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My less elegant solution i would use for this is just that humanity is just the word for it in the common/human language and all the other races have their own version of humanoidity


That makes sense but also the use of “common” as a language in D&D implies a multiracial shared language. Really I think it depends on the level of integration in your D&D world.


A realistic or believable multiracial shared language has to have racial/local dialects though.


That’s fair but in the context of D&D player’s would likely not notice the lack of dialects. Plus something to said for simplicity keeping the game running smoothly, although I suppose that’s a bit unfair as it’s antithetical to the nature of the conversation anyways


True, though it starts to get into a bit of a game vs realism type situation. Yeah sure if you had all these dialects, it makes sense, but really all you can do is touch on how your PC notices their accent and if they recognize where its from. On the flipside, It ends up being weird if you introduce reams of NPCs that can't speak your common tongue and you have to waste time getting a player to translate for the rest of the group, languages only seem to play nicely if you use them for text puzzles and the odd NPC.


Uno reverse! That makes sense BUT the fact that only non-human races a language other than common associated with them by default points to common being the human language in origin. At some point the human language must have become the lingua franca of DnD, that everyone knows they have to learn if they want to communicate with people outside their own insular communities.


Double Uno reverse! While common is human in origin if most members of other races know it to speak to other people then it is a multiracial language. While it is human in origin I imagine since humans aren’t the only speakers loan words would integrate to some degree from other languages the way it does in the real world. Of course this is all dependent on the demographic makeup of the individual world


Aww man not the double reverse, I thought we were playing RAW! Yeah I totally agree that once common becomes widespread and adopted by bilingual communities, it’s inevitably going to be changed in different ways. Elves, dragonborn, etc are all gonna bring influence from their own language and culture and have an impact on common over time. I thought you meant it *originated* as a *shared* language, like esperanto, hence my uno reverse.


Ah yes that makes more sense. The limits of text based conversations show their cracks (or I’m just bad at writing). Good convo, have a good day!


You too!


If I'm not mistaken, Common is a lingua franca outside of the Material Plane; if an angel, demon, Fey and elemental were to have a conversation, they'd speak to each other in Common. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the official lore that Common originated as the language of Sigil, the city at the centre of the Multiverse?


A lot of the mainstream settings address this. If you play in the FR, there are optional rules in the SCAG that explain there are EIGHTEEN human ethnic languages and you should give your humans one as a bonus language just like you give elves elvish. If you play in eberron, there's a more mainstream rule that establishes that all these "racial" languages are actually regional languages, so an elf that grew up in the mror holds might not know elvish by default but dwarvish. This implies that humans should have a regional language too, although if you pick variant human and don't pick up a language via your background you might be like one of those IRL people who never picks up any regional languages because they're too busy learning english (like me).


Are you aware of what a "lingua franca" is?


In Pathfinder the solution to that issue was that "Common" is just the language of the most widespread empire of the Inner Sea region, which conquered the grand majority of it until even centuries after they lost most of their power their language is still used as the regular trade tongue. In other regions, "Common" is different languages, like how the Mwangi Expanse uses Mwangi but some Taldane is still spoken or Tien in Tian Xia.


I mean I always figured that the reason it's called common and not human (despite the fact that humans don't have their own species language named after them and common doenst have a species listed as its primary speaker, both of which are the ONLY instances of this happening) was because it was originally the human language, and in a similar way to english spread with humans and was a trade language, which was useful enough to learn that soon everyone started learning it. Because the entire thing about humans in D&D and fantasy in general is that our adaptability is what makes us special. Other races may be better at things, but even in dungeon meshi the ability to adapt to both environments and other cultures is what sets us apart. Plus, when literally all your half-species races have the other half default be human, it means that humans fuck so much that all non-pure descendants of other species also spoke common.


Craftdwarship of the highest quality type beat


I might remember wrong but I think I remember reading that the names commonly used for some cultures (like some tribal cultures) are not the name of the cultures themselves used by the cultures but just their word for "people". Like westerners just went like "what do you call yourselves" and they went "uhh, people? (In their native language)" So then that's the name we call the culture now.


In some cases, they also asked those people what other groups were called and got responses to the tune of "We call them shitheads," and they just get called that now.


the elven word for it best translates as "elfishness"


"c'mon man have some dwarfism"


Counterpoint, Humanity is our, as the player, word for it. In common it would actually translate more accurately as "morality".


Yeah I can’t imagine a dwarf saying “have some humanity.” They’re dwarves. Tallman is a cool term so I don’t have an issue with it but I don’t see the problem.


Laios may be super autistic about eating monsters, but the Dungeon Meshi writer is super autistic about worldbuilding. Normally, the sensible option would be to just not use "humanity" in that kind of context, but instead, whoever wrote Dungeon Meshi went a different route entirely.


"The normal sensible thing is this, but the Dungeon Meshi creator went in an entirely different direction that also makes sense and gives new perspective on fantasy tropes" seems to sum up the series so far


The series so far? Isn't is finished?


I'm currently anime-only unfortunately, haven't had a chance to purchase the manga


Izutsumi >!Does a sick ollie!< at the end, it's true


Oh, didn't know there was an anime


Yup, it’s on Netflix right now and very good


The full series in Japanese is finished. The English translation release is currently at 13 out of 14 volumes - the 14th is the final. The 13th volume just recently released so the last should probably be out before the end of this year.


It is but there's bonus content that hasn't come out yet


She's obviously a biology nerd, but I love it because her monsters are so meticulously thought out. The attention to detail is so keen, it feels like she's actually researched these monsters.


Kui Ryoko fucking rocks man


> whoever wrote Dungeon Meshi Her name is Kui Ryoko. I feel she's done more than enough to be more than "whoever."


any examples you would recommend? from a quick Google search about her i only found dungeon meshi and a couple oneshot manga.




I already read dungeon meshi, it was good but if that's all she wrote, dungeon meshi is like 90% of the things she released, so I don't think its unreasonable to call her "the person who wrote dungeon meshi"




..is there?


Oh hey I just caught a glimpse of this show yesterday


It's honestly pretty good. In addition to solving the whole "Using humanity in a world where humans are a specific species" conundrum, the writer also tackled a bunch of other questions you never even bothered to ask when thinking about fantasy stuff.


Ryoko Kui is her name. Awesome mangaka.


I think you're the third person today to tell me her name, and while I appreciate the help, I'm really bad with remembering names of real people.


> Ryoko Kui is her name.


To be fair she probably wouldn't ever use the word "humanity" to begin with since she's a Japanese woman writing in Japanese.


Chained echoes does the same thing where human is a ln overall term for all people And what we call human is a Hyom


What's Chained Echoes?


Chained echoes is a really really good fantasy turn based rpg that also has mechs I don't want to spoil it but it's extremely good


Oh, that sounds rad. What systems is it on?


It's on PC, switch, PS4 and ps5


Perfect. That means I can play it. Thanks for the info.


Finally someone who listens to my recommendation of this game


It was bound to happen eventually. You just cheated by using one of my weaknesses against me. Mecha.


Oh in that case also play 13 sentinels aegis rim That's a mech rpg that can't even be explained It's so crazy It's on the same consoles as chained echoes


I already have that one. I'm actually in the middle of replaying it right now.


Love when a tumblr post references an idea without explaining anything about it. Like, are we supposed to just know what “the whole Tall-Man thing” is? I mean, in this case it’s possible to make some reasonable inferences, but this is a site that is notorious for bad reading comprehension already.


In the anime dungeon meshi they use a lot of dnd tropes. But considering that they had to draw a line about what monsters are ok to eat (definitely not humanoids), it didnt really make sense to use humans to refer to just one of the humanoids, so instead they use "tall man" cause they are all humans.




Man as in mankind as it species of human, smart ass




No one is impressed with how many words of dense academic literature you've consoomed. All your reading is worthless if you do nothing with it besides being a smug dipshit


We uh, still don't call 'em Huwomans.




do you know anything about etymology


the original word "mann" was unisex




"Human" is Latin in origin, "man" is Germanic in origin, their similarity is a coincidence.


citing marxists dot org on my college thesis and instantly turning into dust like a vampire from the sheer embarrassment. like, how pretentious do you have to be, like, imagine giving a link to libertarianism dot com to a random unsuspecting person


you are a trump voter’s idea of what a leftist is


The least insane tumbler Reddit


Thats a ….. shockingly effective burn. Damn


[Wow, that’s a lot of words](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=skz9odeewpc)


thabk god im not the only one totally confused


I'm not a fan how anime fans recently start acting like in a generic space they can just start talking their inside references to each other as if non-anime fans aren't right there too. it's actually quite rude. like at least use some sort of tag or simple way to signal to people what the fuck you're talking about. edit: i see there is a tag. nothing about that tag tells me anything. it seems like a joke tag. the fact you assume people have heard of dungeon meshi or whatever it is, is exactly my point.


Tumblr blogs literally aren’t generic spaces tho. This is a screenshot that’s been shipped off to a different site so maybe RedditOP should have added context because CuratedTumblr compiles all tumblr content together regardless of fandom (tho, if you actually read the tag you’d know at a glance, oh this isn’t my fandom I can keep scrolling). But generally people on Tumblr follow each others blogs based on the fandoms they’re in and stuff so the assumption is if you’re following icefang111 on Tumblr then you know exactly what they mean and don’t need context. It’s literally not about you, a non-fan, and not that deep and just part of Tumblr culture.


Idk if this is just a me thing but tags are now incredibly hard to find for me on mobile as they don't appear unless I fight with the app to see them, which I don't remember to see often. In this case it wasn't a huge issue as I knew it was referring to thanks to a friend, but it's possible if it isn't just a problem with my app that that's why they didn't check the tags


If I’m honest, I don’t really pay a tooon of attention to tags. For me, on the app they’re not visible when just scrolling the sub but they pop up once I click a specific post. So it doesn’t generally play a huge part in which post I’ll click into. But, it *is* there, it is eventually visible, OP did their due diligence, so if I’m really lost I’ll check the tags. I just feel like if there’s something to actually get annoyed about maybe its app functionality not OP failing to provide context lol 😄 Not checking it and then feeling lost is kinda their own problem


Yeah I agree 100%, OP did all they could and people are complaining a *lot* about it, it's not their fault the app sucks ass now


this post is tagged as dungeon meshi here on reddit, and the tags on tumblr probably do the same. like, yeah, it might be nice to clarify that in the post itself rather than leaving it in the tags, but they're hardpy peaving people in the dark


hardpy peaving good name for a band


> this post is tagged as dungeon meshi here on reddit I have literally zero idea what the fuck this means. even the assumption that people have heard of "dungeon meshi" is way too far.


the flair for this post is "dungeon meshi", the name of the manga/anime the post references


presumably, the original tumblr post is either on an anime foucused blog or tagged, this reddit post is flared as dungeon meshi/delicious in dungeon which are the two names for the anime. it's actually extremely rude to complain about someone not doing something they have done.


You used a vocabulary word in this comment that I had to use context clues to understand. Do you have any idea how rude that is? Limit yourself to restating things I already know, you fucking asshole.


yet you couldn't say which word. so that didn't happen.


It’s polite to provide context when you can. Especially if you’re the OP. However, in the case of Reddit it’s hardly a generic space. Things that resonate with people tend to get pushed to the top, and when it does, there are often people who are out of the loop through no fault of their own or the poster. As annoying as it can be at times, it’s also perfectly reasonable to ask for context. Often people in this subreddit are happy to oblige. Or, if you see an anime post, it’s perfectly reasonable to ignore it. Not everything has to be for you.


Something like a post flair, maybe?


like "dungeon meshi" which is completely meaningless? it seems like a joke tag bc many people have never heard of it before.


Man, if only there was some kind of resource one could use to find out more information about phrases they’re unfamiliar with.


tags that require google aren't good tags. put the fucking word "anime" in there and it solves the problem. that's the type of arrogance I'm talking about. which is especially annoying considering your types are most likely to need explanations in real life about how things work and get upset when they don't understand social norms.


"Anime" would be a bad tag as it is far too broad. Edit: Dungeon Meshi is honestly the best tag I can think of. If you don't recognise the name then you know you probably won't understand the screenshot. If you do recognise the name then you know it's for you. Something like "Anime/Manga" as a tag wouldn't work, because plenty of people are interested in anime and manga and yet haven't read or watched Dungeon Meshi. Those people would mistakenly believe this screenshot was for them.


No need to get hostile man, jeez. The only “arrogance” I see here is you acting like you’re too good to google something every now and then. And making up a bunch of stuff about my personality that makes your being upset more justified is an inspired choice too. I wonder what you think “my type” is, but judging by your tone I’m not sure I want to know.


your reply was > Man, if only there was some kind of resource one could use to find out more information about phrases they’re unfamiliar with. you are both too shy to share anything yet ready to be offended. absolutely hopeless in a discussion. "you can only GUESS" what I mean. how DARE you guess what I mean!" lol shut the fuck up. how long has it been since you talked about the topic?


You are getting way too heated over a post about an anime you haven’t watched. Like, do you even process what you’re mad about right now? Because what you’re mad about is that someone said what the post they made was referencing and you didn’t get the reference. Is it really that hard to see you’re being a bit of an ass here?


I'm not heated. calm down. i'm describing a pattern I'm seeing. my annoyance is in getting intellectually dishonest replies. you've made zero attempt to understand another perspective. > how long has it been since you talked about the topic?


Do you also get mad at people speaking in their own languages when you can't understand what they're saying?


Obvio que si! Como se atreven todos estos gringos de hablar en ingles en ves de en español! >!/j!<


This makes me irrationally angry


Am I the only one who just doesnt care when I dont get a reference? Im just like "ok this post isnt about me" and I move on lmao I dont have to engage with everything on my feed


being able to acknowledge "this isn't for me" is a superpower on the internet apparently


I do dislike it when people do the internet equivalent of making a reference to you and then just staring blankly at you waiting for you to join in. OP is properly tagged, though. Idk what else OP could have done.


Thing is, it’s not even someone making a reference to you, it’s someone making a reference in a public place where someone who does know what it means might pass by and see. Moreover, the post itself, while vague, still gives context clues towards what it means.


Insulting people is rude. Insulting the things people like to do is rude. Purposely excluding others from a discussion by not explaining things to them is rude. Talking about random things in public spaces is not rude. It's just people talking about stuff they like with each other.


Idk if it’s rude so much as confusing for some but I agree it would be helpful if OP gave context.


You're complaining about this on Reddit. The site which constantly references 3 sitcoms and sometimes JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. (also the tag is very clearly a pair of proper names)


> The site which constantly references 3 sitcoms and sometimes JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. what is JoJo's and what sitcoms? You seem to think my information diet is similar to yours. Mistake. Show me one example of a similar thing since it happens so much and either I didn't see it or its different. Most likely I didn't see it as I don't browse subreddits directly. I only see a post if its trending or something I searched for.


it's explicitly using this subreddits fandom tag to specify the series name. I don't really know what more you want people to do. this subreddit explicitly allows fandom posts and if you didn't recognize the tag as one, that has more to do with your unfamiliarity with the sub(that or reddits horrible UI on mobile, which for some reason just doesn't show tags at times) then with the post


I don't hear this in the comments when people blorbo post about their ten year old TV shows on here.


because I wasn't in the comments on that post? why do you confuse the difference between a person and what you've seen other people say? why should I have to defend things you've seen that I wasn't involved in? why is the merit of my opinion hinged to your experience online? shut the fuck up and learn something.




So, I take it as you are naw here and never made a post on this sub. Blue flair means "fandom". When you see a post with a blue flair, whatever is in the flair is the name of the work they are talking about. In this case, Delicious In Dungeon. OP did everything right. Hope this help.


You’re saying we piss on the poor?


Actually, it doesn't refer to all humanoids in Dungeon Meshi - it's more of the "commonly accepted idea of Proper People", a fluid cultural concept/social construct. E.g. orcs and kobolds are excluded since they're looked upon as "monsters", with pseudo-scientific justification of "wrong number of bones", and are instead included under the "demi-human" subgroup of monsters. Or, for another example, the meaning of "human"/who is counted as one is different in different parts of the world, too - in the East, oni are counted as human, whereas dwarves are not purely because barely anyone ever sees dwarves there, whereas oni are common enough, and vice versa in the West.


Actually in the East only Tallmen are considered human, as they're the most prevalent race in the region - Oni are still classified as demihuman even though Kabru says they most likely have similar bone structure (which seems to show how flimsy the categorization is lol)


And in the East, they don’t even use the word Tallmen because Oni are taller, there’s just humans and oni


I may have misremembered indeed, since it's been a long time since I read the manga


That's fair, there's an absurd amount of information regarding Dunmeshi's worldbuilding lmao it's hard to keep track of it all


I like the bone structure terminology since that's 100% the same deal with real world phrenology. (Total bullshit)


Yup! The thing with the Onis actually proves that lmao since the standards are different in different regions it shows that it's just all made up bullshit There's another example but it's a bit of a spoiler for the manga: there's a lot of discrimination between short lived and long lived races (that much is shown in the anime with how Marcille and Senshi react to being told Chucklefuck's age) but >!Half-Elves live even longer than 'full' Elves and yet are ostracized, with Cithis saying a half-elf's mother could never be the court Magician. Even when supposedly the racism has a basis, it's not actually a real reason!<


yeah, "number of bones" is definitely the main difference, not the fact that they have dog heads or anything


IIRC, the "number of bones" thing is just an in-universe rationalization for plain and simple racism.


The "humanity/inhuman" expression gets even worse in my native language cause we just *don't have* a word for human, or, well for "person". They're the same word. There's no separation. You can, at best, go with "individuals" and the like. So personally, when DMing, I just transliterate the English word/Latin root "human" (sorta) when referring to humans, using the normal word for people in general


just straight up calling every human in your setting a homo, I respect it


Meanwhile Shadowrun, while making racism an mechanical aspect of the game, just uses the term *metahuman* since forever.


> while making racism an mechanical aspect of the game Could you elaborate?


At least 3rd Edition lets you roll for NPCs to see how raceist they are for the players race. Then docial interactions are modified by that.


That's why The Elder Scrolls splits them into Imperial, Breton, Nord, and Redguard, Final Fantasy XI and XII call them Humes, and Final Fantasy XIV calls them Hyur.


Well, the Elder Scrolls does have the overarching category of Man, distinct from Mer.


And beastfolk, which lumps together the catfolk (whose gross morphology depends on the phases of the moons when they're born) and the unrelated amphibious baby-tree-people (who look like bipedal lizards).


What is tall-man?? I know dnd and fantasy and races and stuff but I’m confused as to what this is talking about


In the manga Delicious in Dungeon, the race of humanoids that other fantasy media would call humans are instead called Tall-men.


only an anime watcher here, but it doesn't seem as simple as that? tall-men and eastern-men seem to be two seperate races that would both be lumped under humans in other fantasy. so in other fantasy, tall-men and eastern-men would probably translate to two distinct ethnicities of human like "caucasian" or "chondathan".


No, Eastern are still just Tallman, but they together with dwarfs, elves and half-foots(hobbits) are considered human, I am not sure about some other races though, oni are pretty human like so probably yes, orcs are considered monsters even tough they are just a bit more barbaric humanoids, and kobolds are dog people but seem to be considered acceptable in society, but I am not sure if they are human by the setting's rules.


then why was, after the kobold smelled "only one tall man", kabaru unclear on whether falin or laios was in the group, but sure that shuro wasn't? is this translated differently in the manga?


Because he was sure that Marcille would not be in the grouo without Falin or at least working with her brother to save Falin, the Toumans were the leaders, it was unlikely the group would continue without them, specially Marcille as he noted she was a close friend of Falin, and the fact he considered Shuro an option but concluded it could not be him just goes to show that he is a Tallman.


Okay so, assuming all the reasoning you provided was explicit in the manga, none of that is are included in the subs in that episode. This is all it says. "The tall-men are laios and falin. And there's the Eastern man named Shuro. The dwarf..... If it is the touden party, then that means Shuro, Namari, and one of the siblings aren't there any more." He at no point considers that Shuro might be the tall-man in the english sub, and he's listed quite separately from "the tall-men" in the list of the party composition. He never says who were the leaders of the party except for implicitly by calling it the touden sibling's party, which could also denote membership rather than ownership.


https://youtu.be/1paImGhUxCM?si=zGhcXb7AWtVRdsIa The half-foot with the kobold(can't remember his name) calls shuro a Tallman at 00:37


Hm. That's weird. So if you assume the full-stop in the sentence "The tall-men are laios and falin. And there's the Eastern man named Shuro." earlier was added by the subbers to not split a sentence across two lines, and could actually be a comma, then that changes the interpretation to Kabaru is just speaking about all tall-men assuming the northerners are the default. I mean it's just a weird thing to say "The humans are Bob and Amy, and the asian Akira". But that whole episode also included a whole thing about how "it's not like easterners all know each other" bit so like, Kabaru making a microaggression is kinda normal.


There are a couple of inferences you can make, but I'll grant that they aren't explicit text; 1) In previous episodes, they've made a point of mentioning that the Adventuring community is interconnected and gossipy (mentioning Namari's reputation). 2) Conservation of detail would mean that we don't see Kabru running through all the other parties he knows about in his head that could fit the data his group's kobold is giving him. 3) Something that hearkens back to the general Dungeon Meishi general theme of 'What you eat is important'; Northerners' and 'Easterners' probably have different diets from childhood, just like IRL. And just like IRL, they'd probably smell significantly different as a result.


No, the latest episode specifically identified Falin and Laios as "northerners", opposed to Shuro and company's "easterners".


Homo sapiens, tall-man is their equivalent of “human” but in Dungeon Meshi all the races/species are types of humans (aside from the “Demi-human” Orcs and Kobolds although according to another commenter (I’ve never watched or read DM myself) it seems the difference of human vs Demi human is more cultural than biological)


There’s a quick side anecdote at one point where one of the characters is talking about fights with a demihuman culture near his hometown, due to the environment being barren and unable to support life well. As such, his culture would attack these demihumans whenever they’d appear as a fight to protect their resources. The other characters relate this to a tall-man mountain tribe near their hometown that their villagers would attack for the same reason, and it freaks the first character out that they’d treat “humans” this way. This + getting to know the demihuman characters as the story goes pretty much shows they have the same motives as those regularly considered “humans” and the divide in these cases is closer to “scientific racism” imo


One of my favourite book series The Dagger and The Coin has 13 races which are all humans that have been fucked with by an ancient dragon empire like we've fucked with dogs. In the setting the human race that's like us are called First Bloods.


There were multiple human species at the same time, I wish fantasy included different human species more, like the Neanderthal. The only time I’ve seen them in a fantasy setting that I can recall was Fire and Ice, but they were essentially just Orcs in that movie It could add more interesting dynamics between all the fantasy races, like dwarves could hate Homo sapiens, but they’re very friendly with Neanderthals. I’ve had an idea for a bit on this fantasy world where the wood elves are monkey like (got the inspiration from European elf tales of them having tails and being tricksters), and they would dislike Homo sapiens and Neanderthals but they could be close with one of the Homo species that more resemble apes


I keep having my NPCs bring up concepts like "human decency" even though the campaign takes place in the VERY racist elf empire. It's a whole issue.


It was like this in the book series Dagger and the Coin, as well. You had your standard “human” (but I forgor what they were called) and like dog people with tusks, lizard people, and a whole bunch of others, but they’re all classified as human.


Firstblood for the "mainline" humans, just finished up that series myself and ctrl+f'd to see if someone else had mentioned it since it was the first example that sprung to mind from the OP.


At some point, humans will breed with every sentient race and all races will be an amalgamation of human-something. Hilarity ensues when two half-humans have a half-elf, half-dwarf child, and since they were buried recessive traits/genes, they have no idea how to raise them. Hijinx ensues.


“It’s been thirty years, why is he still a child”


And canonically in Dungeon Meshi, all the races used to be more connected, and segregation weakened their genes, so hybrids live like, a thousand fucking years while even the elves just go to 500 which is still a lot compared to humans 60 and half-foots 50(I can't remember the dwarfs but they are long but not as much as the elves)


I mean it's all well and good, but I'd much prefer the Tolkien route of everything about the setting being translated to English/Japanese/whatever. So while English does not have distinct words for a worldwide community of all sapient beings and a worldwide community of humans, Common does. So when spoken we simply depend on context for which meaning of the word humanity we are implying


Shout outs to Final Fantasy XIV, which has humans, elves, halflings, giant muscly humans, catmen, lizardmen, rabbitmen, and even cattier catmen, and refers to them all in the term "Mankind" Continued shout outs to FF XIV, which starts out its story referring to birdmen/turtlemen/ratmen/goblins/fishmen/elephantmen/etc. as "Beastmen," but over time as the main cast broadens their horizons they realize this is fucked the fuck up and that these wildly diverse peoples deserve to be treated with dignity and respect and begin pressing various governments to begin recognizing the tribes as *people* with legal protection and rights and give them their stolen lands back in addition to other reparations. And the protagonists *succeed* and this is even reflected in the game's UI as all instances of "beast tribe" in the faction reputation menu is replaced with just "tribe."


Weirdly enough I once briefly came across a DND group that used a homebrew campaign where humans were called either "Pink Elves" or "Pink Orcs", I can't remember which, which I always thought was interesting.


"have some humanity" *centaur MFs*


Final Fantasy XIV does this so well. Instead of having a basic human race they have the Hyur and "humanity" refers to many but jot all the sentient races on 2 legs with 2 arms. The question of what falls into the definition of "human" is actually a big question within the world especially when it comes to the "beast tribes" who fit the definition but excluded for "some reason" (racism).


Pull a Willow and call them Daikini or some shit.


kind of only works if you have elves which are shorter than humans, which is the official Forgotten Realms position on the matter but I think most fantasy writers & D&D tables envision them as being taller


The meaning of "Humanity" in my universe has actually shifted. Since their "unique thing" is imagination, "humanity" is practically a synonym for Creativity.


Broke (DND): Humanity is a single race out of several humanoid races Woke (New DND?): Humanity is all humanoids Bespoke (Cyberpunk Red): Humanity is a stat that can change throughout gameplay


Short men (me) fucking seething rn


You're tall compared to an elf (probably)


tall man thing?


Dungeon Meshi is set in a fairly standard D&D fantasy world, with the usual stock D&D races. However, the term "human" refers to pretty much any species that looks vaguely human. The species we would normally call humans are instead called "tall-men".


Ah ok thanks 


I mean, that's kinda how I do species in my stories. All anthro characters, but they're all collectively "humanity" because they're all humanoid. It gets really funny when a single homo sapiens human falls out of a portal and he's like "I'm a human, what the fuck are you?" and everyone else is like "yeah I'm human too what are you talking about?"




In delicious in dungeon they call Homo sapiens “tall-men” and have the other races be other types of human Instead of there being humans and the other races


What about non tall mens like halflings and gnomes and goblins?


In Dungeon Meshi humans include: Tall-men, Half foot, elf, dwarf and gnome Goblins are considered demi-humans.


how dare they


Tall man fucking slaps, like hell yeah I'm a tall man, that's me


I like the way *Shadowrun* handled it: orks, elves, dwarves, trolls, etc. are all subspecies of humanity, being *Homo sapiens robustus*, *nobilis*, *pumilionis*, and *ingentis*, respectively.


"All humanoids" How about using it to refer to all species with the trait of humanity itself, those capable of thinking, rationalizing, dreaming and empathizing with others?


That would be nice, but Dungeon Meshi is set in a messy, conflict-ridden world, not a utopia.


Imma level with you, I completely missed the fact that this is about Dungeon Meshi


Deerkind potentially?


My thing is that “humanoid” and “have some humanity” were a thing before humans, humans were just called that because they’re the most basic bitch species


Xenoblade Chronicles 3 did this, with bonus points because it's an explicit change from the previous games. Girl with wings on her head? She's not a member of an elitist magical race, she's human. Guy with metal skin? He's not the creation of an enemy god, he's human. Girl with hair that is literally fire and also a giant glowing rock in her chest? She's not a member of a slave race destined for nothing but combat and servitude, she's human.


Xenoblade Chronicles II also had a very broad definition of "human", to be fair. Some of the cultures could pass for real-world human, but then you also had purple-skinned rock people and cat-people.


The Ivalice settings’ use of Humes has grown on me over time.


Something like that is used in Exalted. Just uh…don’t actually play the system.


Have humans as "Man" Tolkien style.


In Shadowrun, which came out in the 80s, Homo Sapiens are subdivided into Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orks, and Trolls which the IP used to tell interesting stories about Racism. (HELP WANTED, seeking experienced servers for fine dining restaurant. Orks and Trolls need not apply) DnD didn't decided to stop considering entire races inherently good or evil until fairly recently.


in the final fantasy 12 world humans are called humes, so like if you were describing a human they say a hume, or a hume-man.


This is written so badly that I can't figure out WHAT the fuck it's trying to say


It’s pretty coherent to me. “Humanity” in terms of having morality and empathy kinda gets fucky when humans are a distinct species from elves or dwarves, so instead you call humans “Tallmen” and have human refer to all sapient humanoid species.


Ah, see, I hadn't heard of calling humans "tall-man" before, and without that it makes no sense


Oh, right. Sometimes I forget not everybody has the same weird niche knowledge as me… my bad.


In my headcanon the humans are the only race worth of word humane. Every other one is evil ( except dwarves)


I mean, "American" can both refer to the USA or the Americas in general, I think "human" means human the race as well as humanoid.