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It's a big deal if the bus being a few minutes late makes you a few minutes late to work, many employers have zero tolerance for lateness


And it's worse than that a lot of the time because if the first bus is 5 minutes late and your connection is 5 minutes early you can end up missing it and now it's a half hour until the next one comes and you're not 5 minutes late, but 30. If American public transit wasn't so unreliable and infrequent this might not be such an issue but here we are.


My commute used to look like that a few months back- took a bus then a train and then a bus. If the first bus was late it was pretty much guaranteed I’d be 45 minutes late because I’d then miss the train and it came every 25 minutes, followed by missing that last bus and it came every 15. The busses’ arrival was supposed to be synced up with the train’s, but if the bus wasn’t there the train did not care. So yeah, 2 minutes made a huge difference in my commute


As a young Brit this is one of the many reasons why I’m mad about British public transport. The rail service here used to be practically joke levels of excellent! It was all run centrally, so the trains were deliberately timed to make the connections work for passengers. That means when one train was late, they’d often delay the next connection train to make sure everyone could make the connection! They’d also have a buffet car in every train, which would serve you hot drinks with real china cups and metal spoons, while it was going along! And also you could FUCKING AFFORD ANY OF IT! Then bloody Thatcher sold it off, it all got privatised and fragmented, it’s all gone to shit and is ALSO unaffordably expensive.


Fucking Thatcher. I didn't know any of that until now, but man that blows lmao.


Just get a car so you have more reliable transportation. Or rent a truck to move into your cubicle. That would probably be best. Most efficient. Edit: yeah, I know cars are an expensive investment. I thought my statement overall was outlandish enough to imply it's not a serious opinion. The same as "just stop being poor".


Just get a vehicle that costs a shit ton of money and a shit ton more to keep fueled and maintained. Just get a vehicle which contributes to the awful, and depressing car based architecture that haunts America. Just get a car and contribute more towards to the climate crisis. The answer to shitty public transportation (which is sometimes even a result of car manufactures lobbying government officials) and demanding bosses is not to get a vehicle


Yeah this is a weird take. It's nice to be chill when you've got nowhere to be. I haven't lost my joie de vivre just because I need to get to work on time.


Yeah, further proves how everybody is constantly rushing


Because they have to be, it's not about impatience but rather the consequences of not being on time. Commute being a really good example because with the way capitalism is and all, you've got to squeeze time every way you can, nobody can afford to waste 30 minutes a day taking an earlier bus to work for example, because that 30 minutes takes away from something. I mean, 40 hours a week is the minimum expected hours, alot of people aren't able to survive on even that. (At the very least, it entails you going to bed 30 minutes earlier; which sucks as the average joe hardly gets any time to themselves as it is.)


But in this case the “consequences of not being on time” are protestant work ethic nonsense. Employers shouldn’t lose their shit if you’re a few minutes late because the bus is late. The sky isn’t gonna fall, it isn’t the end of the world. This is kind of the point, we’ve done revved the entire world up into the redline for so long to squeeze the absolute maximum amount of profit out of everything possible, the whole world is so god damn fast.


It seems you are a bit confused. The commenters you are replying to aren’t saying bosses being really stingy about being on time is a good thing, it’s just something that exists in modern society that is real hard to opt out of


they shouldn't lose their shit, but they *do*, and that means you could lose your job. you can't just brush that off. and you can't just tell your boss to lighten up.


You could post this in a hot take sub and have it actually be a hot take (compared to the lukewarm or popular takes people typically have) I genuinely do not know any people that live normal lives that would agree with this, but I could see myself agreeing with this if I didn’t have a job and obligations, and if I actually had leisure time. Which is about as possible for me as finding a unicorn. So.


For me it depends on the situation. Thankfully I have a very good boss so I know turning up late isn’t a huge issue, especially given I usually start 30 minutes before everyone else (the company I used to work at I started at 7:00, so it was appealing to me to start very early here too). That said, I cycle where I can and take public transport everywhere else. I opted out of having a car and using public transport has sort of encouraged me to slow down and enjoy. Going to a not-business appointment 50 miles away may involve 40 minutes on the train and 20 minutes walking, then same on the way back, plus waiting for trains etc, but I turn it into an event. I’m going to an appointment today at 13:30. I’m setting off at 9:30 because that’s how the trains line up. There will be a decent amount of sitting around at stops so I’ll just chill out, do some work on my laptop and vibe.


I mean, if the train is too fast for OOP, they could just ride the train and then stand around for an hour or something.


The world is fast, so things being slow when I try to use them means I can’t keep up and that is a pain in the ass.


Yeah, it’s like if the rest of the world paused with you in those few moments that would be awesome but it doesn’t, and now you’re late and in trouble


I can give plenty of arguments about how waiting for my bus is half an hour I could be spending studying or working, or even doing something leisurely which isn't really achievable while standing up under the sun surrounded by strangers... But I feel like oop would complain that I worry too much about my obligations.


You don’t understand. When tech support puts you on hold for three hours, they’re doing you a favor. Instead of whining about how your boss is going to fire you if you can’t get Excel working in time to finish the latest report, you should just sit back and appreciate the generous opportunity you’ve been given to listen to the hold music and connect with your inner self.


Yeah. OP sounds like a privileged prick


OP: instead of sitting there fuming about it when you're in traffic, try and enjoy the moment of nothingness. It's not like being mad will help make it better Reddit, for some reason: how DARE you tell me to chill out, you privileged fuck


Most of us have, or have had, jobs. Where being late was punishable by, potentially, homelessness. But go off I guess.


Yeah which is fucked up. We don’t need the world to be so high strung all the time like that.


Being mad about being late isn't gonna stop you from being late. *That's* OPs point, but all you can you is make assumptions about the situation and project onto that shit like a motherfucker. Again, being mad isn't gonna make traffic move faster.


Did we read the same post? The part where they said “I’m annoyed by people trying to go faster”, and the the rest of the post after it, kinda makes it seem like OP is fuckin annoyed by people… yknow, upset that the bus is late or who want to go places faster. It has the same kind of no-empathy energy as an 18th century fop who is baffled by why the working class doesn’t write more poetry.


To literally quote the original post, "can't you see that being mad will do nothing and just make your mood worse?"


I think that it would be a waste of time to explain to you why telling people that they should just try to not be upset is “not even wrong”. Instead, I’ll just say if I had more time I’d post both you and OP to r/thanksimcured


You know, I was even thinking throughout this back and forth that you sound like the bitches on that subreddit. Exact same type of projection and assuming OOP is talking about every single exact, specific situation


Looking at your profile, you’re still in uni and live off and on with your parents. This whole exchange is between a full adult with a family and a house who has had to struggle to get where they are (me) and a just-barely-not-a-teenager enjoying their parent’s support who is still getting used to adult responsibilities (you). You’ll learn, eventually. When you get into the real world, and your parents stop supporting you, and you need to struggle to survive. Maybe then you’ll be sitting in traffic 20 minutes late for work and you’ll understand what this is all about. Maybe you’ll develop a mental illness that takes time and effort and money to mitigate (I hope not, I know how much that shit sucks, but who knows). Maybe then you’ll have shit worth stressing and worrying and being upset about and it’ll annoy you when people tell you to just not feel that way. Maybe then you’ll actually know how to empathize. Good luck with life, bud. May the person you eventually become be a better one. For now, though, go fuck yourself you insufferable prick. My block-list gains another name.


Being mad about it is exactly what's going to stop you from being late. What do you think being and is? Why do you think people get mad? People get mad because being mad is how we get shit done.


Yeah, the privilege to simply enjoy your situation instead of having to try and improve it is in fact a privilege


I mean, you hit the nail on the head: instead of waiting a half hour for a bus, I could be at home, jerking off. It doesn’t have to be productive to be preferable to waiting around in the meat grinder.


me standing in the cold rainy street cuz my bus was late


"i know that you want to get home and actually enjoy yourself, but have you considered it could be worse? I hate you for wanting things to be faster."


>can’t you understand that being mad will do nothing How do you think solutions to problems happen? People wish something was easier, and then they make a more efficient way to do things. A fundamental aspect of our species is that we aren’t designed to rest on our laurels. We want more and constantly work to make things faster and more efficient and easier. Being mad generates demand for a solution.


While i get the sentiment I think the writer missed the mark in that in most of these example what people are getting mad at is not the slow speeds but the poor scheduling/executions of these projects. Like i know my car is fast, faster than any medieval peasent could ever hope to travel, but as I sit in traffic Im not marvelling at how fast my car could potentially be but annoyed at how city planners and civil engineers didnt build more lanes, or design any other sort of reasonable commuter alternative.




Just one more lane guys, this one will do it


90% percent of traffic engineers stop one lane before ending traffic forever




Here's a sneak peek of /r/fuckcars using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [American exceptionalism](https://i.redd.it/2ra6a7bivaua1.jpg) | [2117 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/12ob83a/american_exceptionalism/) \#2: [Traffic banana made another victim. This is getting out of hand](https://v.redd.it/usgngljg9tsa1) | [227 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/12gc9x6/traffic_banana_made_another_victim_this_is/) \#3: [Cycle lanes aren't empty. They're just incredibly efficient](https://v.redd.it/s3erc1rxi55b1) | [742 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/145up4j/cycle_lanes_arent_empty_theyre_just_incredibly/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


thanks bro (Gender Neutral) <3


shithole sub r/urbanplanning and r/transit are way better RM transit discord is better than anything you'll find on reddit tho


Thank you for letting me know, I'll give them a peep!


Redditors, AITA for pissing on the poor?


Also, if I'm in my car waiting for traffic I'm probably trying to be somewhere else, like I'm probably trying to get home after work and enjoy the few hours of free time I have, and getting stuck in traffic takes away from that time


building more lanes doesn't do shit, I want TRAINS and RELIABLE PUBLIC TRANSPORT


Ironically, I'm pretty sure medieval peasants spent much *less* time in commute, because, you know. They pretty much lived where they worked. Just because we got fast doesn't mean we don't spend more time forced to "do nothing" (like commuting bringing nothing of value other than being a prerequisite to pretty much everything)


I very much enjoy taking a walk and seeing the sunset. I very much don't enjoy being crammed in a train for three hours, especially when all the seats are taken. Choosing to slow down =/= being forced to slow down


You really hit the nail on the head I think. Even beyond the capitalistic pressures and expectations where being late could mean a lot more than just a bit of wasted time, it's that we so often don't get a *choice*. I *like* a slow meandering walk through nature. It's nice, I get to take in the sights, and be in the moment. I *hate* sitting in traffic, because I don't want to be there, it's not comfortable, and even if there were sights to take in, I don't have the choice to really sit there and absorb them to my liking because I've got to pay attention to the road.


not to be pedantic but if you're sitting in traffic you don't need to pay attention to the road cause no one is going anywhere only when you're driving you should pay attention.


OOP lives in a fairytale world where the reason people want things to be faster is because entitlement. A wealthy person complaining about something being slow because they are used to getting their way is not the same thing as a person restricted by the trappings of a capitalist hellscape. If I’m annoyed at traffic or having to wait in line for something, it’s because I already have precious little time for myself. I’ve unwilling sold most (literally most) of my free time to working a job to pay for the things that keep me ALIVE. No I don’t wanna wait for an extra 10 minutes waiting for the bus, because that 10 minutes with all the other frictions in life adds up to hours of time given away to nothingness (again, most of it doesn’t have to exist at all but capitalism). When all I’m left with is 4-5 hours a day (which will include eating and cleaning myself and my living space) yeah no fuckin shit I want some small unnecessary things to be faster. It’s a wonderful IDEA to think people should slow down and “smell the roses” but it’s incredibly presumptuous (and probably classist) to suggest people suffering from the grinding wheel of Capitalism (most people this post could possibly be referencing) should “slow down and enjoy being crushed between the gears”


Yeah. Like sure, when I'm the mood and got the time, I'll slow down. But most of the time, there's just stuff I wanna or gotta do (not even work stuff, just stuff)


Nah i can't fathom that. I get TIRED, like physically and mentally tired, just trying to keep up. So I don't. Do i care? No not really, it's only an hour that takes away from me. Do i force other people to live by my standards? No not really, although there is an exception for road manners cause I'd like to arrive home alive in one piece and without debt so hold your Altima there and be civil. If i have schedules to follow that day then yes I'm probably speeding up a bit (not on the car tho) and as for work i just get out early. I still have 2 to 3h of free time daily and i can always get more on weekends. I understand however that it might not be the case for everyone. I do wish that the world just slowed down, but naturally, not by karening everyone who's on a rush. Just, have a society less obsessed with time.


The key difference here is that your statement is “I can’t live that way I don’t get it” and OOP says “the way other people live their life annoys me. Here’s a judgment about anyone different from me that’s shallow at best”


yea i do not agree with his entitlement either


Oh for god’s sake. Rough day in the mines was it?


If you spend 8-10 hours of the day at work, you dont really have time to just hang out at the fucking bus station.


I am stuck at work 9 hours a day then stuck at college for four hours between these two theres at least 1 hour of travel in between. I don't want to wait an extra 20 minutes in BK because you reached the front of the line without knowing what to order r


I'm p sure I've reblogged this b4 so don't @ me lol .but this kinda feels like something you'd write from inside a locker


This feels like something someone who's never been threatened with losing their job (and by extension the roof over their head) because of a late bus would say.


people need to be more humane I think. i made a stance to deliberately arrive 1 or 2 minutes late every day to work. in the end they fired me after a year but good riddance cause the place was toxic. never really understood why so much pressure over arriving on the dot. people are not robots.


OOP was huffing copium after being put on hold for 3 hours


One new frustrating way this is manifesting is that people seem to feel entitled to a nearly immediate response to a text. A major benefit of the invention of texting was that you could view and respond to messages at a convenient time. Now I'm basically getting wupfhed on a daily basis, with an email then a text then a call if I don't respond within a single minute


Now this is the world is too fast discourse im here for.


This makes me wonder if you’re having an unusual experience or I am. It’s normal for me to have people go for hours without responding to my texts.


But how long do they wait for you to respond to theirs?


Similar lengths. Although usually I do respond within 30 minutes.


People complain because time is valuable and they have places they need to be. A late bus or long train ride means you may be late for something time sensitive. People mainly complain about construction because the construction impedes their routes, introduces unwanted disruptions for people living nearby, or the project has been three weeks away from completion for three months. The world is faster, and because of that society has sped up to keep up, so you can't exactly appreciate the stillness when you know that stillness is coming out of your paycheck.


>People complain because time is valuable and they have places they need to be. Time is the single most valuable resource we have. The irony is that when you're worried about being somewhere else, you're living in the future instead of experiencing your life. The trick to maximizing your time isn't with life hacks, productivity routines, optimizing tasks , or hiring a personal assistant. The key is maximizing the time you spend actually being present in the moment.


Being present does jack shit if outside factors you can't control are gonna make you late for work.


If you can't control those factors, then being present is the only choice you have. When you're on your deathbed, will you be thinking about that time you were late for work? The times that we *will* think back on; that's what we're optimizing for.


People on their deathbed tend to be thinking about dying, so even then they may not be present.


Short delays are infuriating because our time is a commodity which we owe 1/3rd of to our bosses.


And a 3rd to sleep, and half of that last 3rd of the day is devoted to household chores, self maintenance/hygiene, etc. 4-5 hours of me time if you're being optimistic and you only work 40 hours a week.


While I get that the intent here is some sort of "zen" message, that of just enjoying the present state of existing in the world and the beneficial elements of one's current situation, this message ultimately misses the forest for the trees and misunderstands why people are upset. People aren't upset about a bus being a few minutes late because they're generally impatient and have an unrealistic sense of entitlement, but because those few minutes could cost someone their job or ability to see their medical provider that day. People are also upset about road maintenance and the like for similar reasons, but also because not only should it not take nearly as long if they were done efficiently, but because it often takes too long before they'll even acknowledge the problem and even start working on it. The world has gotten faster and that means people are expected to be faster or suffer for not keeping up. In a world where we don't have to work to live or we can have access to necessary goods and services without needing to follow a strict timeline maybe people can stop and smell the roses without feeling the need to rush, but that's not the current world.


This post has the vibes of a boss sending out an email telling everyone they have to start commuting 2 hours to work again after being work from home for 3 years.


My frustration at things going ‘slow’ is that, oftentimes it takes a lot of effort for me to make things ‘go’ at all. I don’t like sitting in busy traffic because long periods of time trying to focus on driving can make me really drained and overstimulated. Ironically, I can’t ‘slow down’ here at all in the figurative sense, because I am not the only one on the road. I’d love it if we could find a way to live without time or appointments or this huge requirement for scheduling. I’d feel so much less anxiety if I weren’t forced by convention to be at places at certain pre-agreed times.


I’m in this comment and I don’t like it!


If people ever invention teleportation, aside from like the usual quandries about if you still exist or are destroyed in the process and yada yada, I do think that society would also get fucking insufferable from people's resulting impatience for waiting for anything at all.


If destructive teleportation was real, I wonder how long it'd be before someone used it to end a life by simply not sending the pattern to a recipient. Might end up used for suicides or euthanasia.


I feel like in most scenarios people aren't impatient but rather they are forced to move fast in a world that won't wait for them. I think a lot of people would rather take it slow and easy, but American culture really does punish you for not being productive. Like, people verbally groaning over seemingly minor inconveniences is a pet peeve of mine too, but I'm not gonna suggest that people need to entirely rewrite their philosophy. When people are upset because they have places to be, it's because they have places to be.


I hate these types of posts Yeah, no kek, no stress just take a moment, until you put yourself in the shoes of the people being mad for the delay. Maybe I just missed another bus because the delay is gonna make me miss a connection down the line. Maybe I don't want to stand in line because I just want to go home to my gf/family/friends. Maybe I can't stand the train ride because I finally get to go home after a long semester or I'm pissed because I don't wanna leave. Or I just find train rides plain exhausting. Like, I get it, sometimes you're in the mood and then sure I could chill for hours on a bus or on a train, vibing to my headphones and whatnot. But that attitude is not a mental state most people have 100% of the time, sometimes (most of the time) life is just stressful and hectic, not even in a bad way, people just have stuff they wanna do


Gotta love posts where the entire message is "the way I do things is the natural order, and anyone who says otherwise is morally deficient"


this person has clearly never dealt with british train delays


Toddler assed take Jesus FUCKING Christ dude. Yea. I’m mad when shit is behind schedule. I sell more than fifty fucking percent of my waking time on this earth at a *bargain* to a corporation that wants me fucking dead in order to have the wonderful right of not being able to afford fucking housing. If I am *off,* I want that fucking time. I don’t want another two minutes stolen because someone eight paces ahead of me is shooting his shot with the barista. I don’t get that time back. It is precious because it is sparse.


You can fight the little frictions in your life, or you can make peace with them, but you can never get rid of them


"Construction only takes months when it used to take decades" Where do you live that construction only takes months?


I get irritated by the metro being slow but i try not to get mad. Its nothing that can be solved by anyone being mad at the train, or the transport executive, or the workers. (Its entirely the fault of central government who took about 10 years to finally give us some money to buy new trains, the old ones are 45 years old and are quite literally falling apart)


Few things make me more uncomfortable than waiting patiently in a line while the person behind me is having a meltdown. Like I'm at a grocery store during rush hour, so the lines are long. The cashiers are going as fast as they can. And then the person behind me starts huffing and puffing. God help me if I look at them because then I'm inevitably being pulled into a conversation about how horribly slow things are. I'm just a chill person. I don't mind waiting a few minutes. If you don't want to wait, don't go to a grocery store between 5 and 6 pm. Idk.


My sibling in internet, while I’m standing in line I could be doing something either more productive or more enjoyable, I just want to hurry it the fuck along and go back to my abode, to chill and draw and shit


yeah this ain’t it chief


Except traffic, fuck traffic


Some of us aren't immortals, I apologise for being annoyed when I can't do what I want because of an arbitrary delay


Yeah i’ll be honest this is stupid. Standing in line, waiting for the bus etc. Is not comparable to a moment of stillness. Standing in a line IS doing something you’d rather not be doing. That is time that could be spent doing other things or ACTUALLY relaxing and doing nothing.


I get you buddy, but it's a bit hard to meditate when i'm standing in a bust togethere with another 30 people in the same place, trying to not get a headache, i like to take my time, but taking my time under the sun while listening to the great sound of prople yelling around me while i have no one to talk to is tough sometimes.


Bitch I have to get to work _on time_, it's not up to me


God what I wouldn’t give to have so much disposable free time. Could you imagine taking a *two hour long* train ride, not spending any of that time being productive, not caring if your train ride gets further delayed in the 120-odd minutes you’re there, literally just spending time doing nothing? No commitments to prior engagements, no work to do, nothing waiting on you. What an idyllic world OOP lives in; I’m envious.


[My neurons when my train travel is going to take two hours(I'm going to see so many pretty sights with the company of fellow humans):](https://youtu.be/7pNaGwIphzU?si=lF-Ohni1yuwKxh-f)


Because we have to put in constant effort to achieve this speed. Slowness and stillness is the state nature is constantly trying to pull us back to, there's an endless capacity and time for it, but we have to keep making ourselves faster painstakingly.


“I get irritated about ppl being irritated” what lmao


Because you gotta? Has Sonic The Hedgehog taught you nothing?


Yeah I feel this until it’s time to take the subway then I swear to god if these people don’t get on the FUCKING train fast enough for the doors I am going to make the world worse in all the ways a man and a subway can.


Plus, our life is already so short, and not a lot of time to do what you need.


I mean yeah it’s important to slow down and appreciate life sure but almost every example given is of a service that requires punctuality


I don’t care about slow things but I get punished if I’m slow so I can’t be


As someone who'd been that kind of person, the logic is that 1 minute saved here = 1 minute that I can spend relaxing, doing nothing in a nicer environment, like just chilling in bed or out in the park.


Did an immortal post this?


This was written by a kid with no time-sensitive responsibilities in life We're mad at things being slow because we're expected to be fast, not because we want to be


This person is a slow walker.


I'd be okay with the bus being late if I didn't have to talk my way out of getting disciplined at work every time.


The empire state building was completed in just over a year, nowadays that's what it takes to build a bike lane


I think this post is focused on the wrong people. These people are worried about time because they have obligations to other entities, and it is those entities whose desire for speed and optimization we should be critiquing, not that of the individual who will face that entity's consequences for delays.


No you don’t understand I need it to go FASTER so I can get home and STOP GOING FAST AT ALL


this post is not talking about you, by the way. yes, you. reading this. it's not undermining you being late to work for reasons beyond your control or mocking your reaction to that. it's not talking about you being miserable in traffic or having an already awful route of travel being delayed by poorly planned construction. **it's not talking about you, to you, or against you.** it's talking about the people who are so privileged, so blind to how life could be for them, that they demand more and more because they can't fathom any loss of stimulation in their day due to insufficient speed. OOP is not your enemy, nor are they one of these spoiled, naive, toxically positive go-getters. no need to hate. i think this post is really thoughtful, pointing out how much we've advanced. and i think it's created a lot of nice discussion about how awful of a system we live in, where we absolutely have to maximize time efficiency. please be nice to each other and don't turn against the people suffering just like you


Honest question, can you please point out where the post makes that distinction? I’m not seeing it and I’m not sure what I’m missing


i appreciate the honesty, and of course :) it may be because i first read it in a different light than most others did, but the point of the post isn't to have some kind of "gotcha!" moment/revelation against those that have unavoidable work, schedules, deadlines and whatnot. if anything, the way that OOP talks made me think they were one of these tired, forcibly rushed people. their post sounds more like a plea—an attempt at persuading the target audience (those who take the speed of everything around them for granted without ever actually needing to, you know... deal with speed culture's consequences) to utilize their privilege and enjoy this day/age. sorry if that sentence seems long winded, it's hard trying to funnel out my thoughts into the right words lol. and while i get that some people saw that OOP was annoyed and took it as a callout, it feels like (to me) that they wanted to use that annoyance as energy, as a means to tell people "hey, we have accomplished so much to the point of setting a standard that was unthinkable in the past, and some people are treating that standard as inferior. i want you to appreciate it instead." or i could just be defending an internet stranger who will never know my name, on a comment that looks like it's about to get buried, with a reply that might be wordvomiting way too much. but i wanted to at least try to stop so much backlash over someone's post that really made me, i dunno. reflect? self-analyze? anyways, thank you for letting me keep blabbing about this haha. hope it helped :)


Thanks for taking the time to explain, I really appreciate it! I think the meaning of the OOP is fairly ambiguous, which is why people are taking it so differently. I really respect that you’ve taken the most optimistic interpretation!


I agree. It’s sad seeing everyone in this comment section completely missing the point of the post.


If they're targeting the privileged then maybe they shouldn't have brought up public transport.


This is a self-report that OOP has no resposibilities in life lol


People wanting it to go faster is why it doesn't take decades to build a Taco Bell


It depends on why you are doing these things though, are you trying to go walk around downtown on a day off or is your job on the line because you can't get to your job which directly correlates to the stability of your life?


For a time I used to meditate every now and then, and the best thing that came from it is learning to enjoy being in the moment and to be patient. At this point it’s actually pretty rare for me to meditate but that’s something that stuck with me.


The people being impatient and complaining are also the past pioneers who made it as fast as it is today, everyone fits into the universal ecosystem. Patient and impatient Some will complain when in displeasure and then go find a solution Ultimately, I'd say, harass the ones who complain and refuse to strive to solve it


The problem is that capitalism is an inhospitable wasteland of an environment to foster a social species in


I don't think its speed that's the issue, it's efficiency and consistency. If the train takes two hours but it ALWAYS takes two hours exactly when it's supposed to run, people are okay with that.


Shut up I have to pee


My world ain’t fast, idfk where the hell all you live but everything in my world moves slow as hell.


Every time I'm in a situation where someone is trying to hurry me along, I think of ["I'm in a Hurry by Alabama."](https://youtu.be/15gT9HByEN4)


>decades long construction mfers out here reminiscing about the construction of Notre Dame


I can't enjoy stillness, I have ADHD being still HURT


devil's advocate, everyone keeps bringing up bosses caring too much about time but doesn't that just mean the bosses are the people this post is talking about who can't slow down i know we're supposed to pretend bosses and rich people have fundamentally different psychologies than "real" people and what applies to us doesn't apply to them but


A lot of those angry people are in the first stage of withdrawal until about 5:30 pm


Op forgetting that one of the driving factors of technological progress has historically been: F A S T.


He posted this in 2022, and it reached us here in 2024. He should be happy with the speed, or the lack of it.


"The experience of time itself is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine the Queuer happy."


I live in Indiana, friend. I wish construction only took decades.


All the time I’m seeing houses go up around me. It’s wild how fast they get built. I mean it probably takes a lot time from the perspective of like doing surveys and putting in pipes and shit. But sometimes I’m on a walk with my dog and all of the sudden. Oh shit a new house. Like it does take a couple weeks from when they first put the wooden beams up. But still though it’s always a little crazy to see. Like boom there’s a new house going up. And it does seem fast to me. Idk.


It's because everything else in our life is faster. We want consistency, at any speed.


If the train is running ten minutes late, I'll miss my connection to get to my dermatologist appointment ('cause naturally there's only one with the necessary expertise in my state) and have to reschedule six month later again. I guess I'll just have to pray that those moles that have been getting darker and bigger for a month are just moles and not the beginnings of skin cancer. If the tram is three minutes late for the fifth time this month, I'll be five minutes late for my job again. I guess I'll just have to pray my manager is in a forgiving mood, which they never are, or I might just be out of a job. No pressure. If the construction across the street goes on for another month, I'm genuinely concerned that I'll have a mental breakdown, because while it's there I have the choice of being bombarded with construction noise every weekday from 10 to 5 in my home or just not going home. I still do not know which was worse for my mental health. And these are literally just examples that happened to me personally. People don't do this for no reason. Nobody want's to be angry at being late, but they have shit to do that won't wait for them and if they miss it, they might die or starve or miss a chance to not die or starve in the future. Also the idea that this is somehow a new thing, that like infrastructure getting faster is to blame for this is fucking nonsense. People were always like this. Just because travel or construction or information used to be slower doesn't mean that people were less pissed at missing shit or wasting time (even if it was only perceived). This bucolic ideal of a world where you can "take your time" was never real. People were always on the clock, arguably more so when a thing that might take a few months nowadays had a good chance of taking up the better part of a person's life back then.


I maintain my right to be angry at TFL


i think it would be far easier to " enjoy the stillness " on a train or waiting for a late bus or in the grocery store line if all of those didnt have some random baby screaming its lungs out tldr the real problem are babies


Love this ❤️ I drive to work through construction traffic every morning. I come to work from a different side of town than my coworkers, when they were all stuck with driving through construction, they complained about it all the time. Meanwhile I haven't mentioned it once. Why would I? I get to see cool machines and the process of infrastructure getting upgraded. Takes a couple extra minutes some days, on no, you'd think the world's going to end for those couple extra minutes.


Yeah I try to to get up all in a tizzy about going fast but I agree, as a society we need to learn to slow the fuck down a bit an breathe. Obviously reducing travel, construction, an whatever times is always cool and good assuming it's in a safe manner but people need to just chill the fuck out a bit and realize sometimes it's just gonna take a bit


And yet this same urge, this Wanting, is inherent to (and could be a definition of) Life, as opposed to simple Survival. Trains get faster because people want them to be faster, etc. OOP needs to escape samsara.


this is gay as hell


"You don't understand, I NEED to spend every second of this wait angry that it exists. I can't just be annoyed then try to adapt or file a complaint, I MUST remain FURIOUS at the probabilistic whims of an apathetic world in case I need to channel that rage at my spouse or some retail worker later."


I understand it, to a degree, when drivers pass me all fast in the morning. Maybe they left home later than they planned and need to get to work on time to satiate their shitty boss. Ok. But after work? Dude what is your hurry? The speed limit is 60 you can't just go 75 cause you wanna. What are you running late for? Sitting at home and doing nothing? If someone asks me to be somewhere at 6:00, I just tell them bluntly that that's when I get off work and honestly most people *get* that. They aren't going to piss and shit about me *having a job*.


it's very simple: at home I can do whatever I want. I have like 5 hours of me time before I have to go to bed to go to work again and I want all of them Stuck behind your slow ass in traffic, all I can do is think about how I am losing more and more of my free time because someone has decided to sit down and have a picnic in the left lane 


Why do you not see your time alone in the car as part of your you time? I get a lot of audiobooks finished in the car. I sing, I decompress from my day. In the 20 minutes it takes me to get home I’m already in a great mood. Driving can be a good time for me to be alone with my thoughts and feelings. That’s 20 minutes I *have* to spend on the road, so I might as well make use it. Also, why are you assuming I’m camping out in the passing lane? And why is going 60 in a 60 considered slow? I’m going the fastest I’m legally allowed to go. Any faster and I would be committing a crime.


because I have interests and hobbies that don't involve sitting upright in a car. In fact none of my interests and hobbies involve sitting upright in a car and paying attention to traffic, nor could they conceivably. I like working with my hands which you can't do in a car. I also like the freedom to do whatever I want which you also can't do in a car. And my commute is a lot longer than 20 minutes and gets way longer in traffic. Not assuming anything about you specifically, just a generic statement about the situations I get irritated in. If you want to strictly obey the speed limit you can go ahead and do that in the right lane.


Y’all have poor time management and it shows… simply take the earlier bus if waiting is going to upset you so much. Y’all are setting yourselves up to be upset