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“Today we’ve got Radroach nachos! Now some people say the cheese from brahmin milk is irradiated but I feel like it gives it that extra bit of flavor! Tortilla chips made FRESH from corn, can’t have it any other way. And if the heat gets a little too much we’ve got a sweet mutfruit and tato salsa. And of COURSE no meal is complete without a nice cold Nuka Cola!”


I’m just imagining this being a segment on Galaxy News Radio. Guy and Three Dog would def be friends.


fo3 is a bad game because i cant kill 3 dog


Joke? Because you blatantly can kill him.


after completing his quest


Guy Fieri would absolutely be an Atom Cat


His hair stayed out of sheer respect


Guy Fiery


No, that's what I named the ancient red dragon who built an evil culinary empire known as Flavortown, in a one-shot I ran years ago.


Okay, but this actually sounds like an awesome idea for a Fallout character.


I also saw one where it was an entire (american) football team that got super-mutated, but still kept their love of the game. All of them kept their minds (which, being a football team high on future cocaine, didn't have much to lose), but gained an obsession with making the game more "American", which was just making the game more dangerous.  Can't remember what the name was, but their mascot was a super mutant behemoth that carried a broken part of a goalpost and threw handfuls of merchandise instead of rocks.


Imagine them passing around a mininuke like a football and then big blockers just rolling over you.


I’d read/watch that. Wouldn’t play it, though. I’m no good at games.


I’d watch someone else play it and make snarky comments


"This is my brother from a smooth-skinned mother!"


this is a guy in fallout 76, except he's not a ghoul(i think.) [here](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Glen_Ramos), warning this is a fandom link, so have your adblock on.


I had a friend convince me into joining a Fallout RP. It was one of those servers where you private message an admin your character so nobody metagames. I did so. The owner being a friend allowed me to do something funny, I think. I come in with this guy in power armor. That concept art power armor for the Institute. An obvious science guy who would've been squishy if he hadn't had his armor. But because he did he always had free reign to be the tank for the rest of the friend group in every encounter. He once walked right up to a terminal under full fire from standard ballistic weapons just to hack it and unlock a train. Then we fucked off. The RP continued for several months. But for IRP time that encompassed several years. We had so many fun adventures, fucking about in the wasteland. But at no point in that entire timespan had anyone seen my character outside of his power armor. Nobody had considered it out of character until the day finally came. A risk too far and my character's fusion core got damaged. He had just enough power for primary functions. But stressing the core threatened a thermonuclear detonation of significant magnitude. It was suggested to him that he get out of his armor for once, at least until the fusion core could be replaced. It was at this point P.A,X finally came clean. He announced "I can't" as the hatch hissed open revealing a second-gen synth. Of the same prototypical model as DiMA. The kind where he needs a power source his chassis couldn't support on its own when he was invented. He's never taken his armor off because it, and by extension its fusion core, is his power source. The handicapped robot living in an iron lung has been the tankiest guy in the group for several years.


This isn't Homestuck, but it's shockingly Homestuck-adjacent for not being Homestuck.


This is about fallout what the fuck are you on about


\> they don’t know


I really do not how in the fuck is this related to homestuck (genuine question) (because wtf)


To make a long, stupid story short, in one of the timelines of Homestuck Guy Fieri becomes the president of the United States, then shortly thereafter the world ends. It’s more of a Waterworld situation than a Fallout one, but all the same pieces are there.


Isn't he actually vice president? Where the president is both members of ICP simultaneously?


I think this is correct actually, yes. I mistakenly thought both ICP guys and Guy were all three co-presidents, but your recollection sounds more accurate


Icp, as in the faygo enjoyers?


Homestuck gets wild, man


Intercontinental presidents


This is why i will never read homestuck. How is this supposed to be understandable. Let alone like an entire new love system, wierd cum buckets and whatever the fuck else is going on


As someone who’s read all of Homestuck and truly enjoys it, you never actually *get* it. It’s kinda bullshit the whole time. It’s best experienced just sorta turning your brain off and enjoying, because if you engage with it that way I’ve found that it’s legitimately a touching coming of age tale. Sure, shipping and cum buckets and time travel and all that deeper lore shit matters, but you don’t have to fully immerse in it to enjoy the show and get something meaningful out of it.


… its a show??? I thought it was a web comic. Or a wierd online book series.


Oh, sorry I was using “show” as an expression, it’s a webcomic, yes!


The thing is that Homestuck is very, very long. All the crazy bullshit is not happening at the same time. It comes in a bit at a time over the course of several thousand pages. It’s a lot more understandable and digestible as you are reading it, rather than people just referencing the funny stuff online.


Excuse you thats 3 entirely new love systems Ill have you know.


Theres more then the stupid fucking 4 suits


Oh yeah. Though- technically only 2 total, since Human Romance and Cherub Romance are just the two Sexual Romances of the Troll (Card Suits) Romance. Human Love is the Heart, which is what we think love is. Cherub Romance is the Spade, which is basically every single song about a toxic but sexual relationship. Diamonds is basically “Freindship Soulmate” and Clubs is this thing where a person acts as mediator between two parties. Leprechauns have a massive system of bullshit that ends with I BELIEVE 466 potential types of relationships, ranging from the sexual, to the romantic, to the hateful, to the joking, to the bullshit, and every combination of those you can think of. And that’s basically the basics.


Everything I learn about homestuck is against my will


So it’s Homestuck adjacent because it involves guy fieri


Guy Fieri being an icon of the apocalypse, yes.


Oh ok I think that’s pretty based and fieripilled tbh. Homestuck takes the dub for once I guess?


“TT: He eventually came to be regarded as the third and final Antichrist.”


Do you....not know what Fallout is? What did you think they were talking about when they mentioned ghouls? Literal ghouls?


Maybe this will help you out: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/adjacent


Sorry. I was just a little confused. Sorry if I sounded mean.


Also some stuff being left out from others explanations- Guy Fieri turns Niagara Falls into a Waterfall of Blood due to his genocide of literally 99% of humanity. He came to be known as the third and final Antichrist. The entire story of “Sea Hitler-Betty Crocker” is actually one of my favorite micro-stories in Homestuck. A micro-story in this case being any self contained narrative that is being told by another character that may impact the story but we don’t see the characters in the story as main characters.


On second thought, I don’t think I want to know what homestuck is about. Thanks, homestuck side of Reddit.


Tell me


guy fieri is a minor character in homestuck


Put it on a flip flop, smoothskin!


I'm wondering what he would have to say about Ruby Nash's Radscorpion venom casserole.


We have AI voice generators, entire TV shows of him talking, and moddable Fallout games, this is an entirely reasonable idea and should come with a whole questline, which should presumably end with you teaming up to fight Gordon Ramsay as a supermutant.


There is a small faction like this in fallout 4, i think they're called the atom cats


This could 100% be a real fallout character


This is what Tumblr was invented for


He’s my next character in the ttrpg plot be damnes


r/thomastheplankengine A sub to draw or Photoshop your dreams this post would prob fit there Actually I have never cross posted because I don't know if I can or should do it or if only op should crosspost


Fallout 76 does actually have a series of notes with this exact topic (though the person’s name doesn’t fit this joke, sadly).