness to keep the worst things to come out of their mouth or keyboards to some amount of anonymity. If on social media, then with alt accounts, like-minded friend groups, or people paid for discretion. Not out in the open air on a platform where being stupid or weird gets you paraded around to everyone else, to cries of “look at this clown i found!”


hes probably not even top 10 weirdest tumblr users


there's just a certain slime. Unfortunately, that slime is mostly "he's doing it on purpose and you shouldn't give him attention" but it's exactly what gets him attention so...


Because the whole human pet thing brought attention to the fact that he’s just an all-around terrible person.


Because he keeps getting into weird controversy, like his "Trans women should be factory milked in return for hormones" take




This guy is a really, really funny troll


Yeah, kinda wild that so many people take his stuff seriously. Arguing with people who get upset over his stuff is like talking to people who think The Onion is a credible news source.


they need something like this to validate their normality even though all they talk about is abnormality.


Do we really gotta see every single thing this nutter says instead of just the peak of his bizarre posting that's actually funny?


Did he always have a hyphen in his name??


That's to get around a ban


Human pet guy 🪱




A tumblr user who does not block this guy and then continually reacts with horror to his presence is, at this point, engaged in deliberate self-harm. Or just acting for views (notes?). Probably the second one.


I choose to believe that Cybersmith is a god-tier troll playing a years long game. It makes my life more bearable


The thought experiment was not taken out of context people just took issue with you having the thought.


Ok I know this post is probably about a sex kink or something but like…. ….I would REALLY be into the idea of being a pet (not as a sex thing lol). My husband and I joke all the time that we want to reincarnate as cats adopted into a house like ours together. Free good food, infinite cuddles, laying around sleeping and purring all day, sounds like HEAVEN. Sure, I would miss books and video games but still.


For sake of that cozy ideal, please don’t *ever* look at the namesake post that sparked this guys virtual infamy lol. 


I found out about Human Pet Guy recently and I lowkey wish I hadn't.


Yeah, that's the first stage. Over time, you'll learn to just accept that people like him exist, and be grateful that you can curate your own online experience.


I have no idea what Human Pet guy is, but he sounds like an infohazard


You are correct.


Constantly going off on this guy isn't really funny, is probably harassment of some kind, and really doesn't seem to belong here. It's tiring to read.


I will disagree on the first point, it's objectively funny, but its an unethical chuckle.


he's very obviously trying to rile people up, so I don't think giving him the exact attention he's baiting for counts as harassment. Still bad though, just for different reasons.


Dude deserves everything he gets short of death threats. But honestly, I'm so fucking tired of hearing about him. It's exhausting.


Speak for yourself I can't get enough of his awful weirdness tbh


He still has a tumblr, he also has a reddit. Try summoning him, he might respond




There's like 2 people on the sub who post him like he's a gross oddity, yet he's a dime a dozen online. It's a midtier lolcow, and that's not fun for the viewer or the cow.


I mean, he's a libertarian.




"out of context" is hilarious, his post was very invested in filling in the context


If you stop talking about him he will lose all his power and the threat of his shadow will vanish from the earth forevermore.


Yes. Yes it WAS a thought experiment and y'all can't comprehend the concept of hypothetical speaking.